Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


To keep it short: I like to do what I want, when I want it, in any way I want to, in my own pace.

I kind of agree with this guy.

Sometimes I want to rush with some hearts, sometimes I semi-afk while I am leveling etc.
I almost always help if someone asks though.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I almost always play with other(s).

My closest other, has it down for it to work. Over years they have realized that they either are the leader of the follower. They have decided to be the follower, by doing so over years grant you they have learned to follow well. Not question things, just follow, things still get done. Because when they did pipe up over the “learning years”, I said, you can take over the role as leader any time. That is the last thing they want to do, because as clueless as I may seem, they know no better and usually less. So they have learned that to get to A and B with the team, not technically the best way, but with the team is just to follow blindly and stay close.

Then we bring on another, they have to learn this all over again, a few arguments will happen, I’ll be called stupid and a kittenhole, I once again offer the lead to them, believe me I want to find someone to give it to… But like the other(s) they really don’t want that, because they are even more clueless. I try to explain the circle of grouping life to them, I try to tell them I don’t try to do things that piss them off… Over time they realize the best way from A to B is to follow blindly, not technically the best way, but the best way in a group in undiscovered lands.

As a leader I try to find a routine so everyone knows what to expect. Now… doing a random group with zero times together. You need all the players understanding what I wrote above and do that immediately not over years.

(edited by Horrorscope.7632)

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deborah.2068


Truth be said imo its the best in slot grind and elitism that ruined group play. I mean who wants to be saddled with someone that knows it all and its got to be my way or it isnt done right.

PS especially if its someone that thinks the holy trinity is effective in GW2 lol

(edited by deborah.2068)

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: geets.9035


I am usually grouped with 3 RL friends even though we are often doing our own thing with alts or what not and we leave 1 spot open for a few casual friends should they happen to pop on for a bit.

Otherwise i enjoy the solo challenge of taking on more than most players can handle with a group..

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: konosh.4721


Iam constantly asking people to team with me when I’m levelin up in areas and doing hearts etc…. only like 1 in 10 people wants too… but why??

It is soo much faster and easier to level up when ur in team instead of going at it alone. Also much more fun imo. Why so many lone-players?

I have my own pace. Sometimes I’m doing something in-game, then I afk for 15 minutes for no reason at all, or I enjoy the scenery, or I explore around.

It’s really hard to find someone that is in the same page as you.

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


having a single bar to fill for harts as a team would fix a lot. this was said in BWE’s but nothing happened. it is just not fun to w8 for other team members to finish the hart while u cant even help. sure u can help killing mobs, but that’s it, every other way of finishing the hart is single player system.

also there is a problem of having some hart done before you team up with someone. you are basically useless for them. this is a real problem and should be fixed.

1st they need to put team bar filling
2nd they need to allow team members that already finished the heart to contribute in every way possible to finish the hart while filling the bar for the person that didn’t do it. i don’t even care about getting any reward for my second go at the heart, just let me be useful and helping a friend or guildie out is enough for me. some harts are so fun i wouldn’t mind doing them 100 times:)

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crisvok.9307


actually it doesn’t work out that well, did it with guildie, the process is longer because sometime he get the heart done faster than I can and vice versa, so it slow down progress.

if that is the case they should fix it. they should reward teamwork, but at the same time dont penalize the lone wolfs

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


It’s been my experience that a lone wolf might be overwhelmed by a groups of mobs, especially if they stun, bleed, etc. Unless the mob is much lower lvl of course. As to groups events, I try to help if possible and if I see another person out in the wild that is lower lvl than me, I’ll usually help them if they are being attacked. But, I don’t chat much unless there are no mobs nearby, seeing as how I’ve been attacked by hostiles when doing so. The life of a mining prospector is a hard one.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Why do most of you prefer to play alone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snores.7806


Because people are mostly a pita. I play MMORPGs for the massive online rpg part, the multiplayer bit only comes into it when I feel the need for some RvR. It’s nice having other folks around and I’ll always help out if someone needs a hand, but having 3 screaming midgets and a cancer stick habit doesn’t lend itself to productive grouping.
I was hoping that GW2 was going to be THE game for me. An extensive solo experience that I could play when i wanted and party if I needed. It started that way but Anet has nerfed Open world PvE into the ground, and outright kittenen ignored WvW since release. So unfortunately for a guy like me… this is game over (now i just need to find another MMO forum to troll )