(edited by Mario.6309)
Why I think teleport costs are unreasonably hight
Please provide something to back up what you’re saying, otherwise your assertion that “The port prices are there to make you think about your actions instead of just porting willy-nilly.” is simply your opinion.
Furthermore, in my own post I never said anything to indicate that I was “screaming” or that I wanted everything to be “easier and free” (nor have any of the others posts).
I did, however, indicate that there was no reason costs couldn’t lowered.
I am not adverse to paying to use the ports, I just object to being gouged.
North Alabama Guild Wars Players
Anyone arguing that they should be able to “play the way they want to play” in regards to wanting to port all over the place, you’re taking the phrase way too literally. It’s really “play the way you want to play… within limits.” You don’t get to make the rules. The port prices are there to make you think about your actions instead of just porting willy-nilly.
And all the complaints about porting within a map… if the price is too much for you, just run there. I never go on those crazy farming grinds, I explore all aspects of the game (pvp, dungeons, exploration, etc), but I’m smart with my gold and assets. So 1.5s to port within a map is nothing for me if I’m feeling particularly lazy. There needs to be a penalty, a trade off, for the convenience of the port.
I honestly see port price complaints as people screaming, “I refuse to become a smarter player and just want everything to be easier and free.” If you’re having troubles with port prices, you may want to reevaluate how you spend and earn your gold. It reminds me of people that immediately scream for nerfs on something before they’ve even put the time to learn if there’s a counter for something (i.e. bulls rush, frenzy, 100b warriors; easily counterable, but a lot of people refused to use their brains).
Perhaps your attitude is others aren’t playing right. It’s a common attitude with MMORPG elitists. Let me guess you spend a million hours playing. Everyone else who doesn’t is a noob who doesn’t put in the time to play right? Or is it just fanboyism where your precious devs can do no wrong?
I know it can be worked around, but the prices scale incongruently after level 60. Maybe people who play 14 hours a day can mitigate the imbalance better. However, its still there. Really dude, get off your high horse.
(edited by SHM.7628)
let’s be honest here. gem shard prices are crazy inflated. 800 gems for 10$ is… funny. i won’t buy anything from the gem store with real money unless it’s mounts. period. i wouldn’t care about TP costs if i could ride a mount around, but running everywhere with a 9s speed boost on 20s (?) CD (only with staff) is excessive.
i suppose i could change my skills to get more boosts, but i don’t want to use them and i don’t want to switch my skills around every 10 seconds.
I agree OP. I stopped using teleports altogether and ran everywhere. It has gotten to the point where I have reversed my opinion about mounts. Now I want mounts because the teleport costs are absurd.
Perhaps your attitude is others aren’t playing right. It’s a common attitude with MMORPG elitists. Let me guess you spend a million hours playing. Everyone else who doesn’t is a noob who doesn’t put in the time to play right? Or is it just fanboyism where your precious devs can do no wrong?
I know it can be worked around, but the prices scale incongruently after level 60. Maybe people who play 14 hours a day can mitigate the imbalance better. However, its still there. Really dude, get off your high horse.
I don’t spend millions of hours nor 14 hours a day playing the game, not even close. I’m not saying that people are “playing wrong,” play the way you want to play. However, there’s always going to be a more efficient way of playing and it’s your choice if you choose to take it or not. All it takes is a quick 10 minute mining run and you’ve mitigated your port costs for the rest of the day and then some.
Also, prices scale incongruently because it slowly adjusts to the fact that people at level 80, on average, are going to be earning gold at a higher rate than while they were leveling. For me, personally, the port costs at lower levels made a bigger dent (proportional to my total gold at the time), than they do now at level 80.
(edited by Mario.6309)
I used to think WP cost was high, but then I reach 80 and realised they are actually quite low. It’s like 4s for max range, which is really not bad at all.
I used to think WP cost was high, but then I reach 80 and realised they are actually quite low. It’s like 4s for max range, which is really not bad at all.
