Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gabal.4520



My guild numbers 100 people of which around 20 are active every day. We have saved up influence and have unlocked Guild Bounties only to discover we can’t access them. Why? Only guild leader has a right to use mission control.

Our guild leader was very active and a lot of people are in a guild because of her. However, due to some RL stuff she isn’t playing any more but she is still nominally a guild leader. We have a co-leader who deals with every-day business of the guild and officers who help out. They all had all the rights the guild leader has prior to the latest patch which introduced guild mission.

We didn’t notice it at first and have set up an hour when we gathered up to attempt our first guild bounty. Only to realize we can’t activate it as our guild leader is the only one who can do it.
We are trying to get in touch with her but have so far been unsuccessful so my question is this – is it possible to extend mission control to several highest ranks in a guild?

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


My guild numbers 100 people of which around 20 are active every day. We have saved up influence and have unlocked Guild Bounties only to discover we can’t access them. Why? Only guild leader has a right to use mission control.

Our guild leader was very active and a lot of people are in a guild because of her. However, due to some RL stuff she isn’t playing any more but she is still nominally a guild leader. We have a co-leader who deals with every-day business of the guild and officers who help out. They all had all the rights the guild leader has prior to the latest patch which introduced guild mission.

We didn’t notice it at first and have set up an hour when we gathered up to attempt our first guild bounty. Only to realize we can’t activate it as our guild leader is the only one who can do it.
We are trying to get in touch with her but have so far been unsuccessful so my question is this – is it possible to extend mission control to several highest ranks in a guild?

I believe it’s possible to give anyone access, you just need to enable it in ranks. Still need the leader to do that, though.

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Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anarok.9713


Anyone can use the mission control if it is set up that way. Just need someone that can edit the ranks to give the proper permissions.


Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gabal.4520


I believe it’s possible to give anyone access, you just need to enable it in ranks. Still need the leader to do that, though.

Yes, that is true – the problem with absent guild leader remains.

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

I believe it’s possible to give anyone access, you just need to enable it in ranks. Still need the leader to do that, though.

Yes, that is true – the problem with absent guild leader remains.

But it is a problem with your guild leader being absent, not with ANET not giving you the tools for other people other than the leader to activate missions. For us we contacted our guild leader and asked her to log in as soon as possible to give us access to activating missions as soon as the patch hit.

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Targuil.3741


This exactly happened to our guild too, but luckily one of us knew how to get our leader on line. An overlooked problem.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gabal.4520


This exactly happened to our guild too, but luckily one of us knew how to get our leader on line. An overlooked problem.

I hope we’ll manage to get hold of our leader as it seems that is the only solution… Or make a new guild and grind influence all over again.

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Things like this are why I think it’s a good idea for guilds to have, at minimum, 2 people who can do everything and at least 1 extra person with access to key features like permission to change ranks.

It’s probably only practical for big or long-running guilds where it would be a big loss if you had to start over and where the leader gets to know some of the members well enough to trust them with those permissions (because you should obviously never give it to someone you don’t trust) but it’s important to have a back-up.

Also a way for those people to contact each other outside of the game.

I had a similar issue with a forum I used to moderate – our one and only admin dissapeared. No one knew what had happened and no one had a way to contact her because she just wasn’t ever online anywhere. Without her we couldn’t update the software, couldn’t ban users or modify permissions, couldn’t edit the layout etc. basically couldn’t do anything except bare-bones day-to-day stuff. In the end we had to scrap the forum and move everyone to a new one.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Why is Mission Control leader-only right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gabal.4520


Things like this are why I think it’s a good idea for guilds to have, at minimum, 2 people who can do everything and at least 1 extra person with access to key features like permission to change ranks.

We have that – a co-leader had all permissions as guild leader and officers only didn’t have a right to change guild logo. But with new content being added only leader was given mission control…

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server