Why... Just why?

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


At least I type the truth.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Temp content is a great test for what works and what doesn’t. Those things can be applied to the core game.

That’s great and all except all of the great new content they’ve added in the last couple of months has been temporary. I’m all for adding new great things and testing the waters, but if nothing ever comes from it, what’s the point?

SAB, this new dungeon, the new weapon skins. All gone after a week and a half from now. Why? That is so counter productive and they just go “here’s this awesome stuff but yeah it’s gone in 2 weeks”.

People are leaving the game in droves because of everything only being available from Black Lion chests and all of the content being removed after a week.

This temporary stuff and stuff only available from gambling doesn’t create compelling gameplay or interest in the game – quite the opposite.

I was sympathetic with you, until you said people are leaving the game in droves. Don’t make up stuff to try to prove a point, because it doesn’t work. The traffic today is mad busy. That doesn’t equate to people leaving the game in droves.

If you have no evidence to back up a statement, why make the statement.

I do have evidence. Around 50 people I know, family and friends, have quit and gone to other games. And I’m not the only one who knows so many people are leaving the game. And yeah people may come back for events but I was in Vent tonight with people who once they did the dungeon said “Welp, seeya when the new update comes around.”

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


People are leaving the game in droves because of everything only being available from Black Lion chests and all of the content being removed after a week.

Unfounded doomcrying is constructive conversation too! Who knew?

Not saying the game is dying or that I’m threatening to quit. I know of many people who are currently playing other games and haven’t touched this game because of the way Anet is handling it. More of my friends are playing WoW / GW1 now than they are playing this.

Mind you the “droves” I’m speaking of are people I’ve seen quit the game. Family, friends, guildies who hang around and play other games (I run a multi-game community with several hundred members, by the way) are all leaving this game to find better ones that don’t do what Anet is currently doing.

Rather than pick 1 line of my entire thread that I chose poor words for and try to rustle my jimmies, why not actually address points made?

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I agree with you OP but guess what.. Anet just wants to line there pockets with as much money as they can. I did over 150 BL chests not one skin. That is when i said F this no more money to anet ever. Myabe if NCSoft gets away from them they will come back into the light. ATM Anet is moving to the dark side. Also watch how they will say something about how they have to make money somehow.. BUT have you noticed everything that is new has been put into the gem market lately…. o except fused gaunts.. OPS other than that the new skins/fused weps/backpacks everything is on the stupid gem store. IT is as if this game was Korean based or some crap..

The new guild skins and the new SAB skins weren’t in the market. And skins were ALWAYS fair game for the marketplace, because they’re just skins. They don’t make you more powerful. They don’t destroy the balance of the game.

Have you seen the threads that have asked for more choice of weapon skins in the gem store? What those people don’t count?

People are asking for stuff, Anet is delivering stuff and some people still complain.

And if you really want, you can go farm gold and get the stuff in the gem store with gold, something you can’t do in most games.

I think it’s great that this game allows you to convert in-game currency into the RMT currency. I’m not saying the system as a whole is flawed, I’m saying that RNG and lottery boxes are wrong.

I’m perfectly fine with them adding crap to the gem store so long as it’s able to be purchased by itself. Look at the threads where people are complaining about the Fused Weapon skins being from BLC. I bet you find more of those than people going “I love buying gems and hoping to get something for my ca$h!”

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I do have evidence. Around 50 people I know, family and friends, have quit and gone to other games. And I’m not the only one who knows so many people are leaving the game. And yeah people may come back for events but I was in Vent tonight with people who once they did the dungeon said “Welp, seeya when the new update comes around.”

I’m pretty sure 50 people is only about 1/3 of a drove.

Every time I kill a zone boss, I see at least half a drove of toons there, so my experience directly contradicts your experience.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I think it’s great that this game allows you to convert in-game currency into the RMT currency. I’m not saying the system as a whole is flawed, I’m saying that RNG and lottery boxes are wrong.

I’m perfectly fine with them adding crap to the gem store so long as it’s able to be purchased by itself. Look at the threads where people are complaining about the Fused Weapon skins being from BLC. I bet you find more of those than people going “I love buying gems and hoping to get something for my ca$h!”

They put in directly purchasable skins during the Wintersday event and while I was playing other games during that time, I hear they were not very popular.

They put stuff in RNG boxes during the Halloween event and in the last couple of months and sold so many keys that Anet could buy a mountain of kittens.

A business does not exist to follow the whims of a single individual. When a million or so people say in very distinct ways “this is what we want!” then the business had better give it to them. People WANT the lottery boxes. People want them here, they want them in SWTOR, they want them in other games.

Anet knows they want them because they know exactly how many keys they’ve sold over a certain period if time, and how much that goes up when there’s a pink backpack or fiery sword to look for.

