Why does everyone hate Trahearne?
Lots of threads about this already out there but for me, here is the short answer...
Trahearne rocks up at Claw Island and does nothing. My mentor sacrifices himself to save everyone else and Trahearne does nothing except run away. In my opinion there was nothing Trahearne could do after that to make me like him.
RIP Tybalt Leftpaw, I remember you whenever I eat an apple.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
Sorry this had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.
I’ve always been a Trahearne supporter. His accent, his personality, some solid character developement, and of course his signature battle cry, “DIE BY MY BLADE,” whenever he was wading through the legions of undead, all made me glad he was around for the personal story. I’m even MORE glad that Anet didn’t just kill him off for some reason at the conclusion of the story.
I hope in HoT I can hear him congratulate me, “Well done!,” everytime I do all the work and kill something for him.
The thing that got me hating him was – before they updated the voices – how insanely mundane his voice was. There was next to no intonation, and no emotion whatsoever. It was like he was literally being read off the page with next to no preparation.
The whole he-stole-the-story-from-us I think is a little overplayed. I was on that bandwagon for a little while, but then I came to the realisation that OP had. He doesn’t steal the show at all. He was just so kittening BORING.
I think some people are still salty about Kormir stealing Godhood off of them (myself included. I’mma desecrate every statue of her I can get my grubby paws on).
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
I don’t mind him.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
The fact that many people tend to feel indifference towards him is more kitten ing than those who dislike him.
Some people think that their character has to be the centre of attention all of the time – besides fleeting heroic sacrifices, that is. Later, when there’s a lot of focus on Trahearne (to lead the Pact, gaining Calladbolg, cleansing Orr, etc. ) I suppose these players’ unstroked egos start to get riled up by sharing centre stage with Tree-dawg.
Plenty more besides that just don’t like him. His acting is bad and his arc is laughable:
Trahearne: “I am a scholar.”
Mother-tree: “You are a general.”
Trahearne: “I am a general?”
Mother-tree: “Yes.”
Trahearne: “I am a general.”
At least the poor acting perfectly portrays this crayon development. For a character who is supposed to be your closest comrade he just isn’t balanced enough: too cold to like but not enough to be cool.
“Moving on.”
(edited by dace.8019)
he’s boring.
The best leaders inspire others, motivate them to work for a common cause.
Trahearne inspires nothing, motivates no one. He is dry, flat, and sounds apathetic in everything he is talking about. He is completely unbelievable as a character that united guilds that could barely stand each other. Further, his role, in its importance, is placed in importance above the 5 heroes (forget the group name, but logan, ritlock, eir, zoja, etc). Any one of those heroes had a thousand times more character than he did. A character of that passion and development is needed for a role like trahearne’s.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
I didn’t mind Trahearne at all. The voice acting was not the best, but in no way does he steal the spotlight from the player. He takes charge because he is the expert on Orr and the dragon’s corruption and is a respected and known neutral figure whose life goal is the redemption of that land. The player character also cannot be the leader of The Pact for any number of story telling reasons. He takes this position leaving the Player Character free to do other things.
His voice acting was lacklustre, but is now pretty good for his character. The memories of “It iS thE DRAgon who is AFraid”, etc will always stick though.
As for credit stealing, there are two seperate gripes here. Some people play games to be the hero who does everything and saves everyone. Having a superior doesn’t really suit them, so they dislike him for that reason. The other camp, however, doesn’t like his actual credit stealing – which he does in fact do. The name of Fort Trinity and the ritual to cleanse Orr are both examples of something Trahearne outright takes credit for, while others came up with it (the player character and a group of Priory scholars respectively).
He is boring, he is salad. Dolyak meat powered Norn dont like puny salad man.
“Truehorn”(new name for now on).
The reason why I dislike him is because one he never held up to Tybalt like others said before me. Tybalt was lovable, funny and charismatic. He was already a leader, knew it and due to his past took the initiative to right some wrongs even if they were not his. He knew what he was doing, he knew the sacrifices and we all knew and sure he did that he was going to have to die to protect that which he believed in to project the protagonist forward. However it did not hurt any less when he died. I will admit this set a high stool for Trahearne to climb.
Trahearne… was nothing like this. Trahearne never wanted to be a leader, just fell into it. Never worked at it. Just pretty much ran it off as fate that this is what was going to happen. Everything that he did and what happened to him he pretty much all was guided by his “Wild Hunt”. There is no passion, no loosing point with him. He never lost anything to make you bond with him. *Mind you this is off of the main story, I have not played season 2 yet).
