Why is there not a PvP Server?

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


I always thought the main focus of Guild Wars was it’s PvP with a goal of making the game an Esport. I always assumed the WvWvW and PvE was more of a sideshow for casual gamers like Random Arenas and PvE was in Guild Wars 1. Only in GW2 they did it on a much grander scale to a point where the world design is stunning and seems to be stealing the spot-light a little from their true intentions for the game. It’s also why there aren’t that many dungeons, there are no raids, PvE bosses do basically the same attacks over and over, and end game – the only maps that seem to have people in them is in Orr. It’s apparent that Anet is targeting hard-core PvPers with a focus on eSport. Perhaps you should keep up with Anets blog, they aren’t about PvE are they? It’s such a waste that a lot of PvPers won’t be stepping foot in the PvE environment simply because for some fighting AI will never be as fun, challenging or as exciting as fighting another solid PvPer.

Nobody can make assumptions about how long it would take to implement PvP in to the PvE zones because none of us are programmers at ArenaNet. For all we know they’ve already taken this in to account should they decide to run any events that feature an element of PvP.

This game isnt built to attract pvpers, its built to attract casual players, if it WAS built to attract pvpers..there would be hardly any leveling, open ffa pvp would have been created from the start and the story would have been much more ambiguous.

You mean the current story being: oh noes the dragons are attacking we’re all screwed? And there is hardly any leveling isn’t there? You go to the WvWvW zone and you’re immediately level 80 and can take part in the zerg fest, no problem. You go to the Mists and you hit the level cap and have every skill / trait unlocked.

Structured Player vs. Player (sPvP) is a core feature in Guild Wars 2, and it’s quite massive.

- Jonathan Sharp

Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds more to me like PvP is just as important if not more important than the story/lore/PvE side of the game. Obviously they feel there is enough money in it for them or why would they bother trying to make the game an esport at all. The Esport community is even smaller than those who would be interested in an open PvP server…

(edited by Nomaq.3521)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditton.3149


which proves my point not yours, spvp is already there, why arent you just happy with that then? You want it in the open world, thats an entirely different animal. Spvp is an esport, open world ffa is nothing like an esport, there is no money in it for them.

You are talking about taking their pve world and making it open world ffa pvp..thats completely different than what he is describing and you know it. FFA pvp is not their goal, not even close.

Im going to assume since you have neglected to answer twice that no, you arent willing to put your money where your mouth is where this is concerned. You want to effectively double their coding, yet provide no substantial increase in revenue…how is that going to work?

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


From my other post in this thread:

it would serve as a bridge between WvW and sPvP where players can use tactics / skills they’ve acquired while fighting in the PvPvE environments if they fancy a zerg fest or something a little more competitive. I thought that was the whole idea behind the PvE zones, for players to familiarize themselves with their chars before jumping in to the competitive PvP from memory?

Yes I would happily pay a subscription to play on a PvP server, I have no problem with this, I have done so in past MMO’s for years. Where is your proof that there will be no substantial increase in revenue. Do I keep having to reiterate that this would attract many players who are already enjoying this server setup? How do you know how long it’s going to take to implement, are you secretly an ArenaNet developer? You don’t know anything about what their game engine is/isn’t capable of. But what we do know the engine is already capable of handling large scale pvp / smaller instanced pvp / game is balanced for PvP / there are dynamic events in WvWvW… What am I missing? If anything the game is more PvP driven than PvE. FFA has it’s place in the game imo.

(edited by Nomaq.3521)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


which proves my point not yours, spvp is already there, why arent you just happy with that then? You want it in the open world, thats an entirely different animal.

Exactly it’s completely different, and I enjoy sPvP which is the main reason I’m playing this game.

In terms of FFA PvP I think Scrambled said it best when he wrote:

The best part about open pvp isn’t ganking and getting ganked— it’s the element surprise. It’s variable and unpredictable. It’s the tension of knowing that you’re in contested territory and you need to be on your guard.
I think the biggest thing we are missing out on are the great settings which we could be battling in. I find myself staring at the set pieces in PvE, fantasizing about how cool it would be to actually fight people there.
As it stands, WvW is fun and sPvP is also a thing. The lack of FFA PvP wont keep me from playing, but the possibilities of it’s implementation could be fantastic.

(edited by Nomaq.3521)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditton.3149


Where is your proof that it will be lucrative? I dont want something different, you do. Its not up to me to prove its lucrative, the burden of proof is on your side. You are maintaining that there are thousands of people but that isnt enough, for an entirely new coding you need as many people as play the game now or close to it. Its going to take an entire team of people to update and maintain a pvp server. It not about if I want it, its about resources, what you want is substantially more workload for not alot more to gain.

(edited by Ditton.3149)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


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My proof being that it has worked for many other successful titles? They already have an entire team dedicated to PvP content. Besides, the new server ruleset really isn’t going to be that much different than the pure PvE servers so I don’t see how it’s going to require an entire team to maintain it all the time? If the entire development team quit ArenaNet today would the game suddenly cease to function at all? Where do you get this information? Are you a project manager at a large game development company? Sorry but I don’t get how you keep coming to these conclusions out of thin air. This game is going to be around for many years, and if it means more players picking up the game to play on an open PvP server it would be a solid investment.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenite.7418


No factions mean no enemy, so your just killing people to be a dick. Griefers gonna grief… but not in this game. ;-)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


No factions mean no enemy, so your just killing people to be a dick. Griefers gonna grief… but not in this game. ;-)

There are no factions but there are guilds, and this game is called Guild Wars isn’t it? This has nothing to do with griefing anyway, I personally do not like griefing. If you want to understand where we’re coming from, you should actually read the thread before posting.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditton.3149


ArenaNet’s Dev Teams:
Live security
Live response
Holidays and events
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My proof being that it has worked for many other successful titles? They already have an entire team dedicated to PvP content. Besides, the new server ruleset really isn’t going to be that much different than the pure PvE servers so I don’t see how it’s going to require an entire team to maintain it all the time? If the entire development team quit ArenaNet today would the game suddenly cease to function at all? Where do you get this information? Are you a project manager at a large game development company? Sorry but I don’t get how you keep coming to these conclusions out of thin air. This game is going to be around for many years, and if it means more players picking up the game to play on an open PvP server it would be a solid investment.

okay..I want you to think about this logically here. They have an entire team to deal with SPvP and esports..which you are saying is too parochial and does not give you the options you want. You want that kind of pvp in an open world, the regular pve world that is already coded against pvp so every npc, event, item, effect, spell, weapon and area would have to be recoded and you think that is a small thing when it takes an entire team to keep up with the much smaller Spvp changes and additions? Everything they do would have to be done twice..once for their pve world and then again for the pvp world..and oh yeah since spvp balances are beginning to be different than pve changes..which does your server get? Its a different design, implementation, different programming, ..its a different game, if you dont see that it would be a large undertaking then I dont know what to tell you. Unless the engine supports a way that in open world somehow everybody could attack everybody..it would have to be coded into everything that exists in order to function. There are norn, human, charr and asura in every city..are they going to disappear all the sudden? every major event is based on the pact, which is a coalition of all the races, how is that going to work in open pvp? So you tell me how all of that can be done, with the same amount of resources that they have now and I’ll tell you that it doesnt require any more effort on their part.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


Lol, I’m starting to think you’re just trolling me. Instead why don’t you explain why they even need to touch the coding that’s already in place for NPCs, weapons, spells, items, areas when the logic already exists in their code? I believe you are blowing the task out of proportion just a tad, or you’ve never tried the WvW or sPvP in this game. Sure, it’s going to require development time but nothing close to the scale of writing code for an entirely new game which is what you claim in your last post. That’s ridiculous. They’d most likely apply the same logic as when 10 players get thrown in to two parties in an instanced tournament match, as in you cannot attack people on your team (or if it were world pvp, you cannot attack players in your party or your guild). They may have to tweak the larger scale dynamic events but I don’t see that as a total rewrite either.

