Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LORIKEETZ.1029


Just a question about other classes not having pets but ranger having a pet/s , can other classes Engineer , Thief , Warrior etc have pets as well , maybe custom pets exclusively for a/that particular class , IE Engineer would have a steam powered robot/pet , Elementalist an elemental pet , etc , seems a little odd but if the game has been balanced for Ranger and Necromancer only pet classes , but if I have a Thief character why can’t I have a pet to aid in instances , no not a miniature a pet pet pet . Will this be addressed in the future , thanks very much from peter .

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Dude, have you seen pet AI? You WANT that?! One thing I love about being a mesmer is, when my clones don’t act right, I can blow them up! I’m sure there are many rangers that wish they had such an ability.

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


Guardians have spirit weapons, Engineers get turrets, Thieves have an ambush trap, Warriors get warbanners, Ele’s get elementals and Mesmers get clones. All classes have some version of a pet.


Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lLobo.7960


Thiefs can have other thiefs to help them, by a trap utility or elite. The thiefs “pets” do a good dps and some even AoE blind. If you trait for it you can even keep one thief with you permanently on a fight. Not sure why you would do that, but still…
Guards can have “pet spirit weapons” of sorts… They are actually very useful in some situations.

Some races (asura, norn, human) can summon some “pets” too for a short time.

You can also buy some items in game that gives you pets… Just make some research and you’ll find. Some even last until killed (or you leave the area)

Rangers and pet necros are “balanced” around having those pets out. If you like pets and want to depend so much on those, you can use those classes if you want a more permanent (out of combat) pet, or you can play a class/race that gives you some pets sometimes but its not fully set around that…

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Dude, have you seen pet AI? You WANT that?! One thing I love about being a mesmer is, when my clones don’t act right, I can blow them up! I’m sure there are many rangers that wish they had such an ability.

I would build a rocket and launch my entire pet menagerie into the Sun if it wouldn’t end up being such a hit to the class’s damage and utility.

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(edited by Substance E.4852)

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bewhatever.2390


I play my necro wells not pets. Dislike underwater because I have to have pets out to be effective — but have wiped my group more than once when a pet went out of control. My wells stay where I put them

Why rangers/Necros pet class only ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Before adding more pets, they need to fix the mechanics of the ones that exist. In particular, necros NEED (not want, NEED) an “attack” button. 1 button (maybe assigned to F2?) that tells all minions on the field “attack this target”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a zookeeper fighting alone, or maybe with 1 jagged horror helping him, while the rest of his “army” was derping around and frolicking in a nearby flower patch.