Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dildozer.5138


Just curious if this is intentional or is the coding bad? I’ve been farming there for a week now and within a day of the server resets, some events stop working altogether. The impact this has on the population is dramatic. When they’re all working people show up in droves, the place is alive and the action non stop. Then 1-2 days later, when the DE’s die, theres only the avids like me waiting a mind numbing 10-15 minutes between the 2 events that do work. I wouldn’t bother except its my best source of income since the tp has dried up considerably and heck alot of great gear and skins cost karma or gold. And no, I don’t want to do lower level zones again for piddly rewards or have to solo them because the population has come and gone.

Anyways it would be a shame if this was intended so as to combat farmers or bots because it really does take the dynamic out of the event when there’s few people around.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


Also noticed this. Particularly Historian Fia near the Shelter’s Gate camp. After a few days her event just stops going. I’m not sure what other events around Orr stop working.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I’m pretty certain botters shut down certain events on purpose to farm them.

One – Piken Square

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dildozer.5138


Guildmate of mine seems to think this is intentional and that they want to drive us towards doing dungeons. The problem with that is, they’re currently a huge timesink with little reward other than tokens. They could easily alleviate this by rewarding us with karma, silver and the occasional rare. Still though, we should be able to enjoy all endgame content so I would like to see both options. Why not make your customers happy?

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noviere.7309


I don’t think it is intended… Seems to be a bug that occurs after the event is run too many times. Jofast’s and Fia seem to be the two that stop happening consistently.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redrumickey.9672


Drying up a nice word for it. I farmed my level 80 nico at the same area for 2 hours then at one point I join a event and got nothing but junk for loot all day and 33 karma ? for earning a gold in the event . Bots weren’t even in the event but ran the outside border of that section of the map. Most time you cant even tell their bots anymore but for the fact they run the same path over and over looping in 10 minutes or so . Unless you are farming the same spot you will never pick up on it .

That being said later that night I played my level 40 ranger just leveling him up and then I join another event which turned out to be the best time I ever had since the game started . Loot was great ! I was banking yellows all night ! Karma was great ! and had a great time ! So still hope.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


I’m going with something with the code issues (maybe world geometry maybe broken unseen triggers, whatever). The DEs and Skill Challenges are a core part of what draws players through the maps. Them not working not only reduces the fun for soloer/PvE-only players, it also prevents map completion. They’re also core to the business promise of the game, the “dynamic” nature of GW2 in both PvE/PvP.

I think it’s becoming more pronounced as the playerbase is “aging” in levels too because higher level zones seem to have more of a problem than lower ones.

This is why I suggested nightly server resets in the suggestions board. They don’t have unlimited development resources, so I get that six weeks into launch they haven’t been able to plug all the holes. But they’ve also shown just how quickittenhe worlds can be restarted. Not that it’s a good thing to highlight bugs you can’t get to. But as a stop gap for a few more weeks, it could dull the noise in their Bugs forum and /bug DB from ingame reporting

I’m pretty certain botters shut down certain events on purpose to farm them.

Can’t farm them if they’re shut down

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dildozer.5138


I like the nightly server reset idea. Until they get a permanent fix, it would alleviate problems for now. It would also likely fix CoF which has been inaccessable on tthe northern shiverpeaks server all week due to the entrance event being bugged out.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


I’m sure they will come up with something, but I’m a bit disappointed that they didn’t launch with some sort of fail-safe that resets events if they haven’t succeeded or failed after a certain amount of time(~30 mins). Would something like this put a lot more strain on the servers? I don’t know.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


Guildmate of mine seems to think this is intentional and that they want to drive us towards doing dungeons. The problem with that is, they’re currently a huge timesink with little reward other than tokens. They could easily alleviate this by rewarding us with karma, silver and the occasional rare. Still though, we should be able to enjoy all endgame content so I would like to see both options. Why not make your customers happy?

so anet puts in bugs on purpose, breaks whole areas of their game to gain what? This is as tinfoil as it gets.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I’m pretty certain botters shut down certain events on purpose to farm them.

Can’t farm them if they’re shut down

You don’t get it. The events themselves are short and thus offer very limited loot. The real loot comes from the counter-events that happen when the Pact is not advancing and the risen try to capture the facilities back. If the DEs are advanced to the point where Arah is available, the counterattack from Risen for that location is too strong and widespread for bots to do effectively. However the locations they’re stuck now are easy to farm since the mobs come in small bunches at certain chokepoints where bots can quickly AoE them down.

One – Piken Square

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Refugee.3092


Right now, stuck events can only be reset with a server restart. What I don’t get is why individual events don’t timeout and reset themselves. That should be very straightforward to code.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeVeRLiFt.1680


What Refugee said… there should be some sort of fail safe coded so the events eventually reset or the npc’s become unstuck and work by talking to them.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dildozer.5138


[/quote]so anet puts in bugs on purpose, breaks whole areas of their game to gain what? This is as tinfoil as it gets.[/quote]

Well if its intended then its not a bug at all. it means they’re turning the events off for some reason like combating bots or slowing down farmers.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eve.1029


kinda pointless for us to assume, since they never put the bad news in the official patch notes. Just like how they didn’t note the ori spawn cycle changing. We won’t know if they block events after too many repeats. We never know what’s a bug and what’s intentional, because see, if they told us, exploiters will find a way to take advantage!! Everything will go bad if people know how things were intended to be! (how’s my attempt at tinfoiling?)

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SPARTdAN.2091


This is painfully annoying because I’ve not yet been able to complete my personal story because of the event to enter the dungeon broke!

Game is too broken lately, seems to be worse than launch.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I still see contested waypoints everywhere. I just hope they do something to help spread out the population or raise mobs’ HP so everyone has a chance to tag.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: delmarqo.5038


You don’t get it. The events themselves are short and thus offer very limited loot. The real loot comes from the counter-events that happen when the Pact is not advancing and the risen try to capture the facilities back.

Good point Tom. You’re right, I didn’t get that.

Since The last patch was 5 days ago for the patch and they broke within 24hours and it’s not like they don’t know they are broken yet keep allowing them to stay broken for so long, knowing how it’s affecting the player base, progression and what not.

I personally consider it one of prioritization. I recall starting to see this in mid/high level zones three weeks ago. Makes me wonder if most of us are only being affected by launch-day bugs, or it if was something from a mid-Sept patch.

Why do the 'Cursed Shore" DE's keep drying up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


My biggest gripe with Cursed Shore is that there’s little reason to get out of the “plinx” area. Once you leave this area you rarely see events going.

The bigger events, like greth, aren’t winnable unless you have a huge group, and the location is just too remote to draw in a lot of players. Basically after a server reset, greth is won….and then it stays contested until the next reset. Same goes for melandru.

They need a lot more small-scale event chains that start in the north and lead you into the south, where they need to have several bigger events waiting for you. Otherwise, Cursed Shore ends up as a farm-fest around the plinx area. It’s the epitome of boring. Fortunately we also have frostgorge.