You also seem to be stuck on the notion that if it’s a FFA server, everyone is going to constantly be at arms and nobody can get along? That’s not the case at all, so no, neutral entities such as NPC’s going about their business and trading or whatever are not going to be removed from the city, I never said anything about races hating eachother did I? There is a coalition of races, great, but all these races are also beating eachother to death in World vs World and Structured PvP so your point is moot.

I do enjoy sPvP and WvW too, I never said it doesn’t give me the options I want. In fact I’m completely happy with the game as it is now. I’m just saying I see this game being perfect for open pvp and I hate to see the world design go to waste and not be used to it’s full potential. I also hate seeing this concept constantly shot down by PvErs just because they’re not interested almost as though they want to hog all of ArenaNets dev time for more content that only satisfies themselves.

(edited by Nomaq.3521)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditton.3149


you’re right, Im wrong. Go convince the devs its lucrative and worth their time, ill be awaiting your triumph.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sprinkles.6748


This server would have 0 productivity. Like lol, are you serious with this question. WvW and sPVP….have fun!

http://www.pwnzerfaust.com/ – Dragonbrand

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


This thread should just be closed. It’s pointless as a PvP enthusiast to ask for anything like this. PvE players will come in and stomp over an idea that doesn’t even affect them in the slightest. Throwing in their opinions as fact as to why it wouldn’t work (DE’s broken… really?) :/

Let’s not forget insulting the majority of pvp players by claiming they’re just there to kill people not expecting it… (PvP server implies you’re going to be ganked.. so expect it.)

It’s hopeless really. Wish we could have an OWPvP server, but probably never going to happen. -.-

The problem isn’t that I don’t want a PvP server. (Hell, if I could have multiple characters on different servers I would try one out if it didn’t turn out to be as broken as I think it would be.)
The problem is that you’re asking for a PvE focused game to rewrite it’s entire design philosophy for a demographic of players they weren’t advertising to in the first place.

Yes, Dynamic Events would be broken (I suppose this is only my opinion, but it’s founded on prior knowledge of how a free for all PvP server functions), yet so much more would have to be uprooted and mutilated or taken out entirely for a PvP environment to work.

Heart quests? Imagine getting one of the tasks that require you to pick up one of terrible weapon bundles with a single function meant for completing that task, with a pathetically weak attack as a second skill? You’re going to be at an obvious disadvantage if Johnny McStabsalot catches you with your pants down and starts wailing on you while you’re in the middle of some animation and trying to drop the bundle.

I suppose that kind of unfair conduct is expected in a PvP server, but then how are you going to level if doing heart quests and dynamic events are just asking for trouble? How are you going to grind up gold? Keep in mind that the current server transfer policy is entirely temporary, and at some point down the line we’re all going to be locked to servers, leaving you on an island where all the coconut trees are surrounded by legions of psychopaths wanting to carve you up like a thanksgiving turkey.

Guild Wars 2 is, in it’s very core, a “carebear” MMO as quite a few others advocating for open PvP have mentioned. It’s meant for casual play with a few modes like WvW and sPvP put out for those that occasionally feel the need for something more engaging. I highly doubt ArenaNet would be willing to put in the necessary resources to please you and everyone else who wants open world PvP when they weren’t targeting your demographic in the first place. I can only suggest that you and everyone else find a different game, as your $60 was evidently not well spent here.

I can answer that real quick in 1 word.


…you didn’t read it did you?

TL;DR version: Open world PvP won’t work due to the game’s core design as a casual MMO which encourages spontaneous cooperation, and you won’t get Anet to change anything to fix this issue (because that costs too much money) so you might as well play a game that will appeal to hardcore PvPers.

EQ2 said they will never ever institute a PvP Server and covering everything that you said (yes I did read it). They said this countless times. Guess what? They made like 3-4 PvP servers after folks like me insisted. If you never ask for anything, you will never get anything or ever get recognized.

