Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I was reading over in the dungeon forum and one of the threads talked about quickly judging people based on achievement points when pugging. Now, I’m not actually interested in doing that, but it did get me thinking, who are the repeatable achievements actually for? Who wants them? I know the leaderboard players have complained about them, but I don’t actually see how they are of benefit to anyone in the game and who also cares about achievements.

1) Leaderboard players, except those who can play every single day long enough to get ALL dailies, are forced to grind points. I don’t see that these players make up a big enough demographic to justify making them less happy, and shutting everyone else out of ever competing with them, just to get frequent log ins from them.

2) Achievement collectors, who actually value achievements and want a count of what they’ve accomplished find their “real” achievements devalued. I have literally no idea how many points I’ve “earned”, and how many I’ve got from random dailies.

3) Puggers get a very inaccurate reading of how much a player has actually done in the game (even compared to the inaccurate measure of an achievement score to begin with). The achievement score doesn’t reflect skill, breadth of play, or even time invested. Just ability to log in frequently.

So apart from people who like big numbers, regardless of their meaning, I can’t see who the points are actually designed to make happy. I know there is supposed to be an overhaul coming, but I was just curious as to whether or not I’ve missed some demographic that these rewards were meant to please?

Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackWolf.8605


as someone with the higher end ammount of achivements (around 6400 at this typeing) i tend to use the bench marks of thousands for simply how long someones played.
if i were to run arah and need a pug i find people who have 0-2k achivments tend to be the people your picking up and need to sort of hand hold to drag through
2k-4k know what there doing but not perfected it (unless holding somthing like dungon master or a ledgondary)
4k-5kpretty experianced should make a good addision to the group unless being a troll
higher then that normaly either elitist or someone who knows more then a trick or two that generaly muteraly benifit the run
if higher then me then more hten 100 i generaly seam to find that the person is bored and just running for more fun as thease people are the top end bracket who play with guilds or jsut “pro’s”

even with daylys at least it indicates a sence of relogging and long time play that they will end up tlaking to someone or knowing dodge outta red circles so either way its just a way of me bumping people above me down the leaderboard if i get logged in aday they dont nothing more

Wolves of The Abyss [Wolf]

Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I can recognise the value in estimating ability by achievement score (poor indicator as it may be), but I don’t see how the measure is made more accurate by the repeatable achievements. Surely without the daily achievements you would actually have a much clearer idea of what a player has actually done, and simply reduce your benchmarks a bit?

Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


For people who refuse to move on to another game but have already exhausted all the content this game has to offer.

Achievement points will always be, and have always been, crutch content of the highest order. You can thank console gamers for making this debacle of “content”.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oloap.9765


i’m like 6100 and something, this is also usefull to identify under 80 char eperience.
i mean, ifi’m pugging ac and a lvl40 char joins, if he is like 1000 or more then i probably levelling an alt, so i an assume hes fine with games core mechanics, i don’t expect him to know abbout cobos and so r what defiant is, or to have learnt avery single animations therfore how to avoid hits, nor to be a speed runner but at lest i can epect him not t die at first lizard we fid.
ofc going up with points means is 3rd 4rd 5th alt or maybe not but they do fine measuring a player experience…
the point is also that even if he logged in just to do dailys and nothing more he’s still more likely to have good experience in the game.
I usually don’t mind, but sometimes i simply want a smooth and quick run, so i try not to pug with underleveled or inexperienced guys, but most of the time i accep anyone at least dungeon exp ode level and up.
we were all nobs till someone shown us the way through it.
can still emember we entered solo in ac at level 8, cause was there lol and got kitten d by the first trap!

what’s really sadabout repetable achiveents, specially daily, is that thy used to give out 40 achi pointa day iirc! a new player would not reach to rank ever unless i’d say topo 3000 players at least stop playing rfrom Tomorrow!
at least there are no more infinitley repetable ridiculus achivements, like agent of entropy which was really infinite, and points were taken off from abusers so now we have a huma liek top rank, while b4 was like 20k+
better get trustwothness for dailys the for gazilion salvaged whites!

Who are repeatable achievements actually for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I should clarify. I LIKE achievements. I have absolutely no issue with them (actually would like more, and titles to go with them), I am specifically talking about the inclusion of repeatable achievements. I can only see negative consequences to them except a very tiny proportion of players who feel compelled to grind for them (logging in daily for exp/karma/coin/laurel will attract players more than the points I suspect). I’m really not intending this to be a negative thread, just a constructive feedback on a particular aspect of a system I happen to enjoy.