Why does Anet start an event on Friday?
they ssaid in another thread that they start the events when the highist population of players are online.
There’s a lot of people doing a lot of things in every part of the world.
There are also alot of people that aint in school, but hey, I dont make a thread and whine the times when events have been in the middle of the night for me.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
Not sure about this but Guild Wars has traditionally had a larger player base in Europe than in NA, which would explain why they have the highest activity at that time (some NA have already gotten home at this time of day also).
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I love it. Its the ONLY company i know, thats actually pretty European friendly. For me the event starts at 9 PM. You should not be raging at all. This is what i feel 90% of the time dude. Americans these days are so selfish :s
Must be hard to make events that must fit everyones time.
That is just not possible OP. It never will be, it never has.
If it makes you feel any better I missed the last several days of Halloween and will now probably miss this as well. I got hit by Sandy, finally have power back but my Internet is still out and Comcast has no ETA on the restoration.
If it makes you feel any better I missed the last several days of Halloween and will now probably miss this as well. I got hit by Sandy, finally have power back but my Internet is still out and Comcast has no ETA on the restoration.
I know it makes me feel better.
How about repeating the event a few times a day? Like the festival finales in GW1. You can take part in it no matter which part of the world you are at.
On Friday at noon PST (3:00 EST) the event kicks off in Lion’s Arch with an event that “you don’t want to miss”. Does Anet understand that there are a lot of players who are still in school?
Does Anet understand that there are a lot of players who are still in school?
What time does school let out?
From what I remember it was around 3:00pm.
I get off work at 5:00pm
What’s the problem with this exactly?
The event doesn’t end in a few hours.
What exactly are you going to miss?
The chance to say “first”?