Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Or have Arena Net mentioned anything about adding real skillful and hard content?

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


With the amount of complaining these forums hear daily, do you really think that’s a likely thing to happen?

Better get the kleenex ready if it does.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

The central theme of GW2 is that it’s a casual game for casual gamers. They’ll add new content, but it’s going to be more of the same – which is just fine with me.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: New Character Yo.6487

New Character Yo.6487

Lots of different types of players. If they add difficult content, people complain it’s too hard. They add some easy and casual content, people complain it’s not hardcore enough. Only add cosmetic progression, there is not enough progression. Add ascended, WHY IS THERE PROGRESSION. etc. etc. Too many different style of players to satisfy them all in a short period of time. I’m thinking Anet will eventually add content for all these different types of players, but it won’t happen quickly.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kopipoki.3542


I don’t think there is such a thing as hard content in MMOs. Anytime your fighting AI all it comes down to is knowing the mechanics. Once that happens its cake.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: New Character Yo.6487

New Character Yo.6487

I don’t think there is such a thing as hard content in MMOs. Anytime your fighting AI all it comes down to is knowing the mechanics. Once that happens its cake.

Agreed. Made me think that the only hard content is PvP.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

More or less yes – All Dungeons with all paths, FOTM, Full Ascended, Exotic Armor and Weapons, 100% map, etc, in around 350 hours total play time with different alts, however I didn’t play WvW much because quite frankly I don’t like ZvZvZ.

Haven’t played for more than 2 hours in last 2-3 months.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I don’t think there is such a thing as hard content in MMOs. Anytime your fighting AI all it comes down to is knowing the mechanics. Once that happens its cake.

I think that true for all games that your not playing vs a real human. AI are just simply not that smart.

More or less yes – All Dungeons with all paths, FOTM, Full Ascended, Exotic Armor and Weapons, 100% map, etc, in around 350 hours total play time with different alts, however I didn’t play WvW much because quite frankly I don’t like ZvZvZ.

Your not giving me any numbers what level of FOTM are you? getting ascended and exotic gear is not made to be hard. map completion is more of a time then skill for any type of game. If you call WvW ZvZvZ then you have no idea what WvW is.

Note to your last comment i think that your problem you not played more then 2hr for the last 2-3 months you are choosing to miss content. You have no idea what going on in the game beyond what other ppl are telling you. I think your point of view is very very flawed.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

(edited by Jski.6180)

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I don’t think there is such a thing as hard content in MMOs. Anytime your fighting AI all it comes down to is knowing the mechanics. Once that happens its cake.

I think that true for all games that your not playing vs a real human. AI are just simply not that smart.

They’re pretty good at chess…

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I don’t think there is such a thing as hard content in MMOs. Anytime your fighting AI all it comes down to is knowing the mechanics. Once that happens its cake.

I think that true for all games that your not playing vs a real human. AI are just simply not that smart.

They’re pretty good at chess…

Simple games with very set rule and outcomes that not smart that more of just a mass of programing if 0 then 1 if 1 then 0 etc…

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Level? 37.
I got bored, bad rewards all the time, It was easier to earn money through the TP.
Plus, even though I had money, I had absolutely nothing I wanted to buy in game.

I agree, I it would be nice if they added bakc HA in GW2, then I would never go back to PvE.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anhellbro.7210


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. Fractals 82 im am and im get this lvl in first 3 weeks ….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. 82 im am….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….

So you can command a full group in wvw to attk 2 targets at once knowing that one will fail and the other may to? There is an endless skill cap to WvW. As for Spvp things have changed a lot when it comes to meta if you just do something in 1 or 2 days and quit then your missing out on the evolution of human playing a game. Have you done the new pve events and Dungeon after they where changed? It seems to me you tried things once out and beat it and never went back even after things have changed.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BamYannick.9702


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. 82 im am….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….

So you can command a full group in wvw to attk 2 targets at once knowing that one will fail and the other may to? There is an endless skill cap to WvW. As for Spvp things have changed a lot when it comes to meta if you just do something in 1 or 2 days and quit then your missing out on the evolution of human playing a game. Have you done the new pve events and Dungeon after they where changed? It seems to me you tried things once out and beat it and never went back even after things have changed.

Not everyone has interest in WvW/PvP and only does PvE, and as someone who has played all the content/living story, PvE is NOT hard by any means, dodge is master, at this state it is basically dps something down before it downs you and if it does down you just get ressed and dps again.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. 82 im am….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….

