Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drapar.1589


this game is awesome. really love it so far

But why not make more dungoens and like raids or sort of?
this would be so epic.

this game could be even better if you just add small things to it..

i dont understand why they wouldnt do it..

atleast we have and endgame then.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


Many agree with you, including myself. There absolutely needs to be large-scale group organized PvE content in the game. Otherwise it’s an amazing game-world and lore gone to waste.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I have nothing against raids.

I’d much rather them improve the meta-events and such to a degree where team-play and co-ordination is needed though, and then add more of them.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Danno.5269


I want raids in WvW. As for dungeons i am neutral on the subject.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

If you do some research with Anet interviews im sure you will find answer why there are no raids.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Farzo.8410


It would make more interesting encounters and tactics. Instead of thaving the tank, tanking the boss, the healer healing the group, and the DPS damaging the boss, everyone can take part in different mechanics that are needed.

Like, everyone must stand on this pressure plate to activate something, like a weapon that everyone can pick up and then damage the boss with a special attack.

But then again, I think in the end everyone will just whine about how ‘’no rewarding this is!’’ and ‘’why should I do it then if I don’t get better gear from it?’’

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drapar.1589


If you do some research with Anet interviews im sure you will find answer why there are no raids.

can u reply with the vid?


Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.8415


Raids aren’t good for this game for several reasons:

A. It promotes class composition, forcing friends and guilds to abandon certain people because they weren’t a guardian, for example.

B. The graphics of the game is higher than the normal standard and with the amount of combat there is in the game with having to dodge and everything, would be a FPS nigmare.

C. This game is intended to be a bridge between casual and hardcore. I am a casual myself for example, playing about 2 hours a day. When you implement raids, they generally take HOURS to complete. Not only that, you have to schedule several players and HOPE they show up on time.

D. It indirectly destroy small guilds, because no one will even attempt to wait out until the guild gets slightly larger before raiding. Currently, small guilds like mine can progress. My guild for example has 8 members and we are at LvL 20 FOTM.

Not to mention the 5 man content is difficult in itself, I don’t see a reason what makes a difference.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


Raids aren’t good for this game for several reasons:

A. It promotes class composition, forcing friends and guilds to abandon certain people because they weren’t a guardian, for example.

B. The graphics of the game is higher than the normal standard and with the amount of combat there is in the game with having to dodge and everything, would be a FPS nigmare.

C. This game is intended to be a bridge between casual and hardcore. I am a casual myself for example, playing about 2 hours a day. When you implement raids, they generally take HOURS to complete. Not only that, you have to schedule several players and HOPE they show up on time.

D. It indirectly destroy small guilds, because no one will even attempt to wait out until the guild gets slightly larger before raiding. Currently, small guilds like mine can progress. My guild for example has 8 members and we are at LvL 20 FOTM.

Not to mention the 5 man content is difficult in itself, I don’t see a reason what makes a difference.

I disagree, I think a 10 or 15 man large scale instance would be interesting. Imagine the delicious tears when the battles are 20 mobs vs 15 players… only now the mobs are meant to kill the players rather than be filler for an event.

If there were hard-mode open world events that scaled horizontally (think siege weapons, waves of large monsters amidst threatening smaller mobs, strict time limits, etc) I would be pleased.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.8415


Raids aren’t good for this game for several reasons:

A. It promotes class composition, forcing friends and guilds to abandon certain people because they weren’t a guardian, for example.

B. The graphics of the game is higher than the normal standard and with the amount of combat there is in the game with having to dodge and everything, would be a FPS nigmare.

C. This game is intended to be a bridge between casual and hardcore. I am a casual myself for example, playing about 2 hours a day. When you implement raids, they generally take HOURS to complete. Not only that, you have to schedule several players and HOPE they show up on time.

D. It indirectly destroy small guilds, because no one will even attempt to wait out until the guild gets slightly larger before raiding. Currently, small guilds like mine can progress. My guild for example has 8 members and we are at LvL 20 FOTM.

Not to mention the 5 man content is difficult in itself, I don’t see a reason what makes a difference.