You’re right it isn’t bad, if you go to that one spot and stay there.
But if you’re trying to hit the jumping puzzles or kill the dragons, it gets rather exorbitant.
North Alabama Guild Wars Players
TP cost need to be removed, IMHO. There is a huge divide once you reach map completion on a level 80 and are no longer earning heart rewards and zone completion rewards versus the cost of travel. I do spend a lot of time with newbie friends, we’ve done dungeons that I end up literally bankrolling due to that fact that they are new players, which equals far more deaths. To add the TP costs to just getting to said dungeon is adding insult to injury. This not to mention helping them with hearts and vista in general, i can (if i’m not careful) loose 1g or more per play session just helping people out. Granted i don’t mind doing it, however there comes a point when you are bleeding money that you have to actually extremely alter your play style and time investments.
Right now as it stands, being a level 80 with even 90% map completion is a punishment in far too many ways. Add on top of that the general cost of play for all the alternative time/gold sinks and you wind up barely breaking even most days.
Since i’m still in the process of crafting (yet another money sink) on my toons, i’m not TP’ing stuff to recoup (unless it’s a really expensive item i can justify parting with the mats from), it really becomes a numbers game. Do i spend that extra 2 or 3s? Am i going to bleed so much gold from doing X that it’s even worth trying to help? If i have to spend a couple hours farming my cost’s back, it’s less time i actually get to help out my newbie friends.
Anyone arguing that they should be able to “play the way they want to play” in regards to wanting to port all over the place, you’re taking the phrase way too literally. It’s really “play the way you want to play… within limits.” You don’t get to make the rules. The port prices are there to make you think about your actions instead of just porting willy-nilly.
And all the complaints about porting within a map… if the price is too much for you, just run there. I never go on those crazy farming grinds, I explore all aspects of the game (pvp, dungeons, exploration, etc), but I’m smart with my gold and assets. So 1.5s to port within a map is nothing for me if I’m feeling particularly lazy. There needs to be a penalty, a trade off, for the convenience of the port.
I honestly see port price complaints as people screaming, “I refuse to become a smarter player and just want everything to be easier and free.” If you’re having troubles with port prices, you may want to reevaluate how you spend and earn your gold. It reminds me of people that immediately scream for nerfs on something before they’ve even put the time to learn if there’s a counter for something (i.e. bulls rush, frenzy, 100b warriors; easily counterable, but a lot of people refused to use their brains).
Perhaps your attitude is others aren’t playing right. It’s a common attitude with MMORPG elitists. Let me guess you spend a million hours playing. Everyone else who doesn’t is a noob who doesn’t put in the time to play right? Or is it just fanboyism where your precious devs can do no wrong?
I know it can be worked around, but the prices scale incongruently after level 60. Maybe people who play 14 hours a day can mitigate the imbalance better. However, its still there. Really dude, get off your high horse.
BAM! And just like that the argument has become nullified! May want to rethink your arguements before resorting to throwing around ‘fanboyism’ or any other lacking insults.
Also. 1-2 hours tops farming. 3-4 days worth of waypoint useage. Some of us still have jobs and get small play times throughout the week, and STILL have the ability to support travel costs.
‘Unable’ and ‘Lazy’ are two different things.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
The people who think teleport costs are expensive must be spending their money on silly things and/or not actually playing the game enough (read as: doing anything other than standing still) to earn the tiny amount of money that is required to travel via waypoints.
I don’t farm at all, I just play and I have never thought twice about the negligible amounts required to waypoint travel.
Think the game would be more fun if the scaling of waypoint costs wasn’t so extreme. People use waypoints more on low level characters than higher level ones and there doesn’t seem to be a good reason why that should be the case.
I expect Arenanet have noticed this, but probably if they are going to fix it it would be as a part of some widespread improvements to the economy. In MMOs what you give with one hand you have to take away with the other.
