Why is GW2 so Stingy with the Titles?
I completely agree.
agreed. I’d love to see titles for those random achievements you get throughout the game i.e. kill 1,000 centaurs, “Centaur Slayer”, etc.
(edited by Shifted.3697)
I can see why you guys would think that having a title for a lot of things is cool, but I think titles are good the way they are because if you have one you obviously accomplished something great.
I’m more concerned on why they are hidden. Titles should be there for everyone to see in the first place. What’s the point in enabling a title if you can’t show them off?
I can see why you guys would think that having a title for a lot of things is cool, but I think titles are good the way they are because if you have one you obviously accomplished something great.
Aside from the GW1 titles, there’s only a handful of GW2 titles which means every other player has pretty much the same handful of titles.
Agreed. I think Arenanet should take a leaf out of EQ2’s array of titles. So many you can earn whether from crafting, joining certain factions or killing x number of a certain mob and different tiers of titles too.
Agreed. I think Arenanet should take a leaf out of EQ2’s array of titles. So many you can earn whether from crafting, joining certain factions or killing x number of a certain mob and different tiers of titles too.
Yeah, EQ2 has a pretty diverse array of titles as well.
I was really surprised to see how few titles you can get for PvE and how many you can get for PvP. And yeah, lack of things like “X slayer” when you finish the achievement for killing X felt odd (but most of those are cake to get so IMO, they should bump up the number of kills by a factor of 10 if there’s going to be a title).
I have a title for doing 1000 revives and that’s about the only title I’ll get for PvE. It’s kind of wierd.
Hmm, to me having titles for every little accomplishment diminishes the point of titles in the first place. Aren’t they supposed to be for finishing something that took a good amount of time and effort to get??
I troll because I care
Sorry, but it basically sounds like you want ArenaNet to make titles more attainable. Titles should be challenging to get. I agree with “add more titles” but not “make titles easier to get”. In fact, I feel like everything in this game should be harder.
At first when WoW brought in titles I was meh about it, but when they started nerfing end game and removing attunements which meant removing the title, I began loving the titles then. Example Hand of A’dal. Nice to have because it showed you did something that was pretty difficult for some. And no one can ever get that title again. Also not sure if they did but removing the Light of the Dawn title once Cata came out.
Sure some titles are dumb and meaningless sure, but putting a lot of work into some and then having it stop once it becomes easy to get I think means a lot. Do I need a title to show what I have done or brag? No. I wear them because it brings back fond memories or getting it and the work involved so I wear them proudly.
ANet always designed their titles to require a bit of work. The titles in GW1 and GW2 really show how much work you put into something. It’s their vision for the titles and it’s something I can respect.
Sorry, but it basically sounds like you want ArenaNet to make titles more attainable. Titles should be challenging to get. I agree with “add more titles” but not “make titles easier to get”. In fact, I feel like everything in this game should be harder.
Aside from GW1 titles, there’s a handful of titles. Half of the whopping 7 PVE titles require to spend enormous amounts of money and basically the title you get just means that…you spend an enormous amount of money. That’s hardly a personal achievement when anyone can just drop cash on gems or shady gold sellers.
The PVP titles are practically all the same, only denoted by how long you’ve played PVP and half of those titles require you to drop a buttload of money on tournament tickets.
There’s very little flavor or diversity to the titles. Here, take a look for yourself:
The day they add option to self target is the day i start caring for titles. Right now i cant even see my name.
More titles? Sure. Easier titles? Nah.
After completing both, my mind was blown that there was a title for the pumpkin carving side quest, but not the rage inducing Clocktower. I mean…for one I just too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra ran around the continent carving up pumpkins as I went along, and for the other I physically, emotionally and mentally abused myself hours for that moment of sweet sweet triumph.
I also wish titles were more visible. But I’ll reserve complete judgement on that until I see how they are listed on the character inspection screen…whenever that comes out.
Agree,theres loads of titles in gw1..but here not so much,or i just dont know about most of them..But for one i honestly would have thought we would geta title for completing the last mission…Guardian of Tyria..whatever.
i would like a “If it flies, it dies” title for killing 1,000 flying creatures.
I prefer a title system like they used in Aion for instance. Certain titles had 1 or more buffs. In other words next to being a title for accomplishing something they had a use.
Switching between the titles was quite common too so no one walked around with the same title for a year or longer simply because they stopped caring about them.
It also gave us a real actual reason to go for titles.
Everyone will take the title with the best buff.Same as in aion where people all went for the speed%. I rather not have anything from Aion in Gw2..when i look back to aion..im seriously wondering why in the hell i ever played that crappy grinder..I actually just stayed and played for so long because of my guild.
