Why some things aren't in the game?
Apparently capes aren’t in because they’re surprisingly hard to get right with the 3D modelling and animation software Anet used. They did try and apparently there were a lot of clipping issues and they just didn’t move right. Eventually they concluded that it wasn’t worth the time and effort it’d take to do it.
I’m less sure why there aren’t mounts but I think in that case it’s more a design decision than a technical issue. For whatever reason Anet decided the game would be better without them.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
My understanding was the models for them clashed completely with Charr.
Oh yeah, that could be an issue. I suspect it could only work if mounts were all race specific. It’d be a bit unrealistic for an asura and a charr (or norn) to be able to ride the same animals.
In general it doesn’t bother me, I never even think about it when I’m playing, but I do love the idea of an asura riding a moa.
(Also if it was like most games I’ve seen with mounts where you have to get down to do anything, can’t take them in cities etc. I’d rather go without. In Oblivion I’d leave my horse in the stable for most journeys because it just wasn’t worth the hassle unless I was going 1/2 way across the map and didn’t want to use map travel.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Just imagine a Charr running with a cape when the cape hangs down on a side and touches the ground and his feet step on the cape ..
And of course : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68ndaZSKa8
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Other than a Dolyak, what animals can even be ridden in Tyria? Stags? lol
There are no horses that I’ve seen.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
They want to do capes but they are hard at moment due to all the clipping issues, but they are working on them still, when they have spare time here and there someone said.
As for mounts, I think it’s something to do with the Waypoints and not wanting this game to be too similar to that other game or something…
Flying mounts will never happen simply because the way the world and zones are created the truth of the matter is the height of the maps is VERY limited. I mean if you played Perfectworld you would know what I mean because this game has something like 10% of the height you can get there!
As for the race specific mounts I have thought on that before as well and came to these ideas:
Human – Moa’s
Norn – Dolyaks
Charr – a Charr bike! (like a mini version of their tank)
Asura – I can’t remember what I had here, maybe a golem or something…
Sylvari – Wolves (their wolves like the ranger class gets)
As for the race specific mounts I have thought on that before as well and came to these ideas:
Human – Moa’s
Norn – Dolyaks
Charr – a Charr bike! (like a mini version of their tank)
Asura – I can’t remember what I had here, maybe a golem or something…
Sylvari – Wolves (their wolves like the ranger class gets)
Human — Moas = laaaaame
Norn — Dolyak’s make sense
Charr — I would allow a Charr vehicle
Asura — golems are slower than anything lol
Sylvari — those wolves could never hold up a Sylvari, would just look weird.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Really? Capes aren’t implemented because they just CAN’T do it? kitten , I haven’t heard that before. However, I understand they’re human and not everything is possible
Paulytnz, some very interesting and reasonable ideas there for mounts. I’d definitely agree with all of them. Yes, the Asura mount I’d definitely say a golem.
Flying mounts will never happen simply because the way the world and zones are created the truth of the matter is the height of the maps is VERY limited. I mean if you played Perfectworld you would know what I mean because this game has something like 10% of the height you can get there!
Are you sure this one isn’t the other way around?
In my (admittedly limited) experience it’s relatively easy for developers to adjust the dimensions of a map when they’re first making it. It seems more likely to me that they decided there wouldn’t be flying mounts and therefore they wouldn’t need lots of empty space above the map, so they set the ceiling just high enough that you can jump at the top of the tallest places and not hit it.
Keeping the map small helps to reduce loading times. All that space would still have to be modelled, even if it wasn’t being used.
(And on a somewhat unrelated note it’s really annoying that many people who make custom Sims 3 maps don’t realise that – they use the biggest map available, build a tiny town in the middle of it and then it runs far slower than it should because the computer is still loading and running all the empty space around it.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
As for the race specific mounts I have thought on that before as well and came to these ideas:
Human – Moa’s
Norn – Dolyaks
Charr – a Charr bike! (like a mini version of their tank)
Asura – I can’t remember what I had here, maybe a golem or something…
Sylvari – Wolves (their wolves like the ranger class gets)Human — Moas = laaaaame
Norn — Dolyak’s make sense
Charr — I would allow a Charr vehicle
Asura — golems are slower than anything lol
Sylvari — those wolves could never hold up a Sylvari, would just look weird.
I agree Moas are lame but Anet seems to have a soft spot for them for some reason, I mean they are still here like they were in GW1. Maybe it’s kinda just their version of FF’s Chocobos. They are also the only thing that comes close to being rid that I can see in any of the human lands, unless you count centaurs and that’s just wrong, plain wrong good sir! :P
As for sylvari and the wolves, are you serious? Those bags of sticks are light as paper, those wolves could carry them.
I really can’t recall what I had thought up for Asura, was a few months ago I actually thought about this lol. Perhaps some kind of small flying contraption could work lol?
Flying mounts will never happen simply because the way the world and zones are created the truth of the matter is the height of the maps is VERY limited. I mean if you played Perfectworld you would know what I mean because this game has something like 10% of the height you can get there!
Are you sure this one isn’t the other way around?