As someone who has 3 80s and ports all the time, even within zones, it’s not an issue.
It’s so incredibly easy to make money in this game to allow you to experience all the content you desire. The only things truly expensive are cosmetics.
If you had an 80, you would realize it’s quite normal to make 1-2g an hour if you farm. I have a blast running dungeons and even doing that gives you 1g an hour. So take an hour to farm or actually play the game instead of whining, and you have enough gold to port around and help out all your friends and do whatever you want for the next few days.
Stop being an entitled baby and expect everything to be free and handed to you. This game provides more then enough ways to make gold to do all the fun stuff.
This is an MMO, it needs goldsinks, removing or greatly reducing goldsinks just means everything will be more expensive. 3s to save 10-15 min of time at level 80 is worth a ton, too bad some people don’t realize that. Even low level zones re-coup the cost in a couple of minutes if you carry around gathering tools or actually kill mobs…
And for people complaining about porting around for events, pretty much every single event will give you more then 3s. They give the base silver and karma, plus all the drops you would get since every event that I’m aware of has mobs that you kill. Pretty sure everyone complaining doesn’t have an 80 or hasn’t been one for very long, or doesn’t know how to do simple analysis on the cost benefit of a 2-3s port through both saving time and making it to events before they end.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
I used to think WP cost was high, but then I reach 80 and realised they are actually quite low. It’s like 4s for max range, which is really not bad at all.
You’re right it isn’t bad, if you go to that one spot and stay there.
But if you’re trying to hit the jumping puzzles or kill the dragons, it gets rather exorbitant.
Except Dragons give 5 pieces of gear, 2 gems, and 1s80c. Even if you got full blues it’s worth the port for the time you save.
With ports I’ve hit multiple dragons in a short time frame which gives me net profit, while a whiner is probably spending 10 min to run to each of them and losing out on money because they can’t run to both if they spawn at roughly the same time, which happens alot.
Not to mention with a port, you can just farm or do a DE and make 20s in those 10 minutes instead of wasting 10 min to save 3s, or do real life stuff even and then instantly port to kill the dragon and get 10-30s (or maybe even a exotic) worth of loot for a 3s cost.
Almost every single action in this game that results for porting results in a net benefit or break even in terms of money. For the few instances where you might lose money, you have the other 95% of the time where you made money to pay for it.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
Only thing which bothers me is the rare occassion where you TP a few times in a row (helping people on small things/change of plans/miscommunication). Simple timer would fix that while still retaining the gold sink.
If you had an 80, you would realize it’s quite normal to make 1-2g an hour if you farm.
Not everyone is a gold farmer, nor should they be, since for many it’s a thoroughly dull way of playing games that turns the world into a spreadsheet.
Farming for 1 hour != gold farmer. So basically you want everything to be given to you for free?
And like I said, I run dungeons which is the most fun PvE content imho and make 1g an hour. That’s not gold farming, that’s doing challenging content in a group of players and you still make more then enough money for some piddly WP costs.
Any DE is going to give you money. It’s not like you have to farm to get gold, just straight up farming will give you a good amount of gold. Even if you casually play you still make money.
I think the whole point is that it’s not really a needed thing. And, it’s an added cost when you do get killed…
People that are going to fast travel around are going to do it regardless (unless the cost is purely outrageous, which it’s not). There’s been a discussion about deterring people from abusing it…
People that at stacking mats and salvaging everything for crafting actually get a double whammy when they need to take into account the cost of travel too. Crafting alone is already a huge money sink. And for the casual player, that’s not running a ton of DE’s and crafting all there drops, it hits the bottomline pretty hard.
I’m honestly tired of reading that people that have a genuine issue with a part of in-game mechanics are whining, it’s getting old and this forum is pretty much here for feedback (good or bad) and complaints. Everyone is obviously not going to have the same experience and/or goals.
With the addition of TP costs, it just seems like almost everything in the game is a money sink.
