There’s a common theme with GW2’s content, that I hope will be fixed in Path of Fire, but highly doubt: The content doesn’t last long enough. It’s clear that people are left to farm a few achievements for a number score, with no real rewards for doing so. I’m bringing this up, because I care about the game, but I find myself losing interest quite a lot of the time, particularly 3-4 days after the release of a Living World patch.
In its current format, the Living World doesn’t work. It provides a 2 hour story per episode, and a map that you enjoy for 1-2 days, and then, you rarely ever go back, unless you need an achievement here and there.
Something needs to change, and I have a few suggestions, that are listed below:
Map Meta Events
The best Map Meta in the game, IMO, is The Silverwastes. It’s a huge battle against a massive threat, and everything is thrown into it, and it thematically fits the tone of Heart of Thorns. However, it also serves a greater purpose, as it feels like a self-contained story without the instances. We’re pulled away from being a Commander, and we’re just another person fighting with others against an enemy that keeps coming.
My question is: Why aren’t other Map Meta Events this well-designed? Especially for the Living World, where narrative is particularly important, we need content that matches the tone of the story. A good example is Head Of The Snake. The Map Meta is entirely forgettable, as it includes a few kill events, with no end goal. Lake Doric was meant to be a battlefield, and while the zone felt like a dark war, the Map Meta didn’t reflect the hardship, and didn’t feel challenging in any way. It’s simply: ‘Go to point X, capture it, leather farm.’
To fix Lake Doric, in hindsight, it would’ve been better to start with an attack on Seraph’s Landing, and branch out from the base camp, towards Fort Evennia, and then raze the Fort to the ground and kill a White Mantle Commander, in a self contained, challenging boss fight. I know this sounds easier said than done, but it’d be better to have 3-4 maps that are well-designed and thought-out, than 6-8 hollow maps with nothing to give after the story’s over, other than achievements with no rewards.
The other major aspect of why content isn’t lasting is the Rewards, and there’s an easy way to fix this: Stop putting the Black Lion Weapons in the Gem Store, and add them to the Living World Maps, to be bought with map currency. Charging people 2 Black Lion Claim Tickets for a single weapon is ridiculous, and doesn’t help a game in any way. If people feel compelled to return to the maps, to play the content, and earn worthwhile rewards, people will advertise your game as being fun. Given that Anet wants word of mouth marketing/advertising, they really aren’t helping themselves by putting the rewards that belong in the maps, on the Gem Store.
Weapon skins, armour skins, glider skins, etc. all belong in the maps and away from the Gem Store. If this requires us to pay a bit more for Gem Store items, I think it wouldn’t be that bad. The fact is: You can put Black Lion Weapons on the Gem Store, but there needs to be a set for each new map, to keep the maps populated, alongside having well-made maps and meta events.
I’m sure that people will agree and disagree with my opinion. I’ve learnt to just accept that fact. But it’s very clear that people are getting bored of the content very quickly, leading them to not advertise the game as being fun, but instead, being very dull and repetitive. It often feels to me that there’s no love in the maps, but they’re just being made because the story needs a map. If we have 2-3 large maps, that get unlocked in stages over time, I think that’d be a better design than the current system where it feels like the map is there to serve a story backdrop and nothing more.
I’d love to hear what you all think! Let the Hunger Games begin! <3