I disagree, I think a 10 or 15 man large scale instance would be interesting. Imagine the delicious tears when the battles are 20 mobs vs 15 players… only now the mobs are meant to kill the players rather than be filler for an event.

If there were hard-mode open world events that scaled horizontally (think siege weapons, waves of large monsters amidst threatening smaller mobs, strict time limits, etc) I would be pleased.

If you really want raids, then try Fractals.
You honestly see more things change than health each level. Once you get passed 20, it’s more of a progression because of agony.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keiran.1896


I hated raids in other games. But that’s because it required the good stuff with a ton of grind needed…

So… No, I really don’t want raids in GW2.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


Raids aren’t good for this game for several reasons:

A. It promotes class composition, forcing friends and guilds to abandon certain people because they weren’t a guardian, for example.

B. The graphics of the game is higher than the normal standard and with the amount of combat there is in the game with having to dodge and everything, would be a FPS nigmare.

C. This game is intended to be a bridge between casual and hardcore. I am a casual myself for example, playing about 2 hours a day. When you implement raids, they generally take HOURS to complete. Not only that, you have to schedule several players and HOPE they show up on time.

D. It indirectly destroy small guilds, because no one will even attempt to wait out until the guild gets slightly larger before raiding. Currently, small guilds like mine can progress. My guild for example has 8 members and we are at LvL 20 FOTM.

Not to mention the 5 man content is difficult in itself, I don’t see a reason what makes a difference.

I disagree, I think a 10 or 15 man large scale instance would be interesting. Imagine the delicious tears when the battles are 20 mobs vs 15 players… only now the mobs are meant to kill the players rather than be filler for an event.

If there were hard-mode open world events that scaled horizontally (think siege weapons, waves of large monsters amidst threatening smaller mobs, strict time limits, etc) I would be pleased.

If you really want raids, then try Fractals.
You honestly see more things change than health each level. Once you get passed 20, it’s more of a progression because of agony.

I want large scale mechanically interesting progression. Fractals are a step in the right direction, but I’d also like guilds to have something to do other than WvW.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


I think there’s a difference between what most of the community would want: Group events for groups larger than 5, and what is associated with a Raid.

From my perspective there were things in GW1 that I liked about Urgoz / The Deep:
1) I liked doing a 12 man group, we always had 1-2 more people than we could fit in an 8 man dungeon that wanted to go, and doing a 12 man event was fun.

2) It was challenging for all of us, but fun along the way. The vets taught the noobs and everyone had a good time.

3) Zodiac weapons were awesome, and you only got them in Urgoz / The Deep. (And by Awesome, I mean they looked bad kitten, not that they were powerful, because they weren’t any more powerful than anything else.)

Here’s what I / others I chat with don’t want when they hear the word ‘Raid.’

1) Huge amount of time to complete the event. The Karka finale lasted 2 hours and for some, that was pushing it. I wouldn’t mind the 2 hour event if we got to pick when we started it, but it was a long time to be tied into the event. Some people that play one of those other MMOs talk about 5+ hour Raids…. no thank you, my wife would shoot me.

2) Gear you can only get from Raids that improves the power of your character. The community reaction to Ascended gear only being in FotM (at the moment) is pretty strong. There are people in smaller guilds that don’t get as many opportunites for large organized play that worry about being edged out of having a top tier character if they don’t have access to an equal level of gear. I’m all in favor of skins for raiding, and valuable loot that’s worth the effort, but nothing that’s more powerful than what you get elsewhere in the world.

3) Content that can’t be completed if you don’t have enough people. Dynamic scaling is awesome, and people like the fact that if you only have 3-4 people to make a go of it, you can… but if you need 20+ people or don’t bother trying…. it starts to exclude players.

If I were to ask A-net for anything, it would be instanced dungeons for groups of 8-10 with some bad-kitten unique skins and some nice coin drop rewards. Is that a Raid? I dunno, but I would enjoy it and so would my guild

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

A. All challenging content does that. That’s not a raid specific issue. FotM are much easier with Guardians for example and people often look for one.

