Why the need to make everyone PvP?
I have no dificulty doing PvP.
Again as mention in my first post. I am rather good at it.
I just no longer wish to do it. It not fun.Well, I have it on good authority that if you don’t wish to do it you won’t get the legendary. But that’s completely up to you.
I, for example, do not wish to farm karma and gold for my legendary. I “demand” my “right” to get my legendary without those.
Maybe you shouldn’t be playing a game that was designed from the ground up, based on a system of karma and gold. A PvE system that dominates — no, completely encompasses, the vast majority of the game. The PvP that is so important to you is just peripheral content. Perhaps you should be playing something where PvP is the pie filling and not crust.
First you censor with the word kitten? Man you guys are so funny Legendary weapons only useable in PVE for the true PVP haters perhaps? Or, peace zones around the PVE objectives. Or, NPC to debuff campers.
But anyway, not the biggest issue imo. The point of a legendary weapons is to slap your ‘enemies’ (human) with it right? And have you seen the other requirements? World completion is the least of your problems. Also, why should a PVPer do all the PVE effort?
Want a quick solve? Make the Badges and Dungeon Tokens an either/or requirement. Boost the token requirement to make the difficulty more in-line with the Badge grind. Then people can farm whatever the kitten they want to farm.
The map requirement is something that only takes time. If PvEers aren’t interested in chimping it up, we can be patient and wait for the locations we need to open up. Eventually they will. In the meantime, we’d just need get comfortable being a WvW spectator until we get what we came for.
In the end it boils down to people being demanding about things that must be changed to work the way they want them to.
It’s a computer game set in a virtual world. Can’t be more ruled by rules than that. If you feel some rules should not apply and are here demanding changes about them, well, everyone else could do the same, right?
I never ever liked crafting, but I’ll have to, in this game, if I want my legendary. Also I’d rather play a game based on skill and not on classes and levels. I hate leveling up, but here I also have to level up. Those rules are part of the game and are the same to everyone. Bear in mind that as much as you dislike pvp, others may dislike pve and others may dislike many many other aspects of the game.
As soon as everyone feel entitled to demand changes to better suit the game to their playstyle (which by itself sounds kinda weird and selfish to me) you will probably understand how it happening won’t ever be a realistic scenario.
I always wondered what makes people feel so entitled to make demands for every kind of changes on games of the mmo genre but not to single player ones. I bought Dragon’s Dogma and I’ve heard people complaining about how you have to walk the whole game with only being able to recall if you get a specific very rare and/or expensive item. Most of your playtime will you be walking around, for hours and hours. Not sure if it’s fun or not, but it is part of that game, no matter how many people like it or not. Play around it or simply don’t play at all.
(edited by deriver.5381)
First you censor with the word kitten? Man you guys are so funny
Legendary weapons only useable in PVE for the true PVP haters perhaps? Or, peace zones around the PVE objectives. Or, NPC to debuff campers.
But anyway, not the biggest issue imo. The point of a legendary weapons is to slap your ‘enemies’ (human) with it right? And have you seen the other requirements? World completion is the least of your problems. Also, why should a PVPer do all the PVE effort?
Because you bought a PvE game…?
I wonder what do you mean by currently broken jumping puzzles
You can collect the keys, but cannot open the door since the 10/7 patch. There are several posts, some with developer comment, about it.
I’m honestly surprised at many of the people who oppose complete separation. Do you really want people who do NOT want to be in WvW, who are not participating or helping the server effectively, and consume limited space (increasing queue times) weakening your server?
I have no problem with a Legendary weapon requiring heavy PvE and WvW play. The intention of it is that you have mastered a large portion of the game. Getting the star and title is a different matter.
the way i see it, there isn’t a problem with the game there is a problem with players wanting exclusive pve in a pvp centric game.
guess you just need to shift your attitudes to suit the game your playing instead of expecting the game to shift to suit you.
Maybe you shouldn’t be playing a game that was designed from the ground up, based on a system of karma and gold. A PvE system that dominates — no, completely encompasses, the vast majority of the game. The PvP that is so important to you is just peripheral content. Perhaps you should be playing something where PvP is the pie filling and not crust.
