Why I left GW2

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khulse.4896


I liked guild wars 2. More than any other mmo I’ve played. There were a couple of things I wish it had, and a couple things I didn’t like as much, but over all it was a wonderful experience.

As I stated in a post in the Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits feedback thread, the exchange rate they implemented for transmutation stones to charges left me feeling cheated. I am not happy about it.

But what really bothers me is the echoing silence from the Anet staff on the matter. A simple ‘we understand your frustration and will be more careful in the future’ would be enough for me. Sadly, even that much seems to be too much. There has been no Anet/dev response to the above thread since my complaint (along with about 20 pages of primarily negative feedback, though granted most of it isn’t related to my particular complaint).

Since the not so wonderful update, I haven’t played. I could live with the changes. I can even live with the loss of the money I spent in the gem store for stones that I was forced to exchange at a loss. It’s the silence and the indifference that silence shows that disgusts me. I just can’t bring myself to play any more.

If you folks at Anet want me back, all you have to do is reply.

Is that really so much to ask?

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vanive.3804


Yeah but it is a business and they want to make money, so yeah….

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prysin.8542


now we just need a new thread describing why you you bothered to post this if you left.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m not sure what you want them to tell you. Do you want them to apologize? (for the transmutation stone change)

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


considering the small staff number ArenaNet have and the constant pressure they haveto be working, I’m very satisfied that they get on the forums to offer as much input as they do. Many games that are not subscription based can go months on end without hearing a word from game staff outside formal game announcements being made

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Really? Wardrobe was one of the best changes in GW2 so far. Oh well. BYE!

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

Who cares!?

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweetblue Huntress.9856

Sweetblue Huntress.9856

You say all that Anet needs to do is reply. So you will be checking the forums to see if there is a reply?

I read your original post and I understand why you felt cheated. It is most unfortunate but these things do happen in real life. I’m not making light of your complaint…but please…let it go. Stay gaming or not, it’s not healthy to stay here on the forums stewing at feeling cheated.

At this point, 5 months later…would an apology actually suffice?

Good luck to you.

Leta Lorelei – Luwythea – Too many more to name
Jade Quarry

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clerigo.9475


It always amazes me how some people always tread lightly of a player leaving and then, if it comes to pass, this game starts to feel empty they always moan about it or carry on to next flavor of the month.

What is sad, m8, is that you actually took the time to write rabble rabble rabble sad, and it looks to me that you are the one craving atention.


To the OP: do like me, keep coming here in the hope things will change.

“When in doubt, choose change.” Leung
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


So this guy left cause we got content and better game now?Yeahhhh

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


So this guy left cause we got content and better game now?Yeahhhh

No, he is leaving because the April feature pack screwed him over transmutation stones. He spent money that he lost out on (read his past post history for a better understanding). And he wants Anet to apologise. It would have been better for him to go to support and take it up with them, imo.


Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harny.6012


Who cares!?

That name.. is stolen ._.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


well ANet screw lots of people over, and lots of people also made a fortune because they made so many changes to the economy/cashshop every patch.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Apology from Anet will look like this:

“We are sorry this game doesn’t attract smarter players.”

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Apology from Anet will look like this:

“We are sorry this game doesn’t attract smarter players.”

I’m not entirely sure what they changed on the transmuation stone, or the exchange rate etc.

But it’s not something he could foresee. Take for example Anet made legendary into a skin, and many people have been screwed to make two of the same legendary. (eventhough they are later rewarded with a title….)

That’s simply not something people could forsee.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kta.6502


But what really bothers me is the echoing silence from the Anet staff on the matter. A simple ‘we understand your frustration and will be more careful in the future’ would be enough for me. Sadly, even that much seems to be too much. There has been no Anet/dev response to the above thread since my complaint (along with about 20 pages of primarily negative feedback, though granted most of it isn’t related to my particular complaint).

Anet is not the only one that is silent. The Wildstar devs are doing the same to their players. I’m pretty sure that the current silence is due to a policy that was set in place by NCSoft. This letter from Missing Worlds Media illustrates some of the publisher’s business practices: http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php/topic,10284.0

For those who don’t know, Missing Worlds Media is the group that is trying to buy the old NCSoft MMORPG, City of Heroes.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Apology from Anet will look like this:

“We are sorry this game doesn’t attract smarter players.”

