Why you lost this player

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slagtron D Wise.7183

Slagtron D Wise.7183

The wonder is, that anyone still plays this game… I brought a lot of WoW players with me in the hopes of finding a game worth sticking around for, but after the story-lines end, it plays more like WoW 2004 (Yes I know the differences in play, follow the general idea) than it does a game developed today…

Most of those people have returned back to other games, some due to the lack of cohesive strategies because of the lack of clearly defined player roles and the added complexity that creates when deciding group composition, some left because of the lack of any sort of Looking for raid functionality and the requirement to stand at the door or in town shouting your wants and desires like a street beggar, brings back memories of ancient WoW days that most of us were glad to be rid of. Some have left because of the endless grinding required to build up crafting skills making things that nobody wants and are for the most part worthless to anyone until you have maxed out your crafting skill.

The repeating area quests are nice, but really nothing new except for the pace of changes in the global storyline; those are nice…

The content of the stories themselves are far better crafted than in WoW, but again, once the story lines are done, you are left with pugging and without an automated LFR or LFG system, it’s almost painful to participate in.

There are so many things that make this game unique and a pleasure to play, yet there are many lessons that have already been learned by Arena Net’s competitors that they inexplicably refuse to address.

A shame really, but worth checking in on now and then to see if things have progressed at all in the hopes I might come back to it at some point…

Until then, back to WoW it is… I’ll pay the monthly for the features GW2 lacks, but the second GW2 learns how to make this less of a chore to participate in, I may just be back…

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


TL;DR – Wanted WoW2.

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


The wonder is, that anyone still plays this game…

Different people like different things. I dont think its anymore complicated than that.

I do see some validity in your complaints. They would probably be applicable for pretty much any recently released game. If I wanted a pure PvE experience though, I would be looking at either Vanguard (their revamped f2p model is much better than when it was first introduced) or LOTRO.

I play this game for WvW, pretty much. And find enormous enjoyment in it.

Henosis [ONE]

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


This game is amazing and there is never a lack of things to do. You can find roles here just like in other MMOs and the strategies you speak off it just takes longer to figure out due to have different this MMO is.
Have fun in wow

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Przemek.6835


TL;DR – Wanted WoW2.

So many WoW haters here. NOBODY WANTS WOW2. Nobody needs another wow clone, you know why? Because clone will always be worse than original. If people would like to play WoW, they would do it. Point is, as in every other thread like that

“The game is lacking any kind of depth, dungeons and world bosses are mindless zerg fest, player specs don’t change how do you play.”

and the likes of you still think that any change in any MMO, especially gw2 is based on WoW and is pretty much another step into making this game a WoW clone. Wtf.

This game is amazing and there is never a lack of things to do. You can find roles here just like in other MMOs and the strategies you speak off it just takes longer to figure out due to have different this MMO is.
Have fun in wow

And that post is just a one big lie.

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

Why do you find it a wonder that people still play this game? To me, that sounds like you apply your opinion of the game onto the entire playerbase.

GW2 certainly has its flaws, but there is no day that I am bored yet. Whether it is WvWing, PvPing, Dungeoning, doing Fractals, exploration, Guild Missions or having a blast with some people in LA, the game always managed to keep me entertained and occupied.

Not to say I have no criticism on the game (I certainly do), but I get the feeling your issues with the game are mostly preference-based.

Why you lost this player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.9672


Threads like “Why you lose a player” or “I quit” are not conducive to creating a friendly community nor do they have room for constructive discussion. The topic is therefore locked.