Any challenging content you make will put class balance under much more scrutiny. But having only easy content isn’t the answer. By having enrage timers for example, DPS becomes and important aspect as well so Guardians won’t be the end-all class.

B. Pure conjecture – GW2 handles mass events just fine. I hardly see why 8-15 man raids would cause the game any significant problems.

C. Don’t tell people what the game is about. Sounds like you want the game to cater to your specific needs. Arah takes longer than 2 hours to complete and yet that is somehow acceptable.

D. Well good for you but that’s not an argument. Raiding has never really affected small guilds in any MMO.

TL;DR: You seem to have a bitter attitude towards raiding for no good reason. You like progressing through FotM …and yet you deny people that kind of fun in a larger environment?

People have to learn and separate their raiding experiences in WoW from what they mean in general terms.

Raiding doesn’t have to mean gear progression.

Raiding doesn’t have to mean strict schedules, attendance and DKP.

Raiding doesn’t have to be a commitment.

What raiding is is a social experience built around fighting various boss encounters within a larger than normal group.

I for one would love to see GW2 experiment a little with either 10 or 15 man raid content. The combat and ability system lends itself well to such content imo.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


This game has open raids which folks refuse to even attempt to figure out. There are 1500+ DEs which are open world raids.

Have you made any attempt to solve these? Especially in Orr?

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: domxnik.1453


I posted on this, too. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/To-Raid-or-Not-to-Raid/first#post1133065

There needs to be something else added to Guild Wars 2 endgame PvE. It doesn’t have the be a gear treadmill or a grind. It just need to allow more people, be bigger, have more challenging bosses (better mechanics/phases) and give people that rush after they finally down a boss.

I thought meta events were ArenaNets substitute for raiding, but turns out it’s just a big zerging faceroll, in my opinion.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


I posted on this, too. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/To-Raid-or-Not-to-Raid/first#post1133065

There needs to be something else added to Guild Wars 2 endgame PvE. It doesn’t have the be a gear treadmill or a grind. It just need to allow more people, be bigger, have more challenging bosses (better mechanics/phases) and give people that rush after they finally down a boss.

I thought meta events were ArenaNets substitute for raiding, but turns out it’s just a big zerging faceroll, in my opinion.

I think it’s a “zerging faceroll” because if the events were sufficiently difficult no one would do them.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Many agree with you, including myself. There absolutely needs to be large-scale group organized PvE content in the game. Otherwise it’s an amazing game-world and lore gone to waste.

i agree on the organized large scale part
but a big NO NO to traditional raiding !

Let’s wait and see a.net come up with their own twist on it

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


Check back in a couple of months you will be very surprised at what is coming down the pipe and this will be in there. It goes with the guild and having more to do as an activity and cohesion to the game – IE endgame. SO look for guild activities (raids) and trinity type mechanics since all dps is a zerg and well that doesnt work so well.

An active happy guild are happy gem buying people or so I am told.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

If you do some research with Anet interviews im sure you will find answer why there are no raids.

can u reply with the vid?


Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conwolv.4329


For the people who say no to raids just because of the way they were done in other games; Anet doesn’t have to do it like other games.

Raiding can work like 5 man content. Nothing gained in 5 man content is any better than items gained outside of it. Content driven raids with horizontal progression.

The mechanics of a raid in GW2 would also work much like getting 5 players together. You still need to focus on the soft-trinity that GW2 supports, but for the most part, every player would be able to participate if they have a toon of the right level.

ArenaNet is fully able to develop raids that fit their game without it impacting the communtiy who wants nothing to do with them.

Include raids for MMO players who want them, make it none exclusive and if you dont want to raid, don’t. Simple as that. Everyone is happy.

Conwolv – Norn Warrior
Sorrow’s Furnace

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drapar.1589


i just want them… just imiagne it…

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raf.1078


I’d hate to see raids come to this game. It would go against the most basic tenets of what Anet said this game was about. I know some feel that Ascended gear does that…I don’t think it does, but thats just an opinion.