Nope. I was just using your argument against you. You feel entitled to having legendaries without doing WvW. By that same logic, why shouldn’t I be able to get them without karma, gold or both?
FYI, I have spent almost the entirety of my time in this game in PVE, and haven’t really touched PVP since august (apart from some WvW for the monthlies). But hey, you want legendaries without WvW. I’m cool with that, but I’ll opt out of karma instead. Sounds only fair to me.
I wonder what do you mean by currently broken jumping puzzles
You can collect the keys, but cannot open the door since the 10/7 patch. There are several posts, some with developer comment, about it.
I’m honestly surprised at many of the people who oppose complete separation. Do you really want people who do NOT want to be in WvW, who are not participating or helping the server effectively, and consume limited space (increasing queue times) weakening your server?
I have no problem with a Legendary weapon requiring heavy PvE and WvW play. The intention of it is that you have mastered a large portion of the game. Getting the star and title is a different matter.
Ahh I see… I’ve done that JP before the patch.
Now, I’m really not against the complete separation as you told. What I am against and fiercely so is to the fact that people will always come here to complain about something that they feel is just not right. Be realistic, there will always be something just not right to someone. Should we scrap the whole game then? No one simply tries to play by the rules anymore. They always try to bend the rules to their favor.
Exploring the WvWvW maps is FAR from doing any kind of PvP really. You might have a little issue with the skill points, vistas an few PoI out in the open yeah but they are few and once done, it’s over. And the PoI and vistas inside the capturable structures, well you don’t have to go capture them all by yourself really, it’s unreasonable to ask that. Just explore the points when your server own them.
It is annoying if your server never gets it’s greedy hands on that last keep you need but then it might be easier to access it at next rotation if your new server color is more favorably placed for that. The only point that is difficult to get is SM in the central map because there’s no starting point that makes it “easy” for your server to capture it. You have to monitor the WvWvW situation and jump in to visit it when you can.
the way i see it, there isn’t a problem with the game there is a problem with players wanting exclusive pve in a pvp centric game.
guess you just need to shift your attitudes to suit the game your playing instead of expecting the game to shift to suit you.
It’s a PvE game. Just because the sliver of the game that you resign yourself to, encourages and rewards the art of gank, doesn’t mean this extends to the rest of the game. In fact, GW2 is arguably the most cooperative MMO operating right now. If it were truly PvP-centric, you lot would be ganking each other over copper nodes in Queensdale. But that doesn’t happen. It CAN’T happen because PvP isn’t supported there. Nor is it supported in the vast majority of the game world. It’s only available in a handful of little zones, completely segregated from the rest of of the world. Heh, lore-wise, your PvP isn’t even taking place in Tyria.
So show me how you rationalize calling it a PvP-centric game when there are only two WvW maps plus two copy/pastas, and four sPvP maps, none of which much larger than even a single district of Divinity’s Reach. By the way, Divinity’s Reach, Hoelbrak, The Grove, Rata Sum, The Black Citadel, Lion’s Arch — ALL PvE only locations. Compare that to at least 25 PvE ONLY maps, most of which being FAR larger than any PvP map. As for jumping puzzles, the PvE only puzzles outnumber the PvP puzzles by more than 8 to 1. Personal storyline? All PvE content. Dungeons? There are 8 of them with 4 different paths or approaches to them — ALL PVE CONTENT.
I will give you the activities though. Those are PvP-centric. All ONE of them.
So tell me, how is this a PvP-centric game?
Maybe you shouldn’t be playing a game that was designed from the ground up, based on a system of karma and gold. A PvE system that dominates — no, completely encompasses, the vast majority of the game. The PvP that is so important to you is just peripheral content. Perhaps you should be playing something where PvP is the pie filling and not crust.
Nope. I was just using your argument against you. You feel entitled to having legendaries without doing WvW. By that same logic, why shouldn’t I be able to get them without karma, gold or both?
FYI, I have spent almost the entirety of my time in this game in PVE, and haven’t really touched PVP since august (apart from some WvW for the monthlies). But hey, you want legendaries without WvW. I’m cool with that, but I’ll opt out of karma instead. Sounds only fair to me.
