Why I stopped playing Guild Wars 2
Indeed, I keep hearing theres no quests in guildwars2 and I’m like. really?
Heart Quests arent quests?
Further more wanting to get the reward is more grindy than anything especially when the dungeons use cheap tricks like mobs with high HP and can 1 – 2 shot you.
If you find GW2 nothing different, I’m afraid you’re already done with whole MMO topic since GW2 is the only one different but you don’t think so.
However, I think this vision of yours is caused by frustration out of something regarding the game, just like any other negative comments on any other game’s forums.
The Secret World
except instead of binding you to your weapon skills alone, the secret world allows the freedom of a build much like guildwars.
Your first 7 skills are determined by your weapon and is not limited to just 7 skills.
Theres also no classes, no levels and no restrictions.
The thing is, you can’t change the formula. After playing WoW, players have an incredibly strict mindset to what any game they play should be like.
This is obvious when players are seen on forums (these, Tera, whatever) kittening about endgame. I’m pretty sure the concept of endgame became popular in WoW, as people say that the lore means nothing and all they do is faceroll to level 80 or 90 or whatever the max level is and grind/raid/pvp. Then, when they’re bored of that content, they cry about no endgame, more content is introduced, rinse and repeat.
The formula will stay the same forever because it’s all the industry knows.
There is a game that is completely different in terms of questing, imo at least, and that’s RuneScape. There are like no quests on that game that revolve around killing X mobs or gathering Y and taking it to Z. The questing in that game is awesome, and is actually different than the standard questing model. Even so, most people just don’t like quests. There are websites that have quest guides for every quest ever made because people are only concerned with the reward.
Recently a game called Forge entered alpha who’s mantra is that everything up to endgame pvp is boring filler, and so they removed it. You start the game with all the abilities on a character and do nothing but pvp. I don’t see how people can enjoy this. It’s like GW2 sPvP, except GW2 sPvP is independent of the actual game.
I think the main problem is that people are just really impatient. They always use the excuse that they have these really busy lives and have no time to play yet they play for 5-6 hours a day. These kinds of people don’t want to actually work for anything and just want the best gear without having to do anything (see: rushing to level 80 for the “ending” and pvp).
If you find GW2 nothing different, I’m afraid you’re already done with whole MMO topic since GW2 is the only one different but you don’t think so.
However, I think this vision of yours is caused by frustration out of something regarding the game, just like any other negative comments on any other game’s forums.
The Secret World
except instead of binding you to your weapon skills alone, the secret world allows the freedom of a build much like guildwars.Your first 7 skills are determined by your weapon and is not limited to just 7 skills.
Theres also no classes, no levels and no restrictions.
Then why go on GW2 forums and complain instead of uninstalling GW2 and playing some other game?
I’ve typed this before, will type again.
Sad circle of whiners:
love a game too much before it’s even been released -> play it 10+ hours a day -> hate it because either you can’t figure it out or you figure it out too soon because you put your life aside and played -> go on forums and complain -> find some other game and love it too much before it’s even been released -> go on the forums of the game you quitted and talk about your new favorite game -> turn back to step one
I saw these type of people on forums of many games. They will never be happy with a game since the only problem is that, they can’t take challange and are not patient.
(edited by Valkyrie.2678)
I always LAUGH at these I’m leaving GW2 threads lmao because they don’t represent an inkling of the MASS of players that are ENJOYING GW2 for what it is an MMO with LESS GRIND than the others and a LOT MORE FUN an exciting enjoyment as well.
So, OP go away nobody really cares you had your goodbye now…..can I have your stuff? lol
Indeed. I think about these guys when I’m on a group event with a couple dozen zergs in the game
I agree with the OP, this game could be alot more but it needs a big overhaul which I doubt they would implement anytime soon.
Also some people have mention the lose of skills which is huge compare to gw1, the feel of every map being the same just different graphic and all hearts. I personally at the moment cant stand to play GW2 because I believe they could have done way more in 5 years.
I have tons of ideas to make GW2 way different that most mmos but those ideas I thought of for a while are not to be given away. With that said If i can come up with these ideas i’m sure their devs can come up with them too. In other words yes there is other ways to make a game but GW2 just did not implement it. I think GW1 even coming out so many years ago is better than this pretty sand box just by allowing more than a grind to 80 with the same mechanics of old with GW2. Ill keep playing since I bought it alredy but not for a while.
