Why is respec feature so expensive?

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I am playing GW2 casually and purely for the fun of it, not any grinding. And I dont have enough currency to respec my traits. Why did you put a fee into respecing in the first place? whats the point of it? shouldnt respecing be all for the fun of playing new interesting builds?

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Because it’s a gold sink, a means by which the developers permanently remove currency from the economy in an attempt to keep inflation in check.

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


Less than 4s is expensive?

1+1 = potato

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thereon.3495


Isnt it only 3s to respec? I dont mean to sound nasty but unless youre standing around all day not playing the game its hardly a problem to get 3s.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


While I agree that they really shouldn’t have put a fee on something like that, it’s REALLY not very much money.
If you’re THAT strapped for cash, get a copper sickle and gather a potato farm and sell it on TP, that’s more than enough for the respec.

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Respecs are hilariously cheap. They are just a huge inconvenience. I would pay quite a few gems for the ability to have 2 or more trait pages stored for out-of-combat swaps.

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awesome.6120


3.5s at max is really not that much unless you are respeccing literally constantly.

edit: unless you are one of those noobs who thinks you need to buy the book every time you want to respec?

[SFD] – Maguuma

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


3.5s at max is really not that much unless you are respeccing literally constantly.

edit: unless you are one of those noobs who thinks you need to buy the book every time you want to respec?

is there another way to respec other than buying the book each time?

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awesome.6120


ah ha! so we’ve found the real problem.

Go talk to your trainer and pick the option that says “I want to relearn my traits” rather than the option that takes you to the books.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


Yes there is an option available below the books when you talk to the trainer

Why is respec feature so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


3.5s at max is really not that much unless you are respeccing literally constantly.

edit: unless you are one of those noobs who thinks you need to buy the book every time you want to respec?

is there another way to respec other than buying the book each time?

Ouh. Yes. Talk to your trainer and ask him to reset your traits. He will charge you a little less than 4s for that. Respeccing is dirt cheap in this game.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken