Why is the inbox mail limit?
I know the feeling lol
Get used to taking a lot of screenshots >.>
My only guess is bandwidth issues itself, when you delete an e-mail it deletes it off the servers and thus saving space. It may only be 40kb in size but it all adds up when you have millions of players.
Part of the reason is to dissuade players from using the inbox as cheap storage space. If a player has 2 accounts, they can mail any number unbound items from one account to the other. If there was no mail limit, and you could always sort through it all, there’d be no reason to open your mail, you could just leave it there till you need it. Granted, players can still do this to an extent in that they can still mail a ton of things, however, if they want to get to any of it, they have to open and delete all of the older mails before they can get to what they want. So, essentially, such players still have access to a very large storage queue, it just don’t make for good random access.
TL:DR To encourage people to buy more inventory/bank space.