Everyone will take the title with the best buff.Same as in aion where people all went for the speed%. I rather not have anything from Aion in Gw2..when i look back to aion..im seriously wondering why in the hell i ever played that crappy grinder..I actually just stayed and played for so long because of my guild.
Not true at all i led 2 full legions in aion for 3 years, in pvp many would choose speed but even in that you had flight speed and run speed and many different titles with different speeds and combinations of speed and a other buff. But surely not everyone went with speed there were still loads of players that choose titles that complimented their builds outside of a few speed points and rangers and sins had less reason to prefer those titles,at higher level and with more seasoned pvp’ers you saw less and less use of speed titles and more that complimented their build as there were numerous other ways to increase speed compared to a small single buff +5 speed title .
Then there was pve where there simply was no popularity with any particular buff and it simply came down to the situation build and class.
This was still true for PvP btw for instance , i never saw anyone bother to switch to a speed buff title for a fort siege.
Then we have GW2 where the whole PvP side of this story can be tossed aside, title buffs simply would not count in pvp in gw2.
The fact that you do not like aion as a whole is of no relevance here.
(edited by Smackjack.5071)
Sorry, but it basically sounds like you want ArenaNet to make titles more attainable. Titles should be challenging to get. I agree with “add more titles” but not “make titles easier to get”. In fact, I feel like everything in this game should be harder.
Aside from GW1 titles, there’s a handful of titles. Half of the whopping 7 PVE titles require to spend enormous amounts of money and basically the title you get just means that…you spend an enormous amount of money. That’s hardly a personal achievement when anyone can just drop cash on gems or shady gold sellers.
The PVP titles are practically all the same, only denoted by how long you’ve played PVP and half of those titles require you to drop a buttload of money on tournament tickets.
There’s very little flavor or diversity to the titles. Here, take a look for yourself:
Combat Healer, Dungeon Master, Golden (albeit difficult, but not necessary to pay for), Kegmaster, and Master Crafter can all be obtained through leveling. At the very least, Combat Healer, Dungeon Master, and Kegmaster can without paying (except for armor repairs).
However, I would love to see more titles. That’s not to say that 1000 kills should mean a “…. Slayer” title, but maybe 5000, or something like that and you get the title.
I’m in complete agreement.
I often don’t run with a title — but it seems like there are dozens of titles in PvP, but a stingy few in PvE. Why can’t I be “Dredge Slayer” or “Master Huntsman”?
If ANet wants to differentiate titles, have different colors for different “levels” of title. “Been There, Done That” could be in Gold, while “Grawl Slayer” would be in white.
Agreed more diversity should always be welcome..
I’ve stated this before on other threads but I’ll restate it here:
Add more titles.
Add emotes.
We need some intermediate goals while we work towards our legendaries!
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
Agreed, there aren’t enough titles and the ones that are there aren’t very good.
And personally I would not care one bit if everyone that killed 1000 risen was able to get “Zhaitan’s Bane” as a title, or whatever.
Unlike a lot of people here, other people having things does not suddenly make them worthless to me.
Also, if all the slayer achievements had titles, you would probably not see the same one constantly anyway because there would actually be variety.
(edited by ChairGraveyard.2967)
Short: Titles should show off something impressive, not every random thing you did.
I actually like the idea of titles being hard to get rather than a silly kill 1000 monster. I usually feel like titles are worthless in other mmos because they’re too easy. Looking at the tiers, a lot of them are just far too easy (ex. master of overkill) and don’t really mean anything. Titles give distinction to players for actually doing harder things, and I feel a ton of nooby titles would take away from that. (As it is now, anyone with a title actually had to do something impressive.)
That being said I’m all for more titles being added for difficult achievements, right now the variety is rather lacking. More one time task titles would be nice too, you know, like beating the game (rather easy but meh). Maybe one for doing all the optional jump puzzles, or finding all the secrets in the field boss battles.
I think the lack of titles is yet another indicator how much this game was rushed at the end. I guess they will add more titles in the future.
Agreed, there aren’t enough titles and the ones that are there aren’t very good.
And personally I would not care one bit if everyone that killed 1000 risen was able to get “Zhaitan’s Bane” as a title, or whatever.
Unlike a lot of people here, other people having things does not suddenly make them worthless to me.
Also, if all the slayer achievements had titles, you would probably not see the same one constantly anyway because there would actually be variety.
I would definitely be strutting around boasting my “Moa Slayer” title. :P
I’m still pissed off that I didn’t actually get a “Champion of Orr” title when the NPC in the story mission said “From this day forth, you will carry the title of ‘Champion of Orr’.”
Titles are anet’s version of the perpetually running hamster wheel, but it comes with a door. You’ll be working hard and it will be tough, but getting all of the things to get the title means that you are truly dedicated. Think of it like a legendary.
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Titles are anet’s version of the perpetually running hamster wheel, but it comes with a door. You’ll be working hard and it will be tough, but getting all of the things to get the title means that you are truly dedicated. Think of it like a legendary.