I’m not entirely sure what they changed on the transmuation stone, or the exchange rate etc.

But it’s not something he could foresee. Take for example Anet made legendary into a skin, and many people have been screwed to make two of the same legendary. (eventhough they are later rewarded with a title….)

That’s simply not something people could forsee.

One thing I disliked about the transmutation changes is that I used to have hundreds of the cheap stones that I could (and very much did) use to keep my leveling characters dressed nicely while at the same time taking useful runes over to the next armor upgrade. All of that is now a distant memory, and my leveling characters don’t transmute anymore except for the HoM skins that transmute for free. Oh, and I now have more transmutation charges than I’ll ever use.

I’d guess the OP has the same issue, and is taking it harder than I am.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


If they truly wanted to cheat you then you could not be able to save skins you would have to re buy them every time like it use to be to a point but even back then you could just reuse skins all though it was very annoying.
I think your being very hyperbolic in your views and if you look at other games you will see more “cheat money out of players” then you will ever see in GW2 (the main one being time gates and grind gates for P2P games that are there purely to eat up time and make you play more then one month.)

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sakri.7234


I, for one, am happy that my useless transmutation stones that I had been keeping “just in case” were converted into something useful.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Despite his need to share this, I still don’t know what his problem is. I can’t imagine that the transmutation stones affected him in such a way that he’s still traumatized by it nearly 6 months later.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valderro.6389


Could’ve tried sending a ticket to support asking for a refund of your gems if you actually bought the stones from the store rather than earn from map completion.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Apology from Anet will look like this:

“We are sorry this game doesn’t attract smarter players.”

But it’s not something he could foresee. Take for example Anet made legendary into a skin, and many people have been screwed to make two of the same legendary. (eventhough they are later rewarded with a title….)

That’s simply not something people could forsee.

I’m referring to the level of intelligence that tells you “Oh, this isn’t worth QQing about .,.. especially 5 months later”. Stuff in MMO’s change … IIRC, we were warned about the change. Get over it.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arghore.8340


I gave you a +1 because I can see your concern, and it’s basically the same in regards to the silence to the ‘EL continue coin’ that people spend $10 on. And seeing this is could well be considered as being ‘basically’ theft or scamming, it is sad to see ANet result to these kinds of practices and not have the balls to acknowledge their customers concerns.

I would also like to mention that I consider this as a ‘strike’ on my ‘companies I want to support’ list, and besides that I haven’t spend a $ on any gem due to the pricing, it does not entice me to actually spend a $ in the future. ANet and GW2 are actually already on multiple strikes for me, and the only reason I continue playing is that they have a high ‘positive credit’ build up, based upon actions in the past.

But there isn’t much room left before the scale tips, to me this has large consequences, because in general I figure out which publisher the game comes from and I strike all of them from my ‘to buy & play’ list. F/e EA and Blizzard are already on that list, no game published by them, no matter how much I would like to, is getting bought and played… and redeeming points when you lost a way to redeem them, is really hard if not impossible. Sure they might not care about me as a 1 person, but I’m a talkative guy, and do not shy from voicing my opinion, positive or negative… and once an idea is born it is very hard to kill it and more then likely it will spread, be that idea positive or negative…

You can fool some people sometime, but you can’t fool all the people all the time

It is sad to see so many people not getting the moral implication of your concern, and I will leave it at that. I for one see where this IS a problem, a BIG one! And while I do not mind a company doing well, and making a profit. It’s when making a profit comes at the expense of everything else, is where things go wrong for me, and I refuse to be the dumb-kitten-tail to fall for those things… As far as I’m concerned you have all the right to give feedback on the reason why you left, as well as to ask ANet for a response.

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

(edited by Arghore.8340)

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


So, since I played WoW for so many years, paying their sub fee, buying expansions… the second they change something I don’t like, I should demand all my money back or demand a reply from them? I mean, once I stopped paying the fee because I didn’t like the next update, I should get all that money now right? Cause I could use that money…

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


So, since I played WoW for so many years, paying their sub fee, buying expansions… the second they change something I don’t like, I should demand all my money back or demand a reply from them? I mean, once I stopped paying the fee because I didn’t like the next update, I should get all that money now right? Cause I could use that money…

well, that is a bad analogy. For a Wow comparison it is more like this:

say the Wow cash shop sell a cute dragon pet in their cash shop for 10$. And you bought it. After a few month, Wow implement a easy 5 minutes quest that give you the same dragon pet as a rewards, will you fill cheated? I sure will.

