Now, is this the case with silk? who knows, but we cant find out, because we cant adjust the supply.
We cant find out by adjusting supply but its not neccessary because Anet can.
They have all the metrics, of how much silk scraps and weaving threads get created per day, how much gets destroyed and how much get bought and sold at which price point.So in the case that falling silk prices and rising silk supply dont result in added demand for damask, there is not need to further devalue it.
according to most capitalist theory, and they could be wrong, but this is the common belief,
One entity is generally considered to be inferior to the market itself at finding the right price points for items.
Complaints are generally that such an entity would be less responsive, more rigid, and have effected by concerns outside of the price of the specific good sure economists have debated this many times, i dont think there is a 100% right answer for all situations, but in this situation i see it like this.
for a long time, anets numbers had us oversupplying silk to the point it became valueless
as a solution to that problem, Ascendeds item requirements, created a bunch of new problems, like proffesion progression inequality, an apparently high feeling of grind, increased farming activity etc.i feel like the single entity is not currently as effecient at finding these sweet spots as many claim a more free market to be.
i generally find that items that have targetable means of supply tend to have their price more closely aligned with a value that people feel comfortable buying, supplying and selling them
i dont think we are there for silk, or leather.
But we have been oversupplying silk for months now and just because silk is not at your sweet spot, doesnt mean its not at a sweet spot for everybody else.
The oversupplying is already over. Supply is going down and price is going up ever since Wintersday is over. What is your solution now? Introduce another festival to bring another temporary supply for silk? Or MAYBE it’s time to introduce a permanent solution? Eh?
I would opt for another temporary or timegated solution, like an item that consumes dragonite and gives out silk.
The latter I would be all over about, no doubt.
But it would again be just a temporary solution. After the initial rush of extra dragonite turned into extra silk would be gone, the problem would come back.
Are you sure you’re not opposed to getting a steady, controllable supply of silk just because the current fluctuating oversupply/undersupply makes it easier for you to make money on the TP?
actually dragonite isnt time gated, you can get infinitely, which means it would be renewable and viable
However, that means he doesnt have problem with silk being targetable, just the specific means using nodes.
Why are you specifically opposed to nodes wanze?