(edited by munkiman.3068)
Yea, they are and the reason i stopped visiting lower level areas and caring about completing the exploration. After that i felt that playing in a single area was too boring and stopped playing.
Welp. Teleport costs are one of the reasons I’m no longer playing this game, and quit it in under a month.
The fact of the matter is is that Guild Wars 2 is filled with cynical design choices like this that encourage you to grind/pay for gems or remain destitute. I don’t like being treated like a walking wallet. I’ll give money to a game that I respect, one that respects me, but I won’t give money to a game like GW2 (whereas I happily gave quite a bit to GW1).
The waypoint costs never should have been in the game from the first place, to be honest. And anyone with a sensible head on their shoulders knows why this is the case. If you’re truly trying to create a casual-friendly game, then getting people stuck in a feedback loop of destitution with waypoint costs isn’t conducive to a great casual game. If I only have X hours to play the game, I’ll be wanting to use waypoints a lot.
I’m sorry, but attaching costs to waypoints is just an incredibly dumb idea, from a design standpoint.
Now, in Champions Online, I can have a jetpack, which is awesome to fly around with, and I can zoom from one end of a zone to the other in short order, even with the lowest rank of the jetpack power (and there are three ranks, with the third being ridiculously fast). So I’m playing CO at the moment, and having more fun with it than I did with GW2.
The cynical design choices of GW2 just quickly put me off the game in short order. What it became after BWE2 was a thinly disguised Korean grinder. How they managed so much wreck and ruin in such a short time is beyond me. But I think it has to do with NCsoft being bought out, and having Korean grinder ‘advisors’ on the team.
And it’s hurting them. It’s hurting the game. It’s turned this into a game I don’t want to play.
Also, some of the defences here are silly. They remind me of the defences of endless WoW raid grinding. “It’s just a game feature!” and “What, you expect to get raid gear for free?”
And here was me thinking that GW2’s defining feature was that it wasn’t WoW.
Oh how wrong I was. And what a massive con that advertising campaign was.
This game is going to end up being seen as a cheap WoW clone due to all of the money sinks and grinding, all those cynical design choices mount up. And when people come around to realising that?
GW2 is going to go the same way that Warhammer Online did.
And ArenaNet/NCsoft has no one else to blame but themselves.
“Farming for 1 hour != gold farmer. So basically you want everything to be given to you for free?”
On the contrary it’s you farmers who feel entitled to get everything with little effort, hence all the whining about diminishing returns from farming. And standing in one place for an hour farming blood off skelks is not everyone’s cup of tea and hardly represents an admirable investment of “effort”.
My point is simply that it feels easier to move around when you are low level and that’s more fun, since for instance, you can just log on to do a bit of content and maybe visit a jumping puzzle or two, whereas at level cap you definitely feel the travel cost when doing that kind of thing.
The people who think teleport costs are expensive must be spending their money on silly things and/or not actually playing the game enough (read as: doing anything other than standing still) to earn the tiny amount of money that is required to travel via waypoints.
I don’t farm at all, I just play and I have never thought twice about the negligible amounts required to waypoint travel.
I think part of the problem isn’t that they’re spending their money willy nilly, so much as they’re abusing the WP system too much, even over the shortest of distances. It’s meant as a means of conveniently getting around quickly, not the primary means of getting around, period. There are world events going off at ALL times and they require people to complete them. I firmly believe Anet’s idea was to deter WP usage with the costs (more so than making them a money sink) so that people would be traveling on foot from place to place and getting involved with the dynamic events they come across.
It’s unfortunate that people can’t figure this out. They’re too used to being coddled and expecting everything to be easy and convenient. “Time” is something of an issue for many, true, but if one is playing an MMO, the first thing one needs to realize is that time (as well as money) is precisely what the developer intends to get out of a player. In P2P’s, making things take time is one way to get them to pay the monthly fee. In F2P’s, money typically amounts to removing or reducing the time requirements for convenience. Cosmetics are a different issue both types practice regularly.
