Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Skin not armor.
Obsidian armor was arguably more easily obtainable than legendary in this game.
I recall doing UWscs for whole 2 weeks (2h daily) to get 400k to buy that big mini kraken thing.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Skin not armor.
Obsidian armor was arguably more easily obtainable than legendary in this game.
I recall doing UWscs for whole 2 weeks (2h daily) to get 400k to buy that big mini kraken thing.

Yep, skin, not armor. However, the hardest armor to get in this game is actually the exotics from dungeons. You’re talking about trinkets which is not armor. They’re trinkets.

There is no armor in this game that’s harder to get than Obsidian armor at the ten month mark.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosan.2890


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. Fractals 82 im am and im get this lvl in first 3 weeks ….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….


There is this place, its called outside, you might want to visit it every now and then.
