As one of few but many, i have spent countless hours in guildwars 2. So much that i literally have everything i want (skin wise/equip wise).
You might consider me as a hardcore player.
The few things i enjoy at this moment is getting weapon ticket skins, guild runs, pvp and organised wvw.
I have never liked the farming mentality and only done it a few times to spend time waiting for updates and so on. So in general there is no need to farm if you just like playing and set your sights on some goals equipment wise to get.
There are a few things that bother me, the balance in general and a lack of goal (since i have already achieved it and i feel theres not much else).
But thats not what i wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about how everyone in this game seems to want something different then the next bloke around, if there is someone saying Yay theres always someone saying Nay. There are people who loved the living story 1 ,there are people who hated the living story 1, there are people who love the hardcore mentality and there are people who only abide by the cassual laws of maximum 1 hours a week play.
I have always wondered why there is such a diverse group of people still in guildwars 2 with such different goals. It is all because the game has the potential to become anyones dreamgame because there is somuch that could be done. But having the hope and potential from a cassuall player who hopes he too can get a legendary some day, in the upcomming week… Or the hardcore who wants that 6th legendary because it was such a road to get to collecting so many… those people will never agree, Guildwars 2 is in my eyes in a stalemate situation, trying to catter all various different people who play there game whilst still making the game Anet/NCsoft wants to make.
I always wondered why there was never an option to ‘vote’ for new content, ofcourse we all remember the cutthroat politics voting but thats not exacly what i mean.
There are so many complaints, why cant we do this on an actuall political level, make votes about the biggest wants in guildwars and see who backs it up or wants it totally different, give out polls every week, and if its possible every day to figure out what the brunt of the community wants from this game. This way people will not live in the illusion of ‘hope’. But will know what they get, ofcourse some people will leave due to this. But i dont feel after all these years that guildwars shouldnt set straight what it wants to achieve WITH its community. so the game can trully flourish.
In the end a happy customer will always return. So instead of trying to hook us on something that will eventually fail due to us, the community, having too many different hopes let the people decide and get a great succesfull game with much profits instead!