So you can command a full group in wvw to attk 2 targets at once knowing that one will fail and the other may to? There is an endless skill cap to WvW. As for Spvp things have changed a lot when it comes to meta if you just do something in 1 or 2 days and quit then your missing out on the evolution of human playing a game. Have you done the new pve events and Dungeon after they where changed? It seems to me you tried things once out and beat it and never went back even after things have changed.

Not everyone has interest in WvW/PvP and only does PvE, and as someone who has played all the content/living story, PvE is NOT hard by any means, dodge is master, at this state it is basically dps something down before it downs you and if it does down you just get ressed and dps again.

Well that the thing other mmorpgs do not even have dodge you just let some one else get beat on and you keep that person alive and every one else dps there even less skill in that. At lest being able to doges and having a hit box to hit the mobs (aiming etc..) adds a bit more person responsibility to each player to make sure they are not mindlessly hitting buttons.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yenn.9185


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. Fractals 82 im am and im get this lvl in first 3 weeks ….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….

Good job you burned through all that content so fast now you have nothing to do! I admit this game is a bit casual because there’s really no gear grinding. Korean MMO would do you nicely.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Since when did grinding out titles and ranks = skill?

Also, people have abstract reasoning. You don’t need to do all the content in this game to know it that it requires little skill.

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Since when did grinding out titles and ranks = skill?

Also, people have abstract reasoning. You don’t need to do all the content in this game to know it that it requires little skill.

The dungeons and ability to do these things is a show of skill but not skill it self to get them.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

The dungeons and ability to do these things is a show of skill but not skill it self to get them.

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that this is true.

You’ve listed activities that I would imagine most everyone that frequents these forums knows about. If players are still itching for more difficult and interesting content, why do you think telling them about the hardest content in the game is a helpful response? Don’t they already know about it? Clearly they want something else

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


Or have Arena Net mentioned anything about adding real skillful and hard content?

I wouldn’t expect any meaningful change for at least a year.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


One topic is more than enough to vent, don’t ya think Nick?

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


How come GW1 was less grindy than GW2 and I played it x10 times more for 5 years.
I guess the game wasn’t meant for me, too bad I was too naive and trusted their lies – “Manifesto”.

I mean, in GW1, you could easily get max level and armor and weapons in under than 4 hours.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Yeah whatever, there’s no point in trying to discuss with you

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


How come GW1 was less grindy than GW2 and I played it x10 times more for 5 years.
I guess the game wasn’t meant for me, too bad I was too naive and trusted their lies – “Manifesto”.

I mean, in GW1, you could easily get max level and armor and weapons in under than 4 hours.

Because GW1 was not an mmorpg GW2 IS.

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that this is true.

You’ve listed activities that I would imagine most everyone that frequents these forums knows about. If players are still itching for more difficult and interesting content, why do you think telling them about the hardest content in the game is a helpful response? Don’t they already know about it? Clearly they want something else

You give them more things to think about and try to pull them out of the box they made for them self. WvW is always needing more ppl for there worlds Spvp can always use more ppl too. The idea is to keep a lot of different points of views playing the game so we can have a far better outcome then just having one set of views being the driving force behind the game.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

(edited by Jski.6180)

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Oh, by all means, I’m just voicing my opinion, the game can stay as it is.
Hey, if people like it, then, that’s great!
I personally feel deeply disappointed. Notice, personally.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Since when did grinding out titles and ranks = skill?

Also, people have abstract reasoning. You don’t need to do all the content in this game to know it that it requires little skill.

The dungeons and ability to do these things is a show of skill but not skill it self to get them.

Finishing ANY dungeon in the game , including FoTM and Arah is not a show of skill…it is a show of perserverance and of being able to have formed a group that doesnt absolutely suck.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Since when did grinding out titles and ranks = skill?

Also, people have abstract reasoning. You don’t need to do all the content in this game to know it that it requires little skill.

The dungeons and ability to do these things is a show of skill but not skill it self to get them.

Finishing ANY dungeon in the game , including FoTM and Arah is not a show of skill…it is a show of perserverance and of being able to have formed a group that doesnt absolutely suck.

Welcome to gaming in 2013 games are simply easier then say in the 1990s they where even harder before that.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


Possibly because people are stupider and “everyone deserves to be a winner”?

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Several times in threads I’ve asked, “How do you make content hard in a game where defense is based on moments of invulnerability?” A very few people have provided some suggestions. More people seem intent on complaining about it than trying to find a solution.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FirebrandFrog.7603


Possibly because people are stupider and “everyone deserves to be a winner”?