In my (admittedly limited) experience it’s relatively easy for developers to adjust the dimensions of a map when they’re first making it. It seems more likely to me that they decided there wouldn’t be flying mounts and therefore they wouldn’t need lots of empty space above the map, so they set the ceiling just high enough that you can jump at the top of the tallest places and not hit it.
Keeping the map small helps to reduce loading times. All that space would still have to be modelled, even if it wasn’t being used.
(And on a somewhat unrelated note it’s really annoying that many people who make custom Sims 3 maps don’t realise that – they use the biggest map available, build a tiny town in the middle of it and then it runs far slower than it should because the computer is still loading and running all the empty space around it.)
Well I’m not sure how simple it would be to adjust the height of the map or if they would even bother. But even still, the way the world is pieced together zone by zone and not a totally true open world gives me an idea it would not be to their liking.
Right now we change zones via either way porting or going through portals. Imagine if we could all of a sudden fly over those mountains that anet uses as superficial borders of the map. That would be a nightmare I would imagine to have to create each map to realize we are leaving that map at any part of the edge of it and are entering the next map and even then which map we are entering into.
As for sims 3…, dunno why you brought that up lol, but I do own it and all I can say is, I play my own maps and don’t download other people’s crap (well besides the actual ghost busters car and such cool things but like that, but still!).
Hey guys,
I’ve been thinking recently. Questions such as why aren’t capes in the game, why aren’t GROUND mounts in the game? (I could just imagine how awesome ground mounts would be in WvW). There is obviously more I just can’t think of them right now but they’ll come back to me :P
So, is there any logical reason as to why they aren’t in the game? I don’t mind that they aren’t at all as I love the game the way it is, however I just think little things like capes would make it a little more fun, especially ground mounts. I would definitely disagree having flying mounts in this game as the world is so beautifully made.
Capes are very hard to create in a manner that makes them look good, especially with the various different physiques the races have. Heck, there’s tons of clipping issues with armor already.
As for the mounts? Waypoints and larger Asura gates make them obsolete from a lore standpoint. And let’s be honest, if you had to choose between no waypoints and mounts or no mounts and waypoints, the latter has the majority vote.
I want to do jumping puzzles while riding a Dolyak . . . also the diving achievement
As for sylvari and the wolves, are you serious? Those bags of sticks are light as paper, those wolves could carry them.
Light as paper!? Have you ever tried to pick up a man-sized wood sculpture? They get heavy as crap! Not to mention all of my heavy armor. I don’t think those wolves could carry the armor alone, plus my feet would just drag on the floor on account the wolves aren’t very tall. It’d be like riding one of those mini-bikes
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
As for sylvari and the wolves, are you serious? Those bags of sticks are light as paper, those wolves could carry them.
Light as paper!? Have you ever tried to pick up a man-sized wood sculpture? They get heavy as crap! Not to mention all of my heavy armor. I don’t think those wolves could carry the armor alone, plus my feet would just drag on the floor on account the wolves aren’t very tall. It’d be like riding one of those mini-bikes
I think you underestimate the strength of animals especially wolves in particular. As for your armour, ummm why not use the Culture leafy armour? Sure it might look weird but I’m sure it is a lot lighter! No I have not tried to pick up a wooden sculpture (who would?), besides there is a difference between the weight of a solid object such as that (as well as the mass of it I’m sure) compared to a human-like creature whose bones only would be made of wood. The rest of it would be similar to us, skin, blood and organs etc I should imagine.
After having said ALL of that, if the wolf is still not good enough for you, please, please, please provide for us all an alternative.
Other than a Dolyak, what animals can even be ridden in Tyria? Stags? lol
There are no horses that I’ve seen.
And charr can ride large Devourers.
Large drakes could also make good mounts.
I thought I remembered a mob that consisted of something riding an upright lizard in GW1, but can’t find it at the moment.
There were also large Wurms you could ride by being swallowed by them.
They really should have mounts, if for no other reason than the fact that a lot of MMO players expect them and it would add greater variety to the collectibles in the game.
They don’t need to replace waypoints, they can just give a smaller speed boost than in
most games and be mostly for novelty value.
We have a waypoint system. I can never wrap my head around the ridiculous obsession with mounts. They are unnecessary and generally look ridiculous.
We have a waypoint system. I can never wrap my head around the ridiculous obsession with mounts. They are unnecessary and generally look ridiculous.
Because running across the countryside day in, day out isn’t far more ridiculous than using mounts.
Mounts are typically seen as a good thing because they just give players something else to pursue and can be interesting. Personally, I think it’d be cool if they went all the way with it and set up rules for mounted combat.
We have a waypoint system. I can never wrap my head around the ridiculous obsession with mounts. They are unnecessary and generally look ridiculous.
Mounts are deeply ingrained in human history and fantasy literature. The lack of them feels weird to many people.
Imagine GW2 just like it is, but without any swords.
Just to note, ArenaNet has not definitively said, “no,” to mounts. They’ve said that there are no plans to implement them, but if they ever do, they want to do them well and not as something just tacked onto the game.
(edited by Gibson.4036)
We have a waypoint system. I can never wrap my head around the ridiculous obsession with mounts. They are unnecessary and generally look ridiculous.