Within the last 24 hours Anet has also put several skins into the gem store for direct purchase. If everyone hates the RNG boxes, as people keep claiming, then they will abandon the search for fused weapon tickets and buy these skins in order to send a clear message to Anet that they want to buy the skins directly and are extremely upset that they are being forced to play RNG instead.

You know, like they did with the weapon skins during Wintersday.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I do have evidence. Around 50 people I know, family and friends, have quit and gone to other games. And I’m not the only one who knows so many people are leaving the game. And yeah people may come back for events but I was in Vent tonight with people who once they did the dungeon said “Welp, seeya when the new update comes around.”

I’m pretty sure 50 people is only about 1/3 of a drove.

Every time I kill a zone boss, I see at least half a drove of toons there, so my experience directly contradicts your experience.

Cool. Like I said, nitpick all you want and play your little game while avoiding my valid points because I chose a poor word to describe the situation.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I think it’s great that this game allows you to convert in-game currency into the RMT currency. I’m not saying the system as a whole is flawed, I’m saying that RNG and lottery boxes are wrong.

I’m perfectly fine with them adding crap to the gem store so long as it’s able to be purchased by itself. Look at the threads where people are complaining about the Fused Weapon skins being from BLC. I bet you find more of those than people going “I love buying gems and hoping to get something for my ca$h!”

They put in directly purchasable skins during the Wintersday event and while I was playing other games during that time, I hear they were not very popular.

They put stuff in RNG boxes during the Halloween event and in the last couple of months and sold so many keys that Anet could buy a mountain of kittens.

A business does not exist to follow the whims of a single individual. When a million or so people say in very distinct ways “this is what we want!” then the business had better give it to them. People WANT the lottery boxes. People want them here, they want them in SWTOR, they want them in other games.

Anet knows they want them because they know exactly how many keys they’ve sold over a certain period if time, and how much that goes up when there’s a pink backpack or fiery sword to look for.

Within the last 24 hours Anet has also put several skins into the gem store for direct purchase. If everyone hates the RNG boxes, as people keep claiming, then they will abandon the search for fused weapon tickets and buy these skins in order to send a clear message to Anet that they want to buy the skins directly and are extremely upset that they are being forced to play RNG instead.

You know, like they did with the weapon skins during Wintersday.

Tell that to the threads of dozens of people on here saying they spend 300-400$ on gems per month and get kittenon by the RNG boxes demanding their money back.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Temp content is a great test for what works and what doesn’t. Those things can be applied to the core game.

That’s great and all except all of the great new content they’ve added in the last couple of months has been temporary. I’m all for adding new great things and testing the waters, but if nothing ever comes from it, what’s the point?

SAB, this new dungeon, the new weapon skins. All gone after a week and a half from now. Why? That is so counter productive and they just go “here’s this awesome stuff but yeah it’s gone in 2 weeks”.

People are leaving the game in droves because of everything only being available from Black Lion chests and all of the content being removed after a week.

This temporary stuff and stuff only available from gambling doesn’t create compelling gameplay or interest in the game – quite the opposite.

I was sympathetic with you, until you said people are leaving the game in droves. Don’t make up stuff to try to prove a point, because it doesn’t work. The traffic today is mad busy. That doesn’t equate to people leaving the game in droves.

If you have no evidence to back up a statement, why make the statement.

I do have evidence. Around 50 people I know, family and friends, have quit and gone to other games. And I’m not the only one who knows so many people are leaving the game. And yeah people may come back for events but I was in Vent tonight with people who once they did the dungeon said “Welp, seeya when the new update comes around.”

If that’s the case, then they haven’t left the game. They’re still playing. I mean I used to play baseball, and in the winter, I stopped. Did that mean I no longer played baseball? Of course not.

I know people who have left too, but even more who have started. Furthermore, a lot of people left specifically because ascended items were added to the game. Well guess what? Those people aren’t going to leave AGAIN. That was the biggest drop in population having to do with people who felt let down that vertical progression was added to the game.

By my observations, just as valid as yours, the population of the game has been growing since just before Christmas.

I mean, I don’t have any more evidence than you do, but we do know for a fact that Anet had to increase the server size to deal with the influx of people.

So yeah what you have is not proof. It’s just an observation, based on personal experience. It’s anecdotal evidence which is never accepted as truth by anyone except the person who says they’ve experienced it.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Tell that to the threads of dozens of people on here saying they spend 300-400$ on gems per month and get kittenon by the RNG boxes demanding their money back.

How about the millions who spend billions on lottery tickets every month?

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Cool. Like I said, nitpick all you want and play your little game while avoiding my valid points because I chose a poor word to describe the situation.

LOL I’m not nitpicking. I think posts like yours are fun. Everyone should learn to laugh at themselves once in a while, and when I see someone who can’t do that, I laugh at him because he can’t. You’re welcome.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Cool. Like I said, nitpick all you want and play your little game while avoiding my valid points because I chose a poor word to describe the situation.