I just wanted to reiterate that nothing is impossible. If a large scale MMO like EQ2 which was “never ever” designed to have PvP can make it happen, why would you ever say that another large scale MMO like GW2 that is designed around the PvP model, can’t do it? You think they are incapable of doing it? You should be reported and have your message stricken P

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


you’re right, Im wrong. Go convince the devs its lucrative and worth their time, ill be awaiting your triumph.

As far as this guy is concerned, he claims he likes Open World PvP but in this whole thread he argues and troll’s. He is probably one of the guys who is reporting all of my threads lol. Why do you care so much or even want to talk about being lucrative? We the players should not care about worrying how to make the game money. What are you thinking???? Do you work for the game? Another thing, no one absolutely cares why you “Don’t want a PvP Server”. Don’t log in there, that is the very basis. There is only 1 Opinion that matters when it comes to saying no to us that it won’t work and that is the folks who created this game.

Why feel so compelled to be their advocate and jump the gun and tell us no, unt uh, it aint happening? lol

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ickorus.4518



Real PvP is when both know what is about to go down.

If i fight someone irl i dont charge someone from behind with full force, i’m not a bi*ch and i’m not weak.

Be a man you girls, the only real PvP is when both knows what is about to happen.

Pretty much this, ganking lowbies or blindsiding unsuspecting foes does not make you a real PvPer.

Though I do admit I’d like to see an area that blends PvP and PvE together for cool rewards, something like the hunger games event during the beta but more fleshed out.

Guild: Afterlife [AFTL] (Piken Square)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ragingpuma.4618


Real PvP is when both know what is about to go down.

If i fight someone irl i dont charge someone from behind with full force, i’m not a bi*ch and i’m not weak.

Be a man you girls, the only real PvP is when both knows what is about to happen.

how about be a woman you boys and stop being a jerk. i am not a b*st*rd and i am not weak. no need to insult girls for you being a little b*st*rd.

if you want pvp server go back to one of those other lame games where you can gank people and steal their hard earned gear and xp for your own amusement.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


@op: I guess because this is the way they designed it, much like the open world non instanced game of WoW is designed the way it is…

People need to stop believing that this is a PVP game, where everything must be catered to PVP and the Guild Wars 1 style of the game… It is its own game from the lore of GW1. Thats it.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


@op: I guess because this is the way they designed it, much like the open world non instanced game of WoW is designed the way it is…

People need to stop believing that this is a PVP game, where everything must be catered to PVP and the Guild Wars 1 style of the game… It is its own game from the lore of GW1. Thats it.

If you are a smart businessman, you will always create different avenues to proceed. Whenever you lock yourself into 1 way of doing business, you have shot yourself in the foot. These folks are not ignorant, and I am quite certain they have discussed this many times over and continue to do so whether this thread would of been created or not.

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fractal.7039


World PVP is nothing but ganking and griefing. If you want world like PVP go to WvWvW….

Oh… and don’t say “playerbase” … you are not speaking for me or 95% of the other players.

..so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should

(edited by fractal.7039)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wreatch.3812


I would pay to play on a full loot ffa server.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


World PVP is nothing but ganking and griefing. If you want world like PVP go to WvWvW….

Oh… and don’t say “playerbase” … you are not speaking for me or 95% of the other players.

If they don’t create a PvP server, that makes you happy and does not make me happy.
If they create a PvP server, you don’t have to roll a toon there. You will be still be happy but I will be happy as well. Why not just help others irregardless of your opinion when it has zero effect on you?

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


Their might be once again if Luxon and Kurz come back but till then nope

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ditton.3149


you’re right, Im wrong. Go convince the devs its lucrative and worth their time, ill be awaiting your triumph.

As far as this guy is concerned, he claims he likes Open World PvP but in this whole thread he argues and troll’s. He is probably one of the guys who is reporting all of my threads lol. Why do you care so much or even want to talk about being lucrative? We the players should not care about worrying how to make the game money. What are you thinking???? Do you work for the game? Another thing, no one absolutely cares why you “Don’t want a PvP Server”. Don’t log in there, that is the very basis. There is only 1 Opinion that matters when it comes to saying no to us that it won’t work and that is the folks who created this game.

