Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


This question has been bugging me for awhile now, but mostly since the start of the Holiday events (Halloween). I know that you’re trying to support your Arena Net coffers by offering cash-shop only costumes, and that’s fine, back in Guild Wars 1 I would gladly shell out the $10 for the 2-3 costumes that came in the bundle, heck I could even wear them over my current armor set. Now however we are either forced to pay $12-15 for just ONE costume, that can’t be worn over our armor even, or pay 20g in-game for it. 20g is an entire exotic armor set+weapon, but that’s not the point, it literally has no cosmetic effect other than to stand idly in town or (lol) “costume brawls.” I would’ve definitely bought this year’s costumes if they could be reskinned (or worn) over armor, this was a serious flaw in them this year. Maybe next event try and put in at least two costumes in a bundle, and completely get rid of these “town clothes,” just allow them to be worn over, and then sell the weapons separately for the costume brawls.

Another thing is the festival hats, before we were given these hats just for showing up or doing a specific mini-game within the event, and to me and many of the original GW players, we loved doing this. Now I’m glad you stuck to your original roots for Halloween event, Mad King Thorn was fun as usual (although we don’t have nearly as many emotes), but for Wintersday we have to pay 25 Gems just for the earmuffs skin, not even counting the holiday hat (Santa hat), it’s like a complete 180 in your philosophy Anet.

Now I don’t know if it’s the 15% share-holder interest that Nexon holds on Ncsoft, they might not influence it at all, but I can tell you now that you’ve definitely been selling your players short. Now I know I could just quit the game, could’ve gone in the first month when the game was in pretty rough shape and asked for a refund like many players did (or players just quit altogether), but the truth is I enjoy this game and I still do find Arena Net to have THE BEST player support out of any gaming company I’ve been with. I just wish that you would really revise your decisions that you made, if you’re trying to be one of “the defining MMO’s” or a “WoW-killer” you need to 1UP them, not go down on their level.

Sincerely, a concerned loyal player.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Wizard hat for free.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: edjahman.9104


Shareholders want real money…not in game currency.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Wait now what your saying is their driving players to the cash shop because they want money aren’t they getting money? This couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with the game being free to play but requires money to be ran or anything could it?

Someone please reassure me online games played by larges amounts of people are 100% free of any operating costs right? Maybe I need to eat some magic food so I can hear the right answer.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Wait now what your saying is their driving players to the cash shop because they want money aren’t they getting money? This couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with the game being free to play but requires money to be ran or anything could it?

Someone please reassure me online games played by larges amounts of people are 100% free of any operating costs right? Maybe I need to eat some magic food so I can hear the right answer.

If only there was a previous instance of a game that was buy to play which supported millions of players, and implemented an affordable and fair cash shop. If only there were a precedent which has been around for 7+ and still standing today.

Nah, that’s crazy talk. No way something like that could exist.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Simple supply and demand. Think prices are unfair or to high? Don’t buy. If you are correct, eventually prices come down (usually temporarily in these types of games to give the “feel” the original price is still legit). If enough people pay out what the commodity is listed at, the price will not come down.

Vote with your wallet.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Simple supply and demand. Think prices are unfair or to high? Don’t buy. If you are correct, eventually prices come down (usually temporarily in these types of games to give the “feel” the original price is still legit). If enough people pay out what the commodity is listed at, the price will not come down.

Vote with your wallet.

There was a fellow during the first days of the Halloween event that dropped $900 on gems for the event.

Moral? Someone will always buy, regardless of price. The rest of us “voting” quietly won’t do much except leave us without

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astraea.6075


It’s 700 gems for one costume, or $8.75 if you prefer (not $15 as you state), and there may still be some free headgear (other than the wizard hat) available one the event has progressed further.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Wait now what your saying is their driving players to the cash shop because they want money aren’t they getting money? This couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with the game being free to play but requires money to be ran or anything could it?

Someone please reassure me online games played by larges amounts of people are 100% free of any operating costs right? Maybe I need to eat some magic food so I can hear the right answer.

If only there was a previous instance of a game that was buy to play which supported millions of players, and implemented an affordable and fair cash shop. If only there were a precedent which has been around for 7+ and still standing today.

Nah, that’s crazy talk. No way something like that could exist.

Gee-willikers, what game could that be? Certainly it couldn’t be a prequel to this game!

It’s 700 gems for one costume, or $8.75 if you prefer (not $15 as you state), and there may still be some free headgear (other than the wizard hat) available one the event has progressed further.

They force you to buy “x” amount of gems, there is no set amount you can buy sadly. Otherwise I’d be all for it, but again it comes down to the whole "it’s not multiple character (yes you can trade it, but that’s a huge hassle) and as I said, it offers no cosmetic value other than idling in town.

