Why so negative
The internet is for porn and pure, blinding rage.
I so agree with u Dorian! The whining in these forums just make me so sad. And the thing that strikes me is that ppl even dare to complain even Before the Changes are released and tried out. They complain about the traits even though only one/ class have been revealed… there willbe 40!!
I am looking forward to these new Changes. I Think A-net will actually spoil me with all these Changes making so many things so much easier. Many of those things are actually what ppl have asked for in the forums for a long time, like the warderobe, the accountbound dyes, the last-logged-in (REALLY appriciated one), the accountbound on ascended/legendaroes… etc.
Thank you A-Net!!!
I have been looking forward to this patch and I know know already from what u have revealed that I will not be disapointed. U are just about to make my game so much better, and I havn’t paid a dime for it (well in gem store sometimes, but not for the actual game apart from when buying it once)!
I think a lot of people expected there to be legitimate content added by now. More dungeons, zones, hard mode, “raids”, and things of that nature. It would appear that Anet is more interested in rehashing already existing content and pumping the gem store. That’s why people are becoming increasingly negative. I may be jumping the gun here as we have yet to see everything that’s coming next patch, but I wont hold my breath.
The feature patch is a GREAT step for Anet in improving GW2. The main gripe I have is lack of permanent content. I’m done with the two week long living story updates and so are a lot of people.
I’m with you Dorrian.
I think the reason this happens is that it’s closer to Human Nature to focus on the problems than on the positives. I see this all the time in the book forums I visit – people get so hung up on one teeny-tiny detail, and need to fixate on that alone, and so it looks like they’re hating the entire thing; and maybe they convince themselves that they hate the entire thing… (example: I do not like the Malazan books. I can put up with the occasional Deus Ex Machina in Fantasy books, because… you know, magic and stuff, but that it happens at least 5 times per book, I just found too much. Other people hate Brandon Sanderson because of the word “tempest”. go figure.)
The same applies for religion – it’s always “this is bad, that is sin, don’t do that”, and while not murdering people is generally a good way of living one’s life, there comes a point when all the restrictions and negativity simply take the joy out of everything. So, to make my simile even stronger: most of the people railing online are the Westboro version of Players – fans taken so far to the extreme of what they think the whole game experience should be about, they’ve completely lost touch with what the experience is really about.
Yak’s Bend
Most people only bother to post when they have something to complain about. That being said, lack of content is driving me away from the game, no matter what QoL updates they introduce in the game.
I think a lot of people expected there to be legitimate content added by now. More dungeons, zones, hard mode, “raids”, and things of that nature. It would appear that Anet is more interested in rehashing already existing content and pumping the gem store. That’s why people are becoming increasingly negative. I may be jumping the gun here as we have yet to see everything that’s coming next patch, but I wont hold my breath.
The game was hare-mode during beta for your information and and thanks to the player-base complaints, it got totally nerfed, from world events to dungeons.
On the other hand the negative attitude is just an illusion. People come to the forums to complain and simply stick to the game if there is anything good. Hardly anyone bothers praising and it is always more convenient to hate. It is not only GW2, WoW forum is worse and it has been like that for 10 years.
For me the worst part of all the complaints is the argumentation “Yes, ArenaNet listened to what the players wanted and finally are going to implement it, not only one of the things but quite a bunch at the same time but all of these changes were demanded by the playerbase and now ArenaNet announces them as if it was their idea!” Seriously guys, who else should announce game changes if not ArenaNet? Player xXTastyCarrotBunnyHopperXx (no offense intended if this player should exist)? “Hey guys, I just implemented the wardrobe, enjoy”?
Besides, if everyone’s demands would be implemented this game would be outright unplayable, so the Devs need to ponder whether a suggestion is useful or not and how they could implement it without changing other aspects aswell.
Like Frostfang already said, all the hate and complaints are just sad.
GW2 was the first game to introduce a concept like Living Story, ever! And yet people complain about not getting a new First Place Bestseller lorewise and so on.
And now the Part for our Devs: Keep up the great work guys! I play since beta and well … I’m still playing (Which I can’t say from 10+ MMOs, besides GW1, I played extensively within the last 6 or 7 years) so you don’t seem to do such a bad job after all ;-)
You can split community into 2 parts:
Official forums – mostly rage, whine, “Wise advices to ANET”, “If I personally don’t like something, I will highlight this as a flaw of GW2”
Reddit – constructive talk, discussions, fun talk, funny pictures and videos
You have people who thought the April update was going to contain content, even though ANet never used the word content when talking about the patch after the LS was over.
Then you have the players who bought items that are going to be either useless or redundant with incomplete info about what ANet will do to compensate. Example, players who bought a lot of very expensive dyes on multiple characters are only going to get a unidentified dye are compensation. Same goes for skins and trait adjusters.
Then you have players who simply dislike when their cheese is moved like trait and reward changes.
Lastly unhappy people are more likely to post their complaints than post their kudos. Actually that unbalance nature makes it less likely to post complements since they will be shouted down by those unhappy. If you simply don’t care, MMOs always change so why be surprised, assuming they are even paying attention about the upcoming changes, then why bother posting.
TL;DR – Haters gonna hate and post about it. Lovers keep to themselves.
RIP City of Heroes
Have been away from GW2 for a while, but am really looking forward to being able to respec traits on the fly with no cost. Being able to easily switch builds was one of the many things I loved in GW1 and am only surprised that they didn’t implement this sooner in GW2.
Btw when do these changes actually take place? Can’t wait!
Patch scheduled for April 15th.
RIP City of Heroes
Thanks. I’d better start relearning how to play now!
So far most upcoming changes are what players have been asking for since launch. Most players in our guild cannot wait for the new changes and are very happy about it. Account bound has been the way to go and now we’ll be getting it. (Sorry to those who bought the same legendary and/or expensive dyes, but that is a small %.)
Maybe after the big fix they can focus on the big things like a new expansion and guild halls. One can dream!
The internet is for porn and pure, blinding rage.
I admit I would like to see expansions, new races, classes, like Cantha, Elona, in first
game. But if they never add those (eventually I think they will) then there is plenty
of good content to keep me interested for a long time. I love to explore and there is
a lot of map I haven’t even seen yet. Because of work, RL, I don’t play for long stretches at a time or even every day, but when I do, there is always something to do.