The difference here is that PvP is a peripheral activity in a PvE game, while karma and gold are fundamental systems that the whole game rests upon. You’re trying to compare the seat covers in a Ferrari to the fuel it uses in its engine.
(edited by Blacklight.2871)
lol /smh you are only kidding yourself if you think this is a pve game. As of now, the only replay value (which I’d like to see change for pvers too) for this game, is pvp.
Or what the guy below me said.
(edited by rook.4625)
Have you noticed how some people say “It’s a PvE game” and others a “PvP” game?
Hey guys, newsflash for all of you – it’s an EVERYTHING game. It has PvE, and PvP, and if you want the best rewards in the game – you’ll have to do both. Get it through.
Maybe you shouldn’t be playing a game that was designed from the ground up, based on a system of karma and gold. A PvE system that dominates — no, completely encompasses, the vast majority of the game. The PvP that is so important to you is just peripheral content. Perhaps you should be playing something where PvP is the pie filling and not crust.
Nope. I was just using your argument against you. You feel entitled to having legendaries without doing WvW. By that same logic, why shouldn’t I be able to get them without karma, gold or both?
FYI, I have spent almost the entirety of my time in this game in PVE, and haven’t really touched PVP since august (apart from some WvW for the monthlies). But hey, you want legendaries without WvW. I’m cool with that, but I’ll opt out of karma instead. Sounds only fair to me.
The difference here is that PvP is a peripheral activity in a PvE game, while karma and gold are fundamental systems that the whole game rests upon. You’re trying to compare the seat covers in a Ferrari to the fuel it uses in it’s engine.
Legendaries are peripheral in GW2. They are given exclusively to players that enjoy every part of the game (except sPvP which lives in it’s own tiny bubble).
The difference here is that PvP is a peripheral activity in a PvE game, while karma and gold are fundamental systems that the whole game rests upon. You’re trying to compare the seat covers in a Ferrari to the fuel it uses in it’s engine.
If this is true, then why are all the skills balanced around PVP and not PVE? Oh right, because this isn’t a PVE game, it has both PVE and PVP. 100% Map completion therefore also includes both. It’s really that simple.
WvW is in it’s own tiny bubble, when compared to the entirety of the game world. Also, legendaries are the ONLY long-term goal this game offers. The one thing that might constitute months of work to achieve. The only one. You call that optional. I call it crucial, since there’s nothing else on the horizon to shoot for. Take that off the table, the game becomes far more finite.
The difference here is that PvP is a peripheral activity in a PvE game, while karma and gold are fundamental systems that the whole game rests upon. You’re trying to compare the seat covers in a Ferrari to the fuel it uses in it’s engine.
If this is true, then why are all the skills balanced around PVP and not PVE? Oh right, because this isn’t a PVE game, it has both PVE and PVP. 100% Map completion therefore also includes both. It’s really that simple.
Why balance around PvP? Because PvE is far more flexible and forgiving of imbalance. Imbalance will show much more clearly in a PvP environment, especially in set piece engagements like sPvP. Also, mobs can be tweaked directly to adjust to changes in players abilities and they don’t cry about nerfs. That makes it a lot more convenient to tinker with balance issues.
C’mon, this pretty elementary stuff. Do better.
It’s optional. Entirely optional. Exotics have the same stats, the only difference is the skin. ANet thinks you need to like WvW to get it. If you want the skin, go do WvW. If you loathe WvW so much that you don’t want to do it, then don’t and quit until the next expansion. Or forever. Or go do GW1 cartographer title, you’ll be finished by about 2023 and have 20 expansions lined up.
The OP can just save up his gold and buy a legendary once everyone else has them and decide to start selling. There, problem solved. No PVP required, however, you’re going to need a LOT of gold so better start saving a month ago.
lol /smh you are only kidding yourself if you think this is a pve game. As of now, the only replay value (which I’d like to see change for pvers too) for this game, is pvp.
Or what the guy below me said.
The replay value? You mean like capturing the exact same objectives a hundred more times, only to lose them again to a nameless and completely inconsequential enemy? Gee, that does sound superior to PvE (of which there is a ton more of in the game). Too bad that wonderful replayability can only be found on the fringes of the actual game. Quite the shame.
