Who here has the most gifts of exploration?
An experienced player can do it between 20-24 hours on average depending on the class. Someone claimed to have done it just under 16 hours within the past month but I call BS on that.
I don’t know about most GOEs, but personally, I’ve done 100% 4 times on my main account, once on 1 alt and once on another alt.
Of the “6 total” world completions, the first 3 on my main required wvw exploration as well. The very first time I did Been there Done That, it took a year…with other characters getting about 50-70% in between. The most recent completion took a week.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Yea, 20-25 hours is doable for some people (not me though, not that dedicated to it). There are guides out there that you can lookup to be more efficient if your goal is to acquire them quickly
I have forty. I have completed the map on twenty characters. I had to get the WvW maps complete on the first two but the others were easier. I haven’t played for a while – having a break – but I think my twenty-first character is about half way complete.
I can’t say how long it took as I didn’t rush and sometimes I had several characters on the go doing separate maps.
It’s the part of the game that I enjoy. I don’t do dungeons or pvp or anything too taxing. Am happy to amble around grabbing a poi here or a vista there and the map fills in for me that way.
An experienced player can do it between 20-24 hours on average depending on the class. Someone claimed to have done it just under 16 hours within the past month but I call BS on that.
considering someone has done it in 19 previously 16 hours isnt that far off.
I’m curious if anyone’s applied https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/LAW-Lulle-s-Advanced-World-Completion-Guide/first#content to doing world completion from scratch, attempting to do it as fast as possible, and timed it? That seems likely to offer the swiftest completion (for people with Advanced Gliding).
An experienced player can do it between 20-24 hours on average depending on the class. Someone claimed to have done it just under 16 hours within the past month but I call BS on that.
considering someone has done it in 19 previously 16 hours isnt that far off.
“Considering someone has done it in 16 hours previously 13 hours isn’t that far off”
Just because it’s been done in 19 hours does not mean that it can be done in 16.
There are actual videos of the 16 hour runs. Gliding has made world completion faster. Add in the executioners axe toy. And above else, knowing your route.
There are actual videos of the 16 hour runs. Gliding has made world completion faster. Add in the executioners axe toy. And above else, knowing your route.
And yet no videos, or anything else for that matter, comes up other than the 19 hour run.
Who here has the most gifts of exploration?
has or had? I have 0 gifts of exploration atm, been this way for years.
- How long does it take?
How fast do u go, how well can u learn and adapt. Maybe one day, mayb a month or abt the same time it takes to farm other mats to craft a legendary wep.
I have 8 characters with full map completion which gave me 16 GoE. I’ve spent two of them to make legendary weapons, so I currently have 14 left.
All my caracthers have full map exploration, i have 9 caracthers one per class. I am abit completionist and i also like to have the caracther story up to date. My suggestion to you, if u like the lore of guild wars, would be whatever map story leads you, make a self rule to finish the map before u leave it. By the time u finish story you will have around 60% full map completion.
So u end up with like 40% to mop up. The remaining ones i done then following dailies. Lets say Krytan Miner, i would go to a map of Kryta that i hadnt completed before.
I am sure this isnt the most efficient way to do it… and scrap this out if that is what u are looking for. But for me at least it was the best way to do it without feeling u are grinding anything.
My last caracther was my revenant and i think i took about 50 hours to do it all, Map + Story + Lvs2 + HoT + LvS3.
(edited by Lend.7250)
If I really, really, really enjoy my new class and have vacation, I manage world completion in about 7 days. If not, let’s say 2 – 3 weeks. It is my goal for all of my characters like in GW 1. I do not want to make people waiting for me, because I do not have the necessary Waypoints. All of my characters should be ready to call for every task, this also includes maps like Silverwastes, Southsun Cove or Ember Bay.
Because I have 1 character for each class and every way to play (Direct Damage, Condition Damage, Support, …), I have a lot of characters available. As I said: This is my main goal for the game. Therefore, I do not have one single Legendary Weapon for example. And of course: There are more players like me. I saw someone with 4 or 5 more world completions in LA.