That being said, the new transmutation charges are cheaper, and you can also use the ones you get from map completion for lvl80 gear. So OP might get screwed now but if OP want more in the future, he can get it easier.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Seriously stop posting like anet cares. Youre just clogging the forums. You already bought the game so anet doesnt care now if you quit or not.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


OP, I understand why you’re annoyed. But there’s such a thing as cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I left Guild Wars 1 because I was hacked in the days before they had a restore option. I lost a ton of stuff. I had to almost start over in some ways.

I missed a year of playing a great game, because I was hurt. It wasn’t really Anet’s fault. They have to answer to their bosses too.

If you really think that it’s that important to not play the best MMO on the market (it is to me anyway), then I guess you’ll do that. But to me, it’s not personal. Anet didn’t do this to hurt you…even if you were hurt. Anet did this to make the game better. And they keep making the game better, at least for people like me.

I think you should reconsider…but you know…everyone does what they have to to get through the night.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berk.8561


The friend who did the most to get me into GW2 has stopped playing since they transformed town clothes, something he spent money on and had a lot of fun with. Has over 10,000 achievement points and hasn’t played in months.

My complaint about the wardrobe system is that I now have no easy way of getting upgrades out of karma and bade of honor armor without buying an extractor, which simply isn’t worth it because I’d need six of them per armor set.

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


OP, I’d walk and never come back, if I were you. Not to GW2, nor GW3 or GW4 – Tyria Online. Others will, no doubt, follow suit (ok, the die-hard white knights are likely to enjoy being (ab)used like that, but that’s a different matter) as soon as the company’s actions start affecting them, it is however a shame to see such a massive lack of empathy in that regard, and I wonder if it is just the fanbois and the apologists, or simple ignorance that is to blame in that regard.

I gave you a +1 because I can see your concern, and it’s basically the same in regards to the silence to the ‘EL continue coin’ that people spend $10 on. And seeing this is could well be considered as being ‘basically’ theft or scamming, it is sad to see ANet result to these kinds of practices and not have the balls to acknowledge their customers concerns.

I would also like to mention that I consider this as a ‘strike’ on my ‘companies I want to support’ list, and besides that I haven’t spend a $ on any gem due to the pricing, it does not entice me to actually spend a $ in the future. ANet and GW2 are actually already on multiple strikes for me, and the only reason I continue playing is that they have a high ‘positive credit’ build up, based upon actions in the past.

But there isn’t much room left before the scale tips, to me this has large consequences, because in general I figure out which publisher the game comes from and I strike all of them from my ‘to buy & play’ list. F/e EA and Blizzard are already on that list, no game published by them, no matter how much I would like to, is getting bought and played… and redeeming points when you lost a way to redeem them, is really hard if not impossible. Sure they might not care about me as a 1 person, but I’m a talkative guy, and do not shy from voicing my opinion, positive or negative… and once an idea is born it is very hard to kill it and more then likely it will spread, be that idea positive or negative…

You can fool some people sometime, but you can’t fool all the people all the time

It is sad to see so many people not getting the moral implication of your concern, and I will leave it at that. I for one see where this IS a problem, a BIG one! And while I do not mind a company doing well, and making a profit. It’s when making a profit comes at the expense of everything else, is where things go wrong for me, and I refuse to be the dumb-kitten-tail to fall for those things… As far as I’m concerned you have all the right to give feedback on the reason why you left, as well as to ask ANet for a response.

Man I wish I could follow/subscribe to your posting.
Consider me a full-time supporter.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Anyone reading this want to start a game in forums? Every time we see a goodbye thread we take shots.

It’s illegal to shoot at others.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

So this guy left cause we got content and better game now?Yeahhhh

No, he is leaving because the April feature pack screwed him over transmutation stones. He spent money that he lost out on (read his past post history for a better understanding). And he wants Anet to apologise. It would have been better for him to go to support and take it up with them, imo.

I read his original post. Saying he was “screwed over” exaggerates the situation. He spent real money on Transmutation Stones because he enjoyed reskinning lowbie toons a lot. Those stones were converted to charges at the same rate as everyone’s free stones, but in his case, that meant he ended up with a lot fewer charges than if he had spent on crystals originally.