I find it unfair to those like myself that are being excluded from prizes they offer us just because we find no enjoyment in gaming in this fashion.
I agree, I should not be excluded from prizes because I do not want to PvE.
Oh, wait. I’m sure that isn’t what you meant…
First you censor with the word kitten? Man you guys are so funny
Legendary weapons only useable in PVE for the true PVP haters perhaps? Or, peace zones around the PVE objectives. Or, NPC to debuff campers.
But anyway, not the biggest issue imo. The point of a legendary weapons is to slap your ‘enemies’ (human) with it right? And have you seen the other requirements? World completion is the least of your problems. Also, why should a PVPer do all the PVE effort?
Because you bought a PvE game…?
I haven’t even done WvW yet and I am kind of more PvE than PvP. But where is it saying that this game is PvE only? It is a PvP/PvE MMO RPG. If PvErs can do everything only by doing the PvE world then why can’t a PvPer do everything by only doing WvW?
Also, a PvE legendary shouldn’t be useable in PvP. Else people will obtain it safely with PvE and then use it to be more powerful in PvP.
I don’t think it’s about anything in particular—that’s just the nature of the game.
Sure, there is a pretty decent PvE game thrown in, but GW at heart is a PvP game. It’s almost like asking why Counter Strike is so focused on PvP when you can also play bots. Well…the game is just made that way. It’s quite arbitrary, really.
You know what they should do , they should add some sort of semi legendary reward in there. Once you comple all pve maps you get the choice of the semi right there and then or continue and go for the real legendary.
..Of course one would have to deal with the permanent pink ribbon that is attached to this semi legendary weapon.
It would make no sense to give people the same reward that refuse to enter parts of the game because of ‘reasons’.
Why are some people so terribly scared of fighting other players?
WvW is part of the game, and you can access the points you need without even PvPing if you so want.
Just wait for them to be capped.
100% world completion means you have seen all world of GW2, and that includes WvW.
First you censor with the word kitten? Man you guys are so funny
Legendary weapons only useable in PVE for the true PVP haters perhaps? Or, peace zones around the PVE objectives. Or, NPC to debuff campers.
But anyway, not the biggest issue imo. The point of a legendary weapons is to slap your ‘enemies’ (human) with it right? And have you seen the other requirements? World completion is the least of your problems. Also, why should a PVPer do all the PVE effort?
Actually they are just shinnies to show off. Their stats are just slightly better then other items of the same merit
I find it unfair to those like myself that are being excluded from prizes they offer us just because we find no enjoyment in gaming in this fashion.
I agree, I should not be excluded from prizes because I do not want to PvE.
Oh, wait. I’m sure that isn’t what you meant…
yes it is
So I’m going to keep this simple. When it comes to types of weapons i.e. stat’s and / or looks you can obtain what you want in pve or pvp. That’s solely up to the player. I can understand Anet’s point of view, ultimately making the game set for all ranges of play. Even in SPvP there’s it’s own gear and rules associated. Actually SPvP is it’s own thing entirely.
However, if you want a Legendary weapon…the only way I would think I could ever obtain one is by experiencing all aspects of the game to make one. It makes logical sense. The Legendary in itself is just a skin, it doesn’t change stats so really if you want to work for it you will.
The simple thing I’m going to say and I’ve always said this is, if you don’t like how the game is structured or you want to compare it to another game, go play another game or that game.
Leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality.
I’m sure I’m a minority. Played GW for 5 year (Jade Quarry also got the “It’s not pvp, it is pvp!” treatment.
Can I sacrifice my 50/50 HoM goodies (on all toons) and not have to do WvW if I do?
If not how about giving us a fps version of GW2 so we can decimate? You force us to play pvp, ok, give us a first person shooter version, I’ll happily pop heads if you do! No, no crosshairs?
(edited by Paul.4081)
Why are some people so terribly scared of fighting other players?
WvW is part of the game, and you can access the points you need without even PvPing if you so want.
Just wait for them to be capped.100% world completion means you have seen all world of GW2, and that includes WvW.
