Why nerf a good game?
ArenaNet isn’t simply nerfing everything. They are bringing damage down of some things, because they are simply too powerful and it makes the game unbalanced. Call it nerfing, I call it balancing. Also some of the issues you point out that you find crap are things that are also not working as intended, such as the WP system. It makes people lazy and sloppy. This ought to make it more difficult as there is less room for error.
If you would actually read and listen to them carefully, they wish to have no differences between PvP/WvW and PvE for a character so people get familiar with them and the character operates everywhere the same. Sometimes this means a certain class is very good in a certain instance, this is looked at, and mostly, corrected.
No offense, but if you in the future post threads like this, make it more easy to read and watch your spelling. I’m not being some grammar freak, but it takes the credibility out of your post, at least it did for me.
Now why do I have a feeling that ‘censor nerfing’ really means they took care of a cruise control build you abused, and you couldn’t stand the idea of fighting people on an even playing field…
ArenaNet isn’t simply nerfing everything. They are bringing damage down of some things, because they are simply too powerful and it makes the game unbalanced. Call it nerfing, I call it balancing. Also some of the issues you point out that you find crap are things that are also not working as intended, such as the WP system. It makes people lazy and sloppy. This ought to make it more difficult as there is less room for error.
If you would actually read and listen to them carefully, they wish to have no differences between PvP/WvW and PvE for a character so people get familiar with them and the character operates everywhere the same. Sometimes this means a certain class is very good in a certain instance, this is looked at, and mostly, corrected.
No offense, but if you in the future post threads like this, make it more easy to read and watch your spelling. I’m not being some grammar freak, but it takes the credibility out of your post, at least it did for me.
I agree with you, especially the last part about losing credibility due to grammar errors. (Not the typos, those are fine, just text talk since it doesn’t seem profession in a discussion about a serious topic.)
People are just overreacting to something that could end up being nothing.
That’s what the forums are for apparently: overreacting
ArenaNet isn’t simply nerfing everything. They are bringing damage down of some things, because they are simply too powerful and it makes the game unbalanced. Call it nerfing, I call it balancing. Also some of the issues you point out that you find crap are things that are also not working as intended, such as the WP system. It makes people lazy and sloppy. This ought to make it more difficult as there is less room for error.
If you would actually read and listen to them carefully, they wish to have no differences between PvP/WvW and PvE for a character so people get familiar with them and the character operates everywhere the same. Sometimes this means a certain class is very good in a certain instance, this is looked at, and mostly, corrected.
No offense, but if you in the future post threads like this, make it more easy to read and watch your spelling. I’m not being some grammar freak, but it takes the credibility out of your post, at least it did for me.
totally agree here.
Aoe nerf is just balancing. Nothing else
Wayponint thing will just make players finally think and play better in dungeons. Now doesnt matter if you fail, you just ress and run. EZmode… nothing else
P.S.: ’’WHIT’’
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
ArenaNet isn’t simply nerfing everything. They are bringing damage down of some things, because they are simply too powerful and it makes the game unbalanced. Call it nerfing, I call it balancing. Also some of the issues you point out that you find crap are things that are also not working as intended, such as the WP system. It makes people lazy and sloppy. This ought to make it more difficult as there is less room for error.
If you would actually read and listen to them carefully, they wish to have no differences between PvP/WvW and PvE for a character so people get familiar with them and the character operates everywhere the same. Sometimes this means a certain class is very good in a certain instance, this is looked at, and mostly, corrected.
No offense, but if you in the future post threads like this, make it more easy to read and watch your spelling. I’m not being some grammar freak, but it takes the credibility out of your post, at least it did for me.
totally agree here.
Aoe nerf is just balancing. Nothing else
Wayponint thing will just make players finally think and play better in dungeons. Now doesnt matter if you fail, you just ress and run. EZmode… nothing else
Yes, before their Q&A session, i kept seeing non-stop posts about how overpowered AOE was… wait.. I didn’t.. I kept seeing “guild warriors two” “not playing wvw until thief burst is lowered” .
Single target burst was the problem, and aoe based classes are forced to bunker due to lack of viable single-target damage, and they come out saying they’re going to nerf aoe and make single target “stand out MORE”.
