Why The Disdain When Offering Services?
People will yell random accusations at you in map chat for saying anything at all. If this is something you’re interested in doing, keep it up. Build a reputation for yourself. Don’t let the trollnut gallery get to you.
Yeah, I pretty much got tired of the…juvenile behavior in map chat I usually encountered, so I keep it turned off for 90% of the time now.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
This is a scam for sympathy
(edited by echo.2053)
Offer your services in LFG instead. Most of the people who post in map chat are juvenile. If you post in LFG the only people who contact you will be the ones who are actually interested in your services.
It seems fine to me, I’m honestly surprised to see that people are hounding you about it. Gw2 is among the better communities I’ve been a part of (given the rest of the internet I suppose that’s not saying much).
Well our community is one that goes both ways.
Offer your services in LFG instead. Most of the people who post in map chat are juvenile. If you post in LFG the only people who contact you will be the ones who are actually interested in your services.
Don’t do this if you’re charging for the service. You’ll get reported for LFG Abuse.
I tried offering services in map chat. The venomous disdain for doing so was ridiculous. People immediately called it a scam. Let me tell you the things I offered.
I offered a tour of places you cant go to even with 100 percent map completion. I would be the tour guide and show you some of the places I discovered. People instant yelled SCAM!….
I would like to charge for Jumping Puzzle Achievements Too(charge or tips) but sometimes peple act weird if i say “tips are appreciated”
So people cry scam when another player wants to make money off another player for reasonable services, but they are completely content on anet farming them with rng loot, trash loot, gemstore items, etc.?
I find it strange honestly
It’s not that strange. Veterans have seen a ton of scammers. Trolls like to stir things up (and get reactions from anyone posting anything). And, I’m afraid, there are people who think it’s morally wrong to accept tips (never mind ask for them) for services — they think that we should all just help each other out of the goodness of our hearts — it’s a noble sentiment, of course; I don’t think it should be imposed on others.
Anyhow, I recommend keeping your adverts brief and mention costs or tips after people make contact with you. Ignore trolls and those who want to impose their values on you.