Why feel so compelled to be their advocate and jump the gun and tell us no, unt uh, it aint happening? lol

I dont feel compelled to write up anyone. Despite your limited understanding of anything including me, Ive no bias against you or what you want. You would be best served to direct your influence toward what you want and not those who have chosen to concede and move on.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greg.3792


I love how the question is asked why no PvP server and then all the carebears start crying – um so dont join a PvP server dumb kitten

I would love to see one and there are a lot of people who would as well. Doesnt mean we would all be there all the time because sometimes you just want to level with no griefing.

But other times I love the excitement of the danger. That is what made Aion so exciting – the unknown and the danger.

What makes GW2 perfect for this is the level scaling down so you cant have a high level stomp over you – sweet ! Plus the evenness of the classes.

Open World PvP would rock.

I would prefer though a world similar to WvW that you queue for though versus dedicating a server to join.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mug.9403


I’d love to see downscaling where I’m standing on the side of the zone that makes me level 18 and you’re standing next to me in the one where you’re level 15 and I’m shooting you. Would be awesome!

They also wouldn’t be able to “instance over” other servers to you for events etc like they do now semi seamlessly. (you may not know they do this)

Oh, and open pvp in an already designed game the playerbase is a very small community… (with pvp games actually out, it’s smaller than ever percentage wise… I remember when it used to be up as high as 5%! then quickly dwindle down to 1%)

As far as people “designing” a playable server in a manner, there are hundreds of ways to do it, they would all be fun for a short period of time too!

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


World PVP is nothing but ganking and griefing. If you want world like PVP go to WvWvW….

Oh… and don’t say “playerbase” … you are not speaking for me or 95% of the other players.

The problem is people who don’t understand what’s so fun about a true open world PvP server keep posting against the idea. I am enjoying WvW and sPvP but when it comes to PvE, fighting AI for my entire journey through the world gets stale really fast and isn’t at all challenging. Like any other MMO the AI will always be predictable, red mobs will always attack me if I get too close, yellow and green NPC’s wont. Players on the other hand are unpredictable. For one I actually enjoy players trying to gank me, whether they fail or succeed I know I’m going to have to step up my game. It just makes the game a lot more compelling, challenging and turns the monotonous grindy chores (kill x mobs, fill the progress bar etc) in to a game that actually might require skill if a real person were to attack you. Then again, not everyone is out to gank you either, there will no doubt be players that are there to help you too. The world is a lot more dynamic than static-quests-that-occur-at-random-times (DE’s) that’s for sure.

If you’re not interested in a server that’s more challenging then play on a PvE server against the predictable AI if that’s your thing. That server ruleset was made for you, not for us. Think of our server as Inferno (see diablo 3) and your server as easy-normal mode. But please, If you don’t understand it don’t try to knock it, because there is an audience for this. 95% of the playerbase? I don’t know where you’re getting your stats from, but if you’re right and that’s the case then ArenaNet stand to make a boat-load of cash from those players who enjoy this type of server who aren’t playing the game. Pretty sure you’re wrong though.

WvWvW is a huge zerg fest. sPvP is more objective based on small FPS style maps with a set number of people, it’s just not the same.

(edited by Nomaq.3521)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


Oh, and open pvp in an already designed game the playerbase is a very small community… (with pvp games actually out, it’s smaller than ever percentage wise… I remember when it used to be up as high as 5%! then quickly dwindle down to 1%)

Why does World of Warcraft and SWToR bother having so many PvP servers if only 1% of the population play there?

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dre.8973


i want world pvp too – the closest thing to ganking i get is the hours i spend in the EB puzzle every day killing ppl.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


People seem to forget that World PvP in WoW (and i know thats basically what all the people asking for world pvp are comparing it too in their minds) was ruined.

World PvP/PvP Servers eventually get ruined. World gets too big, too spread out, mounts come in (dont get me started on flying mounts) and it all goes to crap.