How is exploring the whole map, or reviving a thousand dead NPCs (which die in droves all the time, you can easily grind a repeating event that involves a bunch of NPCs for this) or spending X amount of money “Legendary”?
I guess I’m not as addicted to titles as most. I don’t even have player names etc turned on because it just mucks up my view of things. I honestly don’t care about who has what “title”. I’m not in awe of them nor do I feel any overwhelming desire to have any up on my character to elicit the awe of others.
I don’t really bother too much with titles. Why put so much effort into achieving something that 99% of all players are never going to notice unless they click on you (and that’s usually because you’re in WvW and they’re trying to kill you)?
My biggest beef with titles in this game is that they are, for all intents and purposes, hidden from view. Since GW2 allows for really long names, something which i think is awesome, the title should be placed underneath the name to avoid making the names even longer.
As for the lack of titles, yes, they are too little. Im hoping that either the big content patch on November will add more of the expansion will have them. Overall though, there are much bigger fish to fry right now than titles.
Because in the end only GWAMM-rank mattered in GW1. Titles have to be difficult to get or become meaningless. Take the 60% exploration title for Cantha… might as well have no title. Same for r2 lightbringers or r6 sunspears.
If I see a title on someone I want to be impressed, otherwise a GWAMM track will become necessary and all other titles actually lose all significance.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Kill 1000 critters is a title I’m 890/1000 now
. I believe the title is Indiscriminate killer
I agree. So far I only have one GW2 title which is Combat Healer I think (proudly displaying that). The rest is all GW1 HoM. I’ve completed several other GW2 titles, but no option to display them 8( sad stuff
Sorry, but it basically sounds like you want ArenaNet to make titles more attainable. Titles should be challenging to get. I agree with “add more titles” but not “make titles easier to get”. In fact, I feel like everything in this game should be harder.
Aside from GW1 titles, there’s a handful of titles. Half of the whopping 7 PVE titles require to spend enormous amounts of money and basically the title you get just means that…you spend an enormous amount of money. That’s hardly a personal achievement when anyone can just drop cash on gems or shady gold sellers.
The PVP titles are practically all the same, only denoted by how long you’ve played PVP and half of those titles require you to drop a buttload of money on tournament tickets.
There’s very little flavor or diversity to the titles. Here, take a look for yourself:
Why are you showing me this?… You just proved I’m correct. More titles need to be implemented.
Kill 1000 critters is a title
I’m 890/1000 now
. I believe the title is Indiscriminate killer
errrr wrong.
I’ve had over 1000 critters killed for a while now and no title. I think there are only 6-7 titles you can get in GW2 from pve without having played GW1
Kill 1000 critters is a title
I’m 890/1000 now
. I believe the title is Indiscriminate killer
errrr wrong.
I’ve had over 1000 critters killed for a while now and no title. I think there are only 6-7 titles you can get in GW2 from pve without having played GW1
Correct, “Indiscriminate Slayer” is an Achievement (Tier 4/4) not a Title. It would be nice if it was a Title so everyone knew I had no qualms about killing little bunny rabbits.
I don’t know why everyone thinks every title has to be impossible to get to be useful. Like I said before, I don’t care if every single person that got the slayer things also got a title with it.
A mix of titles, both hard and easy to get, is better than 7 lame titles (which are not even hard… just grindy and boring).
Good idea, add titles for all those kill achievements and such. I am still waiting for the game that lets you create your own titles that get taken once they are made and cost a hefty price. Then you could have stuff like “The Mad King” and I just think that’s cool.
In my opinion they should add custom titles which would appear in blue color, while achievement titles would be displayed in gold color.
Titles should be even rarer.
But they should show in front of after the player’s name.
I want more fun titles! Like “Farmer of Tyria” or “Friend of the rabbits” or “Hugger of Dolyaks”. Right now, I only have combat healer and Master Carver. Will have Been there, done that soon, but it doesn’t sound like a title imo x.x
I was astounded not to have the title “Champion of Orr” after it being declared in my story-line.
On the other hand, people don’t really see your title, not hardly ever, cuz we don’t even have assist-targetting or targetted heals like in other games.
So it doesn’t really matter, eh.
I was astounded not to have the title “Champion of Orr” after it being declared in my story-line.
I totally agree. When the person (forgot which character it was) announced that title, I immediately went to look for it in my title list… xD Unfortunately it was not there 8(
I’m quite happy that titles are less in your face than they were in the original game; eventually, the entire focus of that game became titles, so I wasn’t enjoying the multitude of content, just grinding out the same stuff over and over again.
I do like the little explorer’s star against my name though
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
The clock tower should have had it’s own title. That was an epic accomplishment IMO when you finished it.