Trahearne reminds me of that guy who goes to work for your company because everyone in his family did. His father is a big wig and he is destined to follow his tail coat. He doesn’t want to be there and you don’t want him to either but you and him are forced to see him out rank you because it is his predestined “Wild Hunt”.
(edited by Driften.8716)
Because it’s supposed to be MY story. Not his.
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He used a knockback in every single land fight in the story line, if I’m doing the story solo I don’t want a random GS mesmer pug knocking things away.
Also he makes terrible decisions, who attacks mordremoth after killing 1 lieutenant, honestly. Next he’ll rush off to kill the other elder dragons after we kill claw of jormag or kralk. He also hasn’t paid attention to half the lore we get told about in the story, mordremoth influences the spheres of growth and the mind while living in the jungle, lets just fly over the kittening jungle with no planning besides bring a bunch of soldiers. 10/10 would watch him wipe out the pact again. He also doesn’t pay attention specifically to the mind part. Know which other dragon occupied the sphere of the mind? Glint. Know what she did? She was able to empathize with destiny’s edge and break free of the control of an elder dragon. Instead we have an elder dragon with the same ability to understand and bend the mind of others. Let’s just not at all consider that the dragon is just as or more intelligent, and just fly straight into the kittening jungle. In some regards that may have been the best choice, the dragon would have been confused at the terrible decision to have properly planned for it. What about the blue orb that powers the defenses in orr which stops zhaitan’s minions from being resurrected after they die? Did he test that on the mordrem?
I don’t care for Trahearne, but it is because of his character. That is, he has none. He has the charisma of a cold fish. He is basically just a quickly written cartoon figure to fill a role. No flesh (pun only semi intended) was added to the role. He could have been replaced by a golem and nothing would be lost.
He could have been replaced by a golem and nothing would be lost.
I can think of one instance where this would have been better. Replace him with the bird hating golem Shale from Dragon Age. Though I think this might instead turn the Pac’s attention away from the Elder Dragons and toward the Tengu….
I personally like him. He always wants your opinion and thanks you for your help and does recognize what a great aspect you are
“Everybody” is a strong term.
I don’t mind Trahearne. I might even sort of like him when he’s not being annoying (which isn’t really all that often). But I don’t “hate” or even “dislike” him. He’s just another Rurik or Togo in my book. (Required, but relatively useless)
“Everybody” is a strong term.
I don’t mind Trahearne. I might even sort of like him when he’s not being annoying (which isn’t really all that often). But I don’t “hate” or even “dislike” him. He’s just another Rurik or Togo in my book. (Required, but relatively useless)
Rurik… I still laugh for a good five mins when I think of him dieing. Though he was still more of a man than “Treehorn” in more than one way.
Togo least had honor and a back story and knew where he was going in life.
While we are talking about characters we hate from GW, anyone want to bring up Logan Thackery?
“Everybody” is a strong term.
I don’t mind Trahearne. I might even sort of like him when he’s not being annoying (which isn’t really all that often). But I don’t “hate” or even “dislike” him. He’s just another Rurik or Togo in my book. (Required, but relatively useless)
Rurik… I still laugh for a good five mins when I think of him dieing. Though he was still more of a man than “Treehorn” in more than one way.
Togo least had honor and a back story and knew where he was going in life.
While we are talking about characters we hate from GW, anyone want to bring up Logan Thackery?
I don’t mind Logan one bit, He’s a real man, always thinking with his kitten. “If I save Jenna, I’ll finally get her in to bed!”
The tree, he did jack, and I blame him for Forge’ls death. All I did was hold his hand so he could for fill his wild hunt. which I do really, he was just there to do the spell, nothing he could have done on his own. But really the fault is with ANet and forcing the veggies on us at every turn. I hope after HoT, they are never central to the story again.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
“Everybody” is a strong term.
I don’t mind Trahearne. I might even sort of like him when he’s not being annoying (which isn’t really all that often). But I don’t “hate” or even “dislike” him. He’s just another Rurik or Togo in my book. (Required, but relatively useless)
Rurik… I still laugh for a good five mins when I think of him dieing. Though he was still more of a man than “Treehorn” in more than one way.
Togo least had honor and a back story and knew where he was going in life.