I agree with the OP, this game could be alot more but it needs a big overhaul which I doubt they would implement anytime soon.
Also some people have mention the lose of skills which is huge compare to gw1, the feel of every map being the same just different graphic and all hearts. I personally at the moment cant stand to play GW2 because I believe they could have done way more in 5 years.
I have tons of ideas to make GW2 way different that most mmos but those ideas I thought of for a while are not to be given away. With that said If i can come up with these ideas i’m sure their devs can come up with them too. In other words yes there is other ways to make a game but GW2 just did not implement it. I think GW1 even coming out so many years ago is better than this pretty sand box just by allowing more than a grind to 80 with the same mechanics of old with GW2. Ill keep playing since I bought it alredy but not for a while.
You do realize there would be players who would COMPLAIN and WHINE about YOUR IDEAS too don’t you? lol You can’t make the PERFECT game either bud.
You do realize there would be players who would COMPLAIN and WHINE about YOUR IDEAS too don’t you? lol You can’t make the PERFECT game either bud.
Perfect point. That’s the idea. People think that only their opinions are perfect. Nothing is, there will always be whiners.
Its not about perfect its just how they sold the game to us, its not revolutionary or new at all. It is just old same old game mechanics but water downed to make it easier in all aspects compare to other mmos. There really is nothing new here at all, everything is alredy in effect in other games, hence why I said there are ideas out there that would work and be totally new but where not implemented in this game. Im sure people would complain but you can have familiarity with innovation to the point where its not just a different way of doing the same thing but a whole new way of experiencing this world.
Well I think the way they did skills attached to weapons is NEW an innovative. I’ve never seen 5 skills attached to a weapon before.
The secret world has this alredy in effect sorry bud ^^
in cataclysm i did more grinding dalies and raids than ever in wow, in wotlk i ran the same dungeons 315 times total for the hilt of queal delar which i NEVER got. and then i had to grind pve trinkets and pvp honor gear so i could grind Conquest points to grind arena/rbg rating then i quit wow and all other mmos…….GW2 is my liberation your comparisons are based on looking at base qualites and concepts and then earisng the unique quialites of each which then makes both seem the same. but i can assure you they are vastly different and guild wars 2 is the least grindy mmo i have played to date.
The secret world has this alredy in effect sorry bud ^^
The Secret world is not a MAJOR MMO bud….sorry bud.
I haven’t played a MMO this hard again since Everquest back in ’99. Not saying it will get the same years of love that EQ did but it certainly has grabbed me more then anything else since EQ (tried them all).
I agree with the fact that world-impact of DE’s is pretty minimal though. I think the 2 biggest changes I have seen are all of the sort “Camp is occupied by enemy forces vs Camp is not occupied by enemy forces” and “Bridge is broken” vs “Bridge has been repaired again”.
The fact that these “states” usually flip over every 10-30 minutes sure does not add to the persistency. And the impact is also pretty minimal, since a broken bridge just means you have to make a very slight detour (but still can get anywhere you want) while an occupied camp may mean a (usually not very important) vendor is not available.
Having said this, I am not sure how “cool” it would be if that bridge would stay broken for at least 7 realtime days and would actually barr people from accessing certain areas in the game. Very tricky slope, that.
I often wonder if there’s no winning the whole “truly dynamic world where your actions persistantly change the environment” thing. Phasing? Instancing? Changing the actual story/content of a world (Sleeper getting killed in Everquest anyone?). Not a fan of any of these. I never liked it when they revamped stuff in EQ, so……… tough subject for devs.
I would like to add that Everquest’s extensive faction system actually made for the best “world-changing” feature, at least for me. With this faction system, a player could at least change the world for him individually, by opening up certain areas like cities through grinding faction (killing a certain mob, doing certain quests). This was actually quit a big part of the meta-game: how to get a certain faction to flip over without ruining too many other factions in the proces.
Also lots of quests were tied into faction (had to get to certain level of faction for it to open up) but that is not so much a “world changing” feature. However, getting on the good side of the Qeynosians with your evil troll, so that you could freely walk in Qeynos , certainly was!
Through faction you could change the world for yoursel, yet you did not ruin or change anything for others. Maybe faction is the Holy Grail!
