Why don't you ban bots?

Why don't you ban bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Micho.8729



Do Anet ban bots or at least care?

Within my guild,we have many inactive people, out of which 2 accounts have been stolen and used as a bot.

Out of curiosity we keep them in the guild while we are waiting to see when they are going to be banned!!!

We report those bots every day (we are not a very big guild but we at least submit 4-5 reports a day)

The first bot is still active… We are reporting it, approximately since Jun 2013

The second one is newer… we have just been reporting it for 2 months…

So do they ban bots? does reports even make a difference?

Why don't you ban bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mark Katzbach

Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager


You can report bot locations (not names) in this thread or you can report bots in-game or directly to Customer Support.