Most of the people I see in this thread just can’t be bothered to hoof it. Yes, I understand if your time is limited… but you’re not going to be reset back to the nearest city if you log out in the field and continue your trek again the next time. I’m pretty sure everyone can afford to TP to their destination zone once per sitting and easily make a profit. Plan your teleports carefully, instead of treating them as the only means of travel, and you won’t go broke unless are truly horrible with your money. I promise.
I don’t get it… I myself leveled and didn’t have a single problem with money and using waypoints BEFORE the game had any sort of economy built up. I NEVER sold anything on the trade post to make money and never bought any using gems. All my income was from doing quest and leveling. I was still able to buy all my class training manuals right at levels 11, 40 and 60 with more than enough money left over to keep using waypoints.
What the hell are you people doing (or lack thereof) to not have any money? It’s 100 times easier to make money now then 3 days after pre-launch.
Waypoint travel cost are fine @ level 80. Stop being so lazy and make some money.
Some facts for those complaining.
- To go from the NW corner of Brisban Woodlands (Gallowfields Waypoint) to Fields of Ruin (Deathblade’s Watch Waypoint) it cost 5 silver 7 copper @ level 80.
- You can sell ONE Orichalcum Ore node (3 ore) for 9 silver 60 copper. There’s 12 of these nodes across three zones!
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
I think part of the problem isn’t that they’re spending their money willy nilly, so much as they’re abusing the WP system too much, even over the shortest of distances. It’s meant as a means of conveniently getting around quickly, not the primary means of getting around, period. There are world events going off at ALL times and they require people to complete them. I firmly believe Anet’s idea was to deter WP usage with the costs (more so than making them a money sink) so that people would be traveling on foot from place to place and getting involved with the dynamic events they come across.
The only sensible reason for trying to stop people moving from waypoint to waypoint is to prevent waypoint farming runs – Arenanet would hardly be trying to stop you from moving to the particular content that you wish to play, if you aren’t trying some exploit. Noone is going to go on a waypoint hopping expedition that doesn’t end up with them doing some content in the game. Also the waypoints within areas are quite well placed so that you naturally move between them on foot.
Also (most) people aren’t complaining about the necessity to have waypoint costs, more that in the current way they are set up, they scale a bit too steeply as you level and also if you want to play or explore in low level areas you are still paying the full whack, but your income is much lower. So, waypoint costs tend to effect those people who are more interested in exploring and playing the content than those who are more interested in the filthy lucre and happy once they find their farming spot.
- You can sell ONE Orichalcum Ore node (3 ore) for 9 silver 60 copper. There’s 12 of these nodes across three zones!
Now you make me want to go to Orr.. I didn’t explore those 3 maps yet, because I keep hearing about the fast respawns. I don’t like skipping every mobs, but I also don’t like killing mobs only for them to respawn right after…
Anyone arguing that they should be able to “play the way they want to play” in regards to wanting to port all over the place, you’re taking the phrase way too literally. It’s really “play the way you want to play… within limits.” You don’t get to make the rules. The port prices are there to make you think about your actions instead of just porting willy-nilly.
And all the complaints about porting within a map… if the price is too much for you, just run there. I never go on those crazy farming grinds, I explore all aspects of the game (pvp, dungeons, exploration, etc), but I’m smart with my gold and assets. So 1.5s to port within a map is nothing for me if I’m feeling particularly lazy. There needs to be a penalty, a trade off, for the convenience of the port.
I honestly see port price complaints as people screaming, “I refuse to become a smarter player and just want everything to be easier and free.” If you’re having troubles with port prices, you may want to reevaluate how you spend and earn your gold. It reminds me of people that immediately scream for nerfs on something before they’ve even put the time to learn if there’s a counter for something (i.e. bulls rush, frenzy, 100b warriors; easily counterable, but a lot of people refused to use their brains).