While we are talking about characters we hate from GW, anyone want to bring up Logan Thackery?
Lol, that still doesn’t mean they weren’t useless. They weren’t terrible characters. but they sure were annoying.
“Hey..where’d Rurik go? He’s gotta open this door….”
“Oh look…Togo’s stuck again… "
“Kitten! Monk, go save Mhenlo so we don’t have to start over!”
“kitten you Kormir, stop pulling more kitten!”
Ah yes, fond memories. (Super annoying at the time, funny as hell now)
People hates him because the story that he and the “pact commander” share is extremely weak, incoherent and boring. It doesn’t matter if he “personally” praise our character: the storyline continously pushes Trahearne into the center of view, even when he is not relevant.
Trahearne is the guy who stands in front of the screen when you are viewing a movie.
Surely he is a good guy, and probably he is standing there because his seat broke or something that is not his fault. But he is in the middle of your experience, ruining it.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
“Everybody” is a strong term.
I don’t mind Trahearne. I might even sort of like him when he’s not being annoying (which isn’t really all that often). But I don’t “hate” or even “dislike” him. He’s just another Rurik or Togo in my book. (Required, but relatively useless)
Rurik… I still laugh for a good five mins when I think of him dieing. Though he was still more of a man than “Treehorn” in more than one way.
Togo least had honor and a back story and knew where he was going in life.
While we are talking about characters we hate from GW, anyone want to bring up Logan Thackery?
Lol, that still doesn’t mean they weren’t useless. They weren’t terrible characters. but they sure were annoying.
“Hey..where’d Rurik go? He’s gotta open this door….”
“Oh look…Togo’s stuck again… "
“Kitten! Monk, go save Mhenlo so we don’t have to start over!”
“kitten you Kormir, stop pulling more kitten!”Ah yes, fond memories. (Super annoying at the time, funny as hell now)
I thought we were talking about the actual characters not stupid A-net path finding and programming. I will agree baby sitting them so they don’t die and having them walk into walls with an ! above there head reminded me of when your friend goes link dead in a raid dungeon after he started walking forward into the boss.
Thackery, yes always thought with his kitten but was the worst one of all when it came to actual game play. :P He would charge in at every instance and die. If they at least had him screaming “LEeeRooY StooneSkiin” it would have been at least entertaining. He was nothing but a meat shield without the meat. He kinda reminded me of Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. Just Thackery never became Jesus.
Though you did bring up one character I despise more than Thackery and Treehorn combined, anyone else laugh when Abadon ate Kormir’s eyes but than got really kittened when she became a God? Talk about all around bad character development and path finding. It’s bad when I thought Norgu would have made a better Abadon replacment.
Trahearne is the guy who stands in front of the screen when you are viewing a movie.
Surely he is a good guy, and probably he is standing there because his seat broke or something that is not his fault. But he is in the middle of your experience, ruining it.
Worst part about it though is he is wearing a tall hat indoors, hasn’t showered and talks on his cell phone very loudly throughout the movie to let you know it is an important call and he is important. "Hello… Yea I am free talk about Mordremoth…. Yea.. I am seeing a movie… No.. No, you did the right thing to call me, I am the destined Pact leader, my Wild Hunt told me so…
(edited by Driften.8716)
At least some of the Traherane hate focuses on his being the leader of the Pact. I look at Trahearne’s role as a writer’s device. He was made leader of the Pact so that the story could be told in a more standardized way, to limit player choices so that they didn’t have to produce large numbers of different paths for the story to follow. While I would have preferred making more choices, I can see why that would be more development intensive.
That said, I’d have to say that I enjoyed Master Slowgo and Brother Menslow most of all the story-centric NPC’s ANet has produced. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to “speak” with Togo’s ghost in the Tahnnakai Temple explorable after besting Shiro.
I don’t dislike Trahearne, I just find him to be typical of such NPC’s. What I dislike about him (and about GW2 story NPC’s in general) is the presumption of the writer that they are my friends. I get this feeling less from Trahearne than I do from Destiney’s Edge, and less from DE than from the LS S2 characters. That lot makes me wish for an “Unfriend” option.
I thought we were talking about the actual characters not stupid A-net path finding and programming. I will agree baby sitting them so they don’t die and having them walk into walls with an ! above there head reminded me of when your friend goes link dead in a raid dungeon after he started walking forward into the boss.