They made the Eternal Battlegrounds, in fact WvW as a whole to be that World PvP your talking about. Its a condensed area filled with hundreds of players that will interact with each other constantly. Making pvp open across all servers still wouldnt make sense because you’d have to fundamentally adjust everything in the game. You’d have to find a way to actually divide people already established in servers to be able to obtain a PvP Server.

I know this is a PvP game but their a people who dont want to be constantly looking over their shoulder so they PvE for the casually, less-stress inducing, gameplay. Or if they do on the off chance feel like pushing their skills, they que up for WvW in all of half a second and ur already teleported to a world that has plenty of Ganking/Suprise Attack capabilities.

Besides, what would you really gain from World PvP in the PvE world. All you’d have is a bunch of high levels going and ganking on lowbies with their exotic armor when they’re bored. Happened in WoW and in plenty of other games and ruined PvP for some people.

The fact of the matter is Anet was intelligent in separating them, so they could give us a CHOICE. And choose for ourselves when we’re ready to go fight other players.

This allows them to add to the pve world without risking pvp. If your bored of WvW. Go play something else, go play pve, go play spvp, or do something instead of just sitting their feeling sorry for yourself that ur so bored by this game and come to the forums to bash the mods/devs about your issues.

The game has already established the separation between PvE and PvP to allow the players to choose between the two when they wanted a change of pace. Instead of having someone PvP, get owned, and then PvE, to get camped and owned. This forum would be filled with QQers all the time.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

(edited by Wizardauz.3761)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wumpusrat.4769


If they don’t create a PvP server, that makes you happy and does not make me happy.
If they create a PvP server, you don’t have to roll a toon there. You will be still be happy but I will be happy as well. Why not just help others irregardless of your opinion when it has zero effect on you?

Because it wouldn’t have “zero effect” on everyone else. The code changes requires to make an open pvp server function would require a good bit of dev time, which would pull them off of other things in order to make the pvp server workable. This would delay the release of extra content for all servers.

Plus, having to have two separate builds (one for the pvp server, one for the rest) would mean they would have to put in extra time for each game update.

While I’m all for them creating a pvp server IF it can be done in a workable manner (DEs would have to be looked at, would there be “guard” NPCs about or would it be open season everywhere, would cities be “safe zones”, would the various “level mod breaklines” be addressed to prevent ‘border ganking’, etc?), if it causes them to have to delay content for everyone else to cater to that particular server, I’m not as enthusiastic about it.

I love how the question is asked why no PvP server and then all the carebears start crying – um so dont join a PvP server dumb kitten

And just to note, this is the kind of attitude/response that makes people less inclined to listen to the requests/demands of pvpers…you give us a bad name, man.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


Real PvPers know that real PvP can only happen in a context where there is a gear/level disparity or one party is preoccupied by PvE.

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


People seem to forget that World PvP in WoW (and i know thats basically what all the people asking for world pvp are comparing it too in their minds) was ruined.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, if you thoughts are that WoW PvP servers are “ruined / crap / <insert negative comment about open pvp here>” then for the last time, don’t play there! But there are people who are of the opinion that these servers were great and are all for it. I happen to think that PvE servers are boring as hell but I’m not saying this game should have strictly open pvp servers am I? I’m saying that should have both so everyone can enjoy the game. And people saying they want the developers 100% dedicated to content only for them is pretty selfish if you ask me.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is no such thing as world pvp. It’s called ganking.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


There is no such thing as world pvp. It’s called ganking.

Yeah, People attempting to gank you is just one of the things that makes the server more interesting / challenging. I’d imagine there would also be balanced group fights, guild battles, dueling, but all in a persistent world where it could happen at any given time instead of something generic <zergs here guys> marked on the map. DAoC PvP servers were great for this.

Some of us actually like the sense of danger, and not feeling safe, having to be on guard.

(edited by Nomaq.3521)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Yeah, People attempting to gank you is just one of the things that makes the server more interesting / challenging. I’d imagine there would also be balanced group fights, guild battles, dueling, but all in a persistent world where it could happen at any given time instead of something generic <zergs here guys> marked on the map. DAoC PvP servers were great for this.