LOL I’m not nitpicking. I think posts like yours are fun. Everyone should learn to laugh at themselves once in a while, and when I see someone who can’t do that, I laugh at him because he can’t. You’re welcome.

I am more than able to laugh at myself when I’ve said something kitten But using a word that then becomes fuel for people that don’t have any other basis to discuss their views with, it gets a bit old.

In this case I used the word droves to describe how many people I know / have known who have left this game without any intent on returning. Does that mean they will never load the game back up? Who knows. Most of my friends used to “quit WoW” and come back within 3 months. But when I quit the game a few years ago I said I was going to quit and haven’t played it since.

It’s obviously a different scenario but I think you can -hopefully- see what I mean.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


It’s obviously a different scenario but I think you can -hopefully- see what I mean.

Explanation isn’t necessary. But don’t expect me to take a single word you posted seriously.

Anet has access to far more data about the game and its players than we do. You’re lighting a match in a huge, dark room and saying “there’s nothing here, I can see that because I have this match.” Anet has night vision goggles, and is watching everyone in the room standing beyond your tiny circle of light.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Cool. Like I said, nitpick all you want and play your little game while avoiding my valid points because I chose a poor word to describe the situation.

LOL I’m not nitpicking. I think posts like yours are fun. Everyone should learn to laugh at themselves once in a while, and when I see someone who can’t do that, I laugh at him because he can’t. You’re welcome.

I am more than able to laugh at myself when I’ve said something kitten But using a word that then becomes fuel for people that don’t have any other basis to discuss their views with, it gets a bit old.

In this case I used the word droves to describe how many people I know / have known who have left this game without any intent on returning. Does that mean they will never load the game back up? Who knows. Most of my friends used to “quit WoW” and come back within 3 months. But when I quit the game a few years ago I said I was going to quit and haven’t played it since.

It’s obviously a different scenario but I think you can -hopefully- see what I mean.

It’s still not evidence. We have quite a few people who gave up the game after it launched and have returned now full time. They never thought they would.

There’s a guy who posted on these forums who tried it twice, went back to WoW, loaded up to delete it, and now he’s playing it full time.

What you think you know…you don’t know. And I don’t either. No one knows….except Anet.

Which is why you shouldn’t make things up. If you don’t know that’s okay. But don’t pretend you do.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


It’s still not evidence. We have quite a few people who gave up the game after it launched and have returned now full time. They never thought they would.

I quit playing around Lost Shores. Came back just before Living Story. The game is built so that people can drop in and out at will, without falling behind. The only thing you miss is the ability to experience temporary content, like the Mad King and Wintersday, but even then most of these events will return in some form or another.

The problem isn’t the game, or even the people playing it. It’s the expectations that people bring with them from other MMOs. The ones that are designed to mess with people’s heads to the point where they cannot separate their own lives from the game. They feel compelled to play every day, to conquer every tier of raid, to rush to “endgame” with every character, etc. and then expect that this is normal and that everyone else does the same thing.

I play games to pass the time. Neverwinter Nights, Rift, Guildwars 2, Dragon Age, Skyrim, it’s all the same to me, if I stop having fun I play something else for a while. The problems start when you connect the progress of your character with your own personal growth. When missing a daily is like taking a day off work.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


don’t expect me to take a single word you posted seriously.

Sounds good. I’ll continue to disregard everything you say as well. Thanks for posting.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


In that case, you’re awesome! I aspire to be just like you.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uruz Six.6594

Uruz Six.6594

Rather than pick 1 line of my entire thread that I chose poor words for and try to rustle my jimmies, why not actually address points made?

Because on one hand you’re doomcrying and applauding hyperbole while on the other crying about ‘constructive conversations’ when called out on it. Really funny how that works.

There’s no need to address points when you’re actively trying to jimmie rustle and stir up drama. I’ll be over in the gallery with tolunart.

Skoryy, sylvari thief: “Act now, figure out ‘with wisdom’ later.”
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: callidus.7085


Why does the dungeon need to be temporary?

Because it is part of a “living story”, much like real life, when you destroy/change part of the world it stays changed. Well at least in a small way in game.. Temp content is a great test for what works and what doesn’t. Those things can be applied to the core game.

So, although I’d love to see the dungeon added permanently, it could be considered odd because at some point we defeat the molten alliance. What could be done to reconcile this is to add this dungeon as a fractal. In fact, add all living story dungeons as fractals. This keeps content that they create in the game and prevents it from being “wasted” and also keeps things in-line with the “living story” thing. Not too sure if this dungeon would be too long to be added as a fractal or not, I did it with 4 people so maybe it took longer than it should have, but other than that I think adding this as a fractal would be a great solution.

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Why... Just why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


don’t expect me to take a single word you posted seriously.

Sounds good. I’ll continue to disregard everything you say as well. Thanks for posting.

Came around to trolling your own thread G G.