Sort of off-topic but lordy lordy do I HATE that mindset. People who wanna be winners but don’t wanna work for it are lazy and it’s the main reason WoW’s been crud for as long as it has been.

On-topic, I hope there’ll be a revamp of mechanics sometime soon. I wanna see more variety in boss battles. I wanna see the Searing Effigy be a hard boss to kill while the Howling King or the Colossus Rumblus are small-time cupcakes in comparison. (Why they are the opposite I will never know.) GW2 isn’t just a “casual MMO,” it’s an MMO that appeals to both the casual and the hardcore players, mostly because a casual MMO never lasts for long…

Briar Stoneheart, 80 Warrior | Erik Haptem, 80 Necromancer
(currently leveling: a Mesmer, an Engineer, and a Guardian)

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Welcome to gaming in 2013 games are simply easier then say in the 1990s they where even harder before that.

Look at Pac Man – wander through a maze eating dots while avoiding ghosts that kill you with a single touch. Your reward for clearing the maze? Another maze, but the ghosts run faster. Repeat until you run out of lives. Talk about grinding!

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

Several times in threads I’ve asked, “How do you make content hard in a game where defense is based on moments of invulnerability?” A very few people have provided some suggestions. More people seem intent on complaining about it than trying to find a solution.

It’s not exactly easy to develop good solutions, nor is it the players’ job to create them. The reliance on invulnerability frames is a problem itself, but that’s not likely to be taken out at this stage. Players haven’t been dealt a good hand—not that they should do what the devs are paid to do.

That said, there have been some good suggestions. See those by Ensign and Kaaboose, here and here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gwen.7619


Oh sorry thought this was a forum but its a Zoo full of monkeys!

Sorry for my English as I’m Dyslexic

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kelman.9451


Well without the Tank, DPS, and Healer roles not really being in this game, the content and depth of anything is limited. Since everyone is DPS in all reality the only thing that matters, content depth/ game depth (character development) I think is limited because of this.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Several times in threads I’ve asked, “How do you make content hard in a game where defense is based on moments of invulnerability?” A very few people have provided some suggestions. More people seem intent on complaining about it than trying to find a solution.

It’s not exactly easy to develop good solutions, nor is it the players’ job to create them. The reliance on invulnerability frames is a problem itself, but that’s not likely to be taken out at this stage. Players haven’t been dealt a good hand—not that they should do what the devs are paid to do.

That said, there have been some good suggestions. See those by Ensign and Kaaboose, here and here.

Thanks for responding. It is indeed not the players’ job to devise solutions. However, most of the “It’s too easy!” posts don’t even ID the problems. ANet has access to metrics that tell them many things, like how many players are doing x content. They may not perceive the same problems we do.

Saying, “I want harder content!” doesn’t tell them much of anything. Ensign and Kaboose (and iirc Tolmos, from a prior thread) are presenting things that a dev can look at and say, “OK, I can see that.” They can look at the underlying numbers, at the metrics that say that x% of the players are attempting content x, and see if making harder content makes sense.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

ANet has access to metrics that tell them many things, like how many players are doing x content. They may not perceive the same problems we do.

I hate to say it (I really do), but from what we know about the development of this game and its early release, I think they are aware of the problem, but don’t know how to solve it. Or, worse, they have no financial incentive to do so.

Saying, “I want harder content!” doesn’t tell them much of anything. Ensign and Kaboose (and iirc Tolmos, from a prior thread) are presenting things that a dev can look at and say, “OK, I can see that.” They can look at the underlying numbers, at the metrics that say that x% of the players are attempting content x, and see if making harder content makes sense.

If numbers is the only question, then they don’t have any serious motivation to develop harder content. AFAIK, there’s no correlation between RNG box sales and harder content.

And that’s one of my greatest fears for this game, that NCSoft sees that the current model is producing buckets of cash, and thus there’s no monetary incentive for them to produce more challenging content with depth and strategy.

Oh how I long for depth.

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Well without the Tank, DPS, and Healer roles not really being in this game, the content and depth of anything is limited. Since everyone is DPS in all reality the only thing that matters, content depth/ game depth (character development) I think is limited because of this.

The thing is not that true. In SPvP and WvW, DPS is not king, Support, Control and Survivability also matter a lot. So the real issue is not so much that DPS is king without set roles, it’s that Dungeons need a bit of a redesign to make the other facets important so the most efficient team is a team that mixes roles rather than one that just has the one role.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: redgabber.5209


hmmm guys, i think you can be a casual gamer but elitist who look for challenge only.

You don’t need extra hours each days to perform challenges.