I don’t fault him for spending money on stones, when most people were complaining about having too many. I am sympathetic with his feeling that the conversion didn’t take his situation into account. I can see why he was extremely upset and why he posted and subsequently decided to leave the game.

But my sympathy ends at the point he decided to complain publicly, without having first tried to resolve the situation with Support. He wrote one post 4 months ago and there’s no indication he even contacted ANet to ask for a refund or some extra transmutation charges. I feel sure that had he made a polite request, Gaile would have made sure that the team could provide some accommodation.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You’re right, Illconceived

Anet gave refunds for stones that were purchsed with cash and the OP was entitled to that.

Which meant he wouldn’t have been out of pocket had he taken the time to write a support ticket.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: funkylovemonkey.3097


Apology from Anet will look like this:

“We are sorry this game doesn’t attract smarter players.”

I’m not entirely sure what they changed on the transmuation stone, or the exchange rate etc.

But it’s not something he could foresee. Take for example Anet made legendary into a skin, and many people have been screwed to make two of the same legendary. (eventhough they are later rewarded with a title….)

That’s simply not something people could forsee.

One thing I disliked about the transmutation changes is that I used to have hundreds of the cheap stones that I could (and very much did) use to keep my leveling characters dressed nicely while at the same time taking useful runes over to the next armor upgrade. All of that is now a distant memory, and my leveling characters don’t transmute anymore except for the HoM skins that transmute for free. Oh, and I now have more transmutation charges than I’ll ever use.

I’d guess the OP has the same issue, and is taking it harder than I am.

I never really understood this. Do a lot of people have a large group of non-leveled characters? I’ve leveled ten to 80, some without trying very hard, because it’s kind of hard not to level them up… In fact it seems like the only way you could keep a character around long enough to actually have use for all the 79 and lower transmutations that used to drop is if you didn’t play that character very much anyway. (Especially now, with all the boosts available plus WvW and EOTM, leveling is incredibly fast if you’re in a hurry).

In my case, and I don’t think I’m alone, I had (back then) 8 characters who were level 80. I had something like 450 0-79 stones, while I only had 2 stones left for my level 80 characters. It was horribly imbalanced, and I actually considered dumping the 0-79 because they were pretty much useless to me (thankfully I didn’t). Transmutation stones were something I refused to pay money for, so I just never changed the look of my level 80s wardrobe. Transmutation chargers are still something I refuse to pay for, but after using nearly 80 since the update, I still have somewhere around 70 left and feel pretty comfortable with that. That’s huge for me. (I did have something like 20 level 80 stones early in the game, but the drop rate for those seemed to fall substantially in the first several months and I used them pretty quickly across eight characters, so that the year before the update I hadn’t used any).

The wardrobe change was, as far as I’m concerned, one of the better updates that Anet made, even if it made the UI a bit more clunky. It allowed my characters to share expensive gem store and cultural armor and dyes, I was quickly refunded for my duplicates, and it opened up outfitting my characters with far more freedom that just wasn’t possible before. For an altaholic like me, it was a godsend. And seriously, especially with EOTM, getting to level 80 is incredibly easy now (and with the tokens you get for doing that, you can buy level 80 exotic armor for a quarter of the price of the trading post).

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer “quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten ”

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illuminati.2431


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illuminati.2431


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

What do you want to prove so badly?

(edited by Illuminati.2431)

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corpus Christi.2057

Corpus Christi.2057

These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

My guild had 167 members, only 21 are left. 8 came back and now 7 are gone. Out of those 28 now, 13 started playing AA and have gone inactive in GW2. Quite the opposite to you. And honestly, I don’t think even a major update of the expansion-pack size would bring even 20 people back. It’s a missed opportunity, I think. But who knows, if GW3 comes out, we will all be back again! ( I hope! )

Three 80-lvl Rangers. Why? ‘Cos they’re that cool.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.


Well it’s true. I think that the November patch after launch when ascended gear was introduced saw the biggest exodus from this game. Since then nothing has come close.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illuminati.2431


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.


Well it’s true. I think that the November patch after launch when ascended gear was introduced saw the biggest exodus from this game. Since then nothing has come close.