Because running across the countryside day in, day out isn’t far more ridiculous than using mounts.
Mounts are typically seen as a good thing because they just give players something else to pursue and can be interesting. Personally, I think it’d be cool if they went all the way with it and set up rules for mounted combat.
Yeah, I tend to prefer mounts because I like the immersion of traveling all over the game world “on foot” as it were. Waypoints are convenient, sure, but I’ll often opt to walk to an area just because I enjoy the scenery.
Even after they put flying mounts in WoW, I’d sometimes just ride my zhevra across the Barrens or Mulgore for fun. When they let you fly everywhere, I’d go around the edges of the continents taking in the views.
I’m not upset that there’s no mounts in the game, but I certainly wouldn’t say no if they were implemented.
Flying mounts will never happen simply because the way the world and zones are created the truth of the matter is the height of the maps is VERY limited. I mean if you played Perfectworld you would know what I mean because this game has something like 10% of the height you can get there!
No flying mounts was a design decision. Exploration wouldn’t work with it. For a start, what would be the point of vistas if I can just fly unto them?
I want to say that I read somewhere that some people at anet were working on capes in their spare time, but I’m not entirely sure, and also too lazy to look it up.
Fluttering capes are surprisingly difficult to deal with. I can remember doing a LOTRO raid or two where the party leader would request us to “turn off” our capes because the fluttering effect generated extra lag.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
there are already some mounts in the game, like the witch broomstick
I can understand if people want them for cosmetic reasons but if you just want a speed buff, there are already skills for that.
I want to say that I read somewhere that some people at anet were working on capes in their spare time, but I’m not entirely sure, and also too lazy to look it up.
It would be very complicated to make. Just think of what happens to stuff on your back.
The cape would have to flutter in such a way that it takes into account of GSs, staves etc when you run around.
for capes, well there are enough clipping issues already in the game, could you imagine how many more there would be with capes/cloaks?
No mounts if you cant fight mounted (that means new weapon skills, new animations, half of new game),
No capes when you have plush quaggan backpacks, wings, roses and a beautiful armor to look at.
As for the race specific mounts I have thought on that before as well and came to these ideas:
Human – Moa’s
Norn – Dolyaks
Charr – a Charr bike! (like a mini version of their tank)
Asura – I can’t remember what I had here, maybe a golem or something…
Sylvari – Wolves (their wolves like the ranger class gets)Human — Moas = laaaaame
Norn — Dolyak’s make sense
Charr — I would allow a Charr vehicle
Asura — golems are slower than anything lol
Sylvari — those wolves could never hold up a Sylvari, would just look weird.
Have you seen the large nightmare fern hounds…they are pretty big.
I wanna ride a krait. (in b4 that’s what she said)
I wanna ride any elemental.
Regular gorillas (unless they are extinct or something, can’t remember seeing any alive ones, just the risen)
Other than a Dolyak, what animals can even be ridden in Tyria? Stags? lol
There are no horses that I’ve seen.
I am pretty darn certain they exist in Tyria. I’ve seen references to them once or twice in game (cannot remember where specifically) and seen a concept art piece or two with someone on a horse.
I for one would love to have one for my human characters. Though it would be ridiculous to see other races on them. Race specific mounts would be cool. Hopefully restricted from cities and WvW, though.
So Unprofessional [SUP] – Crystal Desert
“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.”
Flying mounts will never happen simply because the way the world and zones are created the truth of the matter is the height of the maps is VERY limited. I mean if you played Perfectworld you would know what I mean because this game has something like 10% of the height you can get there!
No flying mounts was a design decision. Exploration wouldn’t work with it. For a start, what would be the point of vistas if I can just fly unto them?
To me the point of vistas is to take in the view each one has to offer and show off the hardwork that Anet put into making them. I do not consider them mini JP’s although I understand some people might do….
Exactly, they can’t even put out new armor that doesn’t clip or fit in with their current models, capes would simply be a disaster.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
Other than a Dolyak, what animals can even be ridden in Tyria? Stags? lol
There are no horses that I’ve seen.
I am pretty darn certain they exist in Tyria. I’ve seen references to them once or twice in game (cannot remember where specifically) and seen a concept art piece or two with someone on a horse.
I for one would love to have one for my human characters. Though it would be ridiculous to see other races on them. Race specific mounts would be cool. Hopefully restricted from cities and WvW, though.
They existed at some point in tyrian history. In the mad king memories it’s mentioned how mad king thorn killed his horse when he was a kid, there are images of horses in divinity’s reach, and iirc there were mounted skeletal horsemen in gw1. Probably they went extinct sometime in tyria’s past or at least in the known area of the world in the two games.
EDIT: it wasn’t his horse he killed, it was his 12 years old friend. He fed her horse hot peppers and then smiled as it trampled her to death.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
(edited by locoman.1974)
Capes been done since DAOC for crying out loud. Even WoW can do them. that no excuse, especially since Gw1 did it as well.
Modern day engines should have no problem doing them.
not saying there wont be clipping, but when has that ever stop anything?