Little bit of both. It’s a combination of story and programming that typically makes us shake our heads at these characters. After all, if they were actually lovable (not just memorable) characters, would we really be so peeved that they swiped the glory? Or part of the glory, cause really, I had no desire to die for the Canthan Emperor, for example. Or that there programmed AI had limitations? Some, yes, but no where near as much.
Thackery, yes always thought with his kitten but was the worst one of all when it came to actual game play. :P He would charge in at every instance and die. If they at least had him screaming “LEeeRooY StooneSkiin” it would have been at least entertaining. He was nothing but a meat shield without the meat. He kinda reminded me of Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. Just Thackery never became Jesus.
I can agree with you on the Keanu comment. He just….isn’t what I would consider a desirable actor. Very deadpan. Its fits ok for things like Johnny Mnemonic, but not for…other movies he’s done.
Logan on the other hand, I don’t have too much issue with him. I can empathize with his basic back story and his AI is dependably stupid, which I can work with. It’s the random stupid that I can’t stand, at least I can work around the dependable stupidity to my benefit.
Though you did bring up one character I despise more than Thackery and Treehorn combined, anyone else laugh when Abadon ate Kormir’s eyes but than got really kittened when she became a God? Talk about all around bad character development and path finding. It’s bad when I thought Norgu would have made a better Abadon replacment.
Laugh? No. kittened off when she became a god? Maybe a bit. That was more of a “go figure, this is what I get for helping her” moment.
I don’t hate him. He’s just boring.
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Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Trahearne is the classic Eisenhower impostor. Chosen over much more qualified people to lead his respective army, through diplomacy and sheer will he manages to combine forces that look down on the other with cold disdain for a decisive victory.
Logan Thackery reminds me of one version of Lancelot. Forming a bond with Arthur as his first knight and best friend(Rhytlock), he also comes around to think with his lower head and beds the queen. This enables Mordred(who has a halfway good claim on becoming King of Britannia one day anyway if mostly through force) to contest the role of Arthur over Camelot by forcing him to choose between being the noble King and his best friend and loved one.
I don´t doubt for one second that Logan would let his hometown burn to the ground too to save Jenna, which absolutely disqualifies him from any position except bodyguard, a maximum leutnant position with a much higher rank able to cancel out his field decisions immediately if necessary or as champion for the queen.
A character that really earned my disdain early on is Evon, the money grabing, power hungry corporate bankster scum. I thought it wa a great idea to force him to pay up for reparations instead of helping him to make even more profit out of the misery of people
Sorry this had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.
I’ve always been a Trahearne supporter. His accent, his personality, some solid character developement, and of course his signature battle cry, “DIE BY MY BLADE,” whenever he was wading through the legions of undead, all made me glad he was around for the personal story. I’m even MORE glad that Anet didn’t just kill him off for some reason at the conclusion of the story.
I hope in HoT I can hear him congratulate me, “Well done!,” everytime I do all the work and kill something for him.
I am sorry, did you say Trahearne had solid character development? He literally comes out of the blue at level 50-60 and like 3 story steps later is the marshal of the pact. If that is solid character development then the random merchant who sells me salvage kits has solid character development.
I am sorry, did you say Trahearne had solid character development? He literally comes out of the blue at level 50-60 and like 3 story steps later is the marshal of the pact. If that is solid character development then the random merchant who sells me salvage kits has solid character development.
He shows up earlier in the Sylvari personal story, so not completelly out of nowhere. I do agree that he doesn’t really develop that much as a character, though. There’s nothing wrong with that (James Bond certainly doesn’t ever develop as a character), but Trahearne doesn’t really have much else to recommend him, either. He’s just… competent. Bland. Straightforward. He’d be a great person to have as a friend but as a character in a story is less than compelling.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Trahearne is corruptible drgnfood.
Just a matter of time.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Has anyone considered that Trahearne’s personality (or lack thereof) is exactly what the writers were going for? So we don’t like him. I’ve never particularly liked most of the people in authority over me. I don’t recall there ever being a lovefest over any of the military commanders I had when I wore a uniform. If every character in Tyria was a friendly fuzzy bunny we could cuddle and hug I would be forced to run screaming back to playing solitaire instead of an MMO.
I wonder from time to time why people think that, because this is their personal story, the story is supposed to be only about them.
You know those people in games that wait on the sideline and act like they’re doing their own thing, and you’re battling a great big boss? he’s the guy who comes on by and steals the kill and wins MVP because of it.