Raiding and the mindset it brings would however.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I think the elephant in the room is not so much raiding capacity as it is encounter design and context…. Raids perhaps allow for a greater room of scope in what a group can and should do compared to a 5 man, but I question the current combat system’s ability to really have the complexity in an encounter like a WoW raid. Not saying it can’t or maybe it might need some minor tweaks…. but I haven’t really seen a solid example of a fight through coordinated class synergies.

Say what you will about WoW and trinity, but there was variety of tanking/dps/healing. A pally healer is very different from a druid healer or a shaman healer. A druid tank offers significantly different tanking options than a warrior or prot pally and even then the gear selection isn’t always simply one set (esp. for warrior tanks that have to maximize certain types of mitigation to rage-generation depending on the respective encounters). I just don’t necessarily see that level of complexity in this game, though I think it could exist. Maybe it’s because most of that complexity in builds, synergy, and gear is optional in GW2 whereas WoW made it more of a necessity in order to win (at least up to Sunwell…. I’m not sure how post-BC WoW got easier).

(edited by Bruno Sardine.2907)

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


There is a great article in GamaSutra about how often people join a new online world hoping, whether they realize it or not, that it will be an exact copy of their first online world (read it here).

Whenever I read someone asking for raids (or the holy trinity or anything else that defines other MMOs), I always remember that article, and come to the conclusion that those players are lying to themselves. Even if ArenaNet added raids, I don’t think they would be happy; they would ask for more and more things from their first online world, hoping (secretely, maybe even to themselves) that the game would become an exact copy of the first online world they experienced.

That is never going to happen. And it should not happen, either – the main strength of GW2 is how it’s different from other MMOs. Asking it to become a copy of the classic MMO model is basically asking the game to fail.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


There are meta-events that serves as a FFA Raid. But that gets chaotic, and the spell animations turn the boss into a glittering mess. It would be great if they could turn it into an instance (ala story mode) so you can only have 25 people max instead of 100 or more. This would also prevent people from not getting loot by the end of the fight since the boss gets overcrowded.

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) : http://bit.ly/1lWH6T8

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guitarzero.8316


There are games that exist already that do a great job with raids. If that is your pull factor then you should be enjoying that game.

We should let the devs create the game they want to create and players should look into a game first and see if it has the areas they are interested in.

the whole notion of the game conforming to the player base all the time can get a little silly. Some changes are fine but you can only go so far away from the vision.

the chances of them doing something similar to good raiding (and just as well as other games that have been fine tuning it for years) is pretty slim…

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

There is a great article in GamaSutra about how often people join a new online world hoping, whether they realize it or not, that it will be an exact copy of their first online world (read it here).

Whenever I read someone asking for raids (or the holy trinity or anything else that defines other MMOs), I always remember that article, and come to the conclusion that those players are lying to themselves. Even if ArenaNet added raids, I don’t think they would be happy; they would ask for more and more things from their first online world, hoping (secretely, maybe even to themselves) that the game would become an exact copy of the first online world they experienced.

That is never going to happen. And it should not happen, either – the main strength of GW2 is how it’s different from other MMOs. Asking it to become a copy of the classic MMO model is basically asking the game to fail.

Only if you assume the raiding platform to be exactly identical to the traditional systems. A raid was awesome due to the challenging mechanics requiring good execution and coordination of abilities, the lame part was the gear grinding aspect to slow you down…. I don’t see why you can’t have a raid system that offers the good aspects while not having (or having less of) the bad aspects.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Raids should be put in the game…but amde optional.

So you can raid if you want or do something else for gear as well.

There are many people including myself who like GW2 but it lacks so much. Guilds get screwed in this game. Raids imo are fun for guilds and large group of friends cause they can do it together build unity and all that fun stuff.

There has got to be more end game content then grinding tokens/mats for a weapon skin.

People could argue and say raiding is a grind….but that depends…Id prefere to raid with a large group of guildies and friends then always having to break up guild events into tiny groups.

All current world boss events are just a zerg of people hitting the boss… theres gotta be some variety and creativity. A raid would at least a lllow a large group to work together and tackle more in depth and harder to master boss fight mechanics.

Even large scale sPVP in a team oriented environment (not a zerg like WvWvW which is all it is) is needed…ala GvG.

(edited by Angelus.1042)

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Here are the “problems”

1) no raids. Answer: there is raiding and does require organization but no one is stepping forward to do it. Orr to get the various ending to take place needs this. All we get is threads like this that says the game needs what it already has. So it open raiding. If you have an organized core who cares if folks out of the core come and go.

2) we need more doungeons. Answer: no we don’t. This makes folks fall into the same old rut as other MMOs as we are already witnessing.

3) no rewards. Answer: yes there are. They are in Orr but no one is even looking for them because they will not make core raid groups to figure out the dynamic web in Orr

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


Only if you assume the raiding platform to be exactly identical to the traditional systems. A raid was awesome due to the challenging mechanics requiring good execution and coordination of abilities, the lame part was the gear grinding aspect to slow you down…. I don’t see why you can’t have a raid system that offers the good aspects while not having (or having less of) the bad aspects.

Because I don’t believe that would be enough. If ArenaNet made raids that were even slightly different from raids in classic MMOs, I think people would simply say they are not real raids. And if ArenaNet added exactly those raids, I think people would complain since the profession and combat system aren’t exactly like those in other classic MMOs. And if ArenaNet added that, people would still find something to complain, until they left the game after realizing that, no matter what, GW2 will never be a copy of whatever MMO was their first one (or main one). That, after turning GW2 into just one more generic classic MMO clone doomed to fail within a few months.

When people say, “Why no raids?”, it would be better if they listed exactly what they want. Content for large groups of players? More challenging content? Content that require a specific party composition? Content limited to guilds? Content that is the exclusive source of a new kind of item? Content that gives you a random chance of getting some major item?

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conwolv.4329


Again and again, people keep telling others what else they can do instead of instanced, large group content. While I appreciate that greatly, and I’ve tried all suggestions previously.

X is not a replacement for Y. Raiding brings a lot of elements to a group (guild) that simply isn’t available in GW2 at the moment.

GW2 is an amazing game that has something for nearly every type of player.

- Leveling is more entertaining than most games.
- Crafting is Productive and fun (discovery system)
- PVP is based on skill
- World PVP is challenging and massive.
- 5 player dungeons aren’t restrictive and challenging

The only player that doesn’t really have a solid foothold in this game is the Raider. Dynamic Events aren’t a good replacement. Sorry that shoe just doesn’t fit for most raiding players.

We don’t necessarily want raiding like in WoW. I would be fine with making the content not manditory for progression or making any items exclusive. I’m fine with Content driving progression, and not gear.

We want something for organized PVE groups to do in an instanced dungeon. A reason for guilds to work together in PVE and not fractured into smaller groups.

The combat design of the game can lend towards a Raid very well if done right, and we know Anet would do their very best to do it in a new way that is fun an new.

I don’t get why people fight so hard against attracting more players to the game if it’s done in a way that doesn’t harm your play style. They can make it fit the current game with little to no effort outside of developing the content.

Conwolv – Norn Warrior
Sorrow’s Furnace

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


This game has open raids which folks refuse to even attempt to figure out. There are 1500+ DEs which are open world raids.

Have you made any attempt to solve these? Especially in Orr?

Here’s the strat for every open world event in this game:

1) Show up
2) Die
3) Zerg
4) Loot

In other words, open world events cannot contain the mechanics, strategy, detail or challenge that a large-scale guild-focused encounter can, where communication and coordination can be expected and required.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conwolv.4329


Only if you assume the raiding platform to be exactly identical to the traditional systems. A raid was awesome due to the challenging mechanics requiring good execution and coordination of abilities, the lame part was the gear grinding aspect to slow you down.... I don’t see why you can’t have a raid system that offers the good aspects while not having (or having less of) the bad aspects.

Because I don’t believe that would be enough. If ArenaNet made raids that were even slightly different from raids in classic MMOs, I think people would simply say they are not real raids. And if ArenaNet added exactly those raids, I think people would complain since the profession and combat system aren’t exactly like those in other classic MMOs. And if ArenaNet added that, people would still find something to complain, until they left the game after realizing that, no matter what, GW2 will never be a copy of whatever MMO was their first one (or main one). That, after turning GW2 into just one more generic classic MMO clone doomed to fail within a few months.

When people say, "Why no raids?", it would be better if they listed exactly what they want. Content for large groups of players? More challenging content? Content that require a specific party composition? Content limited to guilds? Content that is the exclusive source of a new kind of item? Content that gives you a random chance of getting some major item?

I’ve listed in several threads (including this one) what I (and my guild) wants from raids in GW2.

We love the game. Combat is challenging and content is challenging. We simply have no instanced large group content for a guild like us to do in this game. Because of that, GW2 becomes a "once in a while" game, logging in only to see new content then going back to games like Rift, WoW and SWTOR to do large instaned raid content together as a guild.

Do we need the trinity? Nah. Combat like it is would work and is challenging. Do we need raids to work like they do in other games? No. Wouldn’t mind it, but don’t need it. They can be instanced dynamic events, or fractals or story mode dungeons, etc.

I’ve explained many times how Anet could do this while making it fun for raiders, and not hurt the play style of the other areas of the game. But for some reason, people just hear "raid" and go "no no no!" without any kind of discussion as to how to make it work. It’s this fanatical fanboyism that makes it hard to include new players in other games, and it creeping here.

If we’re not playing, we’re not paying.

Conwolv – Norn Warrior
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by Conwolv.4329)

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hobocop.1508


Why can’t they? There just needs to be mechanics that can’t be overcome by throwing more numbers at them. It hasn’t been done because no one has really tried yet. Easier to just pop in the same stuff that’s been in every MMO since ever because that’s what’s ‘expected’ of the genre.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


If GW2 would adopt something similar to Warcrafts pvp Arena, and anything similar to a raid from any of the past mmos, then i’d be the happiest camper.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conwolv.4329


Why can’t they? There just needs to be mechanics that can’t be overcome by throwing more numbers at them. It hasn’t been done because no one has really tried yet. Easier to just pop in the same stuff that’s been in every MMO since ever because that’s what’s ‘expected’ of the genre.

It’s not that it hasn’t been tried. Rift has done things like this with the Colossi in Storm Legion. However, it largely becomes a faceroll when you throw hundreds of people at it.

Throwing more people at something makes it more chaotic, removing any kind of strategy for a group. You may know the strategy, but likely what will end up happening is one of the other people outside of your group will do those interesting mechanics for you or mess them up.

In the end, your guild group (or group of friends) didn’t get to do the content the way they wanted to do it and strategize together, working as a unit and achieving a goal together.

There’s a place for open world Dynamic Event content (I love it) and there’s a place for large group instanced content. They provide very different types of enjoyment.

Conwolv – Norn Warrior
Sorrow’s Furnace

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


We have something like raids in the game in the form of dragon encounters and temple events. They just require no thought or coordination.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conwolv.4329


We have something like raids in the game in the form of dragon encounters and temple events. They just require no thought or coordination.

Imagine you, and 9-19 of your buddies doing a more complex and difficult versions of those fights without 50 other people zerging and dying, left-right-and-sideways.

Makes my mouth water.

Conwolv – Norn Warrior
Sorrow’s Furnace

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: domxnik.1453


This game has open raids which folks refuse to even attempt to figure out. There are 1500+ DEs which are open world raids.

Have you made any attempt to solve these? Especially in Orr?

Here’s the strat for every open world event in this game:

1) Show up
2) Die
3) Zerg
4) Loot

In other words, open world events cannot contain the mechanics, strategy, detail or challenge that a large-scale guild-focused encounter can, where communication and coordination can be expected and required.

Lol, this is SO true.

Anvixy- 80 Ranger

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


There are meta-events that serves as a FFA Raid. But that gets chaotic, and the spell animations turn the boss into a glittering mess. It would be great if they could turn it into an instance (ala story mode) so you can only have 25 people max instead of 100 or more. This would also prevent people from not getting loot by the end of the fight since the boss gets overcrowded.

