Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revler.2359


We have a lot of upcoming MMO releases this year. Since comparing GW2 with other games is against the rules, in this thread we will simply post the things we dislike so much in GW2 that we are willing to actually pay money to try other mmos.

Keep it simple, and only post the true reasons that are motivating you to step away from this game, and this thread can be some great and very direct feedback to devs.

My reasons:

1) Skill effect clutter. You simply can’t see anything on this game, even on 5 man dungeons. It is completely broken, and in my opinion has to be completely redone from scratch to keep visual effects as clean as possible. What is the point of having to dodge Kholer’s attack when you can’t see it at all?

2) Emphasis on difficulty being 1 hit kill from bosses. This has happened in pretty much all living story world events. You are there, suddenly you are downed and yo have little clue to what happened, especially because of 1).

3) I want to get out of the living story train. It actually had great content, but the fact you are forced to do it before it expires in such a short time (usually 2 weeks) made the game a chore for me.

4) Finally, it has been too long without actual significant changes/improvements to combat gameplay/WvW. Anet barely touched their initial combat formula, it´s just as it was on release day. Apparently they think it´s 100% perfect and no changes are needed anywhere or that they should add new things to it. WvW remained the same, with little incentive to stay and defend something, or upgrade its defenses with siege stuff.

These 4 reasons will make me open wallet and try new MMOs as soon as they come. If weren’t for them, I’d be more than happy with gw2.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Who says you have to quit one MMO to try or play another? Especially when that one MMO is Free to Play or Buy to Play. It doesn’t cost me anything to just let GW2 sit on my computer while I play other games (not necessarily even MMO’s). I can pick GW2 up at a later date.

And honestly, having more than one go to game to play is probably better in the long run. Keeps you from getting bored of the one game just due to sheer time spent. Harder to burn out.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Lack of freedom in game to do what you want and be rewarded for it

Gunnar’s Hold

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revler.2359


>Who says you have to quit one MMO to try or play another?

They are usually too time consuming to fully play more than 1 of them, unless you got a lot of free time and don’t play single player games. Most people can’t handle multiple MMOs

Also, keep this thread specific. Don’t say things like “nothing to do at level 80” or “I wanted more content”. What did you want to do at level 80? What content were you expecting?

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revler.2359


I really wish they’d just give us districts instead of mega server.

Then you could choose: Server district or number district. Then on options you could have: [ ] always try server district [ ] always try populated district [ ] always try low population district, depending on how you want to play.

This mega server, all it is done so far is made it harder for the guild to get at the same place, without really making areas as full of people as I wanted. All I want to do is be on areas completely filled with people with no regards to my server or to see the same people I usually see everytime

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


I do not intend to leave Gw2.

but I still struggle to come up with ideas that do evolve.

for example:
- Mechanisms also offer customization on improving face pleases me. (Black desert, ArcheAge)
- 24 crafts of ArcheAge VERY helpful.
- The idea of ??housing around of ArcheAge. housing fixed Runes Of Magic. and that of Wildstar.
- Able to climb on the walls. (ArcheAge)
- Expand our playgrounds (maps, jumping puzzle, hideouts).
- The delta-plane displacement.
- The naval battles (Allods, ArcheAge.).

these are just examples, but here is why future dépars of RPers
So here, in my opinion, the fight continues to evolve Gw2, it has potential, artistic quality work, and this is the only mmo that stole my heart to gamer.

I always want more non-human races. See it evolve and grow. And continue to write great stories.

By cons, the price of the store is a little too greedy.

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


Not quitting, just playing a different PvE MMO and looking forward to spending less by using a subscription.

Staying with GW2 for WvW until they break that beyond repair.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyFierce.2071


what I think GW2 should really add in is PvP in the living world, or Guild vs Guild. Not just in a particular PvP or WvW map. They should made PvP and Guild vs Guild has impact to the living world. Like in Elder Scroll OL, players are splited in 3 Alliances and they can fight for control of the centrl of the game world map. this will give you an ultimate goal for level up and gear up. So you can do some thing big in the game, and the achivement is there every day, not just some thing will be reset every week.

another case, World of Tanks, they have the clan wars to fight for control of the game world map, that is my goal on keeping leveling up my tanks.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raire.7983


I quit in 2013, so there’s no reason to imagine I wouldn’t quit in 2014, as well.

I came back to check out the content patch – it wasn’t completely awful and I actually quite liked how busy the world had become with Megaservers, but by last week I was already getting bored again and this “event” has not gotten off to a good start, so erm… yeah. Probably going to be wandering off again soon.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Yea, why would you!

Seriously, in before the thread gets locked…

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Man, there is nothing terribly wrong with the game at least not to an extent that would make you insta-leave. Like, why the hell would you quit playing the game in 2014 due to 1-shot mechanics when this mechanic is present since day1? If people quit, its just because lack of content / overdue expansions, this is true for anyone who plays for a long time.

banished from time and space

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


I would not move to another MMO/game. If anything I would just use the hours that I spend in this game every day on something more constructive in my life. Maybe come back when I see the first expansion on a shelf in 2017.

Reasons I may leave:

  • Megaservers
    – Lack of community/server identity
    – Guilds being ripped apart constantly
    – Zergs so large that my computer freezes up and all I see is a blob
    of 80+ people making a “Legendary” world boss melt like butter.
    – Events that I can’t do because they aren’t up ever, because now
    camping at Temples is the new “thing” to do.
  • Lack of new content/Tyria largely unexplored after 2 years.
    – Isle of Janthir
    – Janthir Bay
    – Woodland Cascades
    – Far Shiverpeaks
    – Blood Legion Homelands
    – Blazeridge Mountains
    – Maguuma Wastes
    – Magus Falls
    – Sea of Sorrows
    – Deldrimor Front
    – Crystal Desert
    – Elon River
    – Scavenger’s Causeway
    – Ring of Fire
  • Boss Timer schedule and ArenaNet supported MegaZerg Champ Train.
  • WvW
    – Maps pretty much the same since launch. I wouldn’t mind them
    dropping a Scarlet/LA sized bomb on the lot of them and redoing
    it like they’re doing with LA now.
    – Blob vs Blob warfare.