Reminds me of certain euro-politicians “you know what killed our economy, the rich don’t have enough money and are too regulated.. you can tell because they crashed said economy with unregulated securities”
I have to agree with this post. It seems as if Anet is trying to apply GW1 type balancing to GW2. In GW1 fights took a long time and any individual character was relatively weak. It seems they’re trying to bring that back in GW2, despite the fact that I go down in this game far more than you ever do in any other mmo. Do the devs seriously think characters are too powerful across the board?
The GW2 battles are supposed to be faster paced and you normally end up fighting 2-3 guys at once. In order to keep the pace of gameplay almost up to where it is now after they implement the AoE nerf, they’ll have to at least increase the single target skill damage by double from what was nerfed just to make up for the loss in gameplay pace. And that’s just counting for when you’re fighting 2 mobs at once., how many times do you fight just 2 mobs in an event or anywhere in orr?
I seriously can’t see them doing this, they’ll probably nerf AoE damage by 30% and increase single target skill damage by some bullcrap token 5%-10%. This will make fights take even longer. Not to mention what longer fights will do to some classes (ele).
Point is players are continually being nerfed compared to the PvE content. Anet seems to have their own philosphy behind the way they’ve been balancing which usually involves completely ignoring the player base’s notions of how the classes play. I’m convinced whoever is in charge of class balancing at Anet doesn’t know what makes the game fun or how the classes work. This would explain the long CD on some very basic weapon skills. With faster combat you need to be able to use your skills more often otherwise it turns into an auto attack fest.
They don’t seem to realize that the reason there are generally only a few viable builds per class is because we’re fighting just to keep our head above the water. Those are the only builds that allow you to effectively play the game. bunker eles wouldn’t have to exist if the class was inherently more survivable.
I already felt that traits are superbly weak and feel much more like an illusion of choice as opposed to affecting the way a class actually plays. For example the guardian’s grand master tier major trait that heals you when striking with a GS seems like it might be nice, until you realize it only heals you for 25 hp at lvl 80. When you have a minimum of 12k life, that’s basically a false choice. There are tons of traits like this, taking them is almost exactly the same as not taking them.
From all the changes that Anet has made to their game so far, I can safely say with the utmost confidence, that the Anet team has done the worst possible job of balancing their game in the spirit of keeping the game fun, that I have ever seen… in ANY mmo EVER.
The game has been going downhill in playability and character versatility since launch. If this next path further reduces player effectiveness, which it likely will since the combat revolves around fighting groups of mobs, and there’s no real attempt to rectify the lagging pace of the gameplay, then I’m gone. Anet’s quest to make this game an e-sport has been slowly killing off the PvE aspect. Unless they do a 180 in terms of how balancing is handled and start focusing on making the classes versatile, fun and unique, I don’t see a point in sticking with this game any longer.
Since old post was deleted since i can’t apparently use some words (there goes freedom of speech thank you dev’s…)
Sorry, pet peeve of mine.
By freedom of speech, are you referring to the First Amendment? It says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
ANet isn’t Congress. This is a privately owned, moderated forum. It’s governed by a code of conduct that gives moderators the ability to remove what they deem necessary to keep posting civil and to the point. You agreed to abide by it in order to post here.
Sorry to ramble on a minor part of your post, but seeing freedom of speech brought up in reference to forum post moderation bugs me.
As for the nerfing, developers have said they’re taking things into consideration and not just blanket nerfing all AoE everywhere, but will only exact changes where it’s needed. This has me cautiously optimistic that any changes will only happen in WvW/sPvP and leave PvE alone. I’ve voiced my concerns in another thread, which is all I can really do. It’s in their hands now to weigh in everyone’s concerns when making any needed changes for balance.
