Why movement speed is reduced in combat?
well you still get the +25% no matter what. You will still be 25% faster than somone else who is in combat with you who isnt running a speed signet.
The movement speed is indicated in u/s (units per second), where a unit is an ingame distance-measurement that is the same as the range of weapons.
Normal speed is 300 u/s
When in combat this is reduced to 219 u/s
This is done for two reasons. The first has to do with melee/ranged problems, where someone in combat could avoid melee forever. The other is to prevent trains (pulling mobs of enemy’s after you).
A signet granting 25% movementspeed will result in a movement speed of:
375 u/s if not in combat
262 u/s if in combat. So it still has effect but just not that much.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
where can i find U/S in game ?
Combat should not slow down characters at all..
where can i find U/S in game ?
Combat should not slow down characters at all..
U/S is in game in the way range works Just see how far your range 600 weapons fires. this distance takes you 2 seconds to bridge if out of combat (with no buffs). So out of combat speed is 300 u/s
I believe that a combat should slow down. As I tried to explain it has very good reasons and removing this mechanic would mess up things a lot.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
lol explain why there should be speed limitation in combat.
where can i find U/S in game ?
Combat should not slow down characters at all..
Based on what? Poster politely and intelligently explained how it works and why.The reasons they gave are accurate and make sense. Yet you come back with a blunt statement exclaiming that it should not. You got a reason or fact to support that.
lol explain why there should be speed limitation in combat.
No matter how fast characters move, a melee weapon is only going to look right if it hits within a certain distance of the person swinging it. For purpose of discussion, let’s call it five feet.
If characters move too quickly, they can duck in and out of that five-foot range too easily, making attacks too easy to dodge. To account for the large movement speed, ground-targeted spells would have to be bigger, and any kind of slow-build-up attack (like a hammer) is going to struggle to ever hit the target. The basic, in-combat speed is, in a way, determined by the physical reach of melee weapons, what looks “right” with their hit boxes, and the need to make melee practical.
Since none of that applies out of combat, the speed is increased, to let players cover ground more quickly. If they had to standardize in- and out- of combat speeds, that would very likely mean we’d just have to move more slowly out of combat.
For a fun bit of perspective, Elementalists recently acquired a trait that gives out-of-combat speed, or “superspeed.” It lasts 1.5sec, triggers on attuning to air, and is a major trait, so I assume it’s useful. Normalizing combat speed to non-combat speed would be something like giving that trait to every class, permanently, with no trait requirement. It would seriously mess with the flow of combat.