Why no PCP gear?
Wouldn’t really make sense since power without ferocity is pretty meh and having condition dmg as secondary wouldn’t be really be worth it thanks to the new scaling.
Wouldn’t really make sense since power without ferocity is pretty meh and having condition dmg as secondary wouldn’t be really be worth it thanks to the new scaling.
Makes more sense than rampage gear no?
Besides, I wasn’t thinking of running of full build with it, but more like zerk armor with PCP trinkets. My ele and guard do a ton of burn without trying. A lil condi dmg without losing power seems like it’d be better than the ferocity.
I never said rampagers made any sense. There is a reason why people used rabids gear for condi builds instead of rampagers before sinister came out. And going hybrid rarely makes sense for any class/build thanks to how attribute scaling goes.
Wouldn’t really make sense since power without ferocity is pretty meh and having condition dmg as secondary wouldn’t be really be worth it thanks to the new scaling.
Makes more sense than rampage gear no?
Besides, I wasn’t thinking of running of full build with it, but more like zerk armor with PCP trinkets. My ele and guard do a ton of burn without trying. A lil condi dmg without losing power seems like it’d be better than the ferocity.
Yes and no, overall these secondary condition damage stats are just too hybrid to have that oomph. Very few weapons are solid in both power and condition damage, in fact only grenades really come to mind. Most others you’re either going to have weaker power damage or weaker condi application, so you’re sacrificing in either area to get an overall weaker outcome.
As for Rampager I believe the goal was to strengthen “on crit” condi applications, thing is again you end up with weaker condi damage and it’s overall generally better to just go with Rabid, especially with Toughness->Condi damage stuff. (even Engi went rabid with its’ solid power & condi damage options)
Guard/Ele might do a bit of burning damage, but how much will that little extra condi damage give? And will it drop your Meteors from 11k to 10k with the loss of ferocity? Are you going to be able to make that up? I’m sure someone more familiar with the math in this game can answer that stuff, but I have a feeling it wouldn’t be worthwhile or at most just marginally so.
I dunno, seems like it might with how high burns can go now jerus. I would say pre-patch you’d be 100% right. But now I dunno. (and esp for upcoming HoT content)
It’s fairly true as well in that rampager’s armor IS effective for hybrid builds that rely on higher crits (due to fewer +critrate traits maybe). My guardian, for example, when testing a build’s potential in HotM (yay for inde-golems), she was restricted to rampager’s armor since sinister isnt available. Discounting direct damage inflicted in the process, the build was able to stack up to 7-8k burning damage a second. That was enough for me to want to try out the build for real, so I made all her ascended gear Sinister stats. Now, with the same rotations, she can reach up to 11k burning as I found out against a champion in Orr. All things considered, that’s a substantial increase in damage.
Now if only they came out with a sigil that inflicts burning on crits.
I don’t understand why we have to deal with unintuitively-named prefixes in the first place. Why not just allow us to craft gear with the prefixes we want? For example, exotic zerker could require something like 3 power bloods, 1 vicious claw, 1 tbd (for ferocity). Whereas Assassin’s would use 3 claws and only 1 blood.
I don’t think ANet should decide for us ahead of time what stats are useful and what aren’t.
I think most of it is that those are logical pairings based on possible builds. If you’re running a high power build with high critical potential, you’d want zerker. Similar build, but with lower critical potential? You might run assassin’s instead. Same thing with condi or hybrid builds. Certain ones have more logical choices.
problems with power/precison/condition gear are the same as sinister and rampager.
You’ll need condition weapons to get conditions, and most condition weapons scale -bad- with power.
some examples: warrior sword (skill 3 and 4 can be usefull), Longbow (F1,3 and 4 scale okay) mesmer scepter only skill 3 scales ok, ranger axe is somewhat interesting.
Most builds are not viable with only utilities for conditions…(guardian might be an exception, but guardian was notorious before of having (almost) no other condtions).
I expect guard burnings to be nerfed
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I think most of it is that those are logical pairings based on possible builds. If you’re running a high power build with high critical potential, you’d want zerker. Similar build, but with lower critical potential? You might run assassin’s instead. Same thing with condi or hybrid builds. Certain ones have more logical choices.
I don’t see it. How is Magi (Healing + Precision/Vitality and one of the original prefixes) more “logical” than a traditional healer’s combination of Healing + Vit/Tough (max healing, max durability)? And why have Nomad’s (Touch + Heal/Vit) and not the one I just mentioned?
Further, the zerker meta didn’t exist originally (there were all sorts of recommendations in the first few months of the game), so it’s not as if the devs knew what would be most used/least used.
My point is that the prefix system limits the variety of combinations in an artificial and unintuitive way. I’d prefer something that was more modular and/or that used a more predictable naming convention.
I don’t understand why we have to deal with unintuitively-named prefixes in the first place. Why not just allow us to craft gear with the prefixes we want? For example, exotic zerker could require something like 3 power bloods, 1 vicious claw, 1 tbd (for ferocity). Whereas Assassin’s would use 3 claws and only 1 blood.
I don’t think ANet should decide for us ahead of time what stats are useful and what aren’t.
The prefixes were part of the original plan to expand the rewards system, and is used heavily in almost all Living Story arcs for gear expansion. Its the perfect scheme, as releasing them in chunks leads to people “recrafting” entire sets if the stat combo fits better. Sentinels and Zealots are 2 popular sets that would be significantly more common if crafting (supply and recipes) were not bound to a one time event.
If we could craft everything, what could use they use for rewards? We complain about cosmetics…. and theres nothing other then prefixes that are tangible to us.
I only read the title, but why would you want PCP gear? I mean what good would it do to lace your gear with angel dust?