Why all the complaints?
People who don’t even play the game anymore can visit the forum and write whatever they want, and there is often a vocal minority who visit the forums and complain about things, making it look like more bad things in the game than good.
But honestly, there is a lot of wrong with this game and it’s soul compared to original Guild Wars. They have gone far, far, far away from the way original Guild Wars worked. It was loved, and people feel sad how big of a change Guild Wars 2 is. Like the added content to the gem store 24/7 and how original Guild Wars had gained a lot more content in year with Cantha release compared to Guild Wars 2 year one.
because we played GW1 and this fails to live up to it in almost every way
What’s even funnier is the fact that you have people that complain about not enough content or the same old content, but then you see people complaining about the temporary content, fully knowing that if the temporary content was permanent content, it would be empty after a month anyway, and people would still be complaining about lack of content or the same-old content.
The only thing worse is posts that complain about complainers. The majority of the forums is discussion and not complaints. But when you make posts complaining about complainers it gives off the appearance that things are worse then they really are. So, if you’re worried about influencing new players, you are certainly not helping.
Complaints means that people care about the game and want it to improve in every way, shape and form. If there are no complaints then that’s saying a game never needs to improve, which sends the wrong message because every game can improve in something.
Also, there are many things to complain about in GW2 :-P
What you are seeing are many things:
1) The nature of official forums. I ask you to visit any game, no matter how popular. If they have an official forum, it nigh always slants towards negative and disappointed. That’s the nature of humans, I fear. If you are content with something, you tend to be silent. On top of that “official” tends to be interpreted as “developers are here, and I can yell at them here.”
2) Guild Wars 1 veteran players who bought in on promises made during development and before release, and are becoming increasingly upset as Arena.net has to cave on those promises to cater to the larger MMO market that rejects the ways Arena.net tried to be different. It’s no secret that “successful” MMOs tend to become the dreaded “WoW clone”; because that’s what players want.
3) Trolls. People who bought GW2, decided they liked previous games better, or have decided that games to come are going to be the next great thing, and want to paint GW2 in the worst possible light while trumping the virtues of the current “golden boy” of MMOs.
4) Bitter, spiteful people who want everything they want and nothing they don’t, no matter how stupid the idea is or how many others it would anger.
5) Emotionally invested players who feel that the game can/should improve, and want to offer their ideas… forcefully if need be. When those ideas aren’t heeded, they feel ignored rather than “whelp, I guess the developers don’t agree”… because if the developers had actually listened, they would have seen how incredibly awesome my ideas are. Because it certainly can’t be because my ideas are stupid or not feasible!
The complaints (for the most) are just being so many for one reason: people are disappointed. And due to disappointment, they find every little excuse to use it as a complaint, as if even an Asura’s line is the greatest issue in the world.
Some are very rightful though, like the complaints about Fractals rewards, dungeon owner leaves and whole team is kicked, kick system abuses, out of map cheats to sell dungeons…
Complaints means that people care about the game and want it to improve in every way, shape and form. If there are no complaints then that’s saying a game never needs to improve, which sends the wrong message because every game can improve in something.
Also, there are many things to complain about in GW2 :-P
Complaints don’t necessarily mean that people care about the game. I think we’ve all seen plenty of new starters commence the complaining on the forums not too long after their first log in. They don’t even know the game.
Here’s something many people don’t get. If there are many things to complain about then why even play. People don’t complain about things they like only things they don’t like, or that affect them adversely. People aren’t going to see that the many things are actually less than all the things a complainer will like, which is what keeps them playing. This is one of the things that makes a gaming forum a chaotic and argumentative (and fun!) place.
Not picking on you Zaoda, by the way. Just used your post as a springboard for my 2 coppers.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Bad Sequel dot com. It’s the same kitten engine, and they couldn’t even get the spectating mode right.
CasualCore gaming for CasualCore gamers. It’s so successful that there will never be another bold western mmo.
The game isn’t perfect, it’s far from it in many aspects. Withholding negative critique isn’t being polite, nor does it help improve things that are very much in need of fixes and attention.
People wouldn’t be giving critique if they didn’t like the game and want it to be better, they would just leave.
As much as complaining about asinine issues in games can be annoying, it’s a far cry from complaining that people don’t like something as much as one does or that they have a negative opinion of something one likes.
I’d say its because people take the good for granted?
Honestly, I just finished up a round of MMO hunting after I stopped playing mabinogi. I tried Aion, Tera Rising, Rift, Aura Kingdom, and Guild Wars 2. GW2 is the only one to keep me hooked. It does so many things right.
I find the personal story intriguing in that no matter how we start, we all end with the same idea of “saving the world from dragons.” That means I could make several characters and experience a somewhat different story each time.
I like the idea of events. In some cases, events DO change the world around us. If centaurs overrun a town, I won’t be able to use its waypoint or its stores or repair stations. I won’t even be able to walk in without being attacked by centaurs. I have to get rid of the centaurs first, and even that is an entire process or reclaiming the town.
The Living Story is a great idea. It’s just that, for a new player like me, I was really thrown off by it. I have no idea who Scarlet is, nor do I know what “Tengu” are. I feel like I’m missing so much lore, and I’m just fighting a giant puppet for no reason.
I wish the Personal story would incorporate the dungeons in them. I didn’t really know that I could enter dungeons until I hit level 50. And boy, those dungeons are so rewarding, yet so challenging. I like the fact that most of them can be done several ways. For example, today, I was doing CM p1, and we stealthed through a majority of the mobs, even though we could have killed them. It leaves a lot of room for choice.
WvW is amazing. At first, it looks like there is no tactic involved in zerging, and of course thats what people think if they aren’t in a guild. However, I am in a guild, listening to my commander on Mumble, and “zerging” actually does require a lot of tactics, mainly playing with the opponents’ heads. Even people not listening to our chat can somewhat get an idea of our plans. I recall on numerous occasions my commander telling us to join the main zerg group, attack, then back off into the castle portal, move to the otherside of the castle, jump off the wall, and flank the attackers.
It’s no secret that “successful” MMOs tend to become the dreaded “WoW clone”; because that’s what players want.
This is a false presumption that many people are making.
I think the biggest issue with the game was the introduction of Vertical Progression, which directly went against the manifesto.
LoL, DOTA 2, GW1, DAY Z and TF2 (currently 10 x more popular than Planteside 2, even after over 6 years.) are just some of many incredibly popular games, that prove that Vertical Progression in a game is not necessary to keep it alive.
Anet simply caved into the WoW/doom and gloom crowd and have really ticked off a lot of players.
(edited by hellsmachine.4085)
fanboys to other games that’s why.
I am gonna try to keep logical, if i offend anyone i appologize in advance.
1. Fotm after revamp is completely broken. Dredge Map on the higher fotm lvls is BROKEN, requires a very well coordinated team.
Want to do FOTM lvl 50? It requires you to be almost fully ascended, unless u have grinded 512+ dungeon instances to get your AR infusions to +10 multipul times so u can socket your pretty ascended items to +10AR.
2. The entire clothe economy starting with Linen. Name another MMO, or any MMO where T4 mats are the most expensive. You cant, because the price on linen is almost at 6s each as i write this with gosemere, the T6 mat being cheaper then Silk a T5, and Leather being completely useless.
3. Broken waypoints… I mean the Dev’s really put in waypoints so we can use them yet, they are always contested, requires you to run across half the map if you die, because you cant use a contested waypoint.
4. Karma…. The karma nerf is so bad, it hurts. Its totally not fair for the new player base, because they literally have to earn karma on a grind level to afford enough oby shards to get legendary. So if your not lucky to be a early adopter in the game and have millions of karma stored up, its a very long progressive grind.
5. The Gem Store… im not gonna go keep into this, but the Gem store lately has been very disappointing starting with the watch work pick vs the molten pick fiasco Anet decided to do. Yes i do admit a sproket wont break the game, however its really not fair for the people who bought the molten alliance pick to be told, tough luck, when they thought and bought there pick as being the best in class.
The flame Seekers Light armor was also a major disappointment.
We waited how long for a reskin of T4 with flaming effects? Im pretty sure a lot of people asked for refunds on that one after seeing the reskin.
6. Skipping / Stacking…. well we only do it because its the most efficient at times. How about the many crys for help to anet on fixing this so the rewards are worth it for us to kill stuff and not skip it?
And i do play this game.. i do my dailies, my dungeon runs, my karma grind as well.
I have 3 legendaries if you consider eternity as being 2. I am also at fotm LVL50, i have my full ascended, and well, that is how i and most of the other guys who complain about the game feels.
(edited by Naekuh.7925)
People post complaints because a a kitten of praise is ultimately a waste of time for the readers and pretty much useless info for the devs. As kittenome of these complaints can get, they are still in a sense suggestions on how to improve the game as well. Yes, it would be nice if more people understood how to give some positive feedback along with what they dislike, but sadly some people here lack that kind of writing comprehension.
Some people don’t like change, and refuse to accept that someone else vision doesn’t match theirs. This leads to refusal to accept things as they are, and just enjoy what is in front of them.
Because it’s easier for people to complain vehemently when they are sitting behind their computer monitors, safe from any real repercussions from their words.
It’s as much an internet thing as it is anything else.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’