Why charr still getting 2-hand armor effort?
Couldn’t agree more. My character hasn’t changed looks in a year and a half because of these issues.
simple.. cause you dont got (visible) boobs and cause no dev can be bothered to put more then minimum effort into charr and asura armor. Remember.. you are 2nd class citizen of tyria… (and if charr\asura are not… then a-net clearly doesnt show it)
Poor Fluffy Sparkletoes. :c
She just wants armor that doesn’t cut into her skin or weigh 400 pounds. But she’s stuck wearing this suit until someone invents armor she can wear. ;__;
Problem is that male charr and female charr uses the same model when it comes to “designing” their armor. There are a few exceptions, but these exceptions seems more like bugs to me rather than actual intended designs. Now male charr has a more bulkier, more hunched appearance – resulting in that on females their weapons and backpacks floats in the air while charr males fits perfect.
I actually went and made a female human of my main’s class, gave her one of those lvl 20 scrolls and a bunch of skill scrolls. As I was running down the road and select “Retreat” I immediately quit and returned to my female charr main and then used the option to turn players character model appearance on Lowest. I still don’t have nice armor for my charr, but atleast I don’t have to get jealous looking at other players.
Anet needs to give females more TLC, I hate looking like a ball 90% of the all armor designs. PLEASE
They will never ever fix armor for charrs cus “not many playing that race”. Ofc not many playing charr cause their armor looks kitten. Ive already decided if they release new heavy class i will make human as i am sick of charr armors. And it seems it never change.
I have to agree that a lot of armor on charr (mainly the pants) doesn’t look good. The pants always look really inflated. However you can still make some cool armor sets, I like this one I made a lot.
And post pic from your back now.. Yeah thats the thing. Same goes with helms that doesnt cover neck, removes horns and hairs.
Yes Grok, male charrs have a “bit” more decent armor choices than female charrs as the armor gets refitted on a model that is closest to the male design than female. Even though female charrs are smaller in stature than the male, we are still handed the exact same “size” and “shape” than the male design . . . as I have said, there are a few exceptions, but those designs seem to wapp or bend wierdly where male is nice and round (radiant shoulder piece).
And scoobaniec, I am not complaining about clipping – I do not understand why players have such a huge issue about clipping. I just hate loosing my character shape and being turned into a ball. And yes, armor choices for Charrs are one of the biggest reasons they arn’t being played as much as other races, but yet I do see a lot of charrs still. But I can sure you that many of those charr haven’t bought gem store armor (except the popular one that was on gw2 from the very beginning) in quite a while or they haven’t at all. They most likely haven’t change their armor in over a year. I am sitting on 35 transmutation charges . . . I didn’t buy these.
As for the back pieces, they are a problem 95% of the time cause they are ridiculously high off their back. Female norn also has this problem, but it is so slight that hardly anyone sees the gap compared to the male norn. With female charr you can fit another back piece item behind the one already hovering off her back. Is it really such a hard thing to code that the items on her back just be a little closer? There are players that want to enjoy charrs, but this game is heavily cosmetic based and feeling that you are scraping the lowest of low can imagine that players migrate away from their charr. Players either deleted their charrs or they are sitting, waiting to receive good armor and be loved.
Here’s some back pictures. Slight clipping with the butt cape but it seems to clip on my human characters that have it too
There are two legging sets I’m using that look decent. The vigil heavy and the phalanx heavy. Everything else looks like apron. I’ll post an image later.
Rather than use helmets, I’ve been using the glowing eye masks, makes my charr warrior look even more berserk
As always, GW2 is yet another game that is anthropocentric, so all non-human (yes, norns and sylvari are just reskinned/blown up humans) get thrown out with little to no effort put into them and what makes them unique.
Here is what I mean by the shoulder pieces looks buggy to me and not as intended. The 1st two pictures are of female charr aetherblade mini (if you are wondering how I made my mini look so big? Answer: I used the princess doll tonic, it for some reason does that when I use those tonics) The mini is using Tier 3 cultural shoulder piece and it is perfectly round and full.
Now come to my female charr and the top side nearest to my back warps into her shoulder. This same effect happens with radiant armor shoulder piece. Now I wouldn’t have complained about it if it was just 1 armor out of many, but every smaller shoulder pieces has this warped design to it and all the big huge armor shoulders I disappear in. So that leave me with mostly 2 choices; Drown or look like I am in pain.
