Why can't we comment on forum moderation?
Yes, it’s against the rules. And it’s against the rules on any major forum that I have ever been on.
I already had one of my posts deleted so I would only like to know if we are even alowed to talk about those things?
In short, no you can’t. This forum is to discuss the game and not the moderation staff.
They do give you an email address to send infraction appeals to but I imagine a great majority of them are blown off if they’re read at all.
It’s also worth mentioning that speaking in anything less than the most civil of tones, no matter the content of your post, will receive an infraction. Sarcasm too.
Just have to be careful about posting here and not sweat the infractions when you cross the line. I haven’t even TRIED to break any rules and I have a few. :P
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
The mods don’t even have any names ^^.
Never seen that before. Kinda cool really, then there’s
no sucking up. But really symke, it’s just one thread and chanes are
you wouldn’t have added anything to the conversation which a number of
other people wouldn’t have done already. Sorry to break it to you mate ^^.
Don’t worry either. There’s going to be plenty of the same posts/threads.
I am talking about discussion about the quality of their work. Discussion! Not “get the rope and let’s hang them” type of threads.
If mere discussion is not allowed than internet community does not deserve it’s freedom and transparency. “Freedom of speech” actually means something.
I know it’s “their” forum, but it’s not their space and they are expected to follow the basic rules of free and democratic society. And one of those is that opinions are ALWAYS allowed.
I agree that there ought to be some better ways for people to express
what they feel. At the same time however, I personally feel like the forums
are very clean. There’s not much spam, trolling or flaming and allowing people
to be more vocal about actions taken on behalf of the moderation staff, only
slows them down in their work. Therefore, unless it’s something you feel is
HIGHLY unjust, I don’t think it’s worth getting too fussed about what they do.
Maybe there ought to be a another subforum for Forum Suggestions, where people can discuss the efficacy of the moderators, as well as what they like/dislike about the
forum. Of course, there’s already a Suggestions forum, but that’s for GW2 stuff and I don’t think it would be smart to clog that up.
1) there is no such thing as freedom of speech on a privately owned forum. Ever.
2) Unfortunately, there is also no such thing as “discussions” on a forum when it comes to a thread about the mods. Sure, a thread may start out pretty decent. But 99 out of a 100 threads about moderation will violently explode with self-entitled trolls and whiners within 20-30 posts, depending on the size of the forum. Often sooner.
“I was wrongfully infracted!!1!”, “I am entitled to my opinion so let me give it however I wish!!!1!” and “Da modz suxxxx!!1!” posts pretty much always flood any decent, constructive posts. Which is why that rule is there in the first place.
Community Coordinator
Hello everybody,
as it has already been stated in the other thread, moderation has the intention of keeping these forums nice and friendly for users to post about relevant issues.
And your feedback is appreciated, of course.
However, this thread if off-topic and it will unfortunately be locked.
Thanks for understanding.