Why people will not play this game.
Yup, they just replaced looking for a tank or a healer with trying to find players in the same difficulty level.
Moderator incoming in three…. two…. one….
Dont know why a moderator would be incoming. OP presents some valids view points. And i would like to see them answered for a change.
I love GW2. Been defending it for 3 years now. And will continue to do so, even if that means to go against any change in the game that i believe it endangers its lifespan.
“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” Chopra
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’ Robin Williams
Because he is arguing and publicly discussing mod’s work. That’s against some of their CoCs or ToSs or some other paper they wish to hold on to.
Not true for me i am going to keep playing i am having fun.
80-Guardian /80- Mesmer
Mark my words the game we have now will be the free-2-play version the new P2P version will be incoming very soon, remember this day.
It’s ok, it’s all part of their consolidation plan. You see, the other cities in Tyria are all ghost towns, so soon they will be shut down completely and everyone will be funneled through the arches… and all those sub-80 zones that you love, those will be ghost towns as well because nobody will want to play an alt and lose precious time grinding for their “main” toon!
It’s ok, they have a plan – it’s a brilliant one. You know, when you go to Lion’s Arch and get sent into overflow – well that builds a sense of community with your server (oh wait, I may be wrong here). Well it helps with the perception that their game isn’t slowly dying because hell, you’re in an overflow map – there must be tons of people playing for you to have been sent to overflow!!!
Lol. This is the funniest “Parody” thread I’ve ever read.
Mark my words the game we have now will be the free-2-play version the new P2P version will be incoming very soon, remember this day.
I would actually have no problem with paying a monthly to support this game. Well, until the Ascended gear that is.
I guess it all depends on how someone views it. My sarcastic post made all the same points but in a more humorous way. My hopes were to make valid points while bringing some smiles. And the points made above are only a handful in comparison to all the other reasons why others might not give into this game anymore.
Within the first few months, the games design and concept most likely weeded out all the traditional MMO gamers who do/did not want to continue this game. The people left in this game are those who have accepted the Guild Wars 2 model and find it enjoyable. So why does Anet give us new content that reaks with traditional MMO in which Anet has promised not to deliver to us?
I am looking forward to next year’s warrior, and guardian remake as well as the introduction of the monk class. I just can’t wait.
For the forum rage that is.
World of Guildcraft, hahahaha I agree with you OP, Gw2 is going downhill fast, from everything they said which made me want this game its actually turning around like every other mmo… which is bad.. cant wait till they release their 8 year anniversary stuff .. ohh sorry thats world of warcraft I get the two confused now >.<!
FotM was a good idea, but the lack of a robust, cross-server LFG tool has created more problems than it solved.
Just a heads up…I’m going to keep playing. GW2 so far hasn’t deviated from why I bought the game. Some of my friends left but some are still here…just like the first few months of every other MMO I’ve played.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that this is a game…feedback is great but adding drama to the feedback…not so much.
Maybe my post is relevant to you:
Do you mind removing this post please? Different was that I did not complain or imply that what I did was not wrong. Your post however shows the complaints which will cause this forum to be locked.
FotM actually is a good dungeon and fun, but the main problem is nobody wanted to do any other dungeon again because of it.
I hope they keep rolling our new uber gear ever few months, crosses fingers
I hope they keep rolling our new uber gear ever few months, crosses fingers
If I tell you once a week that your HP and charisma have been boosted by +5, will that satiate your desire for BIG NUMB3RS?
I hope they keep rolling our new uber gear ever few months, crosses fingers
If I tell you once a week that your HP and charisma have been boosted by +5, will that satiate your desire for BIG NUMB3RS?
Only if I had to go through something brutal to achieve it, yea. But if we all got it, and all had the same stuff, what would be the point of even having gear?
I hope they keep rolling our new uber gear ever few months, crosses fingers
If I tell you once a week that your HP and charisma have been boosted by +5, will that satiate your desire for BIG NUMB3RS?
Only if I had to go through something brutal to achieve it, yea. But if we all got it, and all had the same stuff, what would be the point of even having gear?
I’ll write a script especially just for you! I’ll even put in some sweet ASCII art.
I hope they keep rolling our new uber gear ever few months, crosses fingers
If I tell you once a week that your HP and charisma have been boosted by +5, will that satiate your desire for BIG NUMB3RS?
Only if I had to go through something brutal to achieve it, yea. But if we all got it, and all had the same stuff, what would be the point of even having gear?
The point is it’s a level playing field then and it becomes a game of skill where if you fail you don’t point the finger at the one in your group with bad gear but the one in your group who doesn’t know how to play his/her character. Discourages the worst elitist attitudes simply because elitist type players usually really truly believe gear makes them a superior player.
Maybe my post is relevant to you:
RemovedDo you mind removing this post please? Different was that I did not complain or imply that what I did was not wrong. Your post however shows the complaints which will cause this forum to be locked.
Edit: No!As in no, i don’t mind.
Who ever leaves over the stat increase should still check up on how the game is doing.
Areananet may realize their mistake and make Ascended stats the same as exotics. And the infusion would only be for the lower floors of the endless dungeon. Or they can make all exotics have a infusion slot and highest stats.
FotM actually is a good dungeon and fun, but the main problem is nobody wanted to do any other dungeon again because of it.
It’s a new dungeon, our first in 3 months (not counting the Mad King dungeon).
Of course people are running it
It’s crazy fun too!