As you see, my charr is but gastly armored as I have stopped depressing myself when I go and search for new combos to try on her and just switched everyone elses character models to the super lowest.
For me the main problems with charrs are their idle/run animation and heavy chest(i think some of them are too skinny for a charr warrior compared to gauntlets and shoulders)/legs pieces, they should be redesigned (but not like the heavy chest piece from sorrow’s embrace). Im not even thinking about helms, just not using them.
And “little” offtop becasue we are in a thread about charrs so there is no reason to make another one especially when there is no charr section anymore :p
Idle animation for me should looks like something around 1st Grok Krog screen you know there should be more pride in it because now they are like “I’m tired and depressed pls kill me” they are not even looks like they are dangerous and ready to attack in every moment, just hunched and tired of life.
And ANET pls give us choice between run animation as it is now and the one used by charr NPC’s. It’s stupid (at least for me) that highly developed race is moving like an ordinary animal (and it’s only for player character so it’s double stupid, maybe not that bad for someone like ranger but for warrior in heavy armor with a greatsword on his back the level of stupidity is over 9000). Also can you imagine the hero of Tyria and a slayer of an elder dragon messing his hands in mud or dolyak sh** just becasuse he can’t use only his legs for running, not even saying about using mounts xD
Anyway propably no one in ANET cares about charrs (as it was said before), but maybe one day… so pls bump this thread from time to time, we (charrs) want to be heard!
And sorry for my engrish :P
(edited by Uciupuciu.8647)
Hey, we love Charr, don’t think anything different! (Just as we adore Asura. Preferably sauteed with a little white wine. Ok, ok, I kid! )
Have you folks posted in this thread? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Issues-with-character-art-weapons-or-armor-2/first
I’m not trying to brush off the concerns, but I believe that thread is tracked often and I’d like to make sure that the issues you’re experiencing are visible in a thread dedicated to general art issues of this sort. This forum, being GW2 discussion, isn’t really adapted to bug reports, but you’re welcome to continue the discussion if you desire.
I’ll see if there’s any update on the bug thread that we can provide.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I reported a charr armor bug yesterday through the in-game bug report. Is that enough, or does it need to be posted in that thread as well?
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
gaile… if you really do love charr\asura over at a-net… please tell your armor designers to add tail holes and horns to “charrmor” and fix that floating backpiece “issue”. Also the same for asuran ears. Its really mood draining to need to skip out on 80% of the helmets cause they take the horns away and having for example bottoms that look like this on charr:
while looking like this on humans :
Im sure its not easy to make armors for 5 races… but please dont forget that you got 5 races played by people who most likely wanna have pretty chars regardless of race and gender. Also many people do pay money for gems and eventually for skins (like i do) and its sorta sad if a gem store product that costs me equally as charr player is bout 50% worse in quality then it is on human models. Dont get me wrong.. this isnt a rant, its more of a… request, but please give all races\genders equal love at armors, cause afterall we all want to look good, its end game afterall.
When the footprints are still backwards after two years, even having been reported in that thread, it’s hard to imagine reporting more complicated bugs will do any good.
That one was supposed to be a prestige armor.. But find me a charr that would wear it. Its like a man without p… in pants
Hey, we love Charr, don’t think anything different! (Just as we adore Asura. Preferably sauteed with a little white wine. Ok, ok, I kid!
Have you folks posted in this thread? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Issues-with-character-art-weapons-or-armor-2/first
I’m not trying to brush off the concerns, but I believe that thread is tracked often and I’d like to make sure that the issues you’re experiencing are visible in a thread dedicated to general art issues of this sort. This forum, being GW2 discussion, isn’t really adapted to bug reports, but you’re welcome to continue the discussion if you desire.
I’ll see if there’s any update on the bug thread that we can provide.
I don’t mean to be rude Gaile, but that thread is constant complaining about how bad Charr armor is. How often do we need to parrot what was already said?
I reported a charr armor bug yesterday through the in-game bug report. Is that enough, or does it need to be posted in that thread as well?
In-game reports are read and used to check against existing bug reports in the system, so that’s good. Thanks for asking!
