I was so psyched for this game, the pre-game trailers promised so much, the team kept delaying the release ‘to polish the game’. The promise of getting away from standard questing and tanks and heals was so attractive.
Simply put, I am a little disappointed. I find the game to be unpolished and the complete chaos that ensues without any type of aggro control is beyond annoying. Let me explain further in detail.
The landscape. I run a high end machine and even on maximum graphic settings I am only seeing the landscaping plants and flora moving around my feet. The trees are the A-typical ‘fan’ style flat branch/leaves that look just awful. The rocky terrain is the worst. They’ve been programming graphics like that since the early 80’s. I want to know where the polish is? You have areas that should be able to be jumped upon blocked by ‘invisible walls’, you intentionally make finding your way up onto things tedious and boring. You lost yourselves with the vistas getting away from the jump game and threw in the towel and took the cheap route to the ‘obnoxiously difficult to find game’, coupled with shady rock formation programming and your left with some extremely annoying areas and jumps that totally make no sense whatsoever. That ruins all the fun of it.
As far as combat is concerned, there seems to be some sort of aggro built in such as if you stand still, your sure to continue to get pelted to death. This would/could work if you provided melee with the skills to deal with the damage. Im not saying one should be able to stand face to face with 10 mobs wailing on them, but having no ability to stand up 1 on 1 with a creature in a dungeon for more than a few swings is just annoying. When you dodge out you lose aggro and the chaos begins. I want to fight, I want to be using my skills to kill, not dodging and taking myself out of combat until I my heal is up, again this takes the fun out of it.
Dungeons. Sure they should be dangerous, but senselessy having mechanics built in to intentionally kill players outright like lazers/whatever is just stupidly annoying. No fun in that for the players.
Ground effects. Thank you for showing us where the blast area is but when Im outside of it, I don’t expect to be blasted for 1/2 of my health in one shot. You might as well forget the circle.
Abilities and Boons. Where are our 30 second poisons and cripples? Why are there 1 second boons? Is that joke? A one second boon with a 30% boon duration bonus is still only a 1 1/3 second boon. Why do you bother even programming that? Doesn’t it stand to reason that if some stupid undead farmer or whatever has the ability that these morons in the Pact would too? I’m obviously on the wrong side.
I pride myself on my ability to play the game well, but after several level 80’s I feel more and more every day that I’ve wasted my money. You were right to not charge a subscription fee, few would stick around long enough to collect from. It is obvious you didn’t spend the time and effort on programming the world as well as you should have, nor are many systems well thought out. It’s a shame too, I really thought GW2 was going to be something special, as it turns out, it’s really not that much fun.