Simple supply and demand. Think prices are unfair or to high? Don’t buy. If you are correct, eventually prices come down (usually temporarily in these types of games to give the “feel” the original price is still legit). If enough people pay out what the commodity is listed at, the price will not come down.

Vote with your wallet.

The problem is that unless they decide to keep these items in the shop year-round than there is no real opportunity to wait until gem prices drop, which they had been steadily, but not by that much. Also if you noticed they took out the Lion’s Arch support so we can no longer get Black Lion Keys from that, what a coincidence they took this out for “restocking” once they released new holiday items from the chests.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

(edited by Linnes.2678)

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


Simple supply and demand. Think prices are unfair or to high? Don’t buy. If you are correct, eventually prices come down (usually temporarily in these types of games to give the “feel” the original price is still legit). If enough people pay out what the commodity is listed at, the price will not come down.

Vote with your wallet.

There was a fellow during the first days of the Halloween event that dropped $900 on gems for the event.

Moral? Someone will always buy, regardless of price. The rest of us “voting” quietly won’t do much except leave us without

Exactly, and they’re the kind of players that feed this rubbish, vote with your feet, not with your wallets.

Irony…. xD

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astraea.6075


While I don’t personally care for the costume this time around, I bought one of the halloween ones and think the gem cost is reasonable. Yes, you can only buy gems in bundles of 800, but it’s not like you can’t use those gems towards something else or even convert them to gold.

I do think there does need to be a better means of storing costumes you’ve purchased to avoid these taking up too much bank space as more costumes are released, but that’s a discussion for another thread.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astraea.6075


Exactly, and they’re the kind of players that feed this rubbish, vote with your feet, not with your wallets.

I don’t think many people are going to leave the game over the price of costumes in the gem store… the chests might be a different story, but again, I doubt that they are causing people to walk away from the game completely.

(edited by Astraea.6075)

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serrenn.8716



Too bad what we desperately need those silly costumes and hats to stay competitive in game.

Pay to win, no less.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


When are some of you going to learn nothing in this world is free. Someone someway pays for it. This gaming company is there to provide a product for a price.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


There was a fellow during the first days of the Halloween event that dropped $900 on gems for the event.

Moral? Someone will always buy, regardless of price. The rest of us “voting” quietly won’t do much except leave us without

Exactly, and they’re the kind of players that feed this rubbish, vote with your feet, not with your wallets.

I don’t think many people are going to leave the game over the price of costumes in the gem store… the chests might be a different story, but again, I doubt that they are causing people to walk away from the game completely.[/quote]

I think it might have a backwards effect from what they want. I really wonder, after the RNG fiasco that was random bags during the Halloween event, how many people will spend near as much money on the gem store from now on as they did then.

It’s one thing to dump a good bit of cash and get just one or two rewards. It’s another to dump a good bit of cash and get no rewards. I can’t imagine the motivation is still there to try again.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678



Too bad what we desperately need those silly costumes and hats to stay competitive in game.

Pay to win, no less.

No one was referring to pay-to-win or the need of the costumes, read the thread before you kittenpost. We were stating that the price in comparison to their utility of the original game is a complete dishonor to what the cash shop WAS.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


This store in this game continues to baffle me. I want to spend money in the store. I have money to spend in the store. I want cool looking skins. You know I was sold on the whole Horizontal progression free to play model. I imagined any company wanting to make money would open the flood gates with cool skins and ways to make yourself look spiffy.

Instead we have one armor set per type of armor and a bunch of stupid town clothes. I mean i guess they thought well everyone will be standing in LA looking for a fractal group they can all wear town close anyway.

Come on give me something to buy!! I want to give you my money!

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Come on give me something to buy!! I want to give you my money!

Exactly what I am saying, I have the money to give you, now give me something WORTH buying.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Yea that was my main issue with the cash shop. Town clothes simply do not appeal to me. I won’t ever wear them. And there are no combat ready clothes worth looking at- 3 ugly sets that are terrible ports of GW1 armor sets. >_>

Give us headgear that we can wear in combat. New helmets, glasses, etc. Skinnable headgear. I know poor warriors/guardians could use it. All they get are fugly helmets or full mask helmets.

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Yea that was my main issue with the cash shop. Town clothes simply do not appeal to me. I won’t ever wear them. And there are no combat ready clothes worth looking at- 3 ugly sets that are terrible ports of GW1 armor sets. >_>

Give us headgear that we can wear in combat. New helmets, glasses, etc. Skinnable headgear. I know poor warriors/guardians could use it. All they get are fugly helmets or full mask helmets.

I would definitely run those earmuffs and wintersday suit on my Necromancer, make him look cyuuuute as helllllll…


Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR