Why only possible to buy/sell 250 on TP?
It would be cool if they can change trading post.
Why do I need to search heavy,light,medium armor all together ? Why cant i just search for light armor ?
Trading post is really poorly made.
And look at this bug, when you select small interface size you cant read trading post. You cant have small interface size.
When will they fix that ? That bug is from the beginning of the game.
Maybe if we collect 5 or more people we can spam bugs on forums, and keep those threads alive by talking there about those bugs, every day at least 3 posts… and in 1 month or 2 months of spamming maybe they do something, maybe they notice those bugs. They sure are blind.
You can only have a stack of 250 things. That’s why you can only buy 250 of an item at a time. It can be fairly inconvenient, but that’s how it is. :\
Yeah I know that 250 are 1 stack… that doesn’t answer the question…. i should be able to buy more than 1 stack at once…
but even if they don’t make that happen… they could AT LEAST fix the buy orders…. everytime I make an order of the same item the whole thing resets… so that I have to type the amount and the price over and over again… at least fix it so that it doesn’t reset all the time… it’s just plain stupid and inconvenient….
Actually you can stack a total of 1,000 now if you purchase the stack expander things that are for sale on tp. Each purchase of the expanders add another stack to your limit with a max of 1,000. I think if anyone who has them in any number should be allowed to buy to their stack limitations.
Actually you can stack a total of 1,000 now if you purchase the stack expander things that are for sale on tp. Each purchase of the expanders add another stack to your limit with a max of 1,000. I think if anyone who has them in any number should be allowed to buy to their stack limitations.
This new stack size only applies to the collection tab in your bank, however. You can still only have 250 of an item per stack in your inventory.
That said, I would also like to be able to buy more than 250 of an item in one go. The trading post UI needs to be overhauled in general, there are many things missing or out of place. This is not meant to make it easier to flip items on the trading post. Rumor has it there are people buying more than 250 of an item for their personal use, like Silk Scraps for example.