In advance forgive me my clumsy english. I’m doing best I can.
It’s no secret that it is no more than 3-5 people on the island at the same time now. And even they are usually just run for rare resources only. The whole location is serves only for five nodes. Ofc, devs have attempted to fix it. However, as a result, even more people have disappeared from the island. After all, even “karka farming trains” on the beach have disappeared. Let us look at the reasons and suggest possible solutions.
Let’s start with what developers design this island as a most difficult location in game. Many players have outgrown the evil risens in Orr and began to complain about the lack of challenge. Developers were quick to give them the this challenge. Did they managed it? Definitely yes. And as time has shown: do players need this challenge?
Well. Probably. However all knows that “challenge must be rewardable” ©.
Responsible for the unpopularity of this island are only two mobs. This is karka and reef drakes.
For the beginning of drake: for example a pair of reef drakes destroys with its insta stun+confusion pull most of player’s hp bar. Even durable character. Sometimes it looks like 1-shot. To feel normal in a fight with them, you need to have tons of cond-removal and stunbreaks. Otherwise, you just have to run around and shoot each of them in distance. Not every class can achieve the first option. Not every player likes the second.
I think the main problem here is the “instantaneous” of most powerful mechanics. It is necessary to avoid a random factors in the fight. And to rely on players reaction. It is necessary to make this mechanics more visible, allowing them to avoid it, but not to adjust builds for it.
But drakes are nothing compared to the karkas. It seems that the developers have decided to gather all the meddlesomeness, all the boredom, and all the most perverse abilityes within a single creature. Thus karka was born.
I would not say that it is difficult. But it seems that they have been created especially to not want to kill them. 2x huge HP pools. Permanent reflect. More than half of abilities accompanied with avoid that stretches the time of fight for 50%+ more. Condition transfers. Chance to be forever stuned in melee (cd for theyirs jumping seem non-existent). Not every class just simply able to kill them without any special preparation.
Everything would be fine
BUT! ! ! !
A smooth transition to the problem number two => enormous, huge arrgo range!
Even if you are able to kill one, you are almost certainly will aggro another which, apparently, was a mile away from you. Most likely not alone. 5 min of fight for nothing, just for run away.
W h y i s i t f o r?
The mobs are many and trashes the space. Some attacked on 2000 range and stealing boons. All this makes it impossible for a normal soloing island. Events hard to do even with 3 people. After a LS on the island and the emergence of the angry mobs which could hit you 5 times for 5000 by 3k armor situation does not become better. And the addition’s events with 1-shot mechanics (such as worms) somehow does not contribute inclination to explore this island.
It looks like it was supposed to groups of five. But why? No benefits. A lot of risk to die. Neither are particularly valuable rewards which would be impossible to get anywhere else.
The developers have tried to draw player’s attention by meta-event with a boss which gives 2 rare things instead of one… Quite a pity, isn’kitten As we can see, it’s failed.
Well… Knowing the needs of the average player, I think the following should work:
1) – Make karkas to guaranteed drop.. donno… unique meat, which could be sold to vendors for ~ 8c. This is already guarantee that people will go there. Make them champions without increasing difficulty, and let them drop out champ bags. Even better.
(Another option is simply to make them easier/reduce HP)
2) – Nerf mobs at events that they all could be completed solo.
3) – Turn down the aggro radius.
4) – Add renown hearts to the island, which would not took only 5 minutes to do, but longer and would sell, for example, the unique appearance clothes of weapons. Or recipes.
5) – Make the island part of the progress of world completionist.
6) – Remove the account binding from blooming passiflora. Make the drop rate of flowers higher (OMG, you need 70 pieces on 1 jewelry!)
7) – Add more recipes with fruits (and more useful).
8) – More options for the use of all resources of the island (shells, flowers and fruits).
I think it’s a simpliest option to implement that will work effectively.
Does anyone have any more ideas on how to resurrect this huge piece of content?
(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)