That’s Tree-hernia for you
I am sorry, did you say Trahearne had solid character development? He literally comes out of the blue at level 50-60 and like 3 story steps later is the marshal of the pact. If that is solid character development then the random merchant who sells me salvage kits has solid character development.
He shows up earlier in the Sylvari personal story, so not completelly out of nowhere. I do agree that he doesn’t really develop that much as a character, though. There’s nothing wrong with that (James Bond certainly doesn’t ever develop as a character), but Trahearne doesn’t really have much else to recommend him, either. He’s just… competent. Bland. Straightforward. He’d be a great person to have as a friend but as a character in a story is less than compelling.
So for 4/5 of the races he comes out of nowhere. Never played a sylvari and never will because they’re in general just a bad race.
My first impression of him (on a charr, mind) was something like “oh, a little sylvari necromancer scholar with an obsession for the undead? that’s kinda cool”.
then he opened his mouth and I thought “ugh. hopefully he is just some little flavor side character”
then he became a general and stuff happened. “um, I thought this was my personal story, not the NPCs?”
the trouble with truehorn is the same problem with scarlet. if you take a look at his story apart from what is shown us in game, it’s actually pretty compelling. everything between the lines lends depth and it’s somewhat tragic, but everything we get to experience first hand is bloated and skewed to the point of hilarity. it just doesn’t translate well into they system for story telling they have established.
Has anyone considered that Trahearne’s personality (or lack thereof) is exactly what the writers were going for?
If this is the case, the writers are like my cat when he falls off the couch when sleeping. Once he is passed the stunned stage he looks at you with the look of “I meant to do that. I staged that for your entertainment.” and goes right into licking his balls.
I agree with you that most leaders are not lovable. Tybalt was an exception to this. Leaders do have to be respected. Respect has to be earned and Treehorn never earned that respect. As another already pointed out, three story line steps and he is Commander and Chief. At least Bush had to win an election. Treehorn was given it through “Wild Hunt” birth right.
We have had many leaders in history that were not loved but respected, from General Patton, Napoleon, FDR, JFK, to even Hitler. At least Hitler had a great back story that I would have taken any day over Treehorn. Besides the whole genocide thing you have to respect the man for uniting a country which was falling apart in an economic collapse and turn it around into a war machine that conquered half of Europe. Treehorn couldn’t conquer a salid bowl without you.
(edited by Driften.8716)
‘Stealing glory’ is something I don’t see Trahearne doing, no matter how many times I go through the Personal Story. And for everyone that keeps saying he does, I’ll keep saying this…
Show me, and everyone else, where he says ‘I killed Zhaitan.’ ‘That was all me.’ ‘Good thing I was there…’ or anything along those lines… Show us where everyone heaps praise upon him and ignores us, the players.
Trahearne’s role as leader of the Pact was necessary. The idea of the main character filling that role would have only well worked in a single player game, not an MMO.
As for his character, I find him no less annoying then a good deal of player characters out there. :p
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
(edited by ShinjoNaomi.1896)
You try studying undead Dragon minions and Orr for your entire life and see how it shapes your personality. His life experiences probably burned all the passion and zest he had for life, now it’s just become a great burden that he bears.
As for the person saying he managed to get the 3 groups together to form the Pact, you’re wrong, it was you, the PC that got all 3 groups to agree to join together in the Pact…and they all agreed with our choice of Trahearne to lead, a neutral party not a member of any of the 3 factions. It was us that managed to get DE back together again, not matter how hard Caithe tried to screw that one up…even though he’s the Pact leader, everything revolves around us…not once did he steal my glory…everyone praised me in the end after the defeat of Zhaitan.
Still stinging over Kormir getting the right to ascend to Godhood in Abaddon’s place, no thank you, I was pushing her into taking on all that responsibility….I wanted nothing to do with that much power.
I wrote a long post a while ago explaining why but here is a condensed version.
He shows up out of nowhere, we’re told he’s so awesome and important but never shown why or how because he seems to defer to you for everything, and for being such an expert on the undead, I often found him always surprised or taken heavy losses from them at every turn. He replaces characters whom most of us grew very attached to (I almost cried when I lost sieran). He also essentially hijacks the personal story and after claw island it becomes all about trahearne and helping him finish HIS quest. I don’t mind playing second fiddle to someone, but trahearne as far as I’m concerned never earned my respect or friendship.
