Who What Where .... Target

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maxx.3970


As always I do a lot of dungeons, fractals, WvW, PvP and PvE. In other words this these changes should be made with all of them.

Targeting is a way of saying:

  • Who to kill first.
  • Who to go talk to.
  • What to go pickup.
  • To identify who you are going to attack.
  • Quickly return to a selected target (To see what’s it’s health or continue killing it).

But I want more to the targeting system:

  • I want each player in my team to have a different colour crosshair.
  • Each player is able to have a target.
  • An arrow should appear on the side of the screen if you aren’t looking at the target. (Some NPC that’s larger than your viewing size, should be targeted at eye height and not far above).

The result:

  • You can quickly see who has targeted what.
  • Fast communication.
  • Can easily see if someone has targeted, even if you aren’t looking at the target.

Who doesn’t like to be unique? —-—
An awesome way to add a little more customization is to let the player choose the colour of is targeting crosshair.

Hate it when your mouse targets something by mistake? —-—
Make it possible for someone to lock on a target, this can be achieved by targeting a target. In other words: Double target a target.

Should commanders have their own unique target? —-—
Yes, his party and squad can now easily see who to take down first or what party to target first.

Should you be given choice to decide if you agree or disagree with this post? —-—

Thanks Guild Wars 2 Team


(edited by Maxx.3970)

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


Actually that would be not stupid in theory…but if everybody can target different things you are still bound by the “switch to next target” thing. As for the “as soon its targeted the target remains on the targeted enemie” that would be really nice to have. Specially in a heated battle with many strong enemies this would be great to have. I often got the issue in fractals.. specially the asura\jp one at the room with the 3 champs and 1 vet. Its the best strategy to kill em from the smallest to the biggest.. aka start with the bunny and work yourself to the ettin…though if you misclick you might target the wrong enemie.. what can be fatal..specially if you want to knockback one of them.

So yea.. to come to a point.. i agree… though how that multi targeting could be worked in to be seamless and quick is beyond me…but then again im not a coder XD

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taury.7108


One target is already confusing enough, don’t you think multiple targets would confuse newer players?

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


One target is already confusing enough, don’t you think multiple targets would confuse newer players?

…yea.. right forgot about that little…detail..

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maxx.3970


Multi targeting is only for those parties that needs to give their own target, for example to say which player is going to kill which enemy? – Nice way to show direction as well.

As for the assist on target, you either click on the arrow on the side of your screen or on their portrait.

Have fun!

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRiverBlues.2607


It’s really not a bad idea, while yes multiple targets on a screen can overwhelm a person with who to target quickly, but if you could fix it so you can only switch quickly to the target you selected, it could make it easy to swap targets on the fly.

An option to toggle on or off multiple targets would also be nice too, it may not promote teamwork but it would be a nice feature to tag with the idea.

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


The targeting system currently is broken, (a few threads here about it). The devs have NOT responded to any of the threads. If they refuse to address and fix the problems with the problems first, how can you expect them to enhance it?

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


The targeting system currently is broken, (a few threads here about it). The devs have NOT responded to any of the threads. If they refuse to address and fix the problems with the problems first, how can you expect them to enhance it?

They specialize in enhancing problems! …or isn’t that what you meant?

Yeah, seriously though… they have got to fix targeting. It’s THE number one most important part of the game, and I haven’t even seen an acknowledgement that they know it’s messed up since 9/9.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Who What Where .... Target

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


This sounds a little bit like WoW’s “focus target.” There you can set a focus and then attack other things while watching the focus’ cast bars. I mostly used it as a mage keeping a designated target polymorphed while blasting away at the main target; in WoW you have macros, so I could one-key press to reapply the polymorph without losing my dps target.

I’m not sure how handy that would be here, at least in PvE. Even assuming one could hold onto a target for three seconds straight, it seems mostly to just require the one ctrl-t option to let the group reflexively agree on a target. Not that I’ve done speed runs or precision fights in GW2 — it could help those seeking maximum efficiency.