I mainly do PvE at this moment, but I have no problem with PvP (if fair like GW2). However many people have been so frustrated by ganking games (overpowered toons killing new players with no chance to win) that they have developed a deep hatred of games that mix PvE with PvP. You see already that the boys are staking out PvE spots on the WvW map just to annoy people. Give them a finger, they take the hand.
“It’s a fact that you can’t make 100% of the playerbase happy.”
Question is, would PvP-ers be unhappy if PvE-ers would also be able to get legendaries?
Or alternatively: do PvP-ers PvP because of the fun they have PvP-ing, or for the legendary rewards?
First of PvPers should be able to make a legendary aswell and use it in pvp , since every simple random can craft a legendary and get it into wvw. The original guild wars was pvp centric game and soon people will realise that the sequel is just the same with a bonus pve side.
Except if you really want to WvW actually IS pve. Moreover you can actively contribute without killing a single player. Third, if it’s not PVP you need to master, it’s actually keeping your eyes open whether any of your spots is free. I’ve got 2 complete maps already and stonemist, my server really isn’t the best out there. Last time I checked exploration by itself does not require PVP.
Lastly, ankittenep repeating this because it’s pretty much key. Gift of Exploration is necessary for Gift of Mastery. It’s about mastering the game, and you’ll be in for a tough surprise when you find out you also need 500 badges of honor which you can only get in ….. WvW, although in fairness, they can be farmed, again, without killing a single player.
Look, if you don’t want to master the game, I don’t care. You can play it any way you like. But don’t ask for a proof of mastery if you don’t want to, you know, master the game. That’s a bit silly.
So… best case scenario you can get explorer by only doing PVE. The other best case scenario being you may actually start to like WvW. It is a win-win any way you look at it, whether you want to pvp or pve. That’s exactly what WvW is about, it’s a PvX zone.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I agree with Krosslite. I don’t have a desire to do PvP myself. It’s just not something in which I am into. It’s not that I find it hard or simple, it’s just that, to me, it’s just not fun.
That’s the whole point of a game, isn’t it? To have fun. Why should I be forced into someone else’s idea of having fun.
I agree with Krosslite. I don’t have a desire to do PvP myself. It’s just not something in which I am into. It’s not that I find it hard or simple, it’s just that, to me, it’s just not fun.
That’s the whole point of a game, isn’t it? To have fun. Why should I be forced into someone else’s idea of having fun.
then dont, like marnick already stated and it is true, you dont even have to PvP when you enter WvWvW. You can just wonder around and avoid contested camps and other
points and go for the puzzles and locations with mobs etc and find poi’s.
I even remember running around the WvWvW maps when it had extremely long que’s and i had been running around looking around for a hour and not run into a single enemy.
It is not like the game forces you to take over keeps and camp or dolyaks to do your pve completion. So what is next ? i dont like the danger of running into other players ?
man up.
I’m sure they will cave to your wishes eventually.
I really like WvW but I’m not sure mixing PvE goals in a PvP zones is a good idea. I have seen how mixing them in other MMOs doesn’t make for the best gaming experience.
Warhammer Online forced PvPers to do PvE goals to gain territory and that was just annoying as heck.
Bogey had a good point: I think core issue here is that 100% map completion is very PvE achievement (95% or so), so doing all PvE maps and then abandoning the achievement only because do not want to do any PvP would be frustrating.
So much of map completion is PvE and traditionally in MMOs map completion has been a PvE/exploration activity. I’m all for throwing away MMO traditions that don’t work but keeping gameplay goals separate seems like a good way to insure that people can play the game the way they want.
In WAR, I thought PvPers should not be required to do PvE goals esp. if they don’t want to do PvE. I think the same thing applies here for PvEers.
(Just to be clear I don’t mind PvE content like the keep lords or mobs in WvW or sPvP, those enhance the PvP experience while insuring the goal (killing players) is still the main focus.)
OP, FYI: Guild Wars has always been touted as a PVP-centric game. Why did you get a game that centers around something you hate?
It’s like getting into a game of poker and saying you don’t like that you’re forced to play with other people.
The biggest problems with requiring players to enter WvW for certain achievements and goals is that some servers are either low-population, or have a predominantly PvE population. These servers tend to be losing in WvW very badly, and don’t ever hold enough territory for these goals to be achieved.