(edited by TheLastNobody.8319)
One phrase that he repeated ad nauseum in fights…..
“This won’t end well”
Oh shut up, Trahearne, and kill something for pete’s sake!
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Has anyone considered that Trahearne’s personality (or lack thereof) is exactly what the writers were going for? So we don’t like him. I’ve never particularly liked most of the people in authority over me. I don’t recall there ever being a lovefest over any of the military commanders I had when I wore a uniform. If every character in Tyria was a friendly fuzzy bunny we could cuddle and hug I would be forced to run screaming back to playing solitaire instead of an MMO.
Warmaster Forgal is hardly a fuzzy bunny, yet he’s still likable and (more importantly) interesting. Trahearne’s lack of personality may have been an artistic choice, but that doesn’t mean it was a necessary, much less good, choice. If he’d been a bit gruffer, a bit less likeable, that still would’ve been better than competent, reasonable, and boring.
Really, I just wish we could’ve stuck with the Order mentors. They were so much more enjoyable to be around.
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Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I think humans teend to dismiss “anti-leader” personality types all too easily. Apparently, many people-hopefully not a majority-have a problem with his “lack of charisma”, but should all leaders be charismatic/“personable”? I would argue that the usually more likable Thybalt, despite his sacrifice and quite more charming personality, wasn’t a good fir for that kind of leadership either (much as the other 2 sacrificial order leaders.) In short, it is fine for leaders to be so without meeting the stereotype.
(Leadership envy is problably among the main, “true” reasons Trahearne is disliked, however, especially considering the posts of many haters in this type of threads.)
I didn’t really hate the voice-acting, as it was quite fitting for the character being portrayed. Voice changes were a bit unwarranted, or at least should have been put on hold until after attaining Pact leadership role. Though now they are fine, I miss the “this won’t end well” days when you play with new characters.
One phrase that he repeated ad nauseum in fights…..
“This won’t end well”Oh shut up, Trahearne, and kill something for pete’s sake!
I fail to see how it’s much worse than “you’ll pay for your disrespect!”-who also, I must add, usually died seconds after uttering his challenge.
3 characters I don’t enjoy are actually “human”-I don’t “hate” them as such, but Trahearne isn’t most certainly worse than them in my eyes.
I don’t understand all the hate for him, though I’m still going through the story but I thought he was really interesting when he was introduced. I disagree he has a lack of personality. He’s just not the type that you would often see thrown into the important role of a giant war, but that’s what I found more interesting than some beefed out battle master.
I don’t understand all the hate for him, though I’m still going through the story but I thought he was really interesting when he was introduced. I disagree he has a lack of personality. He’s just not the type that you would often see thrown into the important role of a giant war, but that’s what I found more interesting than some beefed out battle master.
My first character was a slyvari and I chose to hang around Treesus(Trahearne) through out most of my PS. He has the worst voice acting in this game. He’s dryer than a cracker and his development/writing is just awful. If he actually had some good rallying speeches and lines to indicate he was accepting this difficult role of leader maybe he could have been better. Right now he minus well be a cardboard cut out hes that dull.
The only problem that I ever had with him is sometimes he talks too much. Sometimes I find myself saying would you just shut up already, can we move on.
Kormir 2.0, tbh
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]
I don’t understand all the hate for him, though I’m still going through the story but I thought he was really interesting when he was introduced. I disagree he has a lack of personality. He’s just not the type that you would often see thrown into the important role of a giant war, but that’s what I found more interesting than some beefed out battle master.
They have edited a lot of what he used to say. I went through the whole claw island thing again with another character a few weeks back, and his dialog is now far different, and better than it was last year. He is far more tolerable, now.
Although, he still has a tendency to wander off in the middle of some fights.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
I dislike him because he’s very dull. His personality is so bland. There’s pretty much nothing to him and he wont go away!
Tybalt for life!
hehehe someone called him “Tree-dawg”…. sounds fitting… he should sit when i tell him to and beg at my feet for food like the mutt he is. This game is about OUR journey… not some whiny teenager that the puke tree says is destined for greatness at every turn in the story. I refuse to bow to a weak leader that has no concept of courage or strong enuff to make a decision and send his troops off to accomplish it.
dont get me started on the voice acting… that brit git needs to L2speak and for hells sake, put some emotion behind it!!