Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


In Guild Wars 1 infusion was simply something applied to your armor that helped you complete certain events. If we’re going to require more and more infused gear why not treat it the same way? You just go through a dungeon, get your gear infused, and then go and complete the events you want to complete with that gear. Why have things complicated with yet another tier of gear? Does anyone really want that?

Furthermore, what about the people who spent money on fine transmutation stones on the understanding that if we were transmuting exotic gear we wouldn’t be turning around and transmuting it again since exotic was the highest tier there was going to be?

(edited by Biscuithammer.8615)

Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


Money. ANet compromised on GW1’s design to try to appeal to a wider base of average MMORPG players. They went a bit too far and made the grind important, without fleshing out the parts of the game that made GW1 so appealing in the long-term. People started to leave the game because they ran out of grind (and the game didn’t have the GW1 style content that kept people in the game). Consequently, they’re using infusion as a new gating system to stretch out their (lack of) endgame content to create the illusion of progression. Basically, they’re banking on the “it’s not a big deal” reaction some players are having.

Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


Because guild wars 1 had horizontal progression. Now they are trying to introduce gear progression, so it can’t be as easy as getting an “ascended” tagged on your gear. It has to take time and you have to “work” for it. First you’ll have to get the no-infusion slot ring, then the mats for building the no-infusion slot back piece, then the infusion-slot ring, and then the infusion, etc….

They obviously weren’t planning for this from the beginning, but obviously something spooked them into turning around and heading in the other direction. Player drop off? Low sales? Forum QQ?

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talloc.6835


Infusion was a minor and ham-fisted plot device. There was no reason to turn it in to a core mechanic.

Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwalkernz.1328


I am wondering about this myself. Why make us to grind another set of gear for a dungeon?

If the infusion gear is worst than the exotic I am wearing then I will have to wasted 11 slots just to keep that infusion gears for the new dungeon.

If the infusion gear is better than the exotic then I wasted all my money in buying exotic gears and getting the skins I like.

Both is very stupid to me.

Why can't infusion gear work like it did in GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biscuithammer.8615


I am wondering about this myself. Why make us to grind another set of gear for a dungeon?

If the infusion gear is worst than the exotic I am wearing then I will have to wasted 11 slots just to keep that infusion gears for the new dungeon.

If the infusion gear is better than the exotic then I wasted all my money in buying exotic gears and getting the skins I like.

Both is very stupid to me.

I just don’t see any benefit to making content exclusive to a certain tier of gear. For example, I have a friend who doesn’t play quite as much as me, but we can still do a dungeons together since I scale to their level. Now there’s a whole set of dungeons that he won’t be able to do because of this mechanic since he doesn’t play enough to grind for exotics, let alone this ascended gear.