Why I hate using a staff.
I don’t like them very much either but that’s mostly due to the fact that I’m a very mobile fighter and staves are primarily AoE as far as I can tell. In other words a party based DPS weapon not suited for solo play unless you have an aggro magnet.
I agree that there is not a wealth of good looking staffs for Mesmers or Guardians for that matter. We have a couple nice ones now for Necros thankfully and mine uses Final Rest which I love. I’d have to part company with you on your evaluation of Bifrost though; it is my personal favorite among all the legendary weapons. I don’t have one yet, but it is the only legendary that interests me for any of my characters as i feel there are better looking or more fitting ones available. But staffs overall, yes, we need more to choose from.
Bifrost looks awesome. As far as legends go only behind twilight and sunrise in terms of appeal imo. I guess if you don’t like rainbows…
Endless Petrification Tonic
Legendaries as a whole are very lackluster. The underwater weapons are much nicer than the land ones (especially the spear) but since they require the same amount of mats and you are underwater for a fraction of the time… just doesn’t feel worth it.
And yes, staff is definitely very polarizing. You either love it or hate it and not much inbetween.
I couldn’t possibly care less what my character looks like if I tried. After all I like to play MMORPGs and not dress dolls.
You are playing the wrong game.
I couldn’t possibly care less what my character looks like if I tried. After all I like to play MMORPGs and not dress dolls.
You are playing the wrong game.
This. Seriously, you are playing a game where gear matters so little and the main point of doing just about everything in the game is to earn cosmetics.
there are sooo many other, far more important things that this game totally lacks before we should start worrying about irrelevant cosmetic details that 95% of the MMO demographic don’t give a flying kitten about).
Holy generalization, Batman!
You know what would look really good?
If you look at Final Rest’s main staff body, it has a lovely black and filigree silver pattern on the shaft.
Without the gargoyle top, that would make a gorgeous staff, very reminiscent of the classic magician’s wand with the black shaft and two white ends.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
You know what would look really good?
If you look at Final Rest’s main staff body, it has a lovely black and filigree silver pattern on the shaft.
Without the gargoyle top, that would make a gorgeous staff, very reminiscent of the classic magician’s wand with the black shaft and two white ends.
That would indeed look great and I would give up my Imryldeen for that- oh and make that silver ends
Here’s a quick and dirty mock-up to show what I mean:
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
yup- that would look awesome on my main
Especially if they made the Top Hat wearable in combat
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
I love the bifrost, it’s the only legendary I’m interested in.
Here’s a quick and dirty mock-up to show what I mean:
Personally I’d like that shaft on my scythe skin.
i agree staves in this game are boring….they did a much better job in gw1
some of my personal favorites were: Ensorcelling staff for mesmers…..and then Deldrimor Chryscola and Tengu staff for all
i wish they would add old GW1 skins to the in game gem store
they would make a killing off the old Asuran, Charr, Norn, Tengu, Undead, and Mursaat Weapons
though adding in some old bad boys would be cool too…i’d pay 20 bucks for 2 Chaos Axe skins
I gots Deathwish on my charr guardian. Looks great! + guard staff = fun
What I would like with new Legendary/ies :
(lets just focus on that new staff/staff’s )
- Abyss colored …not white again -.-" (doesn’t go with my Shadows/Fire/Blackness/Ravens style)
- Decent look
When Wars, Guards, Thief’s, Mess’s, etc wield their weapons, YOU kittenING SEE IT.
When they spin you see all that blackness/redness circling around them ^^
Is it THAT HARD to either create :
- some added effect to our spells, like when Fireball Explodes some more Blackness is added to explosion or to the Meteors , When you Inscribe mark on the ground that it shines in Abyss-Red , or when you create Mess’s Shield, why shouldn’t we have some Abyssal-Red Aura around it?
Is it THAT HARD ???
or , solution number 2 :
- Completely turn our particles to designated COLOR
I would kill for Abyssal-Red FireBall, Ice Spike, Thunders and Churning Earth
Imagine Abyssal-Red or Dark-Purple or w/e the color, Hand and all the Marks ^^
Imagine your Chaos Storm, Shield ..and finally PHANTASAM, in Abyss-Red color , and not that ultra “straight” pink/purple XD
Is it THAT HARD to either create :
Pssst… have you tried ascalonian weapons? Notice how most are broken and cant glow? Yes, seems that hard I guess…
/me smacks AC shortbow against dungeon wall to try to get it to glow.
the worst thing is that they dont put effort to give us good looking staves.
i was really disappointed when i looked at the fused weapons vendor, checked how awesome longbow and other skins are and then tried the staff. they killed every single chance to receive euros from me.
as a mesmer i also cant understand why iWarlock wears a scepter, god id pay a lot for a mist staff… for the moment i only like the bifrost.
Mesmer has the best staff skills in the game, so I wouldn’t change it just because the skins aren’t that exciting. The new Super staff skin is awesome, though; http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/gw2-pvp-super-staff-2.jpg (the bird actually moves!)
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
Started reading this thread, ready to post a link to the Super Staff when I got to the end.
Only to find Kasama beat me to it.