It’s true, for you it is.
Like I said in the last sentence of my post, ITS MY OPINION.
When I browse the forums, I get a different feeling about things than you do. That’s why we are different people. 1 thing can make me laugh while you could become angry about it. 1 thing can make me cry while you feel nothing about it. That’s human feelings and emotion.
All I said is my FEELING when I browse the forums. And then you can counterargument all you want, that wont change my feeling.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.


Well it’s true. I think that the November patch after launch when ascended gear was introduced saw the biggest exodus from this game. Since then nothing has come close.

It’s true, for you it is.
Like I said in the last sentence of my post, ITS MY OPINION.
When I browse the forums, I get a different feeling about things than you do. That’s why we are different people. 1 thing can make me laugh while you could become angry about it. 1 thing can make me cry while you feel nothing about it. That’s human feelings and emotion.
All I said is my FEELING when I browse the forums. And then you can counterargument all you want, that wont change my feeling.

Were you here back when ascended armor released. We lost a huge number of people. I mean a huge number. This isn’t just an opinion. We see a couple of leaving posts now, but back then, the forums pretty much exploded.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illuminati.2431


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

My guild had 167 members, only 21 are left. 8 came back and now 7 are gone. Out of those 28 now, 13 started playing AA and have gone inactive in GW2. Quite the opposite to you. And honestly, I don’t think even a major update of the expansion-pack size would bring even 20 people back. It’s a missed opportunity, I think. But who knows, if GW3 comes out, we will all be back again! ( I hope! )

I THINK, that if gw3 folows some gw1 rules instead of 2, a lot more people would come back yes. At least, thats what everyone around me says. If gw3 is going to be a polished gw2 with the same ‘business plan’ etc., they wont return.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khulse.4896


Wow, I’m impressed. I think I like the post claiming this is an attempt to get attention are my favorites. Thanks for the attention? LOL

Obviously, yes, it’s as much an attempt to get attention and express my point of view as any comment, question, or statement ever made in any medium since the begging of infinity. Yes, I waited several months for a reply to the complaints. I have a great deal of patience.

Many just don’t see what the issue is, and on the surface I can see why you think it isn’t one. It isn’t about the money. I honestly don’t care if I get a refund or not. It’s more complicated than that.

It’s the silence, and the complete unwillingness to take even the tiniest bit of responsibility that bothers me. I’ve seen it before in other mmos, and all too often it’s a sign of things to come. How can a game be fun if your favorite aspects of it constantly disappear? If the devs aren’t willing to listen to what the players think, if they will do things their way and only their way and ignore anyone that disagrees with them, that’s exactly what happens to a game.

And I only ‘QQed’ about it because the game is worth the bother of lodging a complaint, so that doesn’t happen- and because I WANT to come back. Unfortunately, it bothers me so much that I can’t just enjoy the game until I have some reason to believe they are at least aware of it. It’s the principle of the thing.

And besides, patience is stubborn’s little sister. I have a great deal of that too.

I didn’t ask for an apology or refund, either. My exact word was ‘reply’- I said what I meant, and I meant what I said. I understand that they are busy, and I also understand they may have instructions from the idio- er, their superiors. A simple ‘hi’ would qualify. They can even leave out the letters, if they like.

Just a little something for all you level 80s to think about: To me, end game is… the end of the game. Once I hit max level and do a little end game content, I loose interest in the character. Other people claim that’s when the game starts. Everyone has different play styles. Why criticize someone’s concern because they have a different play style?

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


back to the topic. Vayne said Anet was giving refund for the transmutation stone. If that is true, I dont’ think it is entirely Anet’s fault.

as for population, quite honestly, I never felt any population change when I play GW2.

Because whenever some one left my guild, there will be replacements.

We have megaserver for crying out loud. If Anet cant’ even fill one map, than the game is really probably dead. Else I can play fine without ever noticing the change in population.

And if WvW, just move to the higher tier population(and most likely the lower tier will be left to rot), but you won’t run out of people to play with.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illuminati.2431


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.


Well it’s true. I think that the November patch after launch when ascended gear was introduced saw the biggest exodus from this game. Since then nothing has come close.

It’s true, for you it is.
Like I said in the last sentence of my post, ITS MY OPINION.
When I browse the forums, I get a different feeling about things than you do. That’s why we are different people. 1 thing can make me laugh while you could become angry about it. 1 thing can make me cry while you feel nothing about it. That’s human feelings and emotion.
All I said is my FEELING when I browse the forums. And then you can counterargument all you want, that wont change my feeling.