Some of us actually like the sense of danger, and not feeling safe, having to be on guard.

Go level in WvW if that’s your cup of tea.
Anet does not want to mix the pve world with the wvw and the pvp ones – plus they are a lot against any griefing in PvE.

This is simply not going to happen: there are plenty of gank games out there, no need for another really.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tasaunders.3746


The playerbase wants to know, why no open world pvp?

Given the previous responses, it’s evident you are not representing the player base, or even one tenth of the player base. You represent a very vocal minority that seems to believe that open world PvP is fun.

Without repeating the other points people made, I’d just like to portray what open world PvP really is. It’s not two high level characters fighting anywhere, any time. It’s one or more high level characters, camping low level characters for the fun of it. It’s these same high level players calling people ‘care bears’ because they find this sort of gameplay uninteresting and frustrating.

Go play sPvP if you truly want the challenge of fighting other players. Otherwise, you’re coming across as another griefer wanting to grief.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


sounds like tasaunders has had a bad experience on a server like this. In reality those people, the campers / griefers have given pvp servers such a bad rep that everyone seems take this point of view when they think about open world pvp. It’s such a shame.

I also play games competitively too I’ve been in top 10 guilds for Guild Wars 1, played in the 2500-2700 bracket for WoW arena since burning crusade. Ganking low level players is not challenging and I don’t want that either. In fact I’d be more than happy if they put restrictions on attacking players who are not within your level range.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tasaunders.3746


Not really a bad experience. I’ve been griefed in both EQ and in WoW on red servers. I handled being corpse camped by either switching characters or finding something else to do. I’ve also been involved in some fun open world PvP (more in EQ than WoW) between guilds.

I think open PvP between guilds would be fine too. But people who don’t want to be bothered with it? Let them be. Level locking is fine too, but some people just aren’t interested and shouldn’t be forced to be interested.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


What do you mean, forced to be interested?

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tasaunders.3746


Player A, who has no interest in open PvP is mining a node. Player B, who likes to PvP attacks Player A. In an open PvP GW2, this would be pretty common place. You could make the argument that it could be kept to one server, but as it’s been stated elsewhere, that’s not what ANet had in mind for this game.

This is why I think Guild vs Guild would really address the ‘I want open PvP’ by letting people who want that sort of play have it with other like-minded guilds. Everquest had a /declare (I think that’s what it was?) that you could declare war on another guild, while leaving players who could give a kitten about PvP out of it.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


I like the idea of guild vs guild in the PvE environments, the game is called Guild Wars so it seems pretty fitting to me. I’d be happy with that.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


I cannot speak for the player bus, by myself specifically, I wonder what type of ego maniacal elitist you have to be to assume you speak for the player base as a whole.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Anet has said many times that would defeat their goal of having the dragons and their minions the only bad guys

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nomaq.3521


So why are there rivalries between servers in WvW?

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis Noir.3804

Artemis Noir.3804

I really have to wonder with a lot of the people agitating for open world PvP if they were bullied in the schoolyard as children and are seeking anonymous revenge, or if they were the bullies and have yet to let go of old habits.

There are two forms of PvP in this game already, and as such I actually have nothing against them. However, players who are not interested in PvP should not need to worry about being harassed when they have no wish to participate. I recognise that the OP is requesting a single PvP server, but as has already been illustrated that would not be viable, so ultimately we are looking at the question as it might impact the entire game.
There are already titles out there that offer Open World PvP, go and play them and stop trying to turn any game that doesn’t meet your wishes into a clone of whatever virtual universe you have left. Please!

Oh, and I concur with those who have already said it, since when does a single player constitute an entire player base? I’ve heard of narcissism, but really, that is pushing it.