So not only are they forcing PvE players to take part in PvP in order to complete exploration goals, they are actually forcing PvE players on predominantly PvE servers (or low-pop servers) to actually WIN in WvW just to complete their exploration goals. I have to somehow organize the small number of PvP’ers on my server into a cohesive WvW team and take over all the maps…just to get some POIs and vistas. It’s really sort of ridiculous.
Now I know a lot of people have been changing home servers in order to circumvent this problem…but I’m guessing that is not something ArenaNet intends or likes.
What about a different solution…what about allowing players to set a PvE flag on their character? This would mean you can’t attack, or be attacked by, other players in WvW. This would allow PvE players to explore and complete PvE content in the WvW zones without being at a huge disadvantage due to their low-pop server. I’m sure it could be set up in a way that would not be exploitable by PvP players.
GW2 was NOT touted as a PvP-centric game. It was touted as a game with equal focus on PvE and PvP, and with separate areas and rulesets for each play style so that both types of players could get the best game possible without stepping on each other’s toes. These issues are completely contrary to those design goals.
(edited by Fozzik.1742)
“Structured Player vs. Player (sPvP) is a core feature in Guild Wars 2, and it’s quite massive.”
- https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/structured-pvp-iceberg/
(can’t figure the quoting system)—-
What about a different solution…what about allowing players to set a PvE flag on their character?
Ya, I’m sure people won’t exploit the kitten out of that idea….
Not to mention it would allow bots to farm WvW because you’re auto-leveled to 80
Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are PVP games, if you don’t like PVP, don’t complain that you’re playing a game that was publicly stated to center around PVP. And if you didn’t know that..well…how’s fault is it for not researching before buying a product.
Smackjack said:
‘then dont, like marnick already stated and it is true, you dont even have to PvP when you enter WvWvW. You can just wonder around and avoid contested camps and other
points and go for the puzzles and locations with mobs etc and find poi’s.
I even remember running around the WvWvW maps when it had extremely long que’s and i had been running around looking around for a hour and not run into a single enemy.
It is not like the game forces you to take over keeps and camp or dolyaks to do your pve completion. So what is next ? i dont like the danger of running into other players ?
man up.’
(Sorry, for some reason quotes aren’t working)
My reply: this isn’t my way of having fun. I don’t like PvP. What’s that to you? Why be so insulting? In which way have I threatened your view of the world?
I don’t think that I should have to run around WvW avoiding combat. And what happens if an area I need to explore is contested or held by the enemy camp? Then I am forced to participate. As I said, that isn’t my idea of fun. If it is yours, fine, but since one of the goals of the GW2 team is for people to have fun, in my view, forcing people into PvP areas doesn’t accomplish this.
And yet I don’t see PvPers complaining they have to kill mobs to get their achievement.
Having to get 100% map completion including the WvW map is odd based off of GW1. In Gw1, PvP and PvE maps were separate. There wasn’t a 100% PvP map completion, and the PvE “Legendary Cartographer” Title did NOT include PvP maps. That is for people saying that the WvW map should be included, when ANet has set a precedent with this game and map completion.
“Structured Player vs. Player (sPvP) is a core feature in Guild Wars 2, and it’s quite massive.”
- https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/structured-pvp-iceberg/
(can’t figure the quoting system)—-
What about a different solution…what about allowing players to set a PvE flag on their character?
Ya, I’m sure people won’t exploit the kitten out of that idea….
Not to mention it would allow bots to farm WvW because you’re auto-leveled to 80Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are PVP games, if you don’t like PVP, don’t complain that you’re playing a game that was publicly stated to center around PVP. And if you didn’t know that..well…how’s fault is it for not researching before buying a product.
I’m not sure if English is your native language, so I won’t go too far in calling you out on this…but…You do understand that something being “a core feature” does not mean the game revolves around it? There are many core features in GW2. The personal story, the dynamic events, the dye system, the trading post… all those are core features of the game. There are many others.
