Why do the new areas need better PCs??
Not to play white-knight here, however, the zones are much “larger” in terms of space used due to the new vertical-axis the new maps offer. This vertical factor increases the amount of resources your PC must load and therefore is the probable cause behind slightly reduced FPS etc…
Is it not pretty standard that expansions come with graphical updates (often just in the new areas)?
I remember that EotN in GW1 had better graphics there, to the point that my tiny little netbook couldn’t actually load those areas at all and so I was limited to the campaign areas whilst playing on the laptop.
I honestly think that more people would be disappointed if there wasn’t any graphical improvements. I personally think that reflections, textures and lighting are all better in the new areas. It really improves the ambience.
I think Mitzarin has a very valid point though. I’ve noticed that in Tarir especially, I lose some frames. As soon as I head into a corridor, my FPS jumps back up. There’s only so much you can do, but I’ve found that reducing LOD distance and post-processing can help a bit.
I had no change in the FPS and my pc is an old one
To be honest, I thought they actually did say somewhere that the new stuff was gonna be more graphically intensive… Although I couldn’t tell you where, I vaguely remember something along those lines. (I know that’s not super helpful but I don’t think they ninja’d it quite like you’re suggesting.)
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
They did publish the specs for HoT before release, so they aren’t really keeping anything secret.
Whilst it is annoying I have to make setting changes, they have been open about HoT being more intensive and they are pushing the limits of memory usage more than before (hence the recent 64bit beta client)
So nobody’s PCs got better in the three years since release? Many people upgrade their computers every few years, and the players will be disappointed if the game doesn’t make the maximum use of their hardware. Yes, it leaves the poor people like me out in the cold and we have to lower our settings ,but if you can’t buy a new computer chances are you can’t give ANet much money anyway and thus you aren’t really the target audience of this commercial game. That’s just how it is, I wish it was different.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
..and that’s how it has been since the first computer. They get better, programmers take advantage to make better programs, repeat.
The good news is that we are guaranteed access to that increase – how much we are willing to pay for it determines how quickly we are able to adopt it. Eventually, you will be able to pick a 980gtx out of someone’s garbage, if you wait long enough.
So, if you can’t play the game to the level you wish, today, then wait until the PC you need is affordable. There will always be people with machines that don’t meet the specs to play the latest games.
If this cycle didn’t happen, we’d still be playing games with pong-quality resolution.
And we’d still be walking to school… uphill.. both ways..
Dont even bother doing Maw if you have a below average PC that thing will drop your FPS to 1 . Oh wait thats in core Tyria
They didn’t make the new areas require a better pc on purpose… The new maps are much bigger because of the different levels, and since it is a jungle, they have a lot of foliage. Both of these things make a game more resource intensive.
8 years ago Everquest 2 released Rise of Kunark with zones that were twice the size
than the older zone .. and there already some players suddenly had OOM crashes
and Vista-64 wasn’t even out.
In the next year Age of Conan was released, a game that had also constant
OOM crashes .. at least i had the chance now to upgrade to 64-bit Vista to
have a stable game.
That was 7 years ago … so this all i not a new problem.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Most modern computers Now have atleast the OS on a Soild state drive and Equal to 2gb graphics on a 2012 Graphics card like the R9260-270 and 6-8gb of ram with a 3.2-3.8ghz proccessor or a Quad core – of 2.6ghz .
HoT is Desgined for the graphical and loading use of todays computers with in the range of 2013-2018 as a window of requirements , if you plan on running new present games the requirements will be higher than that of 3 years ago . graphical and loading since the maps are bigger thust require ether higher graphical gb , cpu and Ram useage.
so generaly the minimal requirements for HoT will be higher although its older brother which has smaller maps and older animations or even more complex changes increases requirements as the game progresses in desgin with modern advancements.
if you have 4gb ram , i suggest upgrading to 6 or 8gb .
if your cpu is older than 2008 i suggest a new computer entirely as that will also mean you’d need a better motherboard.
if your graphics card is older than a GTX580 you might struggle with running HoT or even getting any playable frames out it unless your cpu / ram can keep up.
simply put newer game , needs higher requirements if you wish or maxium graphics.
you could run max on gw2 core but due to advancements or mods like reshade for graphics improvements those high setting you had on core are now Medium to low on HoT , effecting Frame rates.
honestly anytime my computer gets any older than 6years i upgrade parts or Sell and buy new , modern gaming advancements are going to skyrocket in the next few years so i’d better get myself ready.
nothing new…
gw2 isnt optimised for multi cores
the new map has a lot of graphical things so the memory usage also increased
well, i do hope they work on multi cores optimisation
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