Why is party chat deleted after i leave?
Party chat/Guild chat being removed when I switch characters/zones/parties is actually something that ticks me off. I may make a report and send it in. Also, make a suggestion (hopefully they read it.)
I would like to see class and level (though I often switch to a different character before doing dungeons). The whole group system needs an overhaul. If it’s not addressed in their LFG update, I’d again make your voice heard.
As far as the UI, I think it’s fine. I would like the ability to switch skills around. However, I suspect it has something to do with your skills constantly changing in battle (picking up items, swapping weapons, etc.)
Direct trade is not there b/c of scamming AND adding a money sink via taxes on the TP. You can still mail with relative ease. However, if they added direct training it would either a) be used to circumvent taxes or b) have a very confusing tax code.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I agree, deleting party chat is something that really, REALLY bothers me.
I know it’s intended, but please change it.
Party chat also gets deleted when you are kicked. Imo it prevents verbal abuse toward other players.
Cant tell you how many times ive been bootes before maw or a final boss for nothing and wanted to give someone in that party a piece of my mind but couldnt.
Click to move was a good 80% of the reason I despised GW1. I agree that party chat should stay.
I’ve always wondered about this and I wouldn’t mind if it stopped happening in a patch. Same goes for other chat tabs that I’ve set up such as guild chat. The odd thing is that map chat always works fine and never switches—same for whispering/PM’ing someone.
Party chat also gets deleted when you are kicked. Imo it prevents verbal abuse toward other players.
Cant tell you how many times ive been bootes before maw or a final boss for nothing and wanted to give someone in that party a piece of my mind but couldnt.
Why I screenshot the player list before every fractal.
Direct trade was awful in GW1, I’m glad it’s gone. The endless annoyance of having to haggle and play the stupid “make an offer” game for anything was not a good thing. Also, scammers, lots of them.
I do wish they would increase the amount of mail we can send to other players though to at least 4 so you can send cons to your whole party in dungeon runs without having to wait.
Party chat also gets deleted when you are kicked. Imo it prevents verbal abuse toward other players.
Cant tell you how many times ive been bootes before maw or a final boss for nothing and wanted to give someone in that party a piece of my mind but couldnt.
But you can’t report them if they kick you at last boss or if they verbally abuse you.
I’ve been victim of hate speech a few times (not many, to be honest… the community is quite mature) and I wasn’t able to report them.
Anet, change this. Fast.