Why cap daily achiev at 10 per day?
It used to be that each gave one, and you could go past ten per day but it took a whole lot more work to get to ten.
The idea was to make it easier to get a decent amount of AP for the daily stuff, yet make it so people don’t feel compelled to spend all their time scraping for every point they can get.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Plus, the current system means you aren’t disadvantaged enormously by only playing a few hours/week. Previously, it took longer to get 5 AP (from dailies + monthlies) than it does now to get 10 AP (from dailies).
Unless you have every AP on offer now, you should have ways to earn much more than 10AP/day.
Also, we ‘casual’ players easily earn 10 AP/day, rather than half that amount before. And, if you are confused, no AP is awarded ‘just from logging in’. Items are, but not AP. You must do the Daily tasks to earn the 10 AP, (which can be much less time- and effort- consuming than before).
Good luck.
I too think that the daily cap of 10AP is worse than it was before. I enjoyed it how I always put in the effort to get the full 15 achievements from the daily so I earned more from that day than most other people. Now everyone gets at least 10 every single day which means I feel less competitive with others to beat them on AP. I am still an achievement hunter though and always get as many AP as I can however more of my time in game consists of running the same dungeons over and over instead of farming AP, which I enjoy more because it feels more rewarding in my opinion.
Also, has the daily/monthly cap on AP been combined yet/when will it be if it has been confirmed? Because I couldn’t find anything about it myself.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I too think that the daily cap of 10AP is worse than it was before. I enjoyed it how I always put in the effort to get the full 15 achievements from the daily so I earned more from that day than most other people. Now everyone gets at least 10 every single day which means I feel less competitive with others to beat them on AP. I am still an achievement hunter though and always get as many AP as I can however more of my time in game consists of running the same dungeons over and over instead of farming AP, which I enjoy more because it feels more rewarding in my opinion.
Also, has the daily/monthly cap on AP been combined yet/when will it be if it has been confirmed? Because I couldn’t find anything about it myself.
They combined daily/monthly cap, it’s now 15k
The new system is better imo. If u are low on AP then do the other time gated achis the vets did
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
The daily cap is a really good choice. Now, if only the change to actual dailies weren’t a downgrade compared to what was before…
Remember, remember, 15th of November
the only problem with the current daily cap is that if you would do ALL the dailies and ALL the monthlies you could get to cap quite fast, but now it will take you 1500 days. If the cap always stays were it is though, I don’t see a problem in it until the veery late stages in the game where people will no longer have 4 years of game’s lifespan to max that :P
I too think that the daily cap of 10AP is worse than it was before. I enjoyed it how I always put in the effort to get the full 15 achievements from the daily so I earned more from that day than most other people. Now everyone gets at least 10 every single day which means I feel less competitive with others to beat them on AP. I am still an achievement hunter though and always get as many AP as I can however more of my time in game consists of running the same dungeons over and over instead of farming AP, which I enjoy more because it feels more rewarding in my opinion.
I think that’s partly the point: it was unnecessarily competitive before, and primarily favored people who had more time to spend rather than people who were more skilled.