Why the restriction...?
There’s a 520+ reply thread at the top that goes into that. Arenanet gave a reason that there are two data centres in which its possible to transfer a character to and fro but not guest there because they are not really connected even though they are connected enough to let characters be copied.
I can pretty much safely say that the vast majority of players view the current guesting system as very poor and would like Anet to try again, using their undoubted cleverness to make it work as befits a community focused company.
Ofc, Read the thread and make your own mind up.
(edited by Shanaeri Rynale.6897)
Also heads you’ll be reading about a lot of peoples disappointment in the thread. I turned into an angry whiner because I really do care about one community not 2 communities.
Apologies in advance!
Guesting wont please everyone but i think its fine. I think they are on the righit track with guesting.