I’ve had 36 overall, but used about 12 of them on Legendary Weapons and Globe decorations over the years. I’ve sold a couple to other guilds for decorating their guild halls.
Some people have just too much time… Or no other games to play :-) I completed world 3 times, too boring really.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I’ve done it 9 times, so 18 gifts. I’ve got 4 more in process. I don’t attempt to do it at any speed, just whenever I feel the urge to work on map completion, so it can be months before one char gets it done.
ANet may give it to you.
If I really, really, really enjoy my new class and have vacation, I manage world completion in about 7 days. If not, let’s say 2 – 3 weeks. It is my goal for all of my characters like in GW 1. I do not want to make people waiting for me, because I do not have the necessary Waypoints. All of my characters should be ready to call for every task, this also includes maps like Silverwastes, Southsun Cove or Ember Bay.
Because I have 1 character for each class and every way to play (Direct Damage, Condition Damage, Support, …), I have a lot of characters available. As I said: This is my main goal for the game. Therefore, I do not have one single Legendary Weapon for example. And of course: There are more players like me. I saw someone with 4 or 5 more world completions in LA.
Mensch. Wie macht man das denn? Ich spiele schon seit 3 Jahren und habe nur 62% World Completion.
That’s flipping insane that people can speed run and complete world exploration within weeks. I guess I have to completely dedicate myself specifically to exploring the world in order to do it though.
not me. I did exploration once, got 2 gifts. Used 1 on a precursor I didn’t get through luck.
Until I get another precursor through luck I’m not bothering with legendaries anymore. took me almost half a year to craft. (it gave it immensive value, but I wouldn’t do that again)
That’s flipping insane that people can speed run and complete world exploration within weeks. I guess I have to completely dedicate myself specifically to exploring the world in order to do it though.
As I said: I do not have other goals (except for increasing money). Sometimes it feels monotonous, so I do 100 % while watching a film. And because I make tons of EXP, I refrain from using Tomes of Knowledge.
I know some one who has 16 gifts, must enjoy doing it.
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I’ve probably earned 22 gifts.
Once was more than enough for me – never want to do it again.
But weirdly for some reason I received 4 gifts of exploration…
Used 1 for crafting Bifrost but the other 3 have been gathering dust in the bank with no desire to craft another first gen legendary.
Once was more than enough for me – never want to do it again.
But weirdly for some reason I received 4 gifts of exploration…
Used 1 for crafting Bifrost but the other 3 have been gathering dust in the bank with no desire to craft another first gen legendary.
I’m betting you had another with all of the PvE zones done and it just needed the WvW done to finish world comp when Anet removed the WvW requirement for Gift of Exploration. That is what happened to 8 of my 9 world comps; with no WvW needed, they got world completion.
Crystal Desert: 1/13/2017
I have 46 of them but I used 6
Once was more than enough for me – never want to do it again.
But weirdly for some reason I received 4 gifts of exploration…
Used 1 for crafting Bifrost but the other 3 have been gathering dust in the bank with no desire to craft another first gen legendary.
I’m betting you had another with all of the PvE zones done and it just needed the WvW done to finish world comp when Anet removed the WvW requirement for Gift of Exploration. That is what happened to 8 of my 9 world comps; with no WvW needed, they got world completion.
Strangely no – I have only ever completed all pve zones on one character.
Although yes I did it when wvw was also required and had completed that too.
What happened was I got a random in game mail from Anet about 2 years ago (can’t remember exactly when but a long time) saying there had been some sort of mistake and I was owed 2 gifts of exploration which were in the mail. This wasn’t the result of a support ticket or anything – I had never communicated with support.
Didn’t know what to do so just stuffed them in the bank where they’ve sat ever since. Doubt I’ll ever use the extra two so it’s not much of a freebie or anything.