Could you delete this whole topic Anet? Its ridiculous that they compare this as a “wow clone” TBH I played MMO’s way before WoW and WoW is the biggest clone of them all thats for sure the biggest thief around nothing new all standard all stolen.
GW2 is NOT a WoW clone its not a clone of any MMO imo. And ppl who dont see the differences are nothing more then wow fanboys.
Heart events are not like any other quests they differ alot, the random events arew even more awesome since you can choose to feel to help out the world or let it be and let them take the village next time you come in the same area etc…
I cantype alot here but dont be so dumb to call GW2 a WoW clone since clearly its not AND the fact that WoW aka Blizzard is the biggest thief of them all.
Anet cya around im gonna play your great game once more! Muahaha
I have a 65 ele and a 60 ranger and I haven’t played in about a week now. Everything about this game just feels shallow, especially character development. It’s like they had a bunch of awesome ideas for this game that were ALMOST carried out. Now with Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 I doubt I’ll touch this game for a while. The bottom line is the game is just……..boring.
indelibleYou address the thread like the majority are of your perspective. They aren’t. Feel free to count posts.
Holy hell this is pathetic. The frustrating thing about this is that there is a conversation to be had here about genre stagnation and whether or not GW2 has done enough to push things forward (clearly your perspective is that they have not). As an evolutionary iteration on the “classic” MMORPG formula, I find it quite compelling, but I can certainly see why someone who had been hankering for a true revolution would be dismayed to find much familiar about GW2.
This response though…the one I’ve quoted…makes me want to bang my head on a brick wall. Or possibly bang your head on a brick wall, I haven’t decided. You seem like a smart guy, so you can’t POSSIBLY be this stupid.
You have what…maybe 20-30 unique people responding to this thread? It’s got a negative title and a long lead in, so it’s going to attract two kinds of people…those who are looking to agree with you, and those who are looking to be contrary and debate you. Of those people, you find that a healthy number endorse your post, and suddenly you’re all “COUNT THE POSTS I HAVE A FOLLOWING”. Yeah, that’s a killer self-selecting statistical sample you’ve gathered. If you can get it up to 50, you’ll have 0.000025% of the player-base weighing in. Heady stuff.
If you want to rush off and embrace the fallacy of appeal to popularity, you first have to demonstrate popularity. Getting a little pool of people to clap your back in the echo chamber for mutinous children that is an MMO forum is hardly noteworthy. This post of yours is embarrassing.
As for your OP, I’d be inclined to agree with you that GW2 is not really particularly trailblazing, certainly not for anyone who wants a sandbox, or something new entirely. But you’ve soaked your points in so much maudlin hyperbole I’m afraid I can’t quite get past the eye rolling stage.
Stopped reading after you said GW1 wasn’t very different from other MMO’s. You most likely never played GW1.
I stopped playing because I got Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 and noticed I was having way more fun.
Fort Aspenwood
The Ancient Order [TAO]
As for your OP, I’d be inclined to agree with you that GW2 is not really particularly trailblazing, certainly not for anyone who wants a sandbox, or something new entirely. But you’ve soaked your points in so much maudlin hyperbole I’m afraid I can’t quite get past the eye rolling stage.
I provided reasonable outline as to why I had stopped playing the game, and my initial post – and follow up posts – were very specific in their criticisms. My point was made, and it didn’t need to be made again.
What happened next was people like you decided that I was wrong, and instead of balancing the discussion (that was being had initially), people like you decided to levy criticisms like, “well MMO obviously aren’t for you.” When that didn’t work, I was accused of trolling, and I was effectively labelled and idiot for claiming that DEs and Renown Hearts were quests, and further labelled and idiot and a troll for voicing and opinion that didn’t run in line with what the few were thinking.
The particular post I was responding to spoke from a position of authority where there was no authority to be had. The post I responded to effectively said that because I had (a) complained about problems that had driven me away from the game, (b) provided no solutions, and © specifically stated that I wasn’t willing to take the thread off on a frivolous tangent (where I would have mentioned ways I thought the MMO genre could have been improved, only to have that poster (who had already made up his mind about me and everything I was likely to say… before I’d even said it), my entire point was to be discarded.
Also, take your feckless insults and levy them at someone else. My tone was in response to the tone I was gifted by others, where as yours is just disgustingly presumptuous.