Perhaps your attitude is others aren’t playing right. It’s a common attitude with MMORPG elitists. Let me guess you spend a million hours playing. Everyone else who doesn’t is a noob who doesn’t put in the time to play right? Or is it just fanboyism where your precious devs can do no wrong?
I know it can be worked around, but the prices scale incongruently after level 60. Maybe people who play 14 hours a day can mitigate the imbalance better. However, its still there. Really dude, get off your high horse.
BAM! And just like that the argument has become nullified! May want to rethink your arguements before resorting to throwing around ‘fanboyism’ or any other lacking insults.
Also. 1-2 hours tops farming. 3-4 days worth of waypoint useage. Some of us still have jobs and get small play times throughout the week, and STILL have the ability to support travel costs.
‘Unable’ and ‘Lazy’ are two different things.
when people start saying others aren’t playing right That is when they open themselves up to be called out as elitists or fanboys. The OP had a valid point whether you agree or not is not the issue. If you disagree, say so and state a reason. On the forums you should not be attacked for objective criticism.
As for ability to mitigate the waypoint costs. Anyone can do it by limiting usage or farming. The costs are too high if you need to do that. As for the lazy comment. Not wanting to grind doesn’t make a person lazy. This is supposed to be fun, not a chore. If I want to do a chore I’ll mow my lawn. GW2 game controls are often to tight and it makes the game unfun. (not undoable, I said unfun)
When you start throwing around statements like they don’t want to use their brains or They aren’t playing right or like you said lazy then you should take no offense with being called a fanboy, a troll, or an elitist.
(edited by SHM.7628)
My biggest complaint is that the prices are unbalanced. I can go across that map for almost the same cost as going across a single zone. And it should NEVER cost money to TP after a death, repair costs are enough.
And it should NEVER cost money to TP after a death, repair costs are enough.
That’s a different issue that had already been done to death pre-launch. Personally, I think the death penalties in GW2 are just about right, but other people’s mileages vary.
Waypoints to main cities should be free too. (it would save a LOT of useless loading screens, if you know what i mean …)
Bet they do something like this soon (imagine the outcry if you had to pay to…). I reckon the ability to hearthstone to your home instance is more likely though, since that might fit well with other ideas for making those a more important part of the game.
I agree about the waypoint costs being too high.
Aside from the other points made it also:
1. Encourages farming in a single location
2. Punishes people for making the world their play-ground.
3. Undermines the convenience provided by the system
The higher-level you are…the dummer it gets.
This stance might have been justifiable when you didn’t want to have repair-bills but now that we have both….waypoint costs need to come down.
Easy fix: When you get map completion the waypoints for that map are half price.
I think the costs of the wp are there to deter you from just popping in and out willy nilly. you have to remember one of their objectives or something is to get the player to enjoy his environment. The presence of wp costs limits the player’s ability to jump in and out and miss out on all the content that he can get along the way when walking (DE, hearts, gathering nodes, etc). i’m thinking if they had their own way, there’d only be 1 WP in every map, but ofc this will infuriate and inconvenience players alot.
IMO, it only becomes expensive when you port willy-nilly even within a map. WP costs merely serve as a way for you to think first before porting, thinking of the most effective route for your goal for the day.
Making teleporting cheaper would ultimately remove the consequences which breaks the spirit of an adventure game. This is not Portal and reaching areas should not be instantaneous without some kind of cost imo. Think before you mindless teleport and evaluate what you must do to keep your gold up.
The problem is that nearly every other game out there gives you easier / more efficient travel options as a perk of being high level. It makes little sense to effectively punish players at higher levels, and it does absolutely nothing to urge one towards map completion in any sense.
It’s not some sort of game breaker, but it isn’t particularly helpful either.
Making teleporting cheaper would ultimately remove the consequences which breaks the spirit of an adventure game.