(edited by Artemis Noir.3804)

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


No, because it might SEEM like a good idea at first, but it will eventually devolve into a gank fest, just like almost every other game that has open world PvP

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


This thread is still going on?? Allow me to add then: It seems weird that in a game that so heavily incites people to go pvp (yes, I know, it still lacks some things of GW1, but I am rather sure they will be added) anyone would ask for open world pvp. I may be wrong, but I feel OP is into ganking “noobs” and stuff like that, but does not like to go against real good pvp players in structured pvp and wvw – and if any of the top GW1 pvp players transfered to this game, he will have his derriere handed over to him rather sweetly. Yes, I can see how camping POI and jumping puzzles in normal PVE maps is a lot more fun than going up against those guys…

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


This thread is still going on?? Allow me to add then: It seems weird that in a game that so heavily incites people to go pvp (yes, I know, it still lacks some things of GW1, but I am rather sure they will be added) anyone would ask for open world pvp. I may be wrong, but I feel OP is into ganking “noobs” and stuff like that, but does not like to go against real good pvp players in structured pvp and wvw – and if any of the top GW1 pvp players transfered to this game, he will have his derriere handed over to him rather sweetly. Yes, I can see how camping POI and jumping puzzles in normal PVE maps is a lot more fun than going up against those guys…

Structured PvP if for like Kindergarten kids…It is “Structured”. WvW is all about the Gank in huge swarms. Yes I know you can get away from the Zerg and find smaller fights, I try to do that all of the time but then a swarm of 20 people come and ruin the fun. I am sure 15 of them are just mashing buttons. That is not PvP, that is the exact same thing as the Karma Zergs….Also not fun.

Everyone is different, allow for it in life or you will be disappointed more ways than you could ever imagine.

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


I really have to wonder with a lot of the people agitating for open world PvP if they were bullied in the schoolyard as children and are seeking anonymous revenge, or if they were the bullies and have yet to let go of old habits.

There are two forms of PvP in this game already, and as such I actually have nothing against them. However, players who are not interested in PvP should not need to worry about being harassed when they have no wish to participate. I recognise that the OP is requesting a single PvP server, but as has already been illustrated that would not be viable, so ultimately we are looking at the question as it might impact the entire game.
There are already titles out there that offer Open World PvP, go and play them and stop trying to turn any game that doesn’t meet your wishes into a clone of whatever virtual universe you have left. Please!

Oh, and I concur with those who have already said it, since when does a single player constitute an entire player base? I’ve heard of narcissism, but really, that is pushing it.

but as has already been illustrated that would not be viable. <—————————— Please direct me to your factual information. I would like to take a gander of a Dev’s Response.

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.

Why is there not a PvP Server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZaiTh.6378


If they don’t create a PvP server, that makes you happy and does not make me happy.
If they create a PvP server, you don’t have to roll a toon there. You will be still be happy but I will be happy as well. Why not just help others irregardless of your opinion when it has zero effect on you?

Because it wouldn’t have “zero effect” on everyone else. The code changes requires to make an open pvp server function would require a good bit of dev time, which would pull them off of other things in order to make the pvp server workable. This would delay the release of extra content for all servers.

Plus, having to have two separate builds (one for the pvp server, one for the rest) would mean they would have to put in extra time for each game update.

While I’m all for them creating a pvp server IF it can be done in a workable manner (DEs would have to be looked at, would there be “guard” NPCs about or would it be open season everywhere, would cities be “safe zones”, would the various “level mod breaklines” be addressed to prevent ‘border ganking’, etc?), if it causes them to have to delay content for everyone else to cater to that particular server, I’m not as enthusiastic about it.

I love how the question is asked why no PvP server and then all the carebears start crying – um so dont join a PvP server dumb kitten

And just to note, this is the kind of attitude/response that makes people less inclined to listen to the requests/demands of pvpers…you give us a bad name, man.

Actually this thread is growing nicely and pls read the whole thread and educate yourself. To quote myself from an earlier post


EQ2 (Everquest 2) said they will never ever institute a PvP Server and covering everything that you said (yes I did read it). They said this countless times. Guess what? They made like 3-4 PvP servers after folks like me insisted. If you never ask for anything, you will never get anything or ever get recognized.

Tranzik 80 Mesmer (Stormbluff Isle)
400 Tailor/400 Weaponsmith
I beat the Game in less than 2 Months.