Were you here back when ascended armor released. We lost a huge number of people. I mean a huge number. This isn’t just an opinion. We see a couple of leaving posts now, but back then, the forums pretty much exploded.

Dude, do you have something in you that really gives you the urge that people must see it the way you see it.
You keep throwing these so called facts and other kitten to me, but really, if u can’t accept me having another feeling with something, not even an opinion, but an impression and feeling, then well…..

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

My guild had 167 members, only 21 are left. 8 came back and now 7 are gone. Out of those 28 now, 13 started playing AA and have gone inactive in GW2. Quite the opposite to you. And honestly, I don’t think even a major update of the expansion-pack size would bring even 20 people back. It’s a missed opportunity, I think. But who knows, if GW3 comes out, we will all be back again! ( I hope! )

I THINK, that if gw3 folows some gw1 rules instead of 2, a lot more people would come back yes. At least, thats what everyone around me says. If gw3 is going to be a polished gw2 with the same ‘business plan’ etc., they wont return.

In your own words…okay. Doesn’t change the fact that this is not nearly the worst exodus we’ve seen from the game.

People have been leaving all along. People have been joining all along. People have been coming back all along.

I understand that you think this is some massive exodus that is somehow going to rob this game of every living body. I understand that’s your opinion.

But what you’re actually doing is venturing an opinion about something factual. I can have an opinion about how many people live in NYC, except there’s a factual number of people living in NYC and my opinion is largely irrelevant. Why? Because how many people are leaving isn’t really a matter of opinion.

I like the game is an opinion. I don’t like this game is an opinion. People are leaving in droves or a lot of people leaving is you venturing an opinion about a fact. I suggest there’s a subtle difference.

At any rate, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I dont’ think anyone know for sure about the GW2 population.

But the top tier guild are always full of people, since if people left, there will always be people rejoining.

My take is there will always be people leaving the game. If you have a good guild leader, they’ll be able to rehire more people.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illuminati.2431


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

My guild had 167 members, only 21 are left. 8 came back and now 7 are gone. Out of those 28 now, 13 started playing AA and have gone inactive in GW2. Quite the opposite to you. And honestly, I don’t think even a major update of the expansion-pack size would bring even 20 people back. It’s a missed opportunity, I think. But who knows, if GW3 comes out, we will all be back again! ( I hope! )

I THINK, that if gw3 folows some gw1 rules instead of 2, a lot more people would come back yes. At least, thats what everyone around me says. If gw3 is going to be a polished gw2 with the same ‘business plan’ etc., they wont return.

In your own words…okay. Doesn’t change the fact that this is not nearly the worst exodus we’ve seen from the game.

People have been leaving all along. People have been joining all along. People have been coming back all along.

I understand that you think this is some massive exodus that is somehow going to rob this game of every living body. I understand that’s your opinion.

But what you’re actually doing is venturing an opinion about something factual. I can have an opinion about how many people live in NYC, except there’s a factual number of people living in NYC and my opinion is largely irrelevant. Why? Because how many people are leaving isn’t really a matter of opinion.

I like the game is an opinion. I don’t like this game is an opinion. People are leaving in droves or a lot of people leaving is you venturing an opinion about a fact. I suggest there’s a subtle difference.

At any rate, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

And you have the exact numbers about people leaving and coming back to the game?
That all depends on who you play with. In your gaming circle it may be whole different than for someone else’s gaming circle.

You can look up the population of NYC. You can’’t look up how many people have left gw2 and came back. Because we don’t have those numbers. All I’m doing is basing my opinion off on what I see on the forums and in my gaming circle. And like I stated before, everybody’s gaming circle can differ very much from one another. That’s why there are many different opinions.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

My guild had 167 members, only 21 are left. 8 came back and now 7 are gone. Out of those 28 now, 13 started playing AA and have gone inactive in GW2. Quite the opposite to you. And honestly, I don’t think even a major update of the expansion-pack size would bring even 20 people back. It’s a missed opportunity, I think. But who knows, if GW3 comes out, we will all be back again! ( I hope! )

I THINK, that if gw3 folows some gw1 rules instead of 2, a lot more people would come back yes. At least, thats what everyone around me says. If gw3 is going to be a polished gw2 with the same ‘business plan’ etc., they wont return.