Like it did in GW 1? Oh wait, you could teleport to anywhere on the map for free that you previously opened up. The world didn’t end. The game was better for it and this one would be too.
Perhaps they should simply make zone=>zone teleports cost a higher amount and intrazone teleports rather inexpensive (like less than 50c or so each).
I wouldn’t mind if it still cost me 4 or 5s to get from Cursed Shore to Frostgorge if, once I’m in Frostgorge, I could get around the map without spending another 5 or more silver on waypoints.
Perhaps they should simply make zone=>zone teleports cost a higher amount and intrazone teleports rather inexpensive (like less than 50c or so each).
I wouldn’t mind if it still cost me 4 or 5s to get from Cursed Shore to Frostgorge if, once I’m in Frostgorge, I could get around the map without spending another 5 or more silver on waypoints.
I think a better idea would be to have a few more Asura Gates. For instance I have no problem going to somewhere like Ebonhawke, since you can take the gate from Divinity’s Reach.
I mean, for goodness sake, I can die standing on a waypoint and it will cost me around 1.5s at a minimum to teleport to the waypoint I AM STANDING ON.
As I said in my previous post, this is pretty much the source of the “problem”. Remove that initial cost. Teleporting to the waypoint I’m standing on should cost NOTHING. Then keep the actual increase with distance. Prices would then be “fair”.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
The highest price of a teleport I’ve seen is about 3 silver. That’s less than the reward for doing the daily events and can be covered by doing 3 dynamic events.
I only use it when I’m going somewhere I have something to do. Just be smart about when and where you use it and you’ll do fine. Also, remember teleports within major cities and the Asura gates are always free.
Making teleporting cheaper would ultimately remove the consequences which breaks the spirit of an adventure game. This is not Portal and reaching areas should not be instantaneous without some kind of cost imo. Think before you mindless teleport and evaluate what you must do to keep your gold up.
I’ve seen this before. Fact is, unless you remove WP’s altogether (or make them only affordable for the rich farmers and traders), people that want to WP around are going to, regardless if a anyone (including Anet) feels it breaks the adventure aspect. If anything, having those WP’s actually encourages people to find them initially.
I for one continue to agree it actually punishes the casual player that wants to get their dailies and log, or that wants to run with a friend who’s pretty far off from them. It also deeply impacts people that are focused on crafting and are not selling anything but junk to a vendor. There are a lot of different goals people have, some change daily, so experiences will differ greatly. I had no issue with WP’s till I completed all the areas and hit 80, now it’s just overhead i have to take into account depending on what activity I’m interested in doing. It’s simply a gold sink that would be best removed from the game, IMO. And I’m not poor or hurting to scrape up silver to use em.
The highest price of a teleport I’ve seen is about 3 silver. That’s less than the reward for doing the daily events and can be covered by doing 3 dynamic events.
I only use it when I’m going somewhere I have something to do. Just be smart about when and where you use it and you’ll do fine. Also, remember teleports within major cities and the Asura gates are always free.
You are apparently not level 80 then – or haven’t traveled to or between different sides of the game world. I’m in Malchor’s Leap right now and it would cost my level 80 4.5 silver to get to CoF – it’s over 5 if I’m in Cursed shore.
2 level 80 chars here and I can honestly say I don’t even notice the teleport costs either. I mean, seriously, three weapon drops and you’ve already covered the trip there (assuming you’re going there for a reason and not to just do one heart, who the heck does that). Heck I’ve teleported somewhere, forgot I needed to do something in Lion’s Arch, teleported back, then teleported back to where I was and I still don’t even notice the teleport costs.
I sell all craft mats I pick up, all runes I’m not using, all sigils I’m not using, I check what the TP price is on any weapon I’ve picked up before I sell it at vendor to make sure I’m not missing out on a nice chunk. Sometimes at vendor the weapon will sell for 1s98c, I check TP and lowest BUYER is buying at ~11s.