Basaltface — You are absolutely not ranting, and I admire the details. Thank you.
Scoobaniec — I see the point you’re making.
Ben — Oh I forgot the footprints! That’s Charr, yes?
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Some clipping is simply unavoidable. I can live with some minor clipping issues.
But if it’s too obvious aesthetically, if I can’t easily explain it away to myself, I just won’t like the thing (armor, weapon, etc).
A lot of the new outfits tend to be considerate of charr tails. The last few GS releases have had fewer clipping issues overall.
I really like the Wintersday and Mordrem GS on charr.
The light carapace/luminescent armor is nice, the shadow assassin outfit, the ancestral outfit, the jungle explorer outfit, the noble count… all of these are great.
Even the new arcane outfit tries to accommodate the charr and it does a better job than most.
I think the tail slot part could rest a little lower so we don’t see the tail coming through the fabric at all, but it’s still a lot better than some other options.
They’re doing a lot better with charr armor overall, and certainly with outfits.
I love my Charr thief, I was sold on it in beta.
But I am so disappointed with Charr skins particularly for medium armor. It’s almost always way too top heavy and weird, too big or too small, not bad kitten at all! Especially the leather skins!
The temple karma armor is one of the few that really got it right.
Ben — Oh I forgot the footprints! That’s Charr, yes?
there gaile… that shouldnt be that hard to fix i assume\hope. This is extremely bothersome, almost every backpiece does this…and i use a rather bulky body build (most likely the most bulky you can use for charr females). There are way worse examples…but i hope i get one of my “complaint” points across with this. It would be really nice if that could get some attention
Ben — Oh I forgot the footprints! That’s Charr, yes?
A piece of me just died right now.
There arent many pieces left btw….
I have 4 charr characters. only 1 is female simply because armor on females does not look good. my female is a caster so there is that, but most shoulder pieces look way to big on her.
And another pet peve is the tail thing and the gender thing for costumes. If my ele Charr can run in dress like armor. why can’t she have a dress costume? Instead she’s stuck with the male suit.
And I too have more than once reported the charr tracks.
Ben — Oh I forgot the footprints! That’s Charr, yes?
A piece of me just died right now.
There arent many pieces left btw….
For what it’s worth, that’s not Gaile’s department. She’s community, not art dept.
Well, most of armor isn’t a bug – but designed that way . . . we just don’t like the way they designed it, esp when it comes to female charr. This thread isn’t made to report bugs, just mentioning that we don’t like certain design routes that were taken. All of the big shoulder pieces takes my entire upper arm away, can you imagine how much weight I have to carry just on my shoulders when those shoulder pieces don’t even cover as much as you think it would? I don’t know why charr has so many closed skirts with heavy armor, they serve no purpose. Even cultural armor on female charr isn’t made to fit her. If I were to go to that bug forum, I can assure that I can post a lot of issues in there, showing how my character is utterly neglected when it comes to armor to fit her.
So perhaps just send to the armor designers our concerns, as it stands now – I am not buying any gem store armor or transmutation charges cause of this design approach. I am sure that I cannot report a armor piece just because it is simply TOO big either, because I do not know if it is intended or just looked over on female charr.
And guys “clipping” really isn’t a huge issue. Somewhere there has to be made a sacrifice and I don’t understand why a little body clipping is seen as a major issue that needs to be fixed asap. If I were to take better fitting armor over a few minor clipping, then I would take armor. But so many players are screaming clipping that that is what is being more focused on. I can understand huge clipping, but some players inspects places where you have to with effort just to see the clipping issue.
Here is a pic to demonstrate HUGE
(edited by Torca.5162)
I second, third, how many ever you want this. I also challenge Gaile to put the money where the mouth is.
2 years down the line, and the female Charr T3 heavy armour shoulders still looks like someone took a bat to them from the back and just panel-beat it onto the armour. And that is CULTURAL armour. Specifically MADE for the race.
Yeah, all the love. We feels it.
Just roll human. Clearly that is the only race you can roll if your looking for an aesthetically reasonable looking toon.
Sorry if I sound angry, (probably because I am actually) but it really inst fun feeling so ignored just because I happen to like Charr above any of the other races.
Okay. Please explain this.
Not fixed since September 2013.
(edited by sMihaly.1492)