In your own words…okay. Doesn’t change the fact that this is not nearly the worst exodus we’ve seen from the game.

People have been leaving all along. People have been joining all along. People have been coming back all along.

I understand that you think this is some massive exodus that is somehow going to rob this game of every living body. I understand that’s your opinion.

But what you’re actually doing is venturing an opinion about something factual. I can have an opinion about how many people live in NYC, except there’s a factual number of people living in NYC and my opinion is largely irrelevant. Why? Because how many people are leaving isn’t really a matter of opinion.

I like the game is an opinion. I don’t like this game is an opinion. People are leaving in droves or a lot of people leaving is you venturing an opinion about a fact. I suggest there’s a subtle difference.

At any rate, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

And you have the exact numbers about people leaving and coming back to the game?
That all depends on who you play with. In your gaming circle it may be whole different than for someone else’s gaming circle.

You can look up the population of NYC. You can’’t look up how many people have left gw2 and came back. Because we don’t have those numbers. All I’m doing is basing my opinion off on what I see on the forums and in my gaming circle. And like I stated before, everybody’s gaming circle can differ very much from one another. That’s why there are many different opinions.

I agree. You can’t look up how many people are leaving the game, but there are a specific number of people leaving. And we don’t know it. So venturing an opinion on it is, in my opinion, pointless.

It’s a conversation that helps nobody. It’s right or wrong, no one knows. It’s not constructive. It leads nowhere.

But it does have a harmful effect if someone believes it, whether it’s true or not. If I say something harmful, I’m going to try to state things factually. Not venture an opinion based on observation that I know only tells a small part of the story.

Why I left GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scipio.3204


These blasted threads. Every time I see a variant on “why I left GW2?” I mentally answer "quite frankly my dear I don’t give a kitten "

I can see why you think that, but they keep popping up more and more. That’s a serious indication this game is losing a lot of players. People that actually care enough about the game and go to the forums to post things. Now they even care enough that they are posting that they are leaving.
It isn’t good advertising for new players either. Usually, when I’m going to play a new MMO, I first check a couple of things, including their forums. If you look in here, those potentional new players see alot of players complaining(whether the complaints are well argumented or just QQ doens’t matter in this case), and they see lots of players leaving. That’s bad publicity for this game. It’s not like no new player will come, but I’m almost certain a couple of players who wheren’t convinced to buy and play this game or not, didn’t do it after all because of what they saw on the forums.

So indeed, it’s easy to say I don’t give a kitten, I don’t think alot of us do(you could put it in another way though:p), but it’s something that really needs to be taken seriously.

At least, in my opinion that is…..

You mean like three a week? It was just as bad a couple of years ago. That’s not more and more. I’ve had more people who left come back to the game in the last week than there have been leaving posts on these forums and that’s just one little guild.

My guild had 167 members, only 21 are left. 8 came back and now 7 are gone. Out of those 28 now, 13 started playing AA and have gone inactive in GW2. Quite the opposite to you. And honestly, I don’t think even a major update of the expansion-pack size would bring even 20 people back. It’s a missed opportunity, I think. But who knows, if GW3 comes out, we will all be back again! ( I hope! )

I THINK, that if gw3 folows some gw1 rules instead of 2, a lot more people would come back yes. At least, thats what everyone around me says. If gw3 is going to be a polished gw2 with the same ‘business plan’ etc., they wont return.

In your own words…okay. Doesn’t change the fact that this is not nearly the worst exodus we’ve seen from the game.

People have been leaving all along. People have been joining all along. People have been coming back all along.

I understand that you think this is some massive exodus that is somehow going to rob this game of every living body. I understand that’s your opinion.

But what you’re actually doing is venturing an opinion about something factual. I can have an opinion about how many people live in NYC, except there’s a factual number of people living in NYC and my opinion is largely irrelevant. Why? Because how many people are leaving isn’t really a matter of opinion.

I like the game is an opinion. I don’t like this game is an opinion. People are leaving in droves or a lot of people leaving is you venturing an opinion about a fact. I suggest there’s a subtle difference.

At any rate, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

I love this. “You have your right to have an opinion ,but my opinions are facts.”

(edited by Scipio.3204)