I would say OP is complaining for the sake of complaining, or is terrible at money management which is a whole other problem.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
My biggest complaint is that the prices are unbalanced. I can go across that map for almost the same cost as going across a single zone. And it should NEVER cost money to TP after a death, repair costs are enough.
I’m ok with the nearest waypoint being free of cost if you’re dead.
You are apparently not level 80 then – or haven’t traveled to or between different sides of the game world. I’m in Malchor’s Leap right now and it would cost my level 80 4.5 silver to get to CoF – it’s over 5 if I’m in Cursed shore.
You could sell three of those Orichalcum ore you picked up to cover the cost with some left over. That is you you spend the three seconds it takes to mine the node. If not then you deserve to run out of money and be stuck out in the middle of nowhere.
I travel all over using waypoints, I would bet I spend about 30 silver a night on my Ranger. I also die a lot in WvW so that’s money going out for repair cost. I still have money coming in faster then it’s going out. All I do is sell Orichalcum ore, Ancient Wood and Omnomberries. I’m at 14 gold and climbing. If you ask me, this renders anyone that has a level 80 argument invalide. Just think, if I had two level 80’s then I could DOUBLE my income from these three gathering items.
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
(edited by krojack.4920)
Killing random creatures with peach tarts (+30% gold from enemies), I get more than the 3 silver it takes me to port to the farthest places in just a few enemies for the most part.
I understand the wps can promote bypassing content, but at the same time you’re basically saying it’s ok for Anet to toll you heavily for wanting to play the parts of the game that appeal most to you.
And it’s not like waypoints are exactly always active, and I think if you’ve been in any part of Orr you know what I mean… So it’s not necessarily a guarantee that you can wp to exactly where you want to go or be near.
My biggest complaint is that the prices are unbalanced. I can go across that map for almost the same cost as going across a single zone. And it should NEVER cost money to TP after a death, repair costs are enough.
I’m ok with the nearest waypoint being free of cost if you’re dead.
You are apparently not level 80 then – or haven’t traveled to or between different sides of the game world. I’m in Malchor’s Leap right now and it would cost my level 80 4.5 silver to get to CoF – it’s over 5 if I’m in Cursed shore.
You could sell three of those Orichalcum ore you picked up to cover the cost with some left over. That is you you spend the three seconds it takes to mine the node. If not then you deserve to run out of money and be stuck out in the middle of nowhere.
I travel all over using waypoints, I would bet I spend about 30 silver a night on my Ranger. I also die a lot in WvW so that’s money going out for repair cost. I still have money coming in faster then it’s going out. All I do is sell Orichalcum ore, Ancient Wood and Omnomberries. I’m at 14 gold and climbing. If you ask me, this renders anyone that has a level 80 argument invalide. Just think, if I had two level 80’s then I could DOUBLE my income from these three gathering items.
It’s not a matter of being able to afford it or not – it’s about it being an unnecessary tax on players.
Why are you attacking the devs about this… This is all Asuran technology they control the prices…. I say this is Price Fixing. I trust an asuran like I trust my cat while I am walking down the stairs at night.
Don’t like the pricing of the Waypoints, then run!
“1 teleport is the equivalent of a single piece of orichalcum ore.”
According to http://gw2craftmap.bteamgaming.com/ there are on average 19 orichalcum ore nodes in the world.
You only need to waypoint twice. For that distance it is almost 5 silver and the ones in orr dont need waypoints (start at the right and work your way to the left). At the most, youll spend 10 silver gathering the 19 nodes.
According to http://www.gw2db.com/items/654-orichalcum-ore , the ore sells for at least 3 silver each.
19 * 3 = 57 silver minus (max travel cost —> 10 silver) = 47 silver profit for little work. Plus, while you are in the areas that have orichalcum ore nodes you can do a few events and gain high worth items, karma, and exp.
Stop doing events in areas less than lvl 60 if you are so concerned about waypoint costs at lvl 80.