So, i think Theme park is not a prb because there is a public for that.
The goal now is to implement some optional hardmode, like elite mode/zone in gw1.

I don’t have any prb with beginner player who like easy tasks, but i have a serious prb with a hardmode missing option.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


ANet has access to metrics that tell them many things, like how many players are doing x content. They may not perceive the same problems we do.

I hate to say it (I really do), but from what we know about the development of this game and its early release, I think they are aware of the problem, but don’t know how to solve it. Or, worse, they have no financial incentive to do so.

Saying, “I want harder content!” doesn’t tell them much of anything. Ensign and Kaboose (and iirc Tolmos, from a prior thread) are presenting things that a dev can look at and say, “OK, I can see that.” They can look at the underlying numbers, at the metrics that say that x% of the players are attempting content x, and see if making harder content makes sense.

If numbers is the only question, then they don’t have any serious motivation to develop harder content. AFAIK, there’s no correlation between RNG box sales and harder content.

And that’s one of my greatest fears for this game, that NCSoft sees that the current model is producing buckets of cash, and thus there’s no monetary incentive for them to produce more challenging content with depth and strategy.

Oh how I long for depth.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s a big part of the equation. Ultimately, if a lot of people are content to play the current content and the temp stuff, and spend money… GW2 PvE was designed to be a pastime and players who wanted a hobby were supposed to gravitate towards PvP.

However, PvP has not exactly lit up the universe, and some percentage of the hobbyists want something from PvE that the game is no giving them. Based on current evidence, that percentage is not large enough to garner ANet’s attention.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


However, PvP has not exactly lit up the universe, and some percentage of the hobbyists want something from PvE that the game is no giving them. Based on current evidence, that percentage is not large enough to garner ANet’s attention.

ArenaNet does not have the numbers for that kind of reasoning.

They know what players are doing in game. They know what players talk about in the forum and in the other parts of the community. But they have no way of knowing what most players think, or what would keep most players playing.

Someone could say, “a lot of people want challenging content”. Yet, there is no evidence of that. There is next to none challenging content in the game (assuming ArenaNet knows the difference between “challenging” and “annoying”), so ArenaNet doesn’t really know if challening content would be played by a lot of players or not.

What ArenaNet does know, though, is that the most popular activity in the game is farming (…wonderful community we have here). Hence updates basically focused on farming – Fractals of the Mists and gear grind, Southsun with 200% Magic Find, trying to keep people playing through Southsun after the event by adding one world boss with rare chests.

As long as the “farming updates” work – as in, a lot of people keep farming in them – ArenaNet has no reason to do anything else with the game. It’s very similar to the RNG boxes – people may complain, but as long as players buy a lot of them, ArenaNet has no reason to try to think of alternative and less safe ways of making money.

So no, I wouldn’t expect to see challenging content any time soon, just like I don’t expect to see good storytelling or interesting dynamic events any time soon – ArenaNet has no reason to work on those things when just making more ways for people to farm is easier, faster and safer.

(Truth be told, usually when a MMO player asks for “challenging content” he is just asking for more grind anyway, so this may not be bad news for everyone reading this topic.)

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kisses.1054


So you done every thing in the game rank 20 in spvp (not sure what the cap is atm) level 100 ish in WvW? level 40 ish in FOTM? Got dungeon master? Have you done all of this? If not you have no idea what is skillful content.

Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl…. 100 WwW its 2 weeks. 82 im am….. Dungeon master im did is 2 days in yellow gear 5 september. All of this conten is very Easy….

So you can command a full group in wvw to attk 2 targets at once knowing that one will fail and the other may to? There is an endless skill cap to WvW. As for Spvp things have changed a lot when it comes to meta if you just do something in 1 or 2 days and quit then your missing out on the evolution of human playing a game. Have you done the new pve events and Dungeon after they where changed? It seems to me you tried things once out and beat it and never went back even after things have changed.

Not everyone has interest in WvW/PvP and only does PvE, and as someone who has played all the content/living story, PvE is NOT hard by any means, dodge is master, at this state it is basically dps something down before it downs you and if it does down you just get ressed and dps again.

Well that the thing other mmorpgs do not even have dodge you just let some one else get beat on and you keep that person alive and every one else dps there even less skill in that. At lest being able to doges and having a hit box to hit the mobs (aiming etc..) adds a bit more person responsibility to each player to make sure they are not mindlessly hitting buttons.