@at the ones talking about grammar yes i’m not native englisch its only my 4th language
the others there some real nice answers from people that also see the nerf tactics from anet
to the one comenting my build use
Now why do I have a feeling that ‘censor nerfing’ really means they took care of a cruise control build you abused, and you couldn’t stand the idea of fighting people on an even playing field…
Nope you got it totally wrong, i play necro since gw1 an i like them since they give a finer art of playing versus tanking builds etc from like wars etc
And for the thing about cruise control:
I cast BIP, one well one corruption, i cast two and three on staff, i go death-shroud pump the might whit skill 1, cast bip again, staff 2 and 3 switch to scepter/dagger cast skill 4 to blind them (if there not immune to it) cast skill 5 to weaken them up, than i spam a bid of skill one to pump up the bleeding stacks, and than i go depending on the foe and how many hp he’s left elite skil ( turrets from salvari or lich form) or i restart the circle.
(that at least for dungeons)
in normal pve i go more scepter/dagger and use the staff less since the foes do die most of the times fast enough whit scepter/dagger whit death-shroud
So no i’m not a noob that is going to abuse a build, if that is what you think….
I actually like to game whit insights
The only thing that is out of balance is in wvw the thief, since i can kill everything whit my setup i’m running (if there good players i have nice battles i really enjoy if there noobs there death in like 2 sec…)
So yes i like to kill to kill people whit aoe dmg when they try to ress sombody its quick and gives results specially when you’re like 5 to 8 against a mob of 20 depending on the houre you go in. Since people run wvw in big mobs and take evrything over when the other worlds are in less numbers (don’t now this for every server but i have been on two and two times same story)
So anet probably wants to make wvw more balanced and fun but they are nerfing pve for it while wvw should follow the system of pvp since if you keep those separated from pvp than you would have much nicer pve gaming, and if they want it to follow the same feeling than they wouldn’t have split up pvp from pve skills….
Lie the first i loge in to gw2 i was really suprised to find out that wvw which is ust a huge pvp battle map follows the pve skillsystem and not the pvp system….
Since it’s a whole other concept when you play player versus player and player versus environment, they keep wvw as a good marketing excuse to slow and nerf pve whenever they want, whenever they feel like whitout any respect to there gamerbase.
They did it whit gw1 and they starting already to do it in gw2.
Since they go like wvw gives that problem, ya let us nerf the aoe both in wvw and pve an lets pump the single target (after they nerfed that first like necro builds running that) there now saying its not good enogh if a thief cn o 10k hits a few sec in a row i think its working fine…. what are they going to o make them hit 13k dmg… a sec…
And since a lot of the thieves run the treu combat third party program they auto target and they target much faster so you barely have time to react.
But hey np i still ill them i wait them up at higher ground whit water below it lure them in there whit my skills and kill them under water….
the problem anet have now is that people will only run the best build for one certain type of action like thiefs in wvw are all glass canon build you don’t see any other build…. Anet is hopping to bring balance to that by nerfing the entire combat system on aoe dmg but they don’t look at the real problem, they know what it is but are just blind to it….
And yes a lot of gw1 players see this an make there complaints about it on the forum and maybe if enough people react to than maybe anet will finally start listening to there player base and fix the real problem instead of nerfing around the problem
I don’t have a problem with balancing aoe but i got the sinking feeling my already struggling staff using ele gonna get even weaker
Nerf nerf nerf blah blah blah,it’s called balancing and you people need to grow a pair already.All the complaining about something that hasent even been implemeted yet…my god.
I stopped reading when you mentioned staff ele. Apparently you arent paying attention. They arent nerfing AOE across the board. They are nerfing specific weapon sets and abilities they feel are too redunkulous for AOE. This has been stated via an arenanet post somewhere here on the forums. Find it. And then close this thread.
Nerf nerf nerf blah blah blah,it’s called balancing and you people need to grow a pair already.All the complaining about something that hasent even been implemeted yet…my god.
Yeah, it’s called “balancing”, and Anet has been doing a terrible job of it since the game was released. This is why people are worried about a proposed major “balancing”…
This was nigh unreadable.
Even so, I stand with these other posters in opposition to you, OP.
The nerfs worry me a bit as I tend to be running alone with a staff necromancer most of the time. Or the part that worries me was the ‘not using AoE on single targets’. It probably means I will have to rethink and relearn a lot. But there isn’t really anything I can do about it, I want to keep playing so I will adapt.
OP, if I were to try to express my thoughts on my 4th language, I would not get very far. But, in every language I know the sentences start with a capital letter and end in period. Please, use punctuation, it will help people to read your text.