Ahh there are definitely servers where Orr’s meta’s will not net you 100 players, not even close. This sounds like release related issues, game is seemingly past that stage.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sylv.5324


The day that ANet goes back on its word and introduces instanced content that requires a large group to complete, is the day my monies stop flowing to the CS and I won’t purchase more expansions.

Please, ANet, no raids. I agree with the reasons y’all put forth in the manifesto.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


The day that ANet goes back on its word and introduces instanced content that requires a large group to complete, is the day my monies stop flowing to the CS and I won’t purchase more expansions.

Please, ANet, no raids. I agree with the reasons y’all put forth in the manifesto.

Not sure what you have against it.

If they provided instanced versions of outdoor world bosses, tuned to be more difficult and for a specific number of people, what does it matter? You still get what you want in the open-world zerg, and the team, progression-minded guilds get what they want as well.

Seems like a win-win.

You didn’t hang out on the pre-release SW:TOR forums beating the same drum by chance, did you?

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: EliteZ.1682


I’d hate to see raids come to this game. It would go against the most basic tenets of what Anet said this game was about. I know some feel that Ascended gear does that…I don’t think it does, but thats just an opinion.

Raiding and the mindset it brings would however.

Can i ask you how? Raids don’t need to bring any gear treadmill and therefore would not be a forced grind and would be completely optional. Nobody will ever be forced to do a raid if they don’t want to, those of us who do want to can farm it without getting any higher rewards then other aspects of the game.

So tell me and anyone else who has said it, how would it go against anything that anet have said? I don’t remember reading anything that says “we will not release any large communicated group events/dungeons” Infact, in a video interview after halloween i remember them being asked if they had any plans for raiding and they said it’s not something they’re working on, but it’s something they’re looking into. They’ve never said they wont add raids.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pustulio.8207


Honestly, I think it would be pretty awesome if they made the dragon events “raid-level” difficulty. I would make the fights feel more epic, in my opinion. I mean, you ARE fighting a DRAGON, after all.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snowy.9580


A GW2 raid would look something like…

Shame I could see one with 25 people all rolling like tumbleweeds!

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I only thought of Ascalonian Catacombs when I watched that video. It looked too similar to the place and how some rooms there go depending on the route.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ubung.7423


Been saying this since pre release when people on the GW2 guru forums told me the elite meta events would be the raiding equivalent. As we know they ended up being a zerg with no real challenge. I actually dont beleive the outdoor events can be challenging enough as the basic idea of them is to allow anyone to join in and help.

It can easily be added without any of the issues that people have with raiding.

Remove gear grind.
Remove gating, dont lock off content (make 10 / 20 person versions of the dungeons or 10 / 20 person instanced dynamic event).
Remove raid only items, allow anything to be obtained elsewhere.

Conwolv is right pretty much every type of player is covered in GW2 apart from raiders. Whatever it is it needs to be instanced, 10+ players, require teamwork and be very very hard.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Two words: Gear treadmill. If they put in raids, Id imagine they would put some sort of gear treadmill to keep players running through the raid each night and each week for better gear. Itll be just like WoW and any other MMO. I play this game because it isnt like every other MMO. Granted, the recent Item treadmill that was introduced is a step in the wrong direction. But if they put in raids, god help us all. Id probably stop playing and go raid with friends in that other game.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Why not make more dungeons and like raids or sort of?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ubung.7423


Two words: Gear treadmill. If they put in raids, Id imagine they would put some sort of gear treadmill to keep players running through the raid each night and each week for better gear. Itll be just like WoW and any other MMO. I play this game because it isnt like every other MMO. Granted, the recent Item treadmill that was introduced is a step in the wrong direction. But if they put in raids, god help us all. Id probably stop playing and go raid with friends in that other game.

raids dont require a gear treadmill. We want raiding for the content only not the gear scaling. In fact I dislike gear scaling, so much content has been left behind and wasted due to it.