“dodge now” is not that much different to move here/there/out of aoe/stop attack/attack diff target etc etc in other games. (And in many fights in this game it is the ONLY mechanic. Nothing more complicated than melee and dodge.)

there is some visual or audio cue, which u then react to in the correct way. every fight it is the same, just the timing may vary. you might say in gw2 you need to react faster and have better twitch response but in hardmode pve in other games there are times where if you don’t react straight away you will die. Additionally these games might have the added requirement of spamming a complicated dps or heal rotation at the same time as reacting to these cues.

The sad thing is in many of these game you can simply have a macro for this rotation and a boss fight add-on which will print MOVE HERE in huge flashing letters on your screen when required, rather than needing to pay close attention yourself. And ppl use these add-ons and consider themselves pro lol. To be fair gw2 does not have this.

pvp requires more skill. fps games require more skill bc also need fine motor skill.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

When has any mmo been “hard”? Virtually every one is based around brainless grind and people all gravitate to the method that gets the most reward for the least time/effort invested.

Anet isn’t going to create ‘hard’ content just for the vocal minority that plays 10 hours a day on the OP flavor of the month build and got burned out on everything else.

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Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Nice joke. 20 rank its 1 or 2 days SPVP rofl

please tell me how do you achieve this. If to play Spvp non stop for 2 days max you’ll reach is rank 10. To reach rank 80 (the highest rank possible) with the ranks slowing down it has been calculated that it would take you 2 years of never ending Spvp. It’s the biggest time sink in the game.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


How come GW1 was less grindy than GW2 and I played it x10 times more for 5 years.
I guess the game wasn’t meant for me, too bad I was too naive and trusted their lies – “Manifesto”.

I mean, in GW1, you could easily get max level and armor and weapons in under than 4 hours.

This post has more lies in it than the manifesto does. lol

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


What do you mean by casual? People who have less time want hard content too. They just don’t want all the grind.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


How come GW1 was less grindy than GW2 and I played it x10 times more for 5 years.
I guess the game wasn’t meant for me, too bad I was too naive and trusted their lies – “Manifesto”.

I mean, in GW1, you could easily get max level and armor and weapons in under than 4 hours.

This post has more lies in it than the manifesto does. lol

What exactly?
Cantha, new character→ Rush through the first missions (first island) 2-max 3 hours, rush to EOTN, Go to Brawling Dungeons (Or whatever was it called) buy best XP scrolls, repeat the dungeon few times, and level 20.
As for the armor – you could easily get level 20 armor with a level 2 in Nightfall.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


How come GW1 was less grindy than GW2 and I played it x10 times more for 5 years.
I guess the game wasn’t meant for me, too bad I was too naive and trusted their lies – “Manifesto”.

I mean, in GW1, you could easily get max level and armor and weapons in under than 4 hours.

This post has more lies in it than the manifesto does. lol

What exactly?
Cantha, new character-> Rush through the first missions (first island) 2-max 3 hours, rush to EOTN, Go to Brawling Dungeons (Or whatever was it called) buy best XP scrolls, repeat the dungeon few times, and level 20.
As for the armor – you could easily get level 20 armor with a level 2 in Nightfall.

Your first lie was that you said the manifesto had lies in it. Which is more lies than the manifesto had. lol

At any rate, max armor in Guild Wars 1 meant NOTHING. Zero. What people wanted was cosmetic advancement.

But you know, you can still max level armor and weapons in Guild Wars 2 quite easily. You’re talking about ascended gear, but there are no armor and weapons out yet that are ascended. Furthermore, there were no trinkets in Guild Wars 1, ergo, you can’t directly compare.

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.6972


Armor meant nothing? What?
Did your Warrior ever wear level 7 armor doing HM missions or PvP?
As far as I remember the ony 2 builds that used low level armor were 600HP and 55HP.

“Quite easily” I fail to see how 4 hours is on pair with 20+ hours (without crafting).

Will GW2 Stay Casual Theme Park MMO Or -?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Armor meant nothing? What?
Did your Warrior ever wear level 7 armor doing HM missions or PvP?
As far as I remember the ony 2 builds that used low level armor were 600HP and 55HP.

“Quite easily” I fail to see how 4 hours is on pair with 20+ hours (without crafting).

Armor meant nothing meaning most people didn’t get max armor and think, okay that’s it for me, I’m done. Because progression in Guild Wars 1 was based on having the elite armor sets.

Sure they didn’t give you any bonus above the max, but that didn’t mean that the game didn’t encourage people to go for them. There were sets like Obsidian armor and later Vabbian armor that were grindy as hell to get….and people wanted them.

That’s what I meant by betting max armor didn’t mean anything.