Why do you like your class?

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokane.1957


Just out of curiosity… Currently, I’m playing an engineer. Which I absolutely love for WvW. The perma swiftness is great for roaming. The bomb and tool kit, when combined, make swift work of people in small skirmish style fights. And when I rarely end up with a zerg, Grenades are fantastic for large fights.

On the other hand, I cannot stand him in PvE. Grenades tend to be the way to go if I want to contribute the most to my group… and I’m just not a fan. My plan is to start working on another character strictly for FotM/dungeons. Just curious to see why people like their class… and really, why they hate it as well.

Fenrit-Engineer-Ehmry Bay
Sokane Noctua-Mesmer-Ehmry Bay

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


I love the thief, hate me if you want but I do. I like the speed, I love the mobility, I love the ability to disappear at will. A lot of fights take much more effort to win on my end than it does for my enemy, so when I win, I love the rewarding feeling. I like being underestimated and I like stealing things….take that last one how you want it.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I like Ele because its one of the only melee mages class that i have seen work in any rpg like game. Rdm from ff11 most of the time fell into a pure mages class where there ability to use swords was pointless. Battle mages in ES games often just was a melee class who could self heal a lot of a hevary armor mages who just cast spells.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Love my mesmer, ranger, ele.
Like my guard,
am very so-so about my thief.
I am weird about my necro, don’t ‘love’ it but can do things on it that are not possible on any other character.
All the above are at 80 and exotics minimum.
have a lvl 9 engi
have no warrior.
As to why? Very good question. The most about them I like is the versatility. Can go into situations and get the results I want out of it. I am not a min/maxer, I do not care about efficiency whatever that means. I just want to do what I set out to do. Be that clear (map complete) orr solo or run into a group of mobs and take them all out. Or just run around and see what is in an area.

(edited by Yargesh.4965)

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


Eles because of the awesome effects, damage and utilities, anet said they wanted eles to not be the best at everything but be able to do everything with most build, a jack of all trades, that’s a lie, eles are the best at everything.

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justdeifyme.9387


I like my warrior because I’m the head on guy, rushing into battle screaming and yelling, slaughtering everybody with swords and axes… glorious.

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mepheles.2087


Because Warrior is a straight-forward class. No cheesy stealth, no crappy hiding behind clones and phantasms, no boonspam, no myriad of annoying gadgets, no pets.

Just me, my weapons, and my enemy. I’ve been a warrior in every game up till now, and that will never change.

Gates of Madness

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I like various classes for different things. That’s why I have so many.

My Eng is for WvW. The flexibility on eng is amazing.
Guard is for PvE. It’s so easy to clear dungeons with.
Mes is for PvE and WvW. Speeds up parties, great at WvW support.
Thief is for gathering and champ training. No need to kill the mobs near the nodes and gets around quickly.
Ele… I don’t know what to do with her, I have so many other classes I’m able to do everything with already xD

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


trolls like me love rangers. they are the most hated class in the game, right?

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


trolls like me love rangers. they are the most hated class in the game, right?

They even have a troll heal! i hate rangers in wvw you cant kill them!

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The reason I like my elementalist is because it’s such an active, creative profession. Between my staff and the glyphs, I can change almost my entire build to suit my needs. And making use of the correct combo or dodge effect at the right time requires some quick and active thinking, and I like that a lot.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I main an elementalist, it was the most challenging for me to learn but once I got the hang of it, it is the most complex, situational, diverse and fun professions to play.

Why do you like your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco.2806


I’ve played since the early beta, and I have yet to find a favorite class. :/

I think I like my Signet Warrior best. He has no worthwhile or interesting skills whatsoever, but balancing out active and passive signets to remain at peak Fury and Adrenaline without sabotaging passive bonuses has its amusement value.

I’d much prefer Mesmer or Elementalist if their skills weren’t all on 40-second cooldown. Ugh.