The image is fine, but you have to preview it wielded in game to really see it.
Especially if they made the Top Hat wearable in combat
I have actually thought more than once about the option of wearing some article of town clothes in combat. I almost never wear a helm on my characters, but a set of aviator’s sunglasses would be the perfect touch for quality of life on the battlefield.
Started reading this thread, ready to post a link to the Super Staff when I got to the end.
Only to find Kasama beat me to it.
The image is fine, but you have to preview it wielded in game to really see it.
Sorry xD. But yes, it has to be seen in the game. The only downside to it, is if you’re a charr. Because charr holds their staffs down to the ground, when they stand still, instead of upright as everyone ells. So the bird will have it’s head down in the ground, whenever you stand still. I really hate that standing animation.. -.-
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
Especially if they made the Top Hat wearable in combat
I have actually thought more than once about the option of wearing some article of town clothes in combat. I almost never wear a helm on my characters, but a set of aviator’s sunglasses would be the perfect touch for quality of life on the battlefield.
I must agree, that would better fit my steampunk themed (aviator style) engi, but settle for the eye optical thingy. But oh if we could only own crewable air ships /me crosses fingers for such an expansion.
But yes, for a mes in combat, tophat + staff + maybe a long tail tux would be quite stylish! Like a mad hatter
I’m actually gutted that I probably won’t be using staff for any necro I create as there are a couple of great necro-esque staff skins out there. The scythe skin and the one with the green lighted lantern on it (I forget the name) both look awesome. If you really want to complain about weapon skins then I think daggers would be your best bet.
True, compared to GS, we lack a GREAT amount of variaty, for necro we have pretty cool stuff, but for everyone else, especially elementalists we lack options, all we have is emberfire (which is quite good, but the you look at all the cool GS and you get sad)
Im talking about cool particles or cool designs, right now staves are meh at most for the most part and lack cool particles like say; Visions of the mist, Immobulus, Spirit link or that one orb which is great on mesmers because it fits their colors, but for staff right now….we lack that variety.
And yes, im looking specifically at GS, the amount of GS cool desings there are is incredible, as well as the ones with cool particles, they even have two legendaries!!! (goes to tell you which weapon is the designer’s favorite….)
Legendary SoloQ
I like my Emberstaff (or what its called)
They’re boring.
I can’t help it, but most of them are absolutely boring.
Even the legendary is outshined by other, non legendary, weaons.
I don’t understand why we can’t have neat looking staffs.
This makes me want to pick another build for my Mesmer and stick with that one, even though I enjoy the Staff gameplay :xAm I the only one with this feeling? Or do other people just, in general, dislike the staffs?
They’re long sticks, what are you expecting?
I suggest you Preview every staff in PvP & check out the holiday skins.
There’s bound to be one that you like…
(the Halloween Scythe is ‘well Dench’ imo. I like the Destroyer Staff & Final Rest also.)
and then there are Dungeon weapons…
(edited by Mozy.9608)
I couldn’t possibly care less what my character looks like if I tried. After all I like to play MMORPGs and not dress dolls. You can also simply transmute the looks of a staff you don’t find boring onto a staff with decent stats. Don’t really see any problem here (and definitely nothing worth even a second of development time – there are sooo many other, far more important things that this game totally lacks before we should start worrying about irrelevant cosmetic details that 95% of the MMO demographic don’t give a flying kitten about).
Holy narcissist batman!!!
Personally I like the guild staff skin. The cheap one that’s like, 30 silver and can be applied to any other staff in the game.
Simple, clean, and displays my guild’s emblem.
I grew fond of the regular staff that you can find anywhere.
I must agree, that would better fit my steampunk themed (aviator style) engi, but settle for the eye optical thingy. But oh if we could only own crewable air ships
/me crosses fingers for such an expansion.
But yes, for a mes in combat, tophat + staff + maybe a long tail tux would be quite stylish! Like a mad hatter
Why am I suddenly thinking of Setzer (the gambler with the airship) from the Final Fantasy series?
The staff with the ‘8-bit bird’ (?) looks interesting. But as mentioned, my guardian is also a Charr. :-p It’d look neat only during the Empower animation.
I have a rare weapon currently (Krait Crook IIRC), which actually works well with the ‘clean’ look I’m trying to keep on that character (non-spikey, non-puffy, etc – hard to find on Heavy armor). The Guild staff looks good as well, though I’d really love something like that edited version of Final Rest.
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)
SInce the New games (Vindictus, C9, etc) and old ( GW1 <3 Dervish were mage/warriors ) started adding Scythes and Helbeards to Mages, and GW2 is far from typical Mage…
Could we expect, when Warrior and possibly Ranger gets Scythe’s/Hellbeards, that we will also get it ?
Concerning staffs, I would kill for the devs to even glance at Vindictus Staffs
Google them
There are some cool looking staffs unfortunately most of them are pain to get or holiday related. The Halloween one is AWESOME, but it’s a mini legendary. The Christmas staff isn’t too bad I like it for a more simple design. I think bifrost looks cool too, but again a lot of work to get.
One day I’ll get this staff; http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/thecrossing2.jpg