That’s primarily it.
Oh and I don’t count Southsun as being new content, before anyone jumps in to say otherwise. It even to this day seems very kitten. None of it effects Tyrian completion, it has no heart quests and no real colonization (people/NPCs) to make it feel alive. All it is to me is the location for the ‘Not so Legendary’ Karka Queen.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiningfingah.4061


They finally fixed the bug where mobs drop loot, no reason to play this game anymore they nerfed every possible way of gaining big gold just so they can make ppl buy gems

On next update:
Fixing bug where dungeons give gold
Fixing bug where event completion grants gold

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Lack of freedom in game to do what you want and be rewarded for it

Ohh, poor soul, now you are not the only server bugging events for linen scrap, tsk tsk. It must be terrible for you

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Lack of freedom in game to do what you want and be rewarded for it

Ohh, poor soul, now you are not the only server bugging events for linen scrap, tsk tsk. It must be terrible for you

I have no idea what you are on about

Gunnar’s Hold

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


I have no idea what you are on about

Morrigan, just ignore the troll. He/She didn’t even post towards the OP’s thread subject – just wanted to come in here and troll people.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aegis.9724


-Lack of pve endgame, other than farming dungeons
-Bad , unexctiting loot, where 99.9% of the drops are salvage/merchant fodder
-Stale pvp with just 1 gamemode
-Living story is bad and it killed my hopes for an expansion. Also temporary content is bad.
-Removal of trinity and roles means all the dungeons revolve around one-shots and big hp pools ( to increase the chance of messing up and get oneshotted ). There is no real teamplay, unless you consider STACK AND SPAM MIGHT BEHIND THE CORNER teamplay
-No build diversity in endgame pve. in most cases, you’re either a zerker, or playing a subpar build…. removal of trinity was supposed to give more choice and freedom, had the opposite effect.
-Lack of rewards for about everything, assuming achieves are not considered one (pavillon the most recent example)
-Lack of class identity and role makes me feel unattached to my chars compared to classic mmos
-Too much waiting to have fun
-In an mmo that bases everything on skins where the endgame is “grind to look cool” , no new armors added in 2 years outside the gemstore .. i can farm cof1 for a couple weeks and buy them for gold, but where is the sense of achievement?

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emperor.9625


I play so little now I might as well have quit. There’s hardly anything to draw me into the game anymore, there’s actually less than when I started. I will say that GW2 has the best graphics I have seen, a gorgeous game. But it’s just not enough.

For me personally the complete lack of progression, an absolute staple of MMO’s, has me stumped. There’s nowhere I can take my characters or anything I can work towards that has a point. Raid based MMO’s have it made, end content is harder – better gear aids your progress. What do I need better gear for in GW2. Apart from cosmetics not much. I don’t pvp. I’ve got 1 world explorer minus the pvp.

Some parts of the Living Story were enjoyable, some not. I go to admire the artwork and graphics, do some zerging. Zerging was something I enjoyed doing for an hour or 2 now and then, play the champ bag roulette. Now the champ trains have been derailed in 2 zones so I can’t do that when I feel like it. The world bosses that were changed pretty much taking them out of most peoples rotations because they are raid fights in a game not designed to support players raiding. (Imagine Warcrafts raid frames and grouping options, sigh.) Lost a couple of things to do there. The change to the timers, lost more opportunity for action there as well.

The loot nerf and the fact that my high magic find is giving me the worst loot run I have ever experienced is also a turn-off. Usually you’d get a carrot here and there but now it just seems to be all stick. Added in the fewer chances to actually get large drops per reasons above.

I dunno, if I have time to kill what do I do? As I said all the above things are gone. Where I used to be able to kill a few hours easily most anytime I felt like logging in with lots to do, I can’t anymore. They have to stop subtracting and start adding. The little fiddly things they are doing are nice and all but it’s not changing anyone’s experience a huge deal. Unless I can have more to do as a pretty casual player, I might be a once or twice a year player. EDIT Oops I forgot. If the only new content continues to be Living Story there won’t be a point to checking in because the content won’t be there lol.

(edited by emperor.9625)

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oogabooga.9138


After all this great communication from Anet and these wonderful patches, why would I not stop playing it! (sarcasm) I’m still adjusting to the shock from the last two patches, trying to figure out why I bother to log in.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lydell.8713


Not quitting, just playing a different PvE MMO and looking forward to spending less by using a subscription.

Staying with GW2 for WvW until they break that beyond repair.

You say you want to spend less and your signature says you have 52 alts. Irony? Altoholic in denial?


Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


If you really want to leave then do so. Could have been 2012 or 2013, could be 2015 or 2050 if you are not having fun then the point of a game is lost. If the idea of fun is to hold on as tight as you can to something you really don’t enjoy well go for it as well.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6840


Hi everyone,

We have dedicated threads which have the goal to gather your feedback for every topic that was pointed out here (megaserver, communication, WvWvW, new content implementation etc…)

Since this thread will inevitably turn into a discussion about those topics, we’ll now close it in order to avoid duplicates and to gather your feedback in a more efficient way.

Thank you for your understanding.