White Ninja.
Why are hackers not getting a fine
White Ninja.
When they are caught their accounts are banned. Sounds like a good fine to me.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
ArenaNet forgot to change the batteries in the speed monitors.
There are no hackers in Gw2.
You have lagged.
Tao.5096 you sure?
Anyway, Anet BANS these players, I do not see if there could be any steeper fine…
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
There are no hackers in Gw2.
You have lagged.
I really hope you don’t believe that statement. Living under a rock is not a good thing.
WTB sarcasm font.
There are no hackers in Gw2.
You have lagged.
Ur kiddin 10/10
On topic: they get banned. Fines are generally difficult to pursue.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Really? Do you have any idea how overloaded our court system in the United States is
idiot things like this are why I am against this merger of the forums. Before the merge i could avoid this garbage that makes my eyes bleed from stupidity.
So you dont see what i am seeing.
Hackers sometimes destroy games and
so i dont like them because they hack accounts too.
no forum fail here sorry.
and getting banned isnt going to stop them
They are hackers.
So they need a fine like a speeding ticket.
White Ninja.
(edited by Jillis.9720)
and getting banned isnt going to stop them
they are hackers
so they need a fine like a speeding ticket
There’s really no mechanism for issuing a a “hacking ticket.” I mean, maybe Anet could sue for breach of contract somehow, for breaking the user agreement, but user agreements typically aren’t solid contracts, they’d have a terrible trouble proving significant damages, the legal costs would be enormous, and it would generate tons of bad press.
There are laws for criminal hacking and computer fraud, but those are unlikely to apply in many cases here, and would be prohibitively expensive to investigate and enforce. The worst Anet can do in most cases is to terminate an account and ask you to stay out, because anything else is either prohibitively expensive or legally unenforceable.*
*I am not a lawyer.
So you dont see what i am seeing.
Hackers sometimes destroy games and
so i dont like them because they hack accounts too.
no forum fail here sorry.
and getting banned isnt going to stop them
They are hackers.
So they need a fine like a speeding ticket.
Can’t be a fine in real life. Don’t ban them, embarrass them. Flag their characters with a cheater flag, and any legendaries, ascended, and exotic gear become junk. Knock their WvW level back to rank 0 (1?).
If they enter WvW after the penalty, have them do half their usual damage and only get half (rounded down) supply. Have these penalties run for a year.
If they get caught a second time, then ban.
They aren’t “fined” because Anet didn’t specify in the rules that if you break the rules you have to give them money. I would bet that companies don’t specify this type of thing because it is very difficult to uphold. If customers refused to pay the fines, you would have to sue them and that costs money.
What companies can do to punish you is refuse to let you use their services.
There was a game, where they put all cheaters on one separate server.
I would do the same.
They wouldn’t queue and join instances with normal server players.
There was a game, where they put all cheaters on one separate server.
I would do the same.
They wouldn’t queue and join instances with normal server players.
Why reward cheaters by letting them continue playing? And even reward them with their own special server?
I just dont get hackers and why arent they getting fines like speed violations?
That would be impossible because Anet would have to work out something in each country the game is played and set up a fine for players that are caught hacking. Also the only way to fine a hacker is to make hacking Guild Wars 2 accounts against the law in every country the game is played in.
Not only that but if they did want to do this they don’t have to the money, resources and people to first track the IP address back to the country of origin, find the internet provider the IP address is coming from, contact the police in that country to have the internet provider hand over the account info of the person who the IP address is attach to, take the person to court to be found guilty of hacking the Guild Wars 2 account and be order to pay the fine.
I know its impossible for a net but its something to think about.
I think they are getting away with being just there to ruin your fun.
maybe something for in the future i dont know.
White Ninja.
So you dont see what i am seeing.
Hackers sometimes destroy games and
so i dont like them because they hack accounts too.
no forum fail here sorry.
and getting banned isnt going to stop them
They are hackers.
So they need a fine like a speeding ticket.
I would love to see how you propose Anet go about collecting a fine from players they have banned.
I know its impossible for a net but its something to think about.
I think they are getting away with being just there to ruin your fun.
maybe something for in the future i dont know.
Anet deals with hackers by banning their accounts. Then they aren’t there to ruin your fun anymore. Problem solved.
There are no hackers in Gw2.
You have lagged.I really hope you don’t believe that statement. Living under a rock is not a good thing.
O.o You’re not a hacker until you get caught…
When you get caught you get banned, so you’re no longer in the game.
So, the game doesn’t have hackers.
As to the OP question. They are getting a fine of $40-60 (or however much the game costs where ever you are) – having the game revoked. They would have to place another 40-60 on the line and start from scratch.
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
I’ve always had this idea about punishments for hacking. Essentially take away the ability to do w/e the hack affected.
If they hacked speed, ability to run is removed. Same with walking.
If they hacked skills, all skills are locked as though they were holding a bundle.
If they hack items or currency, they lose the ability to exchange.
Having something there but unable to use it can drive people nuts.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
There was a game, where they put all cheaters on one separate server.
I would do the same.
They wouldn’t queue and join instances with normal server players.Why reward cheaters by letting them continue playing? And even reward them with their own special server?
Because they still would bring money to Anet and would play separately from normal players without affecting their gameplay. =3=
I think outright banning is the way to go. Funny though ironic punishments can be (See: Game Dev Tycoon) it doesn’t seem worth the trouble here. Sorting people through a wide range of ironic punishments would be a hassle, and maintaining a “cheaters only” server, separate from the main server’s trading post, chat, etc., would be a big waste of resources I’d rather see spent on non-cheating players.
When it comes to dealing with hacks, which affect other players in an MMO, I’d rather Anet just stay serious without trying to get too cute about it.
So you dont see what i am seeing.
Hackers sometimes destroy games and
so i dont like them because they hack accounts too.
no forum fail here sorry.
and getting banned isnt going to stop them
They are hackers.
So they need a fine like a speeding ticket.
nah, less of a forum fail, more of a general education fail. Hint: Corporations are not public authorities… well, outside of cyberpunk settings, that is.
When they are caught their accounts are banned. Sounds like a good fine to me.
I used to blindly think that until I heard that a friend of a friend began botting, and after being banned by ArenaNet, complained to them, and got his account reinstated and a load of free Gems as a “we’re sorry for banning you” gift.
Needless to say all reports are he went back to botting.
Citation needed on this, I admit; it’s only word of mouth, but has certainly instilled a lot of doubts in my mind regarding ArenaNet’s handling of these kinds of players.