Which char looks cooler?
Not fond of number one, so I guess that leaves number two.
Second one.
Low key showing off Nightfury
First one looks more unique with the dyes, eye. The set in general looks nice.
The second looks a bit too I don’t know, I hate to say it, but it looks too “edgy” to say the least. Maybe if it wasn’t all black.
Neither armor nor color scheme appeal to me for no 1, so I’d have to say second one (I am pretty fond of everything black, so that might help)
Oh so much the number one. The second is very standard, not special at all. I would like to know what armor pieces the first one got
I’d say the first one
They’re both boring. Mix up that armor a little. Be original.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
The Human.. He reminds me of Feitan from Hunter X Hunter.
They’re both boring. Mix up that armor a little. Be original.
Oh so much the number one. The second is very standard, not special at all. I would like to know what armor pieces the first one got
magitech armor
The second one, tought you should work your dyes there, its too much black.
The second one, tought you should work your dyes there, its too much black.
really don´t get this complaint.
It´s a thief. He´s supposed to be low key and dark to blend in with the shadows
The second one, tought you should work your dyes there, its too much black.
really don´t get this complaint.
It´s a thief. He´s supposed to be low key and dark to blend in with the shadows
If you like black, that’s fine.
Technically speaking, traditional “ninjas” didn’t wear black, but dark blue. Also, it’s better camouflage to have some sort of pattern than one flat colour as you’ll blend into your surrounding better, rather than be a block of one colour.
The second one, tought you should work your dyes there, its too much black.
really don´t get this complaint.
It´s a thief. He´s supposed to be low key and dark to blend in with the shadows
He won’t blend in with the shadows like that. The black is “too black” and thus stands out and too many parts of the body are not covered.
2nd one is very generic. Many rangers and thiefs run around like this. I go for the 1st one, like the steampunk armor.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I prefer mixing armor parts to be honest but I like your thief on account of him looking like the polar opposite of mine
(who also doesn’t look very stealthy but that’s sort of the point)
2nd one is very generic. Many rangers and thiefs run around like this. I go for the 1st one, like the steampunk armor.
I share the same opinion to an extent.
I totally agree that the 2nd one is very generic (especially for thieves): all abyss/shadow abyss is an easy answer for any armour. It will look good (as in, you won’t have to hassle with colour combinations etc), but so many people do it it’s just uninteresting. The only thing that’s somewhat unique is the nightfury shoulder piece.
The colour combinations for the first one is more unique, but the Scrapper mask + magitech armour is also a generic look for many engis. Don’t get me wrong- I like it (it’s great seeing the scrapper mask synergise so well with details on the magitech armour), but it’s unoriginal. Really the originality with the set comes with the other skins you show (weapons and backpiece, which of course we can’t see on character select) and how they match or contrast the armour-look.
Personally this is why I like to show the finer details of my characters, so I have more chances to stand out from the crowd. It’s probably why I often lean towards Charr, Asura and Sylvari (who seem to have more opportunity to look wildly different), try to show hair/tattoos/facial hair on my norn as well and use wacky hair-styles on my humans.
This is all just my opinion though. If you like it- go for it! You’ll be looking at your character the most… who cares what random strangers think?
(edited by Crimson Clouds.4853)
Neither are charr, so the question is invalid
first looks like dead space
What do you guys think?
Second one. Bats win me almost every time.
I prefer mixing armor parts to be honest but I like your thief on account of him looking like the polar opposite of mine
(who also doesn’t look very stealthy but that’s sort of the point)
I did that same coat and pants combo on my ranger originally (except my ranger is female). Went with the t3 shoes, and uh…think they were the prowler gloves.