“Core feature” in this context means it is something which was built into the design from the beginning, and something that helps define the foundation of the game. Yes, PvP was built into the design from the beginning. But based on just a common sense look at the game as it exists today (discounting the years I’ve spent following this game and reading / listening to everything ArenaNet has said), it’s quite clear that PvE and PvP in this game are handled separately, and with equal amounts of love and design time. PvE is not something they tacked on at the end…it’s just as much a “core feature” as PvP.
I could without any doubt find you some quotes about how the game is intended to provide both play styles with the best and fullest experience possible for them to enjoy, but I shouldn’t have to. You’re just wrong about it being a PvP game. It’s both, in just about equal measure.
Again, my issue is the disparity between heavily WvW-oriented servers and those servers which have smaller populations. On a low-pop server, it may be impossible to get 100% exploration even if you do PvP all the time. Your server just might never control enough ground to get what you need, and you’re likely to get totally slaughtered trying to sneak into places to get vista and POIs. Right now, people are solving this problem by switching to high-pop servers and then switching back. Obviously, this is not a good solution because pretty soon, server transfers aren’t going to be free anymore. This means if things stay as they are, players on low-pop servers will effectively be blocked from getting 100% map completion. ArenaNet needs to address this, one way or another.
Why not just make separate exploration achievements for PvE and PvP, since the rest of everything is separate between the two play styles (which I applaud and think was a great design)? It could be three separate achievements… 100% PvE map completion, 100% PvP map completion, and overall game completion.
(edited by Fozzik.1742)
“Structured Player vs. Player (sPvP) is a core feature in Guild Wars 2, and it’s quite massive.”
- https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/structured-pvp-iceberg/
(can’t figure the quoting system)—-
What about a different solution…what about allowing players to set a PvE flag on their character?
Ya, I’m sure people won’t exploit the kitten out of that idea….
Not to mention it would allow bots to farm WvW because you’re auto-leveled to 80Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are PVP games, if you don’t like PVP, don’t complain that you’re playing a game that was publicly stated to center around PVP. And if you didn’t know that..well…how’s fault is it for not researching before buying a product.
Show me an ArenaNet quote that states this game is PvP-centric. I’ve been following it for about three years and I don’t recall them ever saying anything of the sort.
Failing that, please show me a comparison of content in the game that proves how much PvP overshadows the PvE. Show me how the handful of WvW and SPvP maps, eclipses the 25 unique PvE only maps, the six enormous PvE-only cities, the eight dungeons with 32 paths and the diverse personal storylines.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you don’t stick your nose outside of the Mists, that nothing exists out there. The PvE game DWARFS the PvP aspects. That’s an objective truth, whether you choose to expose yourself to it or not.
By the way, it was EXACTLY the same thing in GW1, even though the hardcore PvPers would never bring themselves to admit it. The only claim that this series has to being PvP-centric is the initial design concept. Fortunately for me and so many others, they ditched the PvP-only philosophy and instead, gave the PvE the care and consideration it was due. That doesn’t mean they skimped on PvP, but the end result meant that it became peripheral to the larger PvE game. That’s just the way it is.
I have to do PvE to get 100% completion, I hate PvE. Yet I still do it.
So, why can’t ‘you’ do PvP?
And I bet there’s challenges out there in PvE just as hard as the ones in PvP.
Also, why stay on a low-pop server. The ability to transfer worlds for free is temporary…so I suggest you people pick a server now. *Checking the World Selection page all but Kaineng are listed as ‘High’ (5:30 EST)
The answer is easy.
Arenanet does not charge a monthly fee for Guild Wars 2, and so that means they have no where near the amount of monthly income that a top tier MMO has.
This lack of income translates directly into lack of content, or rather a slower pace of content development.
PvP is content that keeps going and going, you dont “complete” pvp. Therefore PvP is the best way to keep long term interest in your game even when you content updates are few and far between due to lack of monthly income.
I have no dificulty doing PvP.
Again as mention in my first post. I am rather good at it.
I just no longer wish to do it. It not fun.
You choose not to do it, you should accept the consequences of your decision.
That’s what adults do.
The fact is that you are not forced to get a legendary weapons or 100% map completion, and you are not unable to do so while disliking WvW. You choose to want one and you refuse